Vous Aime Schutzhund Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Vous Aime Schutzhund Kennels

LockedNSc Bobbing HeadsNeapolitan Mastiff316
LockedNRO NSc GogiNeapolitan Mastiff18
LockedGCSc TDBB SosaDogo Argentino4888
LockedGCSc Whispers in the PineNeapolitan Mastiff3972
LockedAPnSc WinstonNeapolitan Mastiff1225
LockedFor StudAPnSc ZinonBelgian Tervuren1537
ANSc Bank HeistGerman Shepherd Dog9821
NO Blooming RosesCane Corso6813
NSc Charlotte's LovebugGerman Shepherd Dog1807
IPnO Ci' KolTibetan Mastiff10831
JPnSh Clouded SunlightTibetan Mastiff8825
NFr DakotaStandard Poodle3805
NFr DiabloIrish Wolfhound11757
NO ErikaTibetan Mastiff1806
ExR CREWE FelixIrish Wolfhound391734
NSc FreshyNeapolitan Mastiff11760
GCFr Homegirl [Fr] (2)Irish Wolfhound461401
ChSc BX3 Ice Cream ManNeapolitan Mastiff461096
Isabella ! E4Tibetan Mastiff1364
NH Jack SnowTibetan Mastiff1806
JASc HH666 JellyfishesNeapolitan Mastiff151454
IPnO JPnM KassCentral Asian Shepherd101768
NO MagpiesTibetan Mastiff2808
NSh MurphyBulldog11760
NT Nine Times Out Of TenGerman Shepherd Dog6820
ANSc PhilCane Corso7818
ANP PrimadonnaStandard Poodle4807
ExSc CREWE PuissanceNeapolitan Mastiff391099
Puppy 1Tibetan Mastiff1794
Puppy 1Tibetan Mastiff1364
Puppy 11German Shepherd Dog1794
Puppy 2Tibetan Mastiff1794
Puppy 2Tibetan Mastiff1364
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog1794
Puppy 3Tibetan Mastiff1794
Puppy 3Tibetan Mastiff1364
Puppy 3Tibetan Mastiff1364
Puppy 4Tibetan Mastiff1794
Puppy 4Tibetan Mastiff1794
Puppy 4Cane Corso1794
Puppy 4Tibetan Mastiff1363
Puppy 5Cane Corso1794
VASK Puppy 7Tibetan Mastiff11765
Puppy 8German Shepherd Dog1794
NSh RaymondStandard Poodle1801
NSc RocketsGerman Shepherd Dog2808
ND RyeStandard Poodle1804
JPnO SecurityTibetan Mastiff81781
NO SilviaTibetan Mastiff1807
NSc TayamaGerman Shepherd Dog6816
NP TaylorIrish Wolfhound3806
NA The GlockDogo Argentino1804
IPnHu WoodbuckIrish Wolfhound81769

Game Time

02:47pm on Mar 3

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