Aces Kennel

Order By:

Dogs Bred By Aces Kennel

LockedAA .English Shepherd1646
LockedWCD 12 HH lala a 33 1.002American Staffordshire Terrier57110
LockedPnA shsK 24HH lala {Agility}Australian Shepherd1223
LockedNSc NO VonAK Black Tie ConfectionGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedMH Blue EyesCardigan Welsh Corgi3173
LockedAR *PPW* BrodieItalian Greyhound1841
LockedANSc MO VonAK Bullseye Hotshot ChloeGerman Shepherd Dog2956
LockedPnSc JPnO TXBM Butch 1.037xGerman Shepherd Dog1230
LockedAPnSh ZyA ButterscotchAmerican Staffordshire Terrier1447
LockedANSc JPnO VonAK California RedwoodGerman Shepherd Dog819
LockedNCO NSc VonAK Check My Denali LineGerman Shepherd Dog53106
LockedFor StudWCO IPnSc Copper Sandstorm 1.442xGerman Shepherd Dog60104
LockedASc JPnRO DianaGerman Shepherd Dog2265
LockedGCP DieselLeonberger44101
LockedAA IPnO ~TDK~ Double Dashing 24HH 1.015xAustralian Shepherd1839
LockedNSc JAO VonAK EEEE ~ RunaGerman Shepherd Dog1687
LockedWCO JPnSc VonAK Find My Ruby Sandscape 1.318xGerman Shepherd Dog57105
LockedAO JPnSc VonAK ForestGerman Shepherd Dog1972
LockedANSc VonAK gamora f 4e 235German Shepherd Dog1144
LockedWCHT Gen 3. Ren - LL stragi chastr 7HH 2hh Sh, HT (11A)Kooikerhondje5698
LockedWCO IPnSc VonAK Heroic Prospector 1.537xGerman Shepherd Dog63105
LockedANO ANSc VonAK HH22 lala EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog619
LockedNSc ANO VonAK HH22 lala EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog417
LockedPnT ASc lala WoofGerman Shepherd Dog2049
LockedNO NSc lala • 100.0 | Black with Red Points and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedIPnA JAO shsK Lisa LisaAustralian Shepherd1240
LockedAA IPnO lolaAustralian Shepherd2679
LockedASc ANRO VonAK Mondlicht 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog2251
LockedPnO VonAK Night FallGerman Shepherd Dog1165
LockedFor StudANA JAO OscarAustralian Shepherd1650
LockedFor StudAPnSh PANR PebblesCardigan Welsh Corgi1338
LockedPuppy 2German Shepherd Dog16
LockedWCO JPnSc VonAK Ride To The Scarlet PeakGerman Shepherd Dog58105
LockedNCO JPnSc VonAK Roll Out The Red CarpetGerman Shepherd Dog51103
LockedCCO NSc VonAK Seeking Sand DollarsGerman Shepherd Dog53107
LockedCCO NSc VonAK Smoldering ProspectsGerman Shepherd Dog52109
LockedExSc SteviaGerman Shepherd Dog4071
LockedNA TucaGerman Shepherd Dog112
LockedASc VonAK VanessaGerman Shepherd Dog2857
LockedMO VonAK VickiGerman Shepherd Dog2764
NO NSc 1 male 1 female, 1 2 3 5 8German Shepherd Dog1813
JAO NA 1.215xEnglish Shepherd131302
ChO JPnA 1.228xEnglish Shepherd371226
GCO PnA 1.283 FemaleEnglish Shepherd401226
ChO JPnA 1.285xEnglish Shepherd381225
NO NSc 2 femalesGerman Shepherd Dog1813
ExSc 4x la intGerman Shepherd Dog36453
MO VonAK A Feat In Good Order 1.388xGerman Shepherd Dog26315
MO VonAK A World Of Heart Breakers 1.502xGerman Shepherd Dog30315
ASc ChO VonAK Ace's Scarlet StarGerman Shepherd Dog381491
ExT VonAK AddieGerman Shepherd Dog391553
WCO PnSc VonAK Admire My Scarlet FireGerman Shepherd Dog57423
APnA JPnO shsK agiAustralian Shepherd141545
PnP MFl ReFor Albich - 1017 Lla 2HhBernese Mountain Dog35837
NCO NSc VonAK All The Stars ShineGerman Shepherd Dog49924
CCO IPnSc VonAK Back In The Saddle Exclusive (PX)German Shepherd Dog491266
CCO NSc VonAK Back On Denali (PX)German Shepherd Dog51813
MSc JPnO FPFA BelleGerman Shepherd Dog321457
JPnO JPnSc VonAK black lala agistm intintGerman Shepherd Dog71611
ExSc |TH| BlairGerman Shepherd Dog30996
NCR Blue LightningGreyhound461030
GCR Blueberry ShortcakeGreyhound441150
NCO JPnSc VonAK Borsa D'oroGerman Shepherd Dog441129
NCO NSc VonAK Brand AdmiralGerman Shepherd Dog49550
CCO IPnSc VonAK Branded By Denali FireGerman Shepherd Dog53804
CCO NSc VonAK Branded LeathersGerman Shepherd Dog53689
ASc JAO VonAK Bravo Second Reg.German Shepherd Dog241491
GCO JPnSc VonAK BrinkGerman Shepherd Dog421266
NSc NO VonAK Brisk Sailing Atlantic BreezeGerman Shepherd Dog11596
PnSc ExO VonAK California Gold RushGerman Shepherd Dog341448
GCO JPnSc VonAK California Gold Von LagoGerman Shepherd Dog431034
CCO NSc VonAK California ProspectsGerman Shepherd Dog54804
CCO NSc VonAK California ProspectsGerman Shepherd Dog51518
CCO NSc VonAK California WildfiresGerman Shepherd Dog54690
MSc VonAK California's Glittering Prospects 1.330xGerman Shepherd Dog29315
NCO NSc VonAK Club ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog49550
MSc VonAK Court The Sand Queen 1.482xGerman Shepherd Dog29315
MSc VonAK Critical Points 1.310xGerman Shepherd Dog28315
NCO IPnSc VonAK Critically Acclaimed atasaGerman Shepherd Dog50423
GCA *PPW* Curly SueEnglish Shepherd49487
NCO NSc Cutting Edge GoldGerman Shepherd Dog51690
JPnO JPnSc VonAK Dance With Me In VegasGerman Shepherd Dog61558
PnSc AO VonAK Dancing StardustGerman Shepherd Dog181590
JASc ExO VonAK Dark FalcoGerman Shepherd Dog341539
IPnSc ANO VonAK Denali Back In The Saddle atasaGerman Shepherd Dog111495
WCO JPnSc VonAK Denali Dreams (PX)German Shepherd Dog531156
MSc Denali Dreams Entertained 1.462xGerman Shepherd Dog30315
NCO NSc VonAK Denali FireGerman Shepherd Dog49518
GCO IPnSc VonAK Denali FlameGerman Shepherd Dog421259
GCO NSc VonAK Denali Flame RisingGerman Shepherd Dog421155
NCO NSc VonAK Denali Joy (PX)German Shepherd Dog501408
ExSc APnRO VonAK Denali Joy RideGerman Shepherd Dog341482
NCO NSc VonAK Denali Lights Back UpGerman Shepherd Dog48924
MSc ChO VonAK Denali Night RiderGerman Shepherd Dog391429
WCO JPnSc VonAK Denali RiderGerman Shepherd Dog58804
JPnSc JPnO VonAK Denali Scarlett SunsetGerman Shepherd Dog91542
MSc Denali Sunset Dreams 1.470xGerman Shepherd Dog30315
CCO JPnSc VonAK Denali's Scarlet SunsetGerman Shepherd Dog56804
APnSc JPnO VonAK Denalis's Scarlet StarletGerman Shepherd Dog131529
NCR Designer Red CinnamonItalian Greyhound451170
NCO NSc VonAK Dusty SandsGerman Shepherd Dog49550
NA NO EC’s VenetaAustralian Shepherd41557
NT VonAK ElifeGerman Shepherd Dog51590
ChSc APnRO VonAK Emerald Sand DollarsGerman Shepherd Dog431436
NCO NSc VonAK Emerald Sand DollarsGerman Shepherd Dog48924
CCO IPnSc VonAK Emerald Sand Dollars (PX)German Shepherd Dog52937
GCO JPnSc VonAK Emerald TreasureGerman Shepherd Dog401259
GCO NSc VonAK Emeralds In Silver SandGerman Shepherd Dog421155
GCO JPnSc VonAK Emeralds In The SandGerman Shepherd Dog441159
CCO JPnSc VonAK Emeralds In The SandGerman Shepherd Dog54804
NCO NSc VonAK Emeralds Shine DownGerman Shepherd Dog491030
MO ANA English 1.010xEnglish Shepherd311432
GCO IPnA English 1.020English Shepherd431409
NCO IPnA English 1.060x (PX)English Shepherd451413
NCO NA English 1.082x (PX)English Shepherd471422
NCO NA English female 1.102x (PX)English Shepherd461411
ChO NA English Male 1.015xEnglish Shepherd371421
IPnA English Male 1.15xEnglish Shepherd81123
NSc ANO VonAK Evening WineGerman Shepherd Dog61570
JPnSc APnO VonAK Exclusive BallGerman Shepherd Dog121582
ExSc AO VonAK Exclusive Denali StarsGerman Shepherd Dog371465
CCO NSc VonAK Exclusive Red CarpetGerman Shepherd Dog51924
CCO NSc VonAK Exclusive Roll OutGerman Shepherd Dog52924
GCO NSc VonAK Exclusive Rushing RolloutGerman Shepherd Dog421155
CCO NSc VonAK Exclusive Scarlet Stars (PX)German Shepherd Dog501395
NCO NSc VonAK Exclusive ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog491030
WCO NSc VonAK Exclusive ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog56804
CCO NSc VonAK Exclusive ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog53689
WCO NSc VonAK Exclusive Starlet (PX)German Shepherd Dog531440
NSc GCO VonAK Exclusive Vegas SunsetGerman Shepherd Dog421436
MSc VonAK Feature A Cutting Edge 1.373xGerman Shepherd Dog29315
CCO JPnSc VonAK Fire For GoldGerman Shepherd Dog55804
GCO NSc VonAK Fire In The Sierra SkyGerman Shepherd Dog431155
CCO NSc Fire Sunset Over DenaliGerman Shepherd Dog54689
ChO NSc VonAK Flying Ruby StarsGerman Shepherd Dog421155
JPnSc PnO FreddieGerman Shepherd Dog111483
ChSc VonAK Full of EnvyGerman Shepherd Dog431511
CCO NSc VonAK Gold In CaliforniaGerman Shepherd Dog53690
GCO NSc VonAK Gold ProjectionsGerman Shepherd Dog441258
ASc IPnRO VonAK Gold RushGerman Shepherd Dog201482
NCO NSc VonAK Gold Whisper ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog481030
CCO NSc VonAK Gold WhispererGerman Shepherd Dog53690
ChO NSc VonAK Gold WhispersGerman Shepherd Dog421155
NCO NSc VonAK Gold's Cutting EdgeGerman Shepherd Dog49550
NCO JPnSc VonAK Golden Globe ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog49423
NCO NSc VonAK Golden LakesGerman Shepherd Dog46903
NCO NSc VonAK Golden LakesGerman Shepherd Dog50550
CCO NSc VonAK Golden Lakes ProspectGerman Shepherd Dog49924
NCO NSc VonAK Golden Lakes ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog48924
CCO NSc VonAK Golden Lakes WhisperGerman Shepherd Dog53804
WCO IPnSc VonAK Golden Prospect SmoldersGerman Shepherd Dog58423
CCO NSc VonAK Golden ProspectsGerman Shepherd Dog55804
MSc VonAK Golden Prospects 1.368xGerman Shepherd Dog28315
NCO NSc VonAK Golden Sand DollarGerman Shepherd Dog49924
GCO NA *PPW* GoonieEnglish Shepherd421073
NCO NSc VonAK Great ProspectsGerman Shepherd Dog431159
NCO NSc VonAK Hand Me The RubiesGerman Shepherd Dog52689
NCO NSc Handed To The Red CarpetGerman Shepherd Dog48550
IPnO VonAK Her Red AttireGerman Shepherd Dog91625
IPnSc GCO VonAK Hot DollarsGerman Shepherd Dog431435
CCO NSc VonAK Hot Emerald (PX)German Shepherd Dog511423
MSc VonAK Hot Prospect On The Dance Floor 1.322xGerman Shepherd Dog28315
GCO JPnSc VonAK Hot Sand's Silver DollarsGerman Shepherd Dog421263
APnH IceburgCardigan Welsh Corgi16780
AA PnO Isabella KK EE bb DdAustralian Shepherd261579
ASc VonAK Jenga 22HHGerman Shepherd Dog171367
ChSc APnRO VonAK Joyride To DenaliGerman Shepherd Dog411466
NO NSc keep 2 females *German Shepherd Dog1813
PnA AO Kk lalaAustralian Shepherd201571
JAA AO KKbr lalaAustralian Shepherd201309
AA MO KodaAustralian Shepherd331595
NCO NSc VonAK Lady's Gold And SilverGerman Shepherd Dog471030
CCO NSc VonAK Lady's Gold FlameGerman Shepherd Dog53924
WCO PnSc VonAK Lago d'oro FusoGerman Shepherd Dog57423
NCO NSc VonAK Lago NeroGerman Shepherd Dog441266
PnO VonAK lala agistm intint 17HGerman Shepherd Dog91617
NCO NSc VonAK Let's RideGerman Shepherd Dog53689
NCO JPnSc VonAK Light RiderGerman Shepherd Dog52689
NCO NSc VonAK Light Up DenaliGerman Shepherd Dog451030
JPnO NSc VonAK Light Up RubyGerman Shepherd Dog71570
NCO NSc VonAK Lights On DenaliGerman Shepherd Dog48924
CCO JPnSc VonAK Lights On FireGerman Shepherd Dog57804
NCO NSc VonAK Magical Red Carpet RideGerman Shepherd Dog52689
PnO ASc Midnight StageGerman Shepherd Dog191518
PnSc AO Miss Donny's MidnightGerman Shepherd Dog241504
PnA MO shsK MochaAustralian Shepherd261484
GCSc APnRO VonAK Money ManGerman Shepherd Dog421415
MO Mountain Creek 1.365xGerman Shepherd Dog28315
NSc NO VonAK Mr. Center StageGerman Shepherd Dog41555
NCO NSc VonAK Mr. ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog461335
MSc ChO VonAK Mr. Money Man Sr.German Shepherd Dog381495
NCO NSc VonAK Ms. Radio FlyerGerman Shepherd Dog481409
PnSc ANO VonAK Night Rider atasaGerman Shepherd Dog111493
MSc VonAK No Beach Traffic At High Tide 1.350xGerman Shepherd Dog29315
CCO NSc VonAK On Point Red Carpet WalkGerman Shepherd Dog50924
MSc VonAK Order A Hot Feature 1.373xGerman Shepherd Dog28315
PnO ANSc VonAK Outskirts Of NevadaGerman Shepherd Dog101556
JAO VonAK PamGerman Shepherd Dog131626
WCO NSc VonAK Panning For Emeralds And SilverGerman Shepherd Dog54924
NCO NSc VonAK Panning For GemsGerman Shepherd Dog49518
CCO NSc VonAK Panning In The Gold SandsGerman Shepherd Dog54689
NCO NSc Project Lago (PX)German Shepherd Dog461431
CCO JPnSc VonAK Prospective FireGerman Shepherd Dog53924
NCO NSc VonAK Prospective WhisperGerman Shepherd Dog451030
ANO NSc VonAK Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog61570
JPnA JPnO Puppy 1Australian Shepherd81541
Puppy 10German Shepherd Dog1937
Puppy 11German Shepherd Dog11063
Puppy 12German Shepherd Dog11051
NO NSc Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog1813
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog1639
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog11051
NO NSc Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog1813
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog11063
NO NSc Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog1813
NO NSc VonAK Puppy 4*German Shepherd Dog1924
NO NSc Puppy 5*German Shepherd Dog1813
Puppy 5*German Shepherd Dog1828
NSc NO VonAK Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog11567
NO NSc Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog1813
NSc NO Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog11531
Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog11063
NO NSc VonAK Puppy 7*German Shepherd Dog1924
VonAK Puppy 9German Shepherd Dog11620
NO NSc Puppy 9German Shepherd Dog1813
ChSc RamonaGerman Shepherd Dog38684
JAO ExSc VonAK Reach Excellent then retireGerman Shepherd Dog341555
NCO NSc VonAK Red Carpet ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog51440
AO ASc VonAK Red Coral From The BreakGerman Shepherd Dog241599
MO Red Glass From Gold 1.342xGerman Shepherd Dog27315
NH VonAK red w black sable lala stmagi intagi 21HGerman Shepherd Dog11452
WCO IPnSc VonAK Ride The SunriseGerman Shepherd Dog59423
MSc VonAK Roll In The Stars 1.313xGerman Shepherd Dog28315
WCO NA VonAK Roll Out The Red Carpet (PX)German Shepherd Dog55938
CCO NSc VonAK Roll Out The Red Carpet Las VegasGerman Shepherd Dog51798
CCO NSc VonAK Roll Out The RubiesGerman Shepherd Dog55804
CCO NSc VonAK Roll Out The Scarlet StarsGerman Shepherd Dog53689
GCO NSc VonAK Roll Out The StarsGerman Shepherd Dog421155
CCO NSc VonAK Roll Out The StarsGerman Shepherd Dog55804
MSc VonAK Rollin' Out The Golden Globe 1.307xGerman Shepherd Dog28315
AA *SD* RoloAustralian Shepherd231490
WCO JPnSc VonAK Rubies and Sand DollarsGerman Shepherd Dog57423
WCO NSc VonAK Rubies In The SandGerman Shepherd Dog56804
CCO NSc VonAK Rubies ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog56804
NCO NSc VonAK Ruby AceGerman Shepherd Dog471408
CCO NSc VonAK Ruby DustGerman Shepherd Dog54689
IPnSc AO VonAK Ruby PointGerman Shepherd Dog201601
IPnSc JAO VonAK Ruby Point LighthouseGerman Shepherd Dog141587
NCO NSc VonAK Ruby SandGerman Shepherd Dog50550
WCO IPnSc VonAK Ruby SandstormsGerman Shepherd Dog59423
CCO NSc VonAK Ruby ShineGerman Shepherd Dog52689
GCO NSc VonAK Ruby StarsGerman Shepherd Dog431266
NT VonAK RuffGerman Shepherd Dog11625
CCO JPnSc VonAK Rushing Lago D'oroGerman Shepherd Dog521159
ChO NSc VonAK Sand Dollar TreasuresGerman Shepherd Dog411155
NCO NSc VonAK Sand Dollars ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog471030
NCO NSc VonAK Sands Of EmeraldsGerman Shepherd Dog49924
CCO NSc VonAK Sands ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog55804
MSc VonAK Sandstorm At The Oscars 1.487xGerman Shepherd Dog30315
NCO NSc VonAK Sandy Treasures ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog491030
JPnSc JPnO VonAK Scarlet ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog71551
ASc IPnO VonAK Scarlet ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog201511
WCO NSc VonAK Scarlet Fire BrandGerman Shepherd Dog58804
CCO JPnSc VonAK Scarlet Fire Leather BrandGerman Shepherd Dog53798
NCO NSc VonAK Scarlet LeathersGerman Shepherd Dog451030
CCO ANSc VonAK Scarlet Lights Over DenaliGerman Shepherd Dog53804
CCO NSc VonAK Scarlet Red leatherGerman Shepherd Dog52924
JASc JPnO VonAK Scarlet Sandman ataGerman Shepherd Dog141522
ASc IPnRO VonAK Scarlet StarGerman Shepherd Dog251466
NCO NSc VonAK Scarlet StarGerman Shepherd Dog49550
CCO NSc VonAK Scarlet Star's Red CarpetGerman Shepherd Dog54804
ExSc PnRO VonAK Scarlet StarletGerman Shepherd Dog371482
NCO JPnSc VonAK Scarlet Starlet atasaGerman Shepherd Dog51423
JPnO JPnSc VonAK Scarlet Stars ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog91544
APnSc GCO VonAK Scarlett Back In The Saddle atasaGerman Shepherd Dog401460
IPnO VonAK Seaglass TrinketGerman Shepherd Dog91625
JPnO ANSc VonAK Seashell Lady atasaGerman Shepherd Dog61463
JAO JPnSc VonAK SerendipityGerman Shepherd Dog151506
ASc AO VonAK Shadows Exclusive asaaGerman Shepherd Dog271541
IPnO VonAK Shady SadieGerman Shepherd Dog91625
NCO NSc VonAK Shinedown ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog481030
CCO NSc VonAK Shinedown Rubies And EmeraldsGerman Shepherd Dog55804
CCO NSc VonAK Shinedown Scarlet StarsGerman Shepherd Dog54804
CCO NSc VonAK Shining Down On MeGerman Shepherd Dog53689
CCO JPnSc VonAK Shining Ruby Roll OutGerman Shepherd Dog51924
NCO NSc VonAK Shining Sand DollarsGerman Shepherd Dog49550
CCO NSc VonAK Shining Scarlet StarGerman Shepherd Dog54804
JPnO VonAK Shining SeastarGerman Shepherd Dog61624
APnO IPnSc VonAK Sierra NightGerman Shepherd Dog141560
GCO JPnSc VonAK Sierra RiderGerman Shepherd Dog411259
NCO NSc VonAK Silver LakesGerman Shepherd Dog48924
NCO NSc VonAK Silver Sands ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog481030
WCO NSc Silver Sands, Rubies and EmeraldsGerman Shepherd Dog56798
WCO JPnSc VonAK Silver ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog60804
ExSc JARO VonAK Simmering Sand DollarsGerman Shepherd Dog341460
AO VonAK Slick EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog171642
MSc VonAK Smoldering Free Fall 1.493xGerman Shepherd Dog31315
CCO NSc VonAK Smoldering Gold FireGerman Shepherd Dog52798
CCO NSc VonAK Smoldering Gold FlameGerman Shepherd Dog53804
NCO JPnSc VonAK Smoldering WhisperGerman Shepherd Dog49550
JPnO VonAK Speed Dial CharmGerman Shepherd Dog61629
NSc ANO VonAK Spiked NightlifeGerman Shepherd Dog41556
ANO NSc VonAK Starlet DancerGerman Shepherd Dog31558
IPnO VonAK Starlight MermaidGerman Shepherd Dog81625
NSc NO VonAK Starry Blue NightGerman Shepherd Dog11551
PnSc AO VonAK Stars ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog161563
NCO NSc VonAK Stars' Rolling ShinedownGerman Shepherd Dog491030
MSc VonAK Summertime Scarlet Creek 1.345xGerman Shepherd Dog28315
NCO NSc VonAK Summit SunriseGerman Shepherd Dog48550
CCO NSc VonAK Swimming In A Lake Of GoldGerman Shepherd Dog52690
MO VonAK Tampa Bay Sandscape 1.368xGerman Shepherd Dog29315
MO VonAK The World Is Free Falling 1.493xGerman Shepherd Dog30315
MSc VonAK The World of Sand Dollars 1.493xGerman Shepherd Dog30315
ChA JAO Think About You 24HH EEEE lalaAustralian Shepherd43902
JPnSc VonAK thoughtsGerman Shepherd Dog61417
JAO VonAK TigerGerman Shepherd Dog131642
ExSc VonAK Traveling the Inside PassageGerman Shepherd Dog371254
PnO ANSc VonAK Underground NightlifeGerman Shepherd Dog101579
PnO JPnSc VonAK Vegas ExclusiveGerman Shepherd Dog111574
ANSc IPnO VonAK Vegas LightsGerman Shepherd Dog91575
JAO MSc VonAK Vegas StarsGerman Shepherd Dog311566
ASc PnO VonAK Vegas SunsetGerman Shepherd Dog241477
NCO NSc VonAK Walk The Red CarpetGerman Shepherd Dog50550
NCO NSc VonAK Western PeakGerman Shepherd Dog50550
CCO NSc VonAK Where There's Smoke There's FireGerman Shepherd Dog55804
CCO NSc VonAK Whisper Project (PX)German Shepherd Dog531422
CCO NSc VonAK Whispers of California Gold (PX)German Shepherd Dog55806
MSc VonAK World Summit 1.502xGerman Shepherd Dog31315
AO VonAK ZaraGerman Shepherd Dog171623

Game Time

04:13am on Mar 27

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