
Order By:

Dogs Bred By ..

NE A Million FeelingsSmooth Fox Terrier11140
AE ....0 A Million LiesSmooth Fox Terrier151157
ME ....0 Ain't No LieSmooth Fox Terrier151156
ME ....0 Always WordsSmooth Fox Terrier151156
NT Australian Koolie •POL•Australian Koolie31418
JPnHu ....0 Begun to SeeTaiwan Dog41137
AM ....0 ChanceXoloitzcuintle171153
JPnH ....0 CocoAidi61138
JPnT ....0 ColonelAkita51137
JAHu ....0 Daydream FallsTaiwan Dog131147
NE Earned WishSmooth Fox Terrier11138
IPnE ....0 Earning WordsSmooth Fox Terrier71144
APnHu ....0 Falling in SatinTaiwan Dog121146
AE ....0 Feeling BeautifulSmooth Fox Terrier151156
NHu Feeling Like a LiarSmooth Fox Terrier11140
JPnFl ....0 FledglingItalian Greyhound61138
JAE ....0 Foolish BaggageSmooth Fox Terrier101405
ExE ....0 Foolish FameSmooth Fox Terrier211205
APnHu ....0 Forgotten FeelingsTaiwan Dog121147
JPnR ....0 GonzalesItalian Greyhound61138
NE Grey LiesSmooth Fox Terrier11138
ME ....0 Grey SpeechSmooth Fox Terrier151157
I Fell in SatinTaiwan Dog11129
APnHu ....0 If I were KingTaiwan Dog121146
PnHu ....0 In the EveningsTaiwan Dog121146
NE In the Shadow of DollarsSmooth Fox Terrier11138
IPnSh ....0 JoeyAmerican Staffordshire Terrier61138
AE ....0 King BeauxSmooth Fox Terrier141155
NE King of HappinessSmooth Fox Terrier11135
APnHu ....0 Laugh at MeTaiwan Dog121146
APnHu ....0 Laughing at the FoolTaiwan Dog121146
ME ....0 Little WishesSmooth Fox Terrier151152
NE Little WordsSmooth Fox Terrier11133
Losing My LaughterTaiwan Dog11129
WCRO ....0 Major mixDutch Smoushond60812
Make Me LaughTaiwan Dog11129
PnHu ....0 Make Me Lose My MindTaiwan Dog111146
IPnE ....0 Million Dollar LifeSmooth Fox Terrier71139
IPnE ....0 Millionaire LiesSmooth Fox Terrier71139
NE My BeautySmooth Fox Terrier11135
ME ....0 My HappinessSmooth Fox Terrier151152
APnHu ....0 Never Be a FoolTaiwan Dog121147
ChO ....0 Not Artificially Flavored!American Staffordshire Terrier411305
APnHu ....0 One of DiamondsTaiwan Dog121147
MHu ....0 Over MeSmooth Fox Terrier231205
ME ....0 Over the Need of FameSmooth Fox Terrier151152
JPnFr ....0 PaisleyAkita51137
IPnA ....0 PaprikaDutch Smoushond61138
JPnH ....0 PipAidi61138
Puppy 1Taiwan Dog11129
Puppy 1Taiwan Dog11129
NRO Puppy 1Bernese Mountain Dog11138
Puppy 2Taiwan Dog11129
Puppy 3Taiwan Dog11129
PnHu ....0 Raining BirdsTaiwan Dog121146
APnHu ....0 Ringing BlameTaiwan Dog121147
See me FallTaiwan Dog11129
APnHu ....0 See, I Did ItTaiwan Dog131147
ME ....0 Shadow of FameSmooth Fox Terrier141152
AE ....0 Slandered HappinessSmooth Fox Terrier111405
IPnE ....0 Sound DollarsSmooth Fox Terrier71139
NE Sound of FameSmooth Fox Terrier11133
NE Thing Called LifeSmooth Fox Terrier11133
JAE ....0 Times to be ToldSmooth Fox Terrier91143
JAE ....0 Told You Long Time AgoSmooth Fox Terrier101405
JPnT ....0 TrackerGerman Shepherd Dog81138
JPnT ....0 TrainGerman Shepherd Dog71138
APnHu ....0 Trying to Feel AlrightTaiwan Dog131147
AE ....0 Twice as LongSmooth Fox Terrier101144
GCE ....0 Twice the FameSmooth Fox Terrier221205
ChE ....0 TwofoldSmooth Fox Terrier221205
APnHu ....0 Unbreakable KingdomTaiwan Dog121146
IPnA ....0 ValerieBorder Collie61138
APnHu ....0 Want It AllTaiwan Dog121147
APnHu ....0 Was More Than EverTaiwan Dog121146
JPnHu ....0 We See FireTaiwan Dog41137
ChE ....0 Wisdom of FameSmooth Fox Terrier211205
ME ....0 Wisdom of MeSmooth Fox Terrier141151
NE Wish for MillionsSmooth Fox Terrier11133
ME ....0 Wish for ThingsSmooth Fox Terrier151152

Game Time

06:29pm on Mar 3

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