cate's kennel

Order By:

Dogs Bred By cate's kennel

AHu 10HH lala agicha intstmBoxer1886
MHT 11HH lala spdstmx2Great Dane26112
AFr 12HH Lla agistr chastmBoxer2399
JAD 15HH lala agistr stmchaBoxer1073
MFr 15HH LlaBoxer25104
ASh 15HH stmint spdint llaEnglish Cocker Spaniel2396
NHT 16HH lala stmcha chachaBoxer531
ASc 17HH lala intint intintGreat Dane1889
AHT 18HH x3int EEEEGreat Dane24102
JPnFr 22HH lala intcha chachaBoxer531
NSh 23HH lala intspd intspdGreat Dane116
24HH intint stmcha lalaBoxer110
APnM Aphrodite, Goddess of LoveGreat Dane1272
NFr Blinding LightsBoxer118
AFr Caramel DrizzleGreat Dane1581
For Public SaleExFT DUSK* DiversifierGordon Setter3662
AHT Glistening Snowflake in the Early MornBoxer1988
NHT Irish SpringsGreat Dane119
AHT LucyBoxer2091
APnHT Mars' RoverBoxer1174
APnFr My Heart Goes Out To YouBoxer1277
AFr PoppyGreat Dane1993
ASh Puppy 10Great Dane2199
AM JPnFr ~KAY~ Puppy 2Boxer2194
AFr Puppy 33333Great Dane1686
ExHu Puppy 4Catahoula Leopard Dog32116
AFr Puppy 4Great Dane22101
AFr Puppy 8Great Dane1790
reserved for chidaBoxer178
LockedMFr 15HH lala lGreat Dane30105
LockedMHT Blueberry SorbetBoxer32102
LockedMM Follow the SunBoxer32109
LockedExD I'm Still Standin' lBoxer28101
LockedMFr lGreat Dane27103
LockedIPnHT Peanutbutter PieGreat Dane8118
Lockedplease reserve for progenitorGordon Setter16
LockedPuppy 4Boxer16
LockedExFr Uranium GlowGreat Dane30107
ANA AquamarineDachshund6235
JPnM FawnBoxer7240
Puppy 2Pembroke Welsh Corgi11396

Game Time

07:34am on Feb 16

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