Name | Breed | Level | Age |
 MP GntSq All of the Credit 5 EGGG BRNDL | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 32 | 110 |
 AT GntSq Azure | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 23 | 57 |
 JPnT IPnHT GntSq Sahara From Zedrandras Dainor- EEGG PP kk EE Bb DD asaasa sisp Mm tt cchcw | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 21 |
 PnO JPnH GntSq She's A Lil Pistol- GGGE PP kk EE bb DD atat spsp Mm tt cchcch | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 22 |
APnFT GntSq Achuz (B) | Bracco Italiano | 12 | 239 |
NS Adger the Lucky | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
AHT GntSq Adu The Adventurous | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
NHT Aeneas | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
PnH GntSq Agarista | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
AH GntSq Akemi | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 23 | 821 |
AH GntSq Aki | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
PnH GntSq Alata | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
NHT Amor | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
IPnP Amra | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
AHT GntSq Angryeyes | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
APnFT GntSq Aningri | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
PnH GntSq Aphylla | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
IPnP Ara | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
NT Arctic Remembered | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
APnH GntSq Arenaria | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
Asano | Norwegian Buhund | 1 | 1049 |
JPnH GntSq Ashitaka | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
IPnP Athtar | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
NHT Aurora | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
NT Autumn Harvest | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
AFT GntSq Aveis the Powerful | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
AH GntSq Ayame | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
AHT GntSq Bargar, The Evil One | Dogo Argentino | 24 | 665 |
NHT Bellona | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
AHT GntSq Bhassarun The Spectacular | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
AHT GntSq Bloodeyes | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 643 |
JAHT GntSq Brighteyes | Dogo Argentino | 16 | 643 |
JAHT GntSq Bronzeplume | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
NS Brynn the Crook | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NS Bug Eyed Steff | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
GntSq Caerulea | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 607 |
NFT Camael | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NHT Cardea | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
NHT Ceres | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
Chamira Daemonne | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
Chemura The Gorish | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
AHT GntSq Chomrid, Eater Of Bunnies | Dogo Argentino | 24 | 665 |
Chriopeste The Eradicator | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
AHT GntSq Chytonim, The Dead | Dogo Argentino | 24 | 665 |
Ciogrim The Decayer | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
NSc Classic Brooks | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
NSc Coasting Banding | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
Colya The Carver | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
NHT Concordia | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
GntSq Coronis | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 607 |
IPnH GntSq Crenata | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
AHT GntSq Dahi The Wise | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 655 |
IPnH GntSq Damascena | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
NT Dark Fever | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
NSc Dark Of Autumn | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
AHT GntSq Deatheye | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 643 |
AFT GntSq Deryk the Bane | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
NT Devilish Alibi | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
NT Devilish Night | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
JAHT GntSq Devilwings | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
IPnHT Dírceleb | Dogo Argentino | 6 | 673 |
NHT Discordia | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
NP Dómr | Greenland Dog | 4 | 804 |
Doqir Blackhand | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
Drevash The Tyrant | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
JAH GntSq Eiji | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 18 | 821 |
NS Eli the Serpent | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
PnFT GntSq Elyenora the Invincible | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 556 |
AFT GntSq Emmony the Harbinger | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
JPnP Enania | Greenland Dog | 7 | 812 |
AFT GntSq Ernis the Kind | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
PnH GntSq Erosin | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
AHT GntSq Errith, The Clever | Dogo Argentino | 22 | 665 |
NHT Evander | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
NS Fast Fingers Blair | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
Fazar Doomweaver | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
IPnP Felaern | Greenland Dog | 9 | 812 |
IPnHT GntSq Felara | Dogo Argentino | 6 | 673 |
Feren Nyte | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
PnH GntSq Festuca | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
NT Fire And Anticipation | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
NT Fire Seas | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
NT Fire Thief | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
AHT GntSq Fireeyes | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 643 |
IPnH GntSq Flaxae | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
NP Flœrð | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
AHT GntSq Fogeyes | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 643 |
NS Foolish Jesse | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NHT Fortuna | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
NP Frami | Greenland Dog | 4 | 804 |
NP Fúna | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
NS Gabby the Rogue | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
AFT GntSq Gawn the Warden | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
PnH GntSq Gerania | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
AFT GntSq Gerfast the Defender | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
JAHT GntSq Ghostcrown | Dogo Argentino | 16 | 643 |
JAHT GntSq Ghostwings | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
JAFT GntSq Giasshin | Bracco Italiano | 12 | 239 |
AHT GntSq Gikibum The Extravagant | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
NP Glaum | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
AS GntSq Glory | Greenland Dog | 17 | 649 |
IPnHT GntSq Gnorva | Dogo Argentino | 6 | 673 |
NSc Gold Tangled Up | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
JPnH GntSq Gonza | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
NSc Great In Springtime | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
AHT GntSq Grimcrown | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
AHT GntSq Grimcrown | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
NT Guessing River | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
ANP Happ | Greenland Dog | 4 | 804 |
AFT GntSq Hawis the Slayer | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
IPnH GntSq Hempe | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
NSc Hey In Springtime | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
ANH GntSq Hi-sama | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
AH GntSq Hikari | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 24 | 821 |
NP Hyr | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
Ibamon The Fleshrender | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
NSc Ice And Moving on | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
JAFT GntSq Ikiz | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
AHT GntSq Ilahi The Ancient | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 655 |
IPnP Imra | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
NHT Iovis | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
AHT GntSq Irontalon | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 643 |
AHT GntSq Ironwings | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
AHT GntSq Irra The Bountiful | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
PnHT Irrian | Dogo Argentino | 6 | 673 |
AH GntSq Isamu | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 23 | 821 |
AFT GntSq Isobella the Observant | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
IPnP Itireae | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
AFT GntSq Ivette the Chaotic | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
AFT GntSq Izett the Paladin | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
JAFT GntSq Izkoz | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
AHT GntSq Izog, Destroyer Of Men | Dogo Argentino | 22 | 665 |
NP Jaðar | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
NT Jade May | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
APnFT GntSq Jamu | Bracco Italiano | 12 | 239 |
NHT Janus | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
IPnP Jeardra | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
AFT GntSq Jessop the Fierce | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
IPnP Jhaan | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
APnFT GntSq Jhuvi | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
JPnH GntSq Ji | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
JPnH GntSq Jigo | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
AFT GntSq Jocelin the Shadow | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
APnFT GntSq Jukemau | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
PnHT Jusel | Dogo Argentino | 6 | 673 |
APnHT Kaelte | Dogo Argentino | 7 | 673 |
IPnHT Kaelvarr | Dogo Argentino | 7 | 673 |
AHT GntSq Kaindayd, The Quiet | Dogo Argentino | 24 | 665 |
JAFT GntSq Kako | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
AHT GntSq Kasmish The Mighty | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 655 |
JPnH GntSq Kaya | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
NSc Keeping Dragon | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
NSc Keeping Ruby | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
PnH GntSq Kerokeis | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
AHT GntSq Kerrulis The Swift | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
IPnP Keya | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
JAFT GntSq Khare (B) | Bracco Italiano | 12 | 239 |
JAFT GntSq Khenne | Bracco Italiano | 12 | 239 |
JPnH GntSq Kiyo | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
AH GntSq Kiyo | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
NH Kodama | Norwegian Buhund | 1 | 1049 |
AH GntSq Kohaku | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 819 |
JPnH GntSq Kohroku | Norwegian Buhund | 6 | 1061 |
APnFT GntSq Krikai | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
IPnH GntSq Lady Eboshi | Norwegian Buhund | 6 | 1062 |
NS Lane Grimm | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NS Lee Blackjack | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NT Legacy Of Wind | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
NS Lesley the Angel | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
AHT GntSq Lighyrth, The Scary | Dogo Argentino | 22 | 665 |
NP Líki | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
JPnHT Lileth | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
AFT GntSq Lizbeth the Heroic | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
JPnHT GntSq Loranel | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
JPnHT Lorrandir | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
IPnP Lorsan | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
NHT Luna | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
IPnP Lyndis | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
IPnP Lyrei | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
NS Macey the Rat | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
IPnP Maelyrra | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
IPnH GntSq Mahoganis | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
NHT Maia | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
NHT Mars | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
AHT GntSq Marshwing | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 643 |
NHT Marte | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
AH GntSq Masa | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 23 | 821 |
NS Mel the Heister | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NSc Midnight Built In | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
NT Midnight Sword | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
NHT Minerva | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
ANP Miskunn | Greenland Dog | 4 | 804 |
AH GntSq Miyako | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
AHT GntSq Mokhin The Precious | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 655 |
AHT GntSq Moontail | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 643 |
Moreas The Corpse | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
JPnHT GntSq Moril | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
JPnHT GntSq Morilnas | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
NT Morning Time | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
IPnH GntSq Moro | Norwegian Buhund | 6 | 1062 |
NT Mystic Soul | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
JPnH GntSq Nago | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
AHT GntSq Nairvial, Lord Of The Blue | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
NFl TNO Nala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 518 |
AH GntSq Naoyori | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
ANP Nathæ | Greenland Dog | 4 | 804 |
APnFT GntSq Nguazi | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
NSc Night Hallmark | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
APnFT GntSq Nilli | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
AHT GntSq Nismesh The Illustrious | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
IPnH GntSq Nitida | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
APnFT GntSq Nurun | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
AHT GntSq Nymmu, Eternal Fire | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
AHT GntSq Nyreoss, The Hungry | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
IPnH GntSq Nyxie | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
NT Obsidian Criminal | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
NP Ofsi | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
AHT GntSq Okaal The Graceful | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 655 |
AHT GntSq Okas, Longtail | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
NH GntSq Okkoto | Norwegian Buhund | 1 | 1161 |
Okkoto | Norwegian Buhund | 1 | 1049 |
IPnH GntSq Oleracea | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
NSc One High | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1039 |
JAFT GntSq Onneh | Bracco Italiano | 12 | 239 |
NSc Open In The Bag | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
JAFT GntSq Orahz | Bracco Italiano | 12 | 239 |
JPnH GntSq Osa | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
AFT GntSq Ossenna the Agile | Bracco Italiano | 19 | 269 |
AFT GntSq Oweyn of the Winter | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
AHT GntSq Ozuna The Luxurious | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 655 |
Pahilde The Hallowed | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
AHT GntSq Palras, Champion Of The Skies | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
GntSq Pileata | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 607 |
GntSq Psalacantha | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 607 |
NFT Puppy 1 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 1 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 1 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 2 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 2 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 2 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 2 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 2 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 2 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 3 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 4 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 4 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 4 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 4 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 4 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 5 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 7 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 7 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
NFT Puppy 7 | Bracco Italiano | 1 | 221 |
AHT GntSq Qytin, The Tyrant | Dogo Argentino | 22 | 665 |
NS Reaper Willy | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
JPnHT Resdhel | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
NSc Reverse Phantom | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
NHT Rhea | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
JPnP Rhys | Greenland Dog | 7 | 812 |
AHT GntSq Ridut, The Eternal One | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
NS Riley the Brute | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
JPnHT Rionshan | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
JPnHT GntSq Roddris | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
JPnHT Rohirria | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
AHT GntSq Rondacrat, Gentle Mind | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
IPnHT GntSq Ronmae | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
AFT GntSq Rosamund the Dreamer | Bracco Italiano | 19 | 269 |
NT Roses Of High Road | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
AHT GntSq Rosmal The Royal | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
AHT GntSq Rosto The Idolized | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
NT Royal In Springtime | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
AHT GntSq Rubbihuan The Honored | Dogo Argentino | 19 | 655 |
NP Rún | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
AHT GntSq Ryndit, Protector Of The Forest | Dogo Argentino | 24 | 665 |
NP Sál | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
AFT GntSq Sam the Lion | Bracco Italiano | 19 | 269 |
NS Sammy the Ravager | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
JPnH GntSq San | Norwegian Buhund | 6 | 1061 |
AT Sanga | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 18 | 518 |
IPnH GntSq Santolina | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
Satulah Umbra | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
NHT Saturnus | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
NS Scarface Skye | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
AH GntSq Setsuyo | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
AHT GntSq Shidim The Fortunate | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 655 |
AH GntSq Shiori | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
Shishigami | Norwegian Buhund | 1 | 1049 |
NH GntSq Shoujou | Norwegian Buhund | 1 | 1161 |
NSc Showtime Honey | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
AH GntSq Shuyasu | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 23 | 821 |
AHT GntSq Silentfeather | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
NHT Silvia | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
NS Smiling Aaren | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NS Spider Gail | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NT Spring Fortune | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
AHT GntSq Starbeak | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
Staress The Renewer | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
Stutulah The Hollow | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
AFT GntSq Suky the Red | Bracco Italiano | 19 | 269 |
JAHT GntSq Suncrown | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
AH GntSq Suzu | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 23 | 821 |
AFT GntSq Symonnet the Orphan | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
GntSq Syrianix | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 607 |
AH GntSq Tadashi | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
PnH GntSq Talila | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 541 |
Tanagra | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 607 |
AFT GntSq Tandy of the Dawn | Bracco Italiano | 20 | 269 |
JPnP Tanulia | Greenland Dog | 7 | 812 |
AHT GntSq Tassos, The Great | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
IPnP Thaciona | Greenland Dog | 7 | 812 |
IPnH The Abandoned Jester | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
IPnH The Amusing Demon | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Augur of the Spirits | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
IPnH The Blind Banshee | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JPnH The Bloodied Rider | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 7 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Bright Augur | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JPnH The Cheerful Wraith | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 7 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Cruel Seer | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JPnH GntSq The Crypt Cleaner | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JPnH The Crypt Screamer | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Defiant Messenger | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The Diviner of Chaos | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
IPnH GntSq The Drifting Visitor | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Emissary of Sorrow | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The Envoy of Earth | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The Envoy of the Clouds | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The First Seer | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The Foreteller of Angels | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
APnH GntSq The Foreteller of Origins | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 15 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The Forsaken Oracle | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
IPnH GntSq The Friendly Sentinel | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JPnH GntSq The Graveyard Gatekeeper | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 7 | 551 |
IPnH GntSq The Gray Soul | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Herald of Earth | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The Impure Prophet | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 17 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The Infernal Seer | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JPnH GntSq The Killer Groomsman | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JPnH GntSq The Lost Demon | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Messenger of the One | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
ANH GntSq The Red Writer | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 6 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Seer of Conviction | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JPnH GntSq The Silent Specter | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Sinned Emissary | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 16 | 567 |
JPnH GntSq The Sitting Mime | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 7 | 551 |
JAH GntSq The Tempest Magus | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 15 | 567 |
JAH GntSq The Tempest Messenger | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 15 | 567 |
JPnH GntSq The Twin Maiden | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 7 | 551 |
JPnH GntSq The Vicious Baroness | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JPnH GntSq The Whispering Widow | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
JPnH GntSq The Wicked Rider | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 551 |
Thea | Norwegian Buhund | 1 | 1049 |
ANHT GntSq Thirle | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
JPnHT GntSq Thoduil | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
JAHT GntSq Thornplume | Dogo Argentino | 17 | 643 |
JPnHT GntSq Thornshim | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 673 |
NS Three Fingered Reed | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NT Thunderclap Mountain | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1037 |
NSc Time Charm | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
NSc Time Vengeance | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
JPnP Tiriana | Greenland Dog | 7 | 812 |
JPnH GntSq Toki | Norwegian Buhund | 5 | 1061 |
AH GntSq Tomio | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 821 |
AH GntSq Toshi | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 819 |
IPnH GntSq Trilliaris | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
NSc Tuck It Walk On | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
PnH GntSq Tuliphis | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 10 | 541 |
AHT GntSq Ughephoth, Protector Of Life | Dogo Argentino | 22 | 665 |
JAFT GntSq Uhohs | Bracco Italiano | 12 | 239 |
JAFT GntSq Umus | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
NP Varnaði | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
Vegami The Reviver | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
NHT Venus | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
IPnP Vianola | Greenland Dog | 7 | 812 |
NHT Vulcanus | Karelian Bear Dog | 1 | 70 |
Wedan The Darkheart | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
NS Whispering Danni | Chinook | 1 | 88 |
NSc Wind Thief | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1039 |
NT Wired Lightning | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1036 |
NSc Wish Devilish | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1040 |
Xolya Bloodworth | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
JPnH GntSq Yakul | Norwegian Buhund | 6 | 1061 |
Yaxor Crane | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
AHT GntSq Yehaiste The Precious | Dogo Argentino | 20 | 655 |
AHT GntSq Yilu The Virtuous | Dogo Argentino | 18 | 655 |
AHT GntSq Yisu The Flawless | Dogo Argentino | 20 | 655 |
AH GntSq Yoko | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 21 | 821 |
AHT GntSq Ytesde, Eater Of All | Dogo Argentino | 23 | 665 |
AH GntSq Yukio | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 23 | 821 |
IPnP Yumanea | Greenland Dog | 8 | 812 |
AHT GntSq Zeedaih The Light | Dogo Argentino | 20 | 655 |
AHT GntSq Zire, The Jealous One | Dogo Argentino | 22 | 665 |
JAFT GntSq Zonoma | Bracco Italiano | 11 | 239 |
Zuviah Void | Pomeranian | 1 | 607 |
NP Ætla | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |
NP Þrá | Greenland Dog | 3 | 804 |