Sunny Acres Breeding Facility

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Dogs Bred By Sunny Acres Breeding Facility

JPnHu Chanel n'2Doberman Pinscher648
NT SABF Dior SauvageDoberman Pinscher142
NT SABF Versance Red HotDoberman Pinscher346
LockedIPnSh Heir to the Throne of the Lands of ShadowCavalier King Charles Spaniel819
LockedNM SABF LuckyDalmatian17
LockedNSh Puppy 1Pomeranian19
LockedPuppy 2Miniature Dachshund17
LockedNFT SABF Spy G2 4English Cocker Spaniel112
LockedAND SABF Starkey SoarsDalmatian113
NR BaileyBorzoi3591
NM SABF BennyToy Poodle11031
MH RgWd Captain's Kiss | EEEE • 24HH • lala • x2stm x2agi • 1.047xBorder Collie30243
NHu ChaserBeagle31085
NS SABF DominoAlaskan Husky1400
NFl SABF DukeAlaskan Husky1399
APnSh SABF EEEE 14HH ll intint agistm 0.988xToy Poodle13304
PnSc RgWd EEEE 18HH lala spdint spdcha 1.018xGerman Shepherd Dog11301
APnH SABF EEEE CaptainBorder Collie12305
APnT SABF EEEE FutureGerman Shepherd Dog14403
IPnP RgWd EEEE Paint the ClockAkita10300
APnH SABF EEEE PrinceBorder Collie14308
NR SABF Flying Lilly(no breed w flying River & Sparks Fly)Afghan Hound1755
NSc SABF GordonGerman Shepherd Dog1400
ND SABF HaunduLabrador Retriever3959
NH SABF LillyAustralian Shepherd1400
JPnM SABF MasonBeagle7956
IPnA SABF MattBorder Collie7967
MiraBorder Collie1913
NFT PattyGerman Shorthaired Pointer4592
NSh SABF PipPapillon1404
APnA SABF PollyBorder Collie141022
Puppy 1Afghan Hound1743
Puppy 1German Shorthaired Pointer1581
Puppy 1Borzoi1579
SABF Puppy 1Border Collie1408
Puppy 2Borzoi1580
Puppy 2Borzoi1580
SABF Puppy 3Border Collie1407
Puppy 9Toy Poodle1398
ExHT RgWd Ragweed's DutchessLabrador Retriever31488
AHT RgWd Ragweed's ExpressLabrador Retriever241082
RockyCatahoula Leopard Dog11031
SABF Flying like the RiverAfghan Hound1748
SamanthaBorder Collie1913
JPnFl SABF Sun RiseShetland Sheepdog7969
APnH SABF SunnyBorder Collie131008

Game Time

11:19pm on Dec 27

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