Brandywine Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Brandywine Kennels

LockedANH Billy Joe Bob E4 LlaCatahoula Leopard Dog413
LockedJASh Bless Your Heart GGEG LlaBichon Frise1431
LockedJAFl Brandywine Aisling E4 LlaIrish Wolfhound1727
LockedANFl Brandywine Alecto E4 LlaIrish Wolfhound613
LockedJAM Brandywine Aoife E4 lalaIrish Wolfhound1524
LockedJAFl Brandywine Aponi Cart E4 LlaIrish Wolfhound1727
LockedPnH Brandywine Arnost the Bear GEGE lalaCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1122
LockedNFl Brandywine Asclepius E4 llaIrish Wolfhound16
LockedPnFl Brandywine Badb EEGG LlIrish Wolfhound1222
LockedPnHu Brandywine Baldr EEGG LlIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedARO Brandywine Bartel GEEE llaStabyhoun2644
LockedFor StudMSc Brandywine BJ McGruffkin EEGG LLIrish Wolfhound3364
LockedPnFl Brandywine Bragi GEEG LLIrish Wolfhound1222
LockedPnH Brandywine Brigita the Fierce FGGG lalaCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1122
LockedJAFl Brandywine Caragh GGEE LlIrish Wolfhound1628
LockedPnFl Brandywine Cernunnos EGGE LlaIrish Wolfhound1222
LockedPnT Brandywine Cerridwen EGEE LLIrish Wolfhound1222
LockedPnFl Brandywine Colleen E4 llIrish Wolfhound1319
LockedNRO Brandywine Deimos E4 LLIrish Wolfhound18
LockedExT Brandywine Diana E4 llaIrish Wolfhound3974
LockedJPnFl Brandywine Eos GGEE LlaIrish Wolfhound715
LockedMT Brandywine Erasmus GEEE llaStabyhoun3364
LockedNFl Brandywine Eris E4 LlaIrish Wolfhound16
LockedAT Brandywine Flip and Flop EGEG llaStabyhoun2039
LockedPnA Brandywine Fuamnach GGEG LlaIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedJAFT Brandywine Gerard Butter E4 llaStabyhoun1730
LockedAA Brandywine Gerard E4 llaIrish Wolfhound2239
LockedAT Brandywine Gertie GEEG llaStabyhoun2239
LockedExFr Brandywine Hades EGGE llaIrish Wolfhound3770
LockedNFT Brandywine Hamster Jam E4 lalaStabyhoun18
LockedMR Brandywine Helena GEEG LlIrish Wolfhound3364
LockedMR Brandywine Hera EEEG LlaIrish Wolfhound3770
LockedAPnFl Brandywine Katie E2G2 LlIrish Wolfhound1628
LockedPnT Brandywine Kebechet EGGE LlaIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedFor StudJAP Brandywine Kelly NM EGGG LlIrish Wolfhound1728
LockedANFl Brandywine Kratos E4 lalaIrish Wolfhound513
LockedIPnFl Brandywine Leir EEEG LlaIrish Wolfhound1222
LockedAPnRO Brandywine Luna Toonie Toons EGEG llStabyhoun1122
LockedMT Brandywine Maaike E4 llaStabyhoun3563
LockedAPnFr Brandywine Malarkey and Shenanigans E4 lalaIrish Wolfhound1323
LockedNP Brandywine Megaera EGEE LLIrish Wolfhound18
LockedFor StudNCFl Brandywine Mercury E4 lalaIrish Wolfhound5084
LockedPnHu Brandywine Mimir EGEG LLIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedPnH Brandywine Nadezda Hope FGGG lalaCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1122
LockedExFl Brandywine Odin EGGE llaIrish Wolfhound3770
LockedJPnFr Brandywine Phobos E4 LlaIrish Wolfhound613
LockedPnHu Brandywine Ratatoskr GEEG LlaIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedNRO Brandywine Robin the Cradle GEEE lalaStabyhoun16
LockedPnR Brandywine Sif EEGG LlIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedPnH Brandywine Silvestr GGGG lalaCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1122
LockedPnHu Brandywine Skuld EEGG LlIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedNRO Brandywine Spirits and Spooks E4 lalaStabyhoun16
LockedMFl Brandywine Stuart Piddle E4 LlaIrish Wolfhound3460
LockedANFl Brandywine Tisiphone E4 lalaIrish Wolfhound513
LockedAPnT Brandywine Unsolved Mystery E4 lalaIrish Wolfhound1323
LockedAPnD Brandywine Urd EGEE LLIrish Wolfhound1222
LockedChFl Brandywine Venus E4 lalaIrish Wolfhound4984
LockedPnRO Brandywine Verandi EGEG LlIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedJPnFl Brandywine Vesta E4 LlaIrish Wolfhound713
LockedJPnRO Brandywine Vesta EGEE LlaIrish Wolfhound615
LockedNRO Brandywine Vincent Van Gone E4 llaStabyhoun18
LockedPnFl Brandywine Volla EEEG LlaIrish Wolfhound1122
LockedIPnFr Doug EEGE LLGreat Pyrenees718
LockedJAR Lab. EEEE 12HH/12Hh/0hh lla 1.047 Nova EleIrish Wolfhound2086
LockedASh High Cotton E4 lalaBichon Frise1530
LockedPnD Karyn E4 lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog818
LockedJPnFl Puppy 2Irish Wolfhound714
LockedJPnFl Puppy 3Irish Wolfhound714
LockedANRO Puppy 4Bichon Frise112
LockedPuppy 5Bichon Frise16
LockedPuppy 8Bichon Frise16
LockedIPnSh QTip GGEG LlaBichon Frise818
WCFT BA KaarinaStabyhoun511030
WCW BA Klava E4 llaStabyhoun511030
GCT BN AthenaIrish Wolfhound471041
ChA Brandywine Hecate E4 LlaIrish Wolfhound47870
NCR BRJMC Arya EGEE LLIrish Wolfhound541018
AFr brunoIrish Wolfhound17964
ChR CHEKE GreysonIrish Wolfhound40959
NCHu HD Starlight EEGE llaIrish Wolfhound511013
WCFT KK Faas EGGE llStabyhoun541017
GCFl OH Mars EGGE LlIrish Wolfhound521013
CCFr OH Supernova EGEE LlaIrish Wolfhound541013
WCD RJ McStuffins EGEE LlIrish Wolfhound521030
CCA RJ NovaIrish Wolfhound491043

Game Time

06:39pm on Feb 11

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