Cattura Vita Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Cattura Vita Kennels

IPnSh Vitas 0E lala 9HH Blk/Lgt USChow-chow12106
ExT 1.083 ll stmspd spdagiRough Collie3157
GCHu Vitas 1.112 Lla intstr stmstrPug4392
PnP Vitas 1.258 lala agistm intstmSaarloos Wolfdog1121
ChE 1.335Bedlington Terrier2850
NCS 1.415 lala strstr stmstrGreenland Dog4266
NCS 1.415 lla strstr spdstrGreenland Dog4266
MH 1.517 lla stragi agiagi*Mudi2442
MT 1.518*Central Asian Shepherd2742
MH 1.537Australian Cattle Dog2542
MH 1.537 Lla stmint spdstmAustralian Cattle Dog2742
MFl 1.537 lla stmstm agistm*Ibizan Hound2542
MFr Vitas 1.548 lala chaspd stmspdAfricanis2744
MP Vitas 1.548 lala chastr strspdAfricanis2844
For StudJPnO NP Vitas Apocalyptic Hotsauce !!Canadian Eskimo Dog513
CCSc APnT B - bb dd Ssp 23/0 stm4 BLESSED TRICKEDGerman Shepherd Dog48100
NCH Vitas Baking SodaCarpathian Shepherd5483
IPnRO Vitas Beautiful StormChihuahua718
JPnHT BirdieEnglish Springer Spaniel614
For StudAH Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points, Mask, and TickingBorder Collie1950
For StudAFr Cookies Lla EEEECatahoula Leopard Dog2047
IPnH Kbrk EmE bb Dd slsl atat Ssp mm rr tt cece gg uu lla intagi agiagi 1.372Mudi916
IPnHu Vitas Kk EE BB Dd slsl AyatDalmatian722
PnM Vitas kk EmE bb dd slsl atat Ssw mm rr tt cchcw gg UU lala strcha spdspdAmerican Indian Dog716
NT Ds2CR NinaBlack and Tan Coonhound111
AT Roaned Brindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie2248
AH Roaned Brindle Isabella and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points and MaskBorder Collie2347
AH Roaned Brindle Isabella and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver PointsBorder Collie1938
For StudMA Roaned Brindle Red and White (Piebald) with Isabella Saddle and MaskBorder Collie2448
For StudAH Roaned Chocolate Merle and White (Piebald) with Cream PointsBorder Collie2351
NA Vitas Santa BabyAlaskan Husky18
PnO Vitas ScarletLabrador Retriever917
JPnFr Vitas TiramisuPomeranian615
NO Vitas VitaGerman Shepherd Dog124
LockedJPnH (BS) Ravine's CraterBorder Collie819
LockedJPnH (BS) Winter BreezeBorder Collie818
LockedMFl **Lost in MemoryBorder Collie2799
LockedFor Public SaleNFr Vitas 1.007 Lla chastm spdstmPomeranian113
LockedJPnH 1.010 lala agix4 KKbr Eme bb ddMudi414
LockedJAP 1.025 lala strstm stmintSaint Bernard1424
LockedFor StudJPnFr 1.027 lala spdcha agicha bb ddChesapeake Bay Retriever515
LockedJPnFT 1.027 lala spdcha spdcha bb DdChesapeake Bay Retriever515
LockedJPnA 1.082 Lla agispd spdstr Bb Dd SsiMudi620
LockedPnO 1.082 lla agistr agistr Kk Bb DdMudi727
LockedNFl 1.092 lala agistr spdint kk EmE bb DdMudi113
LockedNH 1.092 lla agiintx2 kk Eme bb DdMudi113
LockedFor Public SaleJPnD Vitas 1.097 LL agicha spdchaEurasier513
LockedFor Public SaleJPnO Vitas 1.097 Lla agicha spdchaEurasier513
LockedNH 1.115 lla agiintx2 kk EmEm bb ddMudi113
LockedNH 1.115 lla intstr agiint kk Eme Bb ddMudi113
LockedNM 1.117 KKbr Bb dd Ayat spsp CceMudi112
LockedNM 1.117 KKbr Bb dd Mm CceMudi112
LockedANHu 1.118 lala intcha intchaChihuahua412
LockedASh CRLK 1.118 lala intcha intchaChihuahua2347
LockedJAHu Vitas 1.123 lala spdint intstr Bb dd Mm TtAmerican Bully1564
LockedJPnA 1.123 lala spdstr chastm bb dd Mm UuAmerican Bully616
LockedChT 1.143 lala agistm stmstm Bb dd FeirgeGerman Shepherd Dog3964
LockedIPnFl 1.148 lala agiint strintMudi1122
LockedJPnRO 1.148 Lla chastr agistr kk Ee bb Dd MmAmerican Bully716
LockedANFl 1.153 lala strspd stmstr SsiAkita Inu615
LockedJPnP 1.153 lala strspd stmstr SsiAkita Inu615
LockedJAM Vitas 1.163Porcelaine1428
LockedPnFl 1.163 Lla agispd chastr Kk Bb Dd SsiMudi1025
LockedJPnA 1.163 Lla agispd intstr Kk Bb Dd SsiMudi620
LockedJPnFT 1.172 kk EE bb Dd slsl asaasa spsw mm Rr tt CC gg uu lala chastr stmstmBrittany514
LockedJPnFT 1.173 kk EE bb Dd slsl atat sisp mm rr Tt CC gg uu lala strstr spdstmBrittany514
LockedJPnSh 1.173 kk EE bb Dd slsl atat sisw mm RR Tt CC gg uu lala chacha stmstmBrittany514
LockedFor Public SalePnS Vitas 1.177Canadian Eskimo Dog613
LockedJPnFl 1.187 lala agiint chaint Kk EmE bb DdMudi414
LockedIPnM 1.187 lala chaint chaint Kk EmE bb DdMudi718
LockedNFl 1.190 lala spdstm spdstmIbizan Hound112
LockedNFl 1.190 lala spdstm spdstmIbizan Hound112
LockedJPnH 1.198Old English Sheepdog513
LockedJASh 1.203Chihuahua1425
LockedAPnFr 1.205 lala agicha agiintAkita Inu1220
LockedJPnM 1.207 lala spdint stmspd kk Ee Bb Dd SswGreyhound513
LockedPnM 1.208Berger Picard615
LockedFor Public SaleJPnA Vitas 1.208Berger Picard615
LockedJPnSc 1.208 lala agistr agiintGerman Shepherd Dog514
LockedJPnR 1.208 lala spdx2 stmspd ee Bb ddGreyhound513
LockedJPnO 1.210 lala chastr spdint Kk Eme Bb ddMudi414
LockedNO 1.210 lla chastr spdint Kk Eme Bb ddMudi313
LockedNH 1.213 lala stmstr agiint Kbrk Eme bb ddMudi113
LockedJAP Vitas 1.213 Lla stmstm spdstmIbizan Hound1426
LockedJPnHT 1.218Welsh Springer Spaniel513
LockedJPnSh 1.220 lala strcha strchaChihuahua616
LockedANHT 1.222 lla agicha stragiWelsh Springer Spaniel718
LockedANHT 1.222 lla agicha stragiWelsh Springer Spaniel718
LockedJPnFr Vitas 1.223 lala agiagi stmagiLabrador Retriever514
LockedFor Public SaleJPnE Vitas 1.225 lala spdspd strspdJack Russell Terrier616
LockedAE Vitas 1.225 Lla stmspd spdchaJack Russell Terrier1431
LockedANFl 1.228 bb Dd lla spdstm intchaChesapeake Bay Retriever616
LockedAPnFl 1.228 Ll agispd chastrBerger Picard1444
LockedJAFl 1.228 ll agispd spdintBerger Picard1544
LockedJPnSh 1.243 lala chacha chaagiPomeranian517
LockedPnSh 1.243 lala intcha chastrPomeranian1124
LockedJPnD 1.247 LL chastr spdstm Kk Bb dd sisi ggStandard Poodle514
LockedJPnFr 1.247 Lla chastr stmcha Kk EE BB dd sisiStandard Poodle514
LockedPnSh 1.252 lala strx4Neapolitan Mastiff1120
LockedIPnA 1.258 lala agistm intstmSaarloos Wolfdog1020
LockedJPnHT 1.262 lala intint strint Bb Dd MmGreat Dane614
LockedAPnO Vitas 1.263 Lla intstm spdstmLabrador Retriever816
LockedNHu Vitas 1.268Basset Hound113
LockedJPnRO 1.270 Kk Bb AyAyStabyhoun615
LockedJPnRO 1.270 Kk Bb AyAyStabyhoun615
LockedJPnHT 1.273 lala intcha agicha Kk BbStabyhoun615
LockedJPnHT 1.273 lala intcha agicha Kk BbStabyhoun615
LockedJPnM 1.275Miniature Pinscher614
LockedJPnM 1.275Miniature Pinscher614
LockedJPnT 1.278 lala stmx4 bb DdGerman Shepherd Dog613
LockedJPnD 1.280 lala strstr intstr Kk bb DD sisp GGStandard Poodle514
LockedJPnRO 1.280 lla strstr intstr Kk Bb Dd sisp GgStandard Poodle514
LockedJPnD 1.282 kk EE bb Dd slsl asaasa sisp mm RR tt CC gg uu lala chastr agispdBrittany613
LockedJPnHu 1.282 kk EE bb Dd slsl Ayasa swsw mm rr Tt CC gg uu lala chaspd stmspdBrittany613
LockedJPnFT 1.288 lla agistm chastmSussex Spaniel920
LockedIPnHT 1.288 lla intstm chastmSussex Spaniel920
LockedJPnFl Vitas 1.292 lala spdagi spdspdIbizan Hound816
LockedIPnFl Vitas 1.292 lala stmspd spdspdIbizan Hound916
LockedAFl Vitas 1.298 lala stragi strcha kk Ee bb DD sisp RrAustralian Shepherd2652
LockedNO 1.3 lala intspd agistrManchester Terrier112
LockedJAT Vitas 1.302Basset Hound1432
LockedIPnT 1.302Basset Hound715
LockedJPnSh 1.308 Lla intcha spdstmLabrador Retriever513
LockedJPnFr 1.308 Lla intcha spdstmLabrador Retriever613
LockedJPnSh 1.310 Lla spdint stmspdEnglish Toy Spaniel716
LockedJPnT 1.310 Lla stmint stmspdEnglish Toy Spaniel716
LockedNS 1.312 kk Ee Bb DD slsl asaa swsw mm rr tt cwcw gg Uu lala strstm agistmAlaskan Husky18
LockedFor Public SaleANFl Vitas 1.312 lala stmagi strchaJack Russell Terrier716
LockedPnT 1.317Kelpie1018
LockedJPnFl 1.317 lala agispd spdspd Kk Eme BB Dd AyawAfghan Hound714
LockedIPnHu 1.317 lala chaint chaintKelpie1018
LockedFor StudJPnFl 1.317 Ll agiint chaagiStabyhoun815
LockedANHT 1.327 Lla spdint chaspdBoykin Spaniel616
LockedFor Public SaleNE 1.332Welsh Terrier110
LockedFor Public SaleNO 1.332Welsh Terrier110
LockedAPnA 1.335Bedlington Terrier1022
LockedJPnH 1.337Kelpie613
LockedMHT 1.337 lla stmstm agistmAmerican Cocker Spaniel3356
LockedJPnRO 1.338Porcelaine614
LockedJPnH 1.338 lala stmagi agix2Croatian Sheepdog513
LockedPnHT 1.343 lala chaint chaintBoykin Spaniel1121
LockedNA Vitas 1.345Czechoslovakian Wolfdog112
LockedNH Vitas 1.345Czechoslovakian Wolfdog112
LockedJASh 1.348 Lla chax2 chaintToy Fox Terrier1423
LockedJAHu 1.348 Lla chax2 chaintToy Fox Terrier1323
LockedFor Public SaleIPnO Vitas 1.350 lala stragi stragiShetland Sheepdog920
LockedJPnH 1.352 lala agistm intstmSaarloos Wolfdog717
LockedJPnFl 1.352 lala agistm intstmSaarloos Wolfdog617
LockedJPnP 1.355 Lla stmstm intchaCarpathian Shepherd616
LockedJPnFT 1.357English Springer Spaniel613
LockedNHu 1.357 Lla chaspd agispdAnatolian Shepherd18
LockedNSh 1.357 Lla chastr intstrAnatolian Shepherd18
LockedIPnS 1.360! lala stragi stmspd bb DdGreenland Dog916
LockedJPnA 1.360! Lla strint spdspd bb DdGreenland Dog716
LockedNH 1.362Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedNH 1.362Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public SalePnA Vitas 1.362 Lla strint spdstmCanadian Eskimo Dog1018
LockedJAD 1.362 Lla strstm chaspdCanadian Eskimo Dog918
LockedFor Public SaleJPnE Vitas 1.363Manchester Terrier715
LockedFor Public SaleJPnA Vitas 1.363Manchester Terrier815
LockedPnHu 1.367 lala spdcha chachaChart Polski1018
LockedAD 1.367 lala strcha strchaChart Polski918
LockedNP 1.370Caucasian Ovtcharka116
LockedNSh 1.370Caucasian Ovtcharka116
LockedJPnA 1.370 Lla agix2 spdagiKeeshond514
LockedJPnHu 1.370 lla spdagi spdagiKeeshond514
LockedJPnS 1.375 lala intstr spdspdCanadian Eskimo Dog716
LockedAPnP 1.375 lala strstm spdintBorzoi1225
LockedPnRO 1.375 lala strstm stragiBorzoi916
LockedPnHu 1.382 lala spdspd spdspdJack Russell Terrier1018
LockedJPnFT 1.383 Lla stmstm spdstmGerman Wirehaired Pointer515
LockedJPnW 1.390Newfoundland613
LockedJPnW 1.390Newfoundland613
LockedJPnT 1.390 lla agistm spdintKelpie716
LockedAO 1.393Bull Terrier1323
LockedFor StudJAFr 1.393Bull Terrier1523
LockedJPnS 1.400 lala spdstr spdstrGreenland Dog513
LockedJPnS 1.400 lla strstr strstrGreenland Dog513
LockedJAT 1.415 lala spdspd chaintAzores Cattle Dog1527
LockedPnFr 1.418Ibizan Hound916
LockedNHu 1.423Alaskan Klee Kai18
LockedNHu 1.423Alaskan Klee Kai18
LockedJPnFl 1.425 lala agistm spdspdAfghan Hound718
LockedJPnA 1.425 lala intagi stragiShetland Sheepdog617
LockedJPnA 1.430Jack Russell Terrier813
LockedJPnE 1.430 lala spdspd spdspdJack Russell Terrier813
LockedAPnM 1.432 lala intint stmint Kk BB Dd MmGreat Dane1124
LockedPnFr 1.435 lala stmagi chaagiCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1117
LockedPnH 1.435 lala stmagi stmagiCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1117
LockedJPnT 1.438 lala stmx4Basset Hound718
LockedJPnT 1.438 lala strstm stmspdBasset Hound618
LockedNO 1.447Manchester Terrier115
LockedNE 1.447Manchester Terrier115
LockedPnSh 1.447 lala strstr stmstrEnglish Springer Spaniel1217
LockedPnFT 1.447 lala strstr stmstrEnglish Springer Spaniel1117
LockedJPnT 1.448German Shepherd Dog613
LockedFor Public SaleJPnT Vitas 1.448German Shepherd Dog614
LockedJPnA 1.452 lala stragi chaagiShetland Sheepdog617
LockedIPnP 1.458 lala agistm agiagiMiniature Pinscher1016
LockedIPnFl 1.458 lala agistm agiagiMiniature Pinscher1016
LockedNM 1.465 lala chacha chaintMiniature Bull Terrier17
LockedNSh 1.465 lala strstr chaint bb ddMiniature Bull Terrier17
LockedNT 1.468 lala intspd intspdDachshund17
LockedNHu 1.468 lala intspd intspdDachshund17
LockedAPnW 1.470 lala strcha strstrNewfoundland815
LockedJPnSh 1.470 Lla spdcha strstrNewfoundland915
LockedJPnFl 1.482 lala intstm chaspd Kbrk Ee BB dd Ayat sispBorzoi717
LockedJPnFr 1.482 lala intstm chaspd Kbrk EE BB dd Ayat siswBorzoi717
LockedNT 1.483 Lla stmstm spdspdAustralian Cattle Dog116
LockedNT 1.483 Lla stmstm stmspdAustralian Cattle Dog116
LockedPnR 1.485 Ll stmstm chastmIbizan Hound1217
LockedIPnR 1.485 Lla agistm chastmIbizan Hound1117
LockedAHu 1.490 lala chaspd chaint Kbrk Ee Bb DdAmerican Bully1830
LockedARO 1.490 lala chaspd chaint Kbrk Eme BB DdAmerican Bully1830
LockedJPnS 1.492Canadian Eskimo Dog713
LockedJPnFl 1.492Canadian Eskimo Dog713
LockedJPnFl 1.500 lala spdspd chaspdChart Polski714
LockedJPnR 1.500 Lla spdspd strspdChart Polski714
LockedPnH 1.517 lala stragi intagiMudi1117
LockedAPnRO 1.518Central Asian Shepherd1117
LockedIPnR 1.537 lla spdstm spdstmIbizan Hound1217
LockedNFl 1.548 lala chaspd stmspdAfricanis112
LockedNRO 1.548 lala chaspd strspdAfricanis112
LockedJPnS 11. 1.375 lala intstr spdspdCanadian Eskimo Dog716
LockedIPnT MHu StFr 1178 10 Be cream and white extreme piebald CarolinaBeagle1932
LockedJPnP 17 1.490Shetland Sheepdog615
LockedJPnH 18 1.490Shetland Sheepdog615
LockedJARO DDOGG 1B - 12HH/lala/1.415xAzores Cattle Dog1522
LockedANT 23HH 1.168 lala chaint agispdAmerican Bully619
LockedNFT 288 lala stmstr stmchaCurly Coated Retriever17
LockedNFT 299 lala stmstr stmchaCurly Coated Retriever17
LockedJPnT 6. 1.315 lala agispd spdspdOtterhound514
LockedAPnRO *666* 7HH 1.323x GGGG 0/2Weimaraner1219
LockedWCFl MRTK A Place in the CloudsBorder Collie63101
LockedExT Vitas AbigailGerman Shepherd Dog2850
LockedGCR Vitas AnnabelleAzawakh Hound4979
LockedChFl Vitas Anne-MarieAzawakh Hound4979
LockedChM AyatDalmatian4177
LockedNCRO BaileyBoerboel52110
LockedJPnHu JAFr Vitas BaronDalmatian1331
LockedExA Vitas BB dd GFGF llDalmatian4078
LockedChRO Below ZeroIcelandic Sheepdog4370
LockedAHu CyH BextraDalmatian1537
LockedFor StudAH Vitas BlitzBorder Collie2154
LockedAPnM SSKYE Border Collie (M)Border Collie1223
LockedNH Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie16
LockedJAH APnFl ~MMK~ Bring On the Sunshine (21HH)Border Collie1530
LockedMR Vitas BrittneyGreyhound2650
LockedAPnA Vitas Broady's Masquerade 24/0 lla agiagi intintMudi1220
LockedJAFr WIBK Bronco's Wild RideBorder Collie14113
LockedMM ONYX Buffalo StanceBorder Collie2746
LockedAA JPnSh BumbleBulldog2148
LockedExH Vitas CalliopeBorder Collie2750
LockedMFl BOK Cassidy nee ID#8075997ID#2195274 AGI 1.243Basenji3147
LockedNFl CassieBorder Collie324
LockedMH Cattle Call at SurefireBorder Collie2744
LockedASc CDK:: HeidiMastiff1929
LockedJAFl CDK:: KealohaBasenji1427
LockedJAA Champagne and IceBorder Collie1429
LockedChFr Vitas Charlie BarkinAzawakh Hound5079
LockedCCE Vitas CinnamonJack Russell Terrier46100
LockedChA Cold HeartedIcelandic Sheepdog4570
LockedAPnSh ColinToy Fox Terrier1322
LockedExM Vitas Connect the DotsDalmatian4178
LockedJPnSh WIBK CopperBorder Collie482
LockedNP Cream and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie112
LockedIPnA DodoBasenji1020
LockedJAFT Vitas DOGBoerboel1328
LockedNH DonutBorder Collie348
LockedChA T.D.P Dreamers Collide EEEE|PP kk ata Mm rr|20HHBorder Collie4193
LockedPnP EEEE 22HH Lla [RRMK - Jakayla]Border Collie1161
LockedASh Vitas EEEE lala 22HHAmerican Bully2363
LockedExH EEEE. Queen CashmereBorder Collie4076
LockedMFl MH EGEE. I'm The Baddest AliveBorder Collie3576
LockedMA Vitas ElioseOtterhound2650
LockedAH FaithBorder Collie2058
LockedGCFl Vitas FloAzawakh Hound5079
LockedAPnM Franklin 13HH EEGE lalaDalmatian1233
LockedChT Frozen IceIcelandic Sheepdog4570
LockedJAHu Vitas GGEE Steel Trap 11HH llaOtterhound1354
LockedAPnFT Vitas GGEE The Legend Of The Titanic 11HH LlaOtterhound1356
LockedExHu Vitas GisellaCatahoula Leopard Dog2550
LockedARO Vitas HausaufgabeGreenland Dog2152
LockedAPnHT ABMK HeleneShikoku1364
LockedIPnT JMC’s Hidden FowlBeagle729
LockedIPnT ANFr JMC’s Hunky HeraBeagle829
LockedChHT CAFÉ| INT • ImagineBoykin Spaniel3566
LockedNH Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Silver PointsBorder Collie112
LockedGCSh Vitas Itchy ItchinAzawakh Hound4879
LockedMA Vitas IvyBorder Collie2569
LockedFor StudAT JMC’s JCCavalier King Charles Spaniel2765
LockedPnT JustinBorder Collie1277
LockedIPnH Vitas K 2 2 2 35 1290Kelpie817
LockedIPnHu EmD* K/r Gemma (7/0)(int)[Ssp/Tt]English Toy Spaniel818
LockedIPnSh EmD* K/r Regina (11/0)(str)[Ssp/Tt]English Toy Spaniel818
LockedNT Kbrk EE bb Dd slsl atat Ssp Mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lala chaspd spdspdCatahoula Leopard Dog112
LockedNA Kbrk EE bb dd slsl atat Ssp mm rr tt cwcw gg uu Lla spdstm spdstmCatahoula Leopard Dog415
LockedNP Kbrk Ee Bb Dd slsl Ayasa spsp mm rr Tt cwcw Gg UU LlaCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNHu Kbrk EE Bb Dd slsl Ayat cwcw lalaDalmatian112
LockedNHu Kbrk Ee Bb Dd slsl Ayat cwcw lalaDalmatian112
LockedNFl Kbrk EE Bb dd slsl Ayat cwcw lalaDalmatian112
LockedFor StudJPnM Kbrk Ee bb dd slsl Ayat sisw mm rr Tt cwcw gg Uu lala chastm stmstmAmerican Indian Dog514
LockedJPnH Kbrk EE bb dd slsl Ayat Ssp Mm rr Tt cwcw gg uu lala chastm spdstmCatahoula Leopard Dog514
LockedNFl Vitas Kbrk EE bb dd slsl Ayat Ssp Mm rr tt cwcw gg uu Lla agistm spdagiCatahoula Leopard Dog111
LockedJPnH Kbrk EmE Bb dd slsl atat Ssi mm rr tt Cce gg uu lala intagi intagi 1.372Mudi815
LockedJPnHT Kbrk Eme bb dd slsl Ayat sisp mm rr tt cecw gg Uu lala chaint stmintAmerican Indian Dog620
LockedNH Kbrk EmE bb dd slsl Ayat spsp mm rr tt cece gg uu LL chaint stmchaCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNT Kbrk EmE Bb Dd slsl Ayaw Ssi mm RR TT cchcw gg Uu Ll spdstm agispdBoerboel112
LockedFor Public SaleNRO Vitas Kbrk Eme BB dd slsl AyAy sisw mm RR Tt Ccw gg uu Lla chaspd stmstrBoerboel113
LockedNT Kbrk EmEm BB DD slsl Ayaw Ssi mm RR TT Ccw gg Uu Ll intspd intspd***Boerboel112
LockedNT Kbrk EmEm Bb Dd slsl Ayaw Ssi mm RR TT cecw gg Uu Ll intspd intspdBoerboel112
LockedNA Kbrk EmEm Bb DD slsl AyAy SS mm RR Tt cchce gg uu lla intstm agiint***Boerboel112
LockedFor Public SaleJPnHT Vitas Kbrk EmEm BB DD slsl AyAy Ssi mm RR Tt cchcch gg uu lla intint spdchaBoerboel414
LockedJPnP KbrKbr Ee bb dd slsl Ayat sisp mm rr Tt cecw gg Uu lala chastm intstmAmerican Indian Dog616
LockedNM Kk Bb atatBedlington Terrier114
LockedNRO kk bb AyatBedlington Terrier114
LockedIPnH kk EE bb Dd slsl asaasa sisi Mm rr tt Ccch gg uu lala chaagi chaagiAustralian Koolie516
LockedFor Public SaleNFr Vitas kk EE bb DD slsl asaasa sisi mm rr tt Ccch Gg uu Ll intcha intspdOtterhound112
LockedNA kk EE BB Dd slsl asaasa sisi mm rr tt Cce gg uu lala stmint spdspdOtterhound114
LockedMSh Vitas kk ee BB DD slsl asaasa sisi mm RR tt Cce Gg uu Lla intcha agispdOtterhound2670
LockedFor StudPnSh Kk Ee BB DD slsl asaasa sisi mm RR tt Cce Gg uu Lla strspd chaspdOtterhound827
LockedFor Public SaleNT Vitas kk Ee Bb DD slsl asaasa sisi mm Rr tt cchcch GG uu LL intagi chaspdOtterhound314
LockedFor StudJPnT kk Ee Bb DD slsl asaasa sisi mm RR tt cchce Gg uu Lla intstr chastrOtterhound727
LockedFor Public SaleNT Vitas kk EE BB DD slsl asaasa sisi mm rr tt cece gg uu Ll spdspd chachaOtterhound117
LockedNHu kk Ee bb DD slsl asaasa sisp mm Rr tt Ccch GG uu lla intspd chacha***Otterhound414
LockedFor Public SaleJPnM Vitas kk ee Bb DD slsl asaasa sisp mm rr tt cchce GG uu Ll intint intchaOtterhound618
LockedNT kk Ee bb DD slsl asaasa sisp mm RR tt cchce GG uu Lla stmint spdchaOtterhound113
LockedNT kk Ee bb DD slsl asaasa spsp mm Rr tt cchce Gg uu Lla intspd chachaOtterhound319
LockedNSh kk Ee Bb dd slsl asaasa SS mm Rr tt Cce Gg uu Lla agispd strintOtterhound618
LockedNSh kk Ee bb dd slsl asaasa Ssi mm Rr tt Ccch Gg uu Lla agiagi strspdOtterhound114
LockedFor Public SaleNHu Vitas kk EE BB DD slsl asaasa Ssi mm Rr tt Ccch gg uu lla strcha intchaOtterhound112
LockedNM kk Ee Bb dd slsl asaasa Ssi mm rr tt cchce Gg uu lala stragi intspdOtterhound112
LockedNSh kk Ee bb DD slsl asaasa Ssi mm Rr tt cchce Gg uu Ll strint intstrOtterhound112
LockedNFl kk Ee bb dd slsl asaasa Ssi mm Rr tt cchce Gg uu Lla agiagi intstrOtterhound114
LockedJPnA kk Ee bb DD slsl asaasa Ssi mm Rr tt cece Gg uu lla intstr spdstrOtterhound627
LockedNM kk EE bb DD slsl atasa sisp mm rr tt cchcch GG uu lla spdagi chastrOtterhound112
LockedNHu Kk Ee Bb Dd slsl atasa sisp mm rr tt cchce Gg uu lalaOtterhound112
LockedNM Kk Ee Bb DD slsl atasa sisp mm rr tt cchce Gg uu LlaOtterhound112
LockedJPnH Kk EE bb dd slsl atasa sisp mm rr TT cece gg uu Lla stmagiAustralian Koolie515
LockedJAH Kk EE bb dd slsl atasa sisp mm rr Tt cece gg uu Lla stmagi chachaAustralian Koolie622
LockedNT kk Ee bb DD slsl atasa spsp mm Rr tt Cce GG uu LL agispd stmchaOtterhound112
LockedFor Public SaleJPnSh Vitas kk Ee Bb Dd slsl atasa SS mm Rr tt CC Gg uu lla agistr chaintOtterhound624
LockedFor Public SaleJPnHu Vitas kk Ee Bb DD slsl atasa SS mm rr tt Ccch gg uu ll strcha intchaOtterhound624
LockedJPnHu kk EE bb Dd slsl atasa Ssi Mm rr tt Ccch gg uu lala intint spdstmAustralian Koolie514
LockedNM kk EE bb Dd slsl atasa Ssi mm rr tt Ccch Gg uu Lla agiagi chastrOtterhound112
LockedFor Public SaleJPnHu Vitas kk ee bb DD slsl atasa Ssi mm rr tt Ccch Gg uu lla stragi intstrOtterhound624
LockedNT kk Ee bb Dd slsl atasa Ssi mm Rr tt cchcch GG uu LL spdagi spdspdOtterhound112
LockedANH kk EE Bb dd slsl atasa Ssi mm rr Tt cece gg uu lala intstm chastmAustralian Koolie518
LockedJPnH kk EE bb dd slsl atasa Ssi mm rr Tt cece gg uu lla agistm agistmAustralian Koolie518
LockedNHu kk EE Bb DD slsl atasa Ssp mm Rr tt CC gg uu ll chaspd chachaOtterhound112
LockedNM Kk EE Bb dd slsl atatDalmatian112
LockedNM kk Ee Bb dd slsl atat spsw mm rr Tt cwcw gg Uu llaCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNH KK EE bb dd slsl atat SS Mm rr tt CC gg uu lala agiagi spdagiMudi112
LockedNT kk EE bb dd slsl atat Ssp Mm rr Tt cwcw gg uu lala stmstm agiagiCatahoula Leopard Dog414
LockedPnO kk Ee Bb dd slsl awat Ssw mm rr Tt cchcw gg UU lala intstr intspdAmerican Indian Dog614
LockedNT Kk Ee bb DD slsl Ayasa sisi mm Rr tt Cce gg uu lla strspd spdspdOtterhound112
LockedMFr Vitas Kk Ee Bb DD slsl Ayasa sisi mm Rr tt cchcch GG uu Lla stmspd intspdOtterhound2252
LockedNRO kk EE Bb DD slsl Ayasa sisi mm rr tt cece Gg uu lla strspd strspdOtterhound112
LockedANHu kk EE Bb DD slsl Ayasa sisp mm Rr tt Cce Gg uu lla chaspd chaspdOtterhound521
LockedANHu Vitas kk EE BB DD slsl Ayasa spsp mm Rr tt cece Gg uu Lla chaspd strchaOtterhound414
LockedNHu Kk Ee Bb DD slsl Ayasa SS mm rr tt cchce gg uu lla spdspd chaspdOtterhound521
LockedJPnT kk ee Bb Dd slsl Ayasa SS mm Rr tt cchce gg uu lla stmstr spdintOtterhound726
LockedFor Public SaleNHu Vitas kk Ee BB DD slsl Ayasa Ssi mm Rr tt Ccch Gg uu lla chacha intspdOtterhound112
LockedFor Public SaleNT Vitas Kk Ee Bb DD slsl Ayasa Ssi mm rr tt cchcch GG uu lala agiagi strspdOtterhound114
LockedAFT Kk ee Bb DD slsl Ayasa Ssi mm rr tt cchcch Gg uu ll chaspd chaspdOtterhound2345
LockedNT Vitas Kk Ee bb DD slsl Ayasa Ssw mm Rr tt Cce gg uu lala spdspd spdspdOtterhound113
LockedJPnM Kk Ee Bb dd slsl AyatDalmatian514
LockedNA Kk EE bb DD slsl AyatBedlington Terrier17
LockedNA kk EE bb DD slsl AyatBedlington Terrier17
LockedNHu kk Ee BB dd slsl Ayat cchcw LlaDalmatian112
LockedNHu Kk EE BB dd slsl Ayat Ccw LlaDalmatian112
LockedNHu kk EE bb Dd slsl Ayat Ccw LlaDalmatian112
LockedNO Kk Ee bb Dd slsl Ayat cecw lalaDalmatian112
LockedNRO Kk Ee Bb Dd slsl Ayat cwcw lalaDalmatian112
LockedFor Public SaleNT Vitas kk Ee Bb DD slsl Ayat Ssp mm Rr tt cchcch Gg uu Ll chaspd chaspdOtterhound621
LockedNM kk EE bb dd slsl Ayat Ssw mm rr Tt cchcw gg Uu llaCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNHu KK Ee Bb dd slsl Ayat swsw mm rr tsts cchcw gg uu lala spdint agichaDalmatian112
LockedNHu Kk Ee Bb dd slsl Ayat swsw mm rr tsts cchcw gg uu lala strspd chachaDalmatian112
LockedNA kk EE BB Dd slsl Ayat swsw mm rr tsts cece gg uu Lla spdint stmstrDalmatian112
LockedNSh KK EE bb DD slsl Ayat swsw mm rr tsts cecw gg uu Lla intstr spdchaDalmatian112
LockedFor Public SaleNSh Vitas kk Ee BB Dd slsl Ayaw Ssp mm rr tt cece Gg uu LL stmint strchaCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNM Kk EE BB Dd slsl AyAyDalmatian116
LockedIPnT kk EE BB DD slsl AyAyBedlington Terrier922
LockedIPnM kk EE bb DD slsl AyAyBedlington Terrier822
LockedNHu kk Ee Bb Dd slsl AyAy cwcw lalaDalmatian112
LockedNFl Kk ee BB dd slsl AyAy sisi mm RR Tt cchcw gg Uu lla spdspd agistrBoerboel113
LockedFor Public SaleNHu Vitas kk Ee bb DD slsl AyAy Ssp mm rr tt cchce gg uu lla spdcha spdspdOtterhound112
LockedNO kk EmE bb Dd slsl atasa spsp mm rr Tt cecw GG UU LlaCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNH kk EmE Bb dd slsl atasa spsw mm rr tt cece gg uu Lla chastr stmstmCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedJPnHT kk Eme bb dd slsl atat sisw mm rr tt cwcw gg Uu lala intint stmintAmerican Indian Dog620
LockedJPnHT kk Eme Bb dd slsl awat Ssw mm rr TT cecw gg UU Lla spdcha spdstmAmerican Indian Dog722
LockedIPnHT Vitas kk Eme Bb dd slsl awat Ssw mm rr Tt cwcw gg UU Lla strcha spdstmAmerican Indian Dog1026
LockedNSc Vitas kk EmE BB DD slsl awaw Ssi mm RR TT CC gg Uu lla intstm intintBoerboel112
LockedNRO Kk Eme BB dd slsl Ayaw sisi mm RR Tt Ccch gg Uu lla spdspd stmchaBoerboel113
LockedFor StudAPnHT kk EmEm bb dd slsl awaw spsw mm rr Tt cecw gg Uu Lla spdcha spdstmAmerican Indian Dog514
LockedNT kk EmEm Bb DD slsl awaw SS mm RR TT cwcw gg Uu Lla intint intstrBoerboel112
LockedNT kk EmEm Bb DD slsl awaw Ssi mm RR Tt cece gg Uu lla intcha intintBoerboel112
LockedIPnM kk EmEm Bb dd slsl awaw swsw mm rr Tt cwcw gg UU Lla spdstr stmstmAmerican Indian Dog514
LockedJPnSc kk EmEm BB dd slsl Ayaw sisi mm RR Tt CC gg uu Lla intstm spdchaBoerboel414
LockedNHT kk EmEm BB Dd slsl Ayaw Ssi mm RR Tt CC gg Uu Lla intcha spdstrBoerboel617
LockedPnFT kk EmEm Bb Dd slsl Ayaw Ssi mm RR Tt Cce gg Uu lla stmcha intintBoerboel927
LockedFor Public SaleJPnRO Vitas kk EmEm BB DD slsl Ayaw Ssi mm RR Tt cchcch gg Uu lla intstr strchaBoerboel414
LockedNT kk EmEm BB DD slsl AyAy sisi mm RR tt Ccw gg uu lala intspd strchaBoerboel314
LockedFor Public SaleJPnHT Vitas kk EmEm BB Dd slsl AyAy Ssi mm RR Tt Ccch gg Uu Ll intspd strstrBoerboel617
LockedFor Public SaleNRO Vitas kk EmEm BB Dd slsl AyAy Ssi mm RR Tt Ccch gg uu lla spdstm spdstrBoerboel113
LockedANHu kk EmEm BB dd slsl AyAy Ssi mm RR tt cchcw gg Uu lla spdspd strstrBoerboel414
LockedNM KKbr EE BB dd slsl AyatDalmatian116
LockedAH Lady 17HH 0hhOld English Sheepdog1730
LockedJAH LibbieCarpathian Shepherd1329
LockedExT Vitas Lily•••Chihuahua3756
LockedAFT Vitas Lithium SchmithiumOtterhound2246
LockedMH SSR's Looking ForwardBorder Collie3670
LockedChR Vitas Lucky CharmBorzoi51100
LockedNCM JPnA SOUPY Lucky CharmsAkita Inu4491
LockedExP Lucky Star Strikes TwiceSaint Bernard3354
LockedFor StudJAFl Vitas Mad manBorder Collie1540
LockedAPnM MRTK Magic MaeChow-chow1021
LockedJAFl PnH ~MMK~ March Winds (20HH)Border Collie1528
LockedUCSc Vitas Mariano reveraDogo Argentino67100
LockedJPnFl Vitas MinneganIbizan Hound613
LockedJAA HBRK MirabelMudi1530
LockedExS Vitas Missy MooCanadian Eskimo Dog3888
LockedChA Vitas Mixed PersonalityDalmatian4178
LockedMFr Vitas Mopsy 1.218Welsh Springer Spaniel2448
LockedJPnFl Vitas MortimerIbizan Hound613
LockedAFT Vitas Nightfire's Cider vom DrachenfeuerLabrador Retriever1836
LockedAT Vitas Oak TreeAustralian Shepherd2089
LockedGCSc OtisMastiff4269
LockedAH Vitas Pineapple Upside-down CakeBorder Collie1942
LockedJAFr GUNNS Pistol Whipped STEEL 17HH lalaAfghan Hound1540
LockedNCSh -OLK- Pop RocksAmerican Bully45102
LockedVitas Puppy 1Bedlington Terrier16
LockedFor Public SaleJPnSh Vitas Puppy 1Boerboel115
LockedNM Puppy 1Newfoundland17
LockedIPnSc Puppy 10Neapolitan Mastiff1019
LockedNM Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedJAH Puppy 2Berger Picard1325
LockedNP Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedNFl Puppy 3Mudi112
LockedJPnHu Puppy 3Mudi515
LockedPuppy 4Border Collie16
LockedFor Public SaleJPnT Vitas Puppy 6Boerboel115
LockedFor Public SaleNSh Vitas Puppy 6Welsh Springer Spaniel113
LockedJPnFr Puppy 6Mudi515
LockedNFl Puppy 7Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedJPnA Puppy 7Mudi516
LockedNT Puppy 8Boerboel115
LockedNH Puppy 8Mudi113
LockedNO Puppy 8Newfoundland17
LockedGCP Vitas Quetta 9 Lla stmint strstrAkita4876
LockedARO Vitas Refried BeanzsChihuahua2448
LockedExM Vitas RinDalmatian4078
LockedChFl RitsuIcelandic Sheepdog4370
LockedFor StudNA LÖST Roan tree 24HH 0Hh Lla EEEEBorder Collie113
LockedNH Roaned Brindle Blue Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points and MaskBorder Collie112
LockedIPnH Roaned Brindle Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver PointsBorder Collie919
LockedFor StudIPnH Roaned Brindle Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and MaskBorder Collie1019
LockedAPnO Roaned Brindle Fawn Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate SableBorder Collie1020
LockedFor Public SaleAPnH Vitas Roaned Brindle Fawn Merle and White (Piebald) with Blue SableBorder Collie1632
LockedNFl Roaned Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie112
LockedNA Roaned Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Tan PointsBorder Collie112
LockedFor StudMT Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie27103
LockedJAT Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Piebald) with Blue SableBorder Collie1655
LockedNT Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Piebald) with Isabella Saddle and MaskBorder Collie112
LockedJPnH Roaned Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie414
LockedNH Roaned Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Silver PointsBorder Collie112
LockedNH Roaned Cream and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Saddle and MaskBorder Collie112
LockedNH Roaned Cream Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Isabella SaddleBorder Collie112
LockedIPnT Roaned Fawn and White (Irish) with Isabella SableBorder Collie1020
LockedNT Roaned Isabella and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie112
LockedJAA Vitas Roaned Isabella and White (Irish) with Red PointsBorder Collie1529
LockedNH Roaned Isabella and White (Piebald) with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie112
LockedIPnA Roaned Red and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie1020
LockedFor StudMT Roaned Silver Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie28103
LockedIPnH Roaned Silver Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Isabella SableBorder Collie1020
LockedNFl Roaned Silver Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Isabella SableBorder Collie112
LockedFor StudGCT Vitas Rock CrystalBoykin Spaniel4875
LockedGCFr Vitas RockyOtterhound48102
LockedIPnH Vitas RomeoBorder Collie941
LockedExT RosieIcelandic Sheepdog4470
LockedIPnSc Vitas RoxieGerman Shepherd Dog1027
LockedGCRO Vitas Sasha La FleurAzawakh Hound5079
LockedAH ~MMK~ Setting Fire to the Rain (24HH)Border Collie1525
LockedNT Vitas She Rings Like a Bell In The NightKelpie112
LockedAPnO ~MMK~ She Talks to Angels (24HH)Border Collie1020
LockedChA Vitas ShwayzeChinese Shar-Pei4883
LockedPnA MBK'S SHY MINNIEAmerican Bully931
LockedChRO Vitas SilverfishChihuahua48100
LockedAFr Vitas Sly FoxLabrador Retriever1938
LockedJAT Vitas Sour Cream & OnionBorder Collie1530
LockedExA CAFÉ| SPD • AssamCavalier King Charles Spaniel3573
LockedAH Stella-Gen 1/ 4xBorder Collie2690
LockedNA Strawberry Shortcake EEEE 20HHBorder Collie16
LockedNH StripesBorder Collie16
LockedIPnH JPnFl ~MMK~ Sunny Carolina Morning (20HH)Border Collie716
LockedWCD Super Secret LabradoratoryLabrador Retriever49102
LockedWCSc TaliGerman Shepherd Dog5585
LockedNFl The American Puzzle EEEE 24HHBorder Collie16
LockedJAA Vitas Though my mind could thinkBorder Collie1842
LockedAA Vitas Train WreckAustralian Shepherd2041
LockedPnA Spero Treat You BetterBorder Collie1637
LockedJAA Pluto VakiBorder Collie1390
LockedANH VenusBorder Collie324
LockedJAR Vitas VeritasBorzoi1523
LockedFor StudExH Vitas VistaBorder Collie4191
LockedGCFl Vitas Vital Service 21HHBorzoi4065
LockedNH WallowsBorder Collie112
LockedFor StudPnH Vitas We Took A ChanceBorder Collie1341
LockedMSh AshGS Whole Lotta LoveToy Fox Terrier2754
LockedAPnFr Vitas Wild RyeAmerican Indian Dog1391
LockedCCHT IPnR Vitas WildfireDalmatian5599
LockedIPnP :( Z huzzah (DIVERSE)Saint Bernard1021
LockedPnA Vitas [Mars] • RhineAustralian Koolie921
LockedIPnH PNDOR || PINK PANTHERESS || Roaned Brindle Silver Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Chocolate SableBorder Collie1136
LockedIPnH PNDOR || PRETTY IN PINK ||Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Isabella SaddleBorder Collie1241
WCFr Vitas ' You're Not YouChesapeake Bay Retriever62121
ASh Vitas 1.172 kk EE bb Dd slsl Ayasa spsp mm Rr tt CC gg uu lala chastr stmstmBrittany22127
NT 1.216 Lla stmspd spdx2German Wirehaired Pointer1244
AFr Vitas 1.223 lala stmagi stmstrLabrador Retriever21138
NP 1.232 Lla strsrm stmstmOld English Sheepdog1188
NH 1.232 Lla strstm intstmOld English Sheepdog1188
APnHT Vitas 1.262 lala intint stmint Bb Dd MmGreat Dane13161
APnD 1.330 Lla intstr stmspdWeimaraner10372
APnT Vitas 1.332 lla intstm stmintGerman Shepherd Dog14178
NH 1.338 lala intagi agix2Croatian Sheepdog1244
PnS Vitas 1.357 lala spdint strspdGreenland Dog10127
PnFl Vitas 1.357 Lla spdagi spdspdGreenland Dog11127
UCS 1.388 lala strstm intstrCanadian Eskimo Dog71232
MRO 1.418Ibizan Hound26157
UCS 12. 1.388 Lla strstm chaspdCanadian Eskimo Dog66232
WCFl 13. 1.312 laps stmspd spdspdJack Russell Terrier64232
WCT 14. 1.390 lla chastm chastmKelpie68232
WCH 16. 1.213 lla intstr agiintMudi62235
NT SSS 19HH MistyBorder Collie12847
WCRO Vitas 3. 1.512 lala strspd stmstmBasset Hound70236
WCT Vitas 4. 1.512 lala stmstm stmstm bb ddBasset Hound70235
AA Vitas AbbigailAustralian Shepherd252804
NO Vitas Acting OutCentral Asian Shepherd4126
NCM Vitas AkrillaiSmooth Collie603560
PnT Vitas AlysaOtterhound12130
AH Vitas American RejectCatahoula Leopard Dog213279
APnW ARO Vitas American SoldierLabrador Retriever253291
NCFl Vitas Are You Mad At Your WallsBasenji51241
NA FH* Arrow vom DrachenfeuerMudi1226
JAFl Pluto Ash 24HHBorder Collie132778
JPnFl ASc Vitas AthenaBoerboel24140
AA Vitas Atoms In A MoleculeMudi243291
NFT Banff 22/0 lala 1.132xLabrador Retriever1175
MFl Vitas bb ddCatahoula Leopard Dog333476
MFl Vitas bb ddCatahoula Leopard Dog333476
IPnHT Vitas bb DdAmerican Indian Dog83976
MT Vitas bb DdMudi293467
NM Vitas Bb dd EEEE lalaDalmatian13174
NA Vitas bb dd EEEE lalaDalmatian13230
NM Vitas Bb dd EEEE lalaDalmatian13230
NM Vitas Bb dd EEEE lalaDalmatian13230
NM Vitas bb dd EEEE lalaDalmatian13230
NA Vitas Bb dd EEEE lalaDalmatian13230
NSh Vitas Bb dd EEEE lalaDalmatian13230
APnM Vitas Bb Dd EEEE LlaDalmatian113186
PnA Vitas Bb Dd EEEE LlaDalmatian103186
PnM Vitas Bb Dd EEEE LlaDalmatian113186
APnFr Vitas Bb Dd EEEE LlaDalmatian103186
NM Vitas Bb dd EEEE llaDalmatian13174
NM Vitas bb dd EEEE LlaDalmatian13230
APnA Vitas BB dd EEEG llaDalmatian123190
NM Vitas Bb dd EEGE lalaDalmatian13174
NA Vitas bb dd EGEE LlaDalmatian13230
NM Vitas Bb dd EGEE llaDalmatian13258
NA Vitas Bb dd EGGE llaDalmatian13230
APnA Vitas BB Dd GGFG llDalmatian132594
APnA Vitas BB Dd GGGF LlDalmatian132594
PnA Vitas BB Dd GGGG LlaDalmatian122593
IPnA Vitas BB Dd lalaDalmatian83184
IPnA Vitas BB Dd lalaDalmatian83184
JPnFl Vitas BB dd lalaDalmatian63182
IPnA Vitas Bb Dd LlDalmatian83184
PnA Vitas Bb Dd LlaDalmatian83183
IPnM Vitas bb Dd llaDalmatian73184
IPnA Vitas BB dd llaDalmatian83184
JPnA Vitas BB dd LlaDalmatian73182
JPnFl BetaGerman Shepherd Dog6255
APnP Vitas Bindi SueSussex Spaniel123270
MFr Vitas Blue Moon (Moon Dance 20HHAmerican Indian Dog292810
NCRO WCS Vitas BOB x 6 War Horse 7HH-GEEG llaGreenland Dog622935
APnHT Vitas BrandtSussex Spaniel123270
ChP Vitas BrigidaSmooth Collie523618
NO Brindle Blue Merle with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie11517
PnH Brindle Blue with Silver PointsBorder Collie91525
PnH Brindle Blue with Tan Points and MaskBorder Collie91525
NT Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Piebald) with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie11517
NT Brindle Chocolate Merle with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie11517
NH Brindle Chocolate with Red PointsBorder Collie11517
JAFl Brindle Chocolate with Silver PointsBorder Collie141537
PnH Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie101526
PnH Brindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie101526
APnH Brindle Cream Merle and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie101526
NFl Brindle Cream Merle with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie11516
PnFl Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie101526
JAA Brindle Fawn and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie101526
PnH Brindle Fawn and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable, Mask, and TickingBorder Collie101526
JAH Brindle Fawn Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie141536
NH Brindle Isabella and White (Piebald) with Red Points and MaskBorder Collie11517
JAH Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Piebald) with Silver Points and TickingBorder Collie121536
JAA Brindle Isabella Merle with Red PointsBorder Collie131536
IPnFl Brindle Isabella Merle with Red PointsBorder Collie91525
NH Brindle Isabella Merle with Red PointsBorder Collie11517
IPnH Brindle Isabella Merle with Silver PointsBorder Collie91525
NH Brindle Isabella Merle with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie11516
JAH Brindle Isabella with Cream Points and MaskBorder Collie131537
JAFl Brindle Red and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie15173
NH Brindle Red and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie11517
APnT Brindle Red Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable, Mask, and TickingBorder Collie131536
APnH Brindle Red Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella SableBorder Collie101526
MA Brindle Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Isabella Saddle, Mask, and TickingBorder Collie27290
IPnH Brindle Red Merle with Chocolate SaddleBorder Collie81525
PnA Brindle Red Merle with Isabella Saddle and MaskBorder Collie81525
IPnT Brindle Red with Blue Saddle and MaskBorder Collie91525
JAFl Brindle Red with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie131537
JAFl Brindle Red with Chocolate SaddleBorder Collie131536
NH Brindle Red with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie11517
PnH Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskBorder Collie101526
JAH Brindle Silver and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable, Mask, and TickingBorder Collie131536
JAH Brindle Silver and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Saddle and MaskBorder Collie131536
PnFl Brindle Silver and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie101526
JAH Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie131536
NH Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie11517
GCH Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and Ticking (3:0+)Border Collie47239
NH Brindle Silver Merle with Isabella Saddle and MaskBorder Collie11534
PnH Brindle Silver with Blue SableBorder Collie91525
NA Brindle Silver with Isabella SableBorder Collie11516
ANR CanarySilken Windhound5195
NH CassidyBorder Collie12188
CCFl WamK ChargerAfghan Hound61266
PnH CholeBorder Collie112847
WCH MRTK Cloudland PrincessBorder Collie62243
JAA Pluto Corba (lala)Border Collie182844
APnM Vitas CupidDalmatian122976
JAS Vitas Cutest Piece Of PieCanadian Eskimo Dog14143
MRO Vitas Danced With MonstersCatahoula Leopard Dog263291
AHT Vitas Dark WomanAmerican Indian Dog152760
NFl FH* Dedrik von EisenfeuerBorder Collie1144
MR Vitas DieselGreyhound273942
JPnT Druid Dinner MintSilken Windhound8197
ANA Vitas Dip in the PoolAustralian Shepherd7176
NFr DodgerBorder Collie12188
ARO Vitas DonnerBasenji183049
IPnA Dream Through the Noise (18HH EEEE lala)Border Collie102899
AA EEEE 18HH 6Hh LlaBorder Collie182668
ExT Vitas EEEG 14HH 1hh | Tiger Blood x Snickers | Chocolate TigerCatahoula Leopard Dog43146
ExA Vitas EEGE 9HH 1hh | Ava-Grace x Stats | AveryCatahoula Leopard Dog42146
ExM Vitas FawnSmooth Collie473564
JAT Fawn and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie171588
PnFl FernGreyhound10346
PnFl Vitas FlyballBorzoi12162
ChH FogBorder Collie392662
ExT Vitas Foreseeable Future 21HH 3HhShetland Sheepdog35128
WCH FreyaCarpathian Shepherd66341
AR Vitas GangsterChart Polski163813
MH GarryBorder Collie31341
JPnH Gifts from Above (21HH EEEE lala)Border Collie92914
JPnA GiGiBulldog8202
PnA Vitas GloryBorder Collie10174
AFr Vitas Grace lala16HH1hh1.492American Indian Dog252273
IPnH Pluto GregBorder Collie112844
PnH Pluto GreyBorder Collie122707
ExP HelenaSaint Bernard30245
ChFl Vitas HenanSmooth Collie503618
APnFl How Sweet the Sound (24HH EEEE lala)Border Collie142913
PnH JPnP Vitas HyperBorder Collie12164
MSh JAFT Vitas I LivedBlack and Tan Coonhound343474
WCRO Vitas I'll Bake the CookiesBedlington Terrier601033
PnA JPnT MPCC IdaBorder Collie13164
APnO IkramMiniature Bull Terrier142950
JPnM ~COCO IrisBorder Collie1352
MFl EdCh IsabellaBorder Collie36233
PnH Isabella with Red PointsBorder Collie101526
NA Isabella with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie11517
NFr Jack the RipperBorder Collie12847
AHT Vitas JakeAmerican Indian Dog133976
NFl Jazzy JewelsBorder Collie32856
IPnT NT JAHu 1211 jollyBeagle16191
WCSh -RWK- KalliopiWelsh Springer Spaniel68229
NRO Kbrk BB Dd atat CceDalmatian13255
NA Kbrk BB DD atat ceceDalmatian13255
NA Kbrk BB DD Ayat cchceDalmatian13255
NM Kbrk Ee BB Dd atat CceDalmatian13255
NFr Kbrk EE BB DD atat cecwDalmatian13255
NSh Kbrk EE BB DD atat cecwDalmatian13255
NM Kbrk EE BB DD atat cwcwDalmatian13255
NM Kbrk EE BB DD atat cwcwDalmatian13255
NHT Kbrk EE BB DD atat cwcwDalmatian13180
NT Kbrk EE BB DD atat cwcwDalmatian13180
NM Kbrk EE BB DD Ayat CceDalmatian13255
NA Kbrk EE Bb DD Ayat cchceDalmatian13255
NHT Kbrk EE Bb DD Ayat cchceDalmatian13255
NA Kbrk EE Bb DD Ayat ceceDalmatian13255
Kbrk EE BB DD Ayat cwcwDalmatian13152
Kbrk EE BB DD Ayat cwcwDalmatian13152
NA Kbrk EE BB Dd AyAy ceceDalmatian13180
NHu Vitas Kbrk Ee Bb Dd slsl Ayat Ccw lalaDalmatian3146
NSh KbrKbr Bb Dd atatDalmatian13255
NM KbrKbr BB DD atat CCDalmatian13255
JPnM Vitas KbrKbr EE BB DD Ayat cchceDalmatian73196
JPnA Vitas KbrKbr EE Bb DD Ayat cchcwDalmatian73196
IPnA Vitas KbrKbr EE BB DD Ayat cchcwDalmatian83196
NM KbrKbr EE BB DD Ayat cchcwDalmatian13180
JAA Vitas KbrKbr EE BB DD Ayat CcwDalmatian143204
PnM Vitas KbrKbr EE Bb DD Ayat CcwDalmatian113203
IPnA Vitas KbrKbr EE BB DD Ayat CcwDalmatian83196
NM KbrKbr EE BB dd Ayat ceceDalmatian13255
NA KbrKbr EE BB DD Ayat cecwDalmatian13180
IPnO Vitas KbrKbr EE Bb DD AyAy cchcwDalmatian103198
JPnFl Vitas KbrKbr EE Bb DD CceDalmatian73196
CCFl Vitas KingstonBasenji603087
NSh Kk BB Dd atat ceceDalmatian13255
NM Kk BB Dd atat ceceDalmatian13255
JPnA Vitas Kk EE Bb DD atat cchceDalmatian83196
NA kk EE BB DD atat cchcwDalmatian13180
APnM Vitas Kk EE BB DD atat ceceDalmatian103198
JPnHT Vitas kk EE BB DD atat cecwDalmatian73196
APnM Vitas Kk Ee BB DD Ayat CCDalmatian133203
KK EE Bb dd Ayat CceDalmatian13166
PnA Vitas Kk EE BB DD Ayat cchceDalmatian123203
PnM Vitas Kk EE BB DD Ayat cchceDalmatian93198
kk Ee BB DD Ayat CcwDalmatian13152
KK EE Bb dd Ayat ceceDalmatian13166
PnA Vitas KK EE BB dd AyAy ceceDalmatian123189
NFr Kk ee bb Dd slsl awaw sisp mm rr tt cecw gg Uu lala strspd agistrAmerican Indian Dog14254
JPnHT kk Ee bb dd slsl awaw swsw mm rr tt cece gg uu LlAmerican Indian Dog44261
JAO TLOS KK ee BB DD slsl Ayat cchce LlaDalmatian12238
MHT Vitas kk EE bb Dd slsl Ayat Ssp Mm rr tt cecw gg uu Lla agistm agiagiCatahoula Leopard Dog22201
NFr kk Ee bb dd slsl Ayaw SS mm rr tt cchcch gg Uu lala stmspd strstrAmerican Indian Dog14254
NSh kk Eme bb dd slsl Ayat Ssw mm rr tt cchcch gg Uu Ll strspd agistrAmerican Indian Dog14254
NA KKbr Bb Dd atat cchceDalmatian13255
NM KKbr Bb Dd atat CcwDalmatian13255
IPnM Vitas KKbr EE BB Dd atat CceDalmatian83197
PnA Vitas KKbr EE BB Dd atat CcwDalmatian93197
KKbr EE bb dd atat CcwDalmatian13152
KKbr EE Bb dd atat CcwDalmatian13152
NA KKbr EE BB Dd Ayat CCDalmatian13253
NM KKbr EE bb Dd Ayat CcchDalmatian13255
APnA Vitas KKbr EE BB Dd Ayat CceDalmatian103197
NT KKbr EE BB Dd Ayat CceDalmatian13253
NM KKbr EE bb dd Ayat CceDalmatian13180
KKbr EE BB dd Ayat ceceDalmatian13164
KKbr EE BB dd Ayat ceceDalmatian13164
APnT Vitas KKbr EE Bb DD AyAy cchcwDalmatian133204
APnH Pluto KrakenBorder Collie142886
IPnFl JPnA LanceOtterhound11164
ExFT JASh Vitas Life in ColorBlack and Tan Coonhound333474
CCA Vitas Life is Always a TestBedlington Terrier611032
ChT *LoD Light Swimming In The SeaOtterhound42260
NH LightningBorder Collie12189
JAA LikaBorder Collie132784
JPnH LollyBorder Collie9202
JPnFT Vitas MegBoykin Spaniel8152
JPnP :BB: Mercury RiverBorder Collie72847
ChT PDdog mint cookie of dayGerman Shepherd Dog45359
APnR Vitas MovieBorzoi13162
AFl MystBorder Collie232729
NT Vitas NakoBorder Collie3146
JPnH NalaBorder Collie7351
IPnH NeonBorder Collie112876
NCA NimbostratusAustralian Shepherd55208
APnO No Direction HomeMiniature Bull Terrier142950
JAP Vitas Noble GirlAmerican Indian Dog152296
ExM Vitas Ocean BlueSmooth Collie483564
PnA MM Vitas On the FrontlinesBlack and Tan Coonhound293298
CCSh Vitas Pasay 8HH/4hh llaBasenji633595
PnH Pluto PoppyBorder Collie112855
NCSh Eklek Prick of a FeatherGerman Wirehaired Pointer50237
APnFl MA Vitas Proudly Take the StandBlack and Tan Coonhound293298
Puppy 1American Indian Dog13893
Puppy 1American Indian Dog14250
Puppy 1American Indian Dog14247
IPnT Vitas Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog103267
NFT Vitas Puppy 1Field Spaniel13262
NFr Vitas Puppy 1Portuguese Water Dog13258
NT Vitas Puppy 1Portuguese Water Dog13258
NFl Vitas Puppy 1Portuguese Water Dog13258
NW Vitas Puppy 1Portuguese Water Dog13258
Puppy 1Field Spaniel13254
Puppy 1Field Spaniel13252
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13155
Puppy 1Dalmatian13154
Puppy 1Dalmatian13154
Puppy 1Dalmatian13152
Puppy 1Dalmatian13152
JPnA Vitas Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog82951
APnH Puppy 1Shetland Sheepdog142948
IPnT Vitas Puppy 1Border Collie112847
AHu Puppy 1Rough Collie171539
ExH Puppy 1Border Collie372720
NT Puppy 1Shetland Sheepdog12843
Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog12721
JPnR Puppy 1Borzoi71538
NH Puppy 1Border Collie11517
NA Puppy 1Silky Terrier11530
Puppy 1Black and Tan Coonhound11492
Puppy 1Appenzeller Mountain Dog11489
Puppy 10Dalmatian13155
Puppy 10Dalmatian13152
Puppy 10Dalmatian13152
Puppy 10German Shepherd Dog12834
JPnT Puppy 10American Bully71538
Puppy 11Dalmatian13155
NH Puppy 11Border Collie11517
Puppy 12Field Spaniel13252
Puppy 2American Indian Dog14249
IPnFl Vitas Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog93267
JPnFT Vitas Puppy 2Boykin Spaniel63265
NSh Vitas Puppy 2Field Spaniel13262
NFl Vitas Puppy 2Old English Sheepdog13258
NA Vitas Puppy 2Portuguese Water Dog13258
NFl Vitas Puppy 2Portuguese Water Dog13258
Puppy 2Field Spaniel13252
Puppy 2Field Spaniel13252
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13155
Puppy 2Dalmatian13154
Puppy 2Dalmatian13154
Puppy 2Dalmatian13154
JPnA Vitas Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog82951
IPnT Vitas Puppy 2Border Collie112848
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog12834
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog12830
IPnRO Puppy 2American Bully81538
NS Puppy 2Siberian Husky11529
NO Puppy 2Bull Terrier1185
Puppy 3Bearded Collie14246
NW Vitas Puppy 3Portuguese Water Dog13258
Puppy 3Field Spaniel13252
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13155
Puppy 3Dalmatian13154
Puppy 3Dalmatian13154
Puppy 3Dalmatian13154
IPnT Vitas Puppy 3Border Collie112851
JPnA Vitas Puppy 3Catahoula Leopard Dog82951
IPnT Puppy 3Catahoula Leopard Dog82951
IPnH Vitas Puppy 3Border Collie112847
Puppy 3Border Collie12847
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog12834
Puppy 3Siberian Husky12832
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog12721
NA Puppy 3Border Collie11517
NRO ND Puppy 3Siberian Husky11529
Puppy 3Appenzeller Mountain Dog11524
NT Puppy 3Black and Tan Coonhound1353
NT Puppy 3Porcelaine1185
JPnFr Vitas Puppy 4Sussex Spaniel13263
Puppy 4Field Spaniel13254
Puppy 4Dalmatian13155
Puppy 4Dalmatian13155
Puppy 4Dalmatian13155
Puppy 4Dalmatian13155
Puppy 4Dalmatian13155
Puppy 4Dalmatian13155
Puppy 4Dalmatian13154
IPnT Vitas Puppy 4Border Collie112851
JPnT Puppy 4Catahoula Leopard Dog82951
APnA Vitas Puppy 4Shetland Sheepdog142948
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog12834
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog12721
NFl Puppy 4Border Collie11517
NFl Puppy 4Border Collie11517
Puppy 4Azores Cattle Dog11491
NM Puppy 4Bull Terrier1185
Puppy 5American Indian Dog14249
JPnHT Vitas Puppy 5Boykin Spaniel63265
JPnP Vitas Puppy 5Sussex Spaniel53263
Puppy 5Dalmatian13155
Puppy 5Dalmatian13155
JPnT Vitas Puppy 5Catahoula Leopard Dog82951
JPnA Puppy 5Catahoula Leopard Dog82951
IPnT Vitas Puppy 5Border Collie112948
Puppy 5Siberian Husky12832
Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog12721
JPnSh Puppy 5American Bully81538
JPnHu Puppy 5American Bully71538
NA Puppy 5Border Collie11517
NFT Puppy 5Irish Water Spaniel11531
NP Puppy 5Border Collie11502
Puppy 6Dalmatian13155
Puppy 6Dalmatian13155
Puppy 6Dalmatian13155
Puppy 6Dalmatian13155
Puppy 6Dalmatian13155
Puppy 6Dalmatian13152
JPnA Vitas Puppy 6Catahoula Leopard Dog82951
IPnFl Puppy 6Border Collie112847
PnO Puppy 6Border Collie112822
NA Puppy 6Shetland Sheepdog12843
Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog12832
Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 6Black and Tan Coonhound11492
Puppy 6Azores Cattle Dog11491
NP Vitas Puppy 7Portuguese Water Dog13258
Puppy 7Dalmatian13155
Puppy 7Dalmatian13155
Puppy 7Dalmatian13155
Puppy 7Dalmatian13155
Puppy 7Dalmatian13155
Puppy 7Dalmatian13154
Puppy 7Dalmatian13152
Puppy 7Catahoula Leopard Dog12955
AO Puppy 7Pug171554
NH Puppy 7Border Collie12847
Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog12834
Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog12832
Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog12830
NFT Puppy 7Irish Water Spaniel11531
NO NSh Puppy 7Silky Terrier11530
Puppy 8American Indian Dog14249
NFr Vitas Puppy 8Old English Sheepdog13258
Puppy 8Dalmatian13155
Puppy 8Dalmatian13152
Puppy 8Dalmatian13152
Puppy 8German Shepherd Dog12834
Puppy 8German Shepherd Dog12830
Puppy 8German Shepherd Dog12721
Puppy 9Dalmatian13155
Puppy 9Dalmatian13155
APnA Puppy 9Border Collie102822
IPnH Red Merle with Blue Saddle and MaskBorder Collie91526
WCSh MRTK Remi's Rain WhispererAmerican Bully64170
GCSc Vitas Renee 12 Lla chaint strstrAkita503663
NCP Vitas RingerBasenji493624
WCRO RiverWeimaraner64244
NH Roaned Brindle Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver PointsBorder Collie11516
IPnFl Vitas Roaned Brindle Blue and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points and MaskBorder Collie112849
NH Roaned Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Cream Points and MaskBorder Collie3346
PnT Vitas Roaned Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red PointsBorder Collie10181
NFl Roaned Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Piebald) with Tan Points and MaskBorder Collie11517
APnT Roaned Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie131536
NH Roaned Brindle Cream Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Chocolate SableBorder Collie11517
NH Roaned Brindle Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie11517
AH Roaned Brindle Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie171588
PnT Roaned Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie121536
JAA Roaned Brindle Isabella and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red PointsBorder Collie131536
NT Roaned Brindle Isabella and White (Irish) with Silver PointsBorder Collie11517
JAA Roaned Brindle Isabella and White (Irish) with Tan PointsBorder Collie141536
ANT Vitas Roaned Brindle Red and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie72951
JAH Vitas Roaned Brindle Red and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie17183
NH Roaned Brindle Red Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie11517
PnH Roaned Brindle Red Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie101526
JAA Roaned Brindle Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie121536
NFl Roaned Brindle Silver Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie11534
NH Roaned Cream and White (Piebald)Border Collie11517
IPnH Roaned Cream and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie91525
AT Roaned Cream Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Chocolate SaddleBorder Collie27204
NFl Vitas Roaned Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Cream PointsBorder Collie1162
APnFl Roaned Red and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Saddle and MaskBorder Collie121537
NT Roaned Silver and White (Irish)Border Collie11516
NFr Roaned Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskBorder Collie11516
NA Roaned Silver and White (Piebald) with Isabella Saddle and MaskBorder Collie11517
APnFl Vitas Roaned Silver Merle and White (Piebald) with Blue SableBorder Collie13164
AA Vitas Rocket To The MoonMudi253291
MHT AM Vitas RollyDalmatian293817
MT RBank Rosehill Happy FeetBorder Collie322796
AH Vitas RoudyBorder Collie162354
PnRO Vitas RudolphDalmatian122975
JAH salt (24HH)Border Collie161678
NCH SandyBorder Collie521270
ChA RBank Sarai of GalileeBorder Collie442121
WCR Vitas Schwarz und Gelb [15/0|1.060x]Chart Polski583933
WCP Sempera with Tracking (stm-stm)German Shepherd Dog69223
JAFl SidBorder Collie162748
JPnA SilverBorder Collie72949
NT Silver and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie11517
JAA Silver and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskBorder Collie111536
GCT Vitas Silver LiningBorder Collie47120
NH Silver with Blue SableBorder Collie11516
PnH Silver with Blue SaddleBorder Collie91526
NCFl Vitas Skittering MimicBerger Picard48207
PnH Pluto SnowBorder Collie122889
WCH ASKBC Snow on the MountainsBorder Collie57236
NT Vitas Snowflake 18HH EEEE LlaCentral Asian Shepherd4162
NCFl SnowyBorder Collie531270
MA \RPK/ SplortBorder Collie26205
NH SpotBorder Collie12188
IPnA Vitas Stripey girlBorder Collie102942
AP Vitas Swing SwingCatahoula Leopard Dog213279
NCFr JPnP Vitas TabasiSmooth Collie583560
APnH Tahila #1428283Border Collie121171
AA TigerBorder Collie222728
MRO Vitas Touched the CloudsCatahoula Leopard Dog263291
JAFl Vitas TV SnowBorder Collie17173
IPnM Vitas TyDalmatian83433
AD MPCC UniverseLabrador Retriever16171
MW PnRO Vitas We Could Be HeroesLabrador Retriever253291
NCFr AT Vitas We Didn't Start The FirePorcelaine49206
APnR Vitas Westwind RiddleIbizan Hound14143
ChFT WinstonWeimaraner50349
JPnA :BB: Zebra DollyBorder Collie72847

Game Time

05:43am on Dec 17

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