Magical Paw Kennel

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Dogs Bred By Magical Paw Kennel

LockedMSh *MP* (23HH EEEE) Silver and White (Irish) with Isabella SableChinese Crested2947
LockedGCA *MP* (GEEE) PollyMiniature Pinscher5480
LockedMR *MP* 0HH Lla FFFFSilken Windhound3367
LockedAFr *MP* 1,8 GGFG Lla 1.045xSilken Windhound2032
LockedWCRO *MP* 1.310 LosartoChinese Crested69100
LockedIPnSh *MP* 1.543xChinese Crested1015
LockedFor Public SaleNCM *MP* 10:1Miniature Pinscher5469
LockedCCM *MP* 11:1Miniature Pinscher6286
LockedFor StudExO *MP* 11hh:6HHScottish Terrier3461
LockedAT *MP* 11hh:7HHCatahoula Leopard Dog1947
LockedAR *MP* 12hh:2HHSilken Windhound1727
LockedWCA *MP* 13:1Miniature Pinscher7094
LockedGCR *MP* 13hh:1HHSilken Windhound4268
LockedNCFl *MP* 13hh:2HHSilken Windhound5396
LockedAPnM *MP* 13hh:3HHGreat Dane1633
LockedAS *MP* 13hh:4HHGreenland Dog2672
LockedExM *MP* 14Miniature Pinscher4160
LockedAE *MP* 14hh:3HHScottish Terrier1431
LockedIPnH *MP* 14hh:5HHCatahoula Leopard Dog1029
LockedIPnSh *MP* 15:2Toy Fox Terrier1015
LockedAFr *MP* 15hh:1HHSilken Windhound1944
LockedJPnHT *MP* 15hh:2HHGreat Dane616
LockedExFr *MP* 15hh:2HHSilken Windhound3254
LockedChM *MP* 16Miniature Pinscher4565
LockedNCSh *MP* 16HH {1.295}Chinese Crested5379
LockedWCRO *MP* 17. **STMx2**Toy Fox Terrier7193
LockedExSh *MP* 17HHChinese Crested3853
LockedWCRO *MP* 19 **CHA**Toy Fox Terrier7697
LockedNCRO *MP* 19HH {1.255}Chinese Crested5293
LockedWCRO *MP* 21:1 **CHA**Toy Fox Terrier7291
LockedNCSh *MP* 21HH Dollie x2Chinese Crested6182
LockedGCSh *MP* 22 Lla 2chaToy Fox Terrier4754
LockedCCHu *MP* 22/0 EEEE 1.572xChinese Crested5774
LockedASh *MP* 22/4 LLChinese Crested2665
LockedFor StudCCHu *MP* 22HH HaroldChinese Crested6590
LockedCCSh *MP* 23Chinese Crested5465
LockedUCRO *MP* 23 255Toy Fox Terrier83106
LockedGCR *MP* 23 295Ibizan Hound4461
LockedNCSh *MP* 24 LL 3cha 1.552xToy Fox Terrier5366
LockedMFr *MP* 7hh:3HHSilken Windhound2870
LockedAM *MP* 8:6Miniature Pinscher2533
LockedChR *MP* 8hh:4HHSilken Windhound3769
LockedMFl *MP* 8hh:4HHSilken Windhound3464
LockedCCR *MP* 9hh:1HHSilken Windhound5296
LockedNCO *MP* 9hh:2HH* (0)/2American Staffordshire Terrier5396
LockedWCRO *MP* A Fast RunnerChinese Crested7398
LockedChHu *MP* Advise GiverChinese Crested4559
LockedFor StudAPnSh *MP* AlbertCanaan Dog1526
LockedFor StudMSh *MP* AlfieChinese Crested3545
LockedExSh *MP* All The GiftsChinese Crested3950
LockedCCSh *MP* AlpineChinese Crested5776
LockedWCRO *MP* AstonishmentToy Fox Terrier76103
LockedFor StudWCM *MP* Atlas 1.493Miniature Pinscher74106
LockedASh *MP* Avenue 22Chinese Crested2228
LockedExSh *MP* B Is For BalloonChinese Crested4193
LockedWCSh *MP* B Is For BooksChinese Crested8093
LockedMHu *MP* BeauPomeranian3168
LockedChSh *MP* Beautiful FlowerChinese Crested4359
LockedChSh *MP* Beaver FallsChinese Crested3950
LockedFor Private SaleAHT *MP* BiancaGreat Dane3065
LockedWCHu *MP* Board Games 4* 24HH LL 3xcha 1.522Toy Fox Terrier6586
LockedCCRO *MP* Bracelet of HopeChinese Crested5161
LockedWCFr *MP* Brokentooth NightstalkerAzawakh Hound6291
LockedWCHu *MP* CamdenChinese Crested77100
Locked*MP* Canaan Dog (5/6 GGFG 1.325)Canaan Dog16
LockedFor StudASh *MP* CandaceChinese Crested2947
LockedMSh *MP* Cautious SpathiphyllumChinese Crested3137
LockedWCR *MP* CCSilken Windhound5694
LockedJAFr *MP* ChessSilken Windhound2371
LockedWCHu *MP* ColbyChinese Crested77100
LockedExRO *MP* CookieToy Fox Terrier3751
LockedMSh *MP* Cotton Thunder 24 rwxbls chacha intintToy Fox Terrier2735
LockedWCHu *MP* Crescent ClawsChinese Crested6784
LockedWCRO *MP* CrimsontailChinese Crested7698
LockedMSh *MP* Crushin Sandos LLChinese Crested3168
LockedFor StudChHu *MP* Dagworth Maestro [EEEE]Toy Fox Terrier4779
LockedFor Public SaleChHu *MP* DaizzahToy Fox Terrier4453
LockedWCFr *MP* DarkmoonAzawakh Hound6185
LockedARO *MP* Dave (21HH)Chinese Crested1623
LockedWCSh *MP* DragonpawChinese Crested7499
LockedWCR *MP* Eclipse WarriorAzawakh Hound6386
LockedWCRO *MP* EEEE 1.473 Vile EtonChinese Crested76100
LockedFor StudExR *MP* ExcaliburSilken Windhound3865
LockedMSh *MP* F is for FireChinese Crested3273
LockedIPnR *MP* Favoritest Dog EverSilken Windhound1167
LockedGCM *MP* FenwayMiniature Pinscher4766
LockedWCR *MP* Feral HowlerAzawakh Hound6889
LockedJPnM *MP* Fixer Upper (FPPP)Silken Windhound1251
LockedChSh *MP* FloydToy Fox Terrier4559
LockedChHu *MP* FlutterChinese Crested4459
LockedFor StudGCSh *MP* Forever in FlightChinese Crested4566
LockedWCSh *MP* FraserChinese Crested80100
LockedFor StudNCHu *MP* Geralt from RiviaToy Fox Terrier55113
LockedFor StudMHu *MP* Golden GuardianChinese Crested2849
LockedWCSh *MP* Golden HuntersChinese Crested6584
LockedJMR AFl *MP* Good Mythical MorningPharaoh Hound3047
LockedWCHu *MP* Great MongrelChinese Crested7198
LockedExSh *MP* Handsome Young ManChinese Crested4051
LockedIPnA *MP* HeroCatahoula Leopard Dog1448
LockedMSh *MP* Hilarious VerbenaChinese Crested2948
LockedChM *MP* HollyleafMiniature Pinscher4499
LockedCCSh *MP* Inside OutPomeranian6098
LockedWCSh *MP* IrisChinese Crested81110
LockedWCRO *MP* IronfurChinese Crested7298
LockedUCSh *MP* J Is For JokesChinese Crested85110
LockedFor StudMSh *MP* JackChinese Crested3649
LockedMRO *MP* JarodChinese Crested3040
LockedAR *MP* JayzSilken Windhound2151
LockedASh *MP* JulietChinese Crested2640
LockedJAFr *MP* Karma EISilken Windhound2598
LockedCCHu *MP* KindnessChinese Crested5877
LockedMR *MP* KyloChart Polski3746
LockedExSh *MP* L is for LuckChinese Crested3877
LockedFor StudNCT *MP* LampoCatahoula Leopard Dog55117
LockedASh *MP* Leap of Faith 24HHToy Fox Terrier2035
LockedChSh *MP* LeopardChinese Crested4359
LockedJAHT *MP* lokiBoxer1633
LockedGCP *MP* Looking For HappinessGreenland Dog4170
LockedNCR *MP* Lost HunterSaluki5074
LockedWCSh *MP* Lovely LemongrassChinese Crested78100
LockedFor StudWCR *MP* Lucy LuckSloughi60101
LockedMHu *MP* Lvl 30Miniature Pinscher3039
LockedJAA *MP* Mary Kathryn G5Catahoula Leopard Dog2394
LockedNCSh *MP* MerleToy Fox Terrier5067
LockedGCSh *MP* Miss ButtercupChinese Crested4692
LockedGCR *MP* MokoSilken Windhound4478
LockedGCRO *MP* MongooseChinese Crested4559
LockedExSh *MP* Moo Shoo 23HH/3intChinese Crested3967
LockedWCFr *MP* Moonvalley NightstalkerAzawakh Hound7096
LockedExSh *MP* Mother of EducationChinese Crested3950
LockedFor StudWCM *MP* Mountains of MourneMiniature Pinscher7594
LockedWCM *MP* Mystics Last Dance {EEEE}Miniature Pinscher7297
LockedUCHu *MP* Nicco - EEEE 24HHToy Fox Terrier83101
LockedCCRO *MP* No Other MercyChinese Crested4789
LockedNR *MP* odisSilken Windhound235
LockedNCR *MP* Omega HoundSaluki5174
LockedWCHu *MP* OnyxpeltChinese Crested7298
LockedChFr *MP* oogalackaAzawakh Hound3858
LockedWCSh *MP* OrchidChinese Crested7394
LockedCCSh *MP* Oscar 24-0 LL 3cha 1.577 #11Toy Fox Terrier5668
LockedMRO *MP* Pal 1.565. 24 HHToy Fox Terrier3234
LockedMA *MP* Paula 1.457 11 HHMiniature Pinscher3649
LockedGCM *MP* Pete 8HH:6hh 1.370Miniature Pinscher4975
LockedASh *MP* Play the BluesChinese Crested1924
LockedGCHu *MP* PowerhouseChinese Crested4659
LockedGCSh *MP* PragueToy Fox Terrier5071
LockedChRO *MP* Precious GiftChinese Crested3851
LockedChRO *MP* PrincessToy Fox Terrier4174
LockedWCRO *MP* Pulpit Rider CHA BIASToy Fox Terrier75111
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 1Silken Windhound3669
LockedWCM *MP* Puppy 1Miniature Pinscher6998
LockedMFr *MP* Puppy 1Pharaoh Hound3242
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 1 11:3Pharaoh Hound4155
LockedGCR *MP* Puppy 1 12Pharaoh Hound4763
LockedExFr *MP* Puppy 1 12:2Pharaoh Hound3748
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 1 18Sloughi4258
LockedAPnFl Puppy 1 20Azawakh Hound1117
LockedNCFr *MP* Puppy 1 22Sloughi5170
LockedExFr *MP* Puppy 1 22 241Chart Polski3757
LockedExRO *MP* Puppy 1 23Chinese Crested3650
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 1 23Chart Polski2843
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 1 23Chinese Crested3038
LockedAR Puppy 1 23 255Chart Polski1723
LockedExSh *MP* Puppy 1 23 305Chinese Crested3750
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 1 23 308Chinese Crested3344
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 1 23 319Chinese Crested3038
LockedNCR *MP* Puppy 1 24Chart Polski5272
LockedJPnFr *MP* Puppy 1 24Silken Windhound1259
LockedJPnR *MP* Puppy 1 24 158Silken Windhound1259
LockedJASh Puppy 1 290Chinese Crested1521
LockedJARO Puppy 1 291Toy Fox Terrier1521
LockedASh Puppy 1 296Toy Fox Terrier1621
LockedNHu Puppy 1 310Chinese Crested111
LockedMT *MP* Puppy 1 8:2Canaan Dog2737
LockedMH *MP* Puppy 1 9:5Canaan Dog3247
LockedChFr *MP* Puppy 10 19Azawakh Hound4158
LockedExFr *MP* Puppy 10 22 295Sloughi4058
LockedJPnFr Puppy 10 23Chart Polski613
LockedExR *MP* Puppy 10 23 237Chart Polski3859
LockedAPnR Puppy 12 19Azawakh Hound1217
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 12 23Azawakh Hound3143
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 16Chart Polski3441
LockedCCR *MP* Puppy 17Azawakh Hound5273
LockedNCHu *MP* Puppy 18Toy Fox Terrier4858
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 18Azawakh Hound74106
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 18Chart Polski3644
LockedMHu *MP* Puppy 18 285Toy Fox Terrier2631
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 19Azawakh Hound70106
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 19Azawakh Hound75106
LockedCCFl *MP* Puppy 19Chart Polski6388
LockedNCFr *MP* Puppy 19Azawakh Hound5273
LockedNCHu *MP* Puppy 2Miniature Pinscher5366
LockedMFr *MP* Puppy 2Pharaoh Hound3342
LockedExFr *MP* Puppy 2 10:2Pharaoh Hound3648
LockedJPnA Puppy 2 13:1Canaan Dog112
LockedChFl *MP* Puppy 2 17Pharaoh Hound4659
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 2 20Sloughi4258
LockedPnFl Puppy 2 21Azawakh Hound1117
LockedExSh *MP* Puppy 2 21 309Chinese Crested4050
LockedGCR *MP* Puppy 2 22Chart Polski5172
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 2 22Azawakh Hound4359
LockedJPnFl *MP* Puppy 2 22Chart Polski613
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 2 22 315Chinese Crested2939
LockedJPnR *MP* Puppy 2 23Silken Windhound1574
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 2 23Chart Polski2743
LockedAFr Puppy 2 23Chart Polski1723
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 2 23 276Chart Polski3959
LockedNCFr *MP* Puppy 2 23 283Chart Polski5072
LockedExHu Puppy 2 23 307Chinese Crested3444
LockedJPnR *MP* Puppy 2 24Silken Windhound1259
LockedNFl Puppy 2 24Silken Windhound1046
LockedAFr Puppy 2 24Azawakh Hound1925
LockedAFr Puppy 2 24Chart Polski1623
LockedJPnR Puppy 2 24 139Silken Windhound946
LockedMFr *MP* Puppy 2 24 263Sloughi2943
LockedJPnR Puppy 2 24 283Saluki713
LockedAR Puppy 2 271Sloughi1926
LockedAFr Puppy 2 272Sloughi1825
LockedAHu Puppy 2 296Toy Fox Terrier1621
LockedNSh Puppy 2 303Chinese Crested111
LockedMT *MP* Puppy 2 8:3Canaan Dog2737
LockedCCRO *MP* Puppy 20Toy Fox Terrier4755
LockedExSh *MP* Puppy 20Toy Fox Terrier3846
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 20Azawakh Hound75106
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 20Chart Polski6999
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 20Chart Polski6286
LockedCCR *MP* Puppy 20Chart Polski5986
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 20Chart Polski6286
LockedCCR *MP* Puppy 21Chart Polski6086
LockedAFr *MP* Puppy 21Sloughi2326
LockedMFl *MP* Puppy 21 284Sloughi3440
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 21 307Chinese Crested3339
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 22Sloughi7395
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 22Sloughi6588
LockedCCFr *MP* Puppy 22Ibizan Hound5780
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 22 272Ibizan Hound6991
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 22 279Toy Fox Terrier2731
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 22 299Sloughi6381
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 22 308Chinese Crested3440
LockedMHu *MP* Puppy 23Chinese Crested3339
LockedMHu *MP* Puppy 23Chinese Crested3340
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 23Chinese Crested3240
LockedPnR *MP* Puppy 23Silken Windhound2096
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 23Sloughi6892
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 23Sloughi7292
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 23Sloughi6488
LockedCCR *MP* Puppy 23Sloughi6081
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 23Ibizan Hound5980
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 23 289Sloughi7095
LockedWCFl *MP* Puppy 23 295Sloughi7095
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 23 299Chinese Crested3239
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 24Azawakh Hound73101
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 24Azawakh Hound76101
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 24Sloughi7095
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 24Sloughi7295
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 24Ibizan Hound6891
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 24 288Ibizan Hound84107
LockedCCHu *MP* Puppy 24 288Toy Fox Terrier5481
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 24 289Ibizan Hound82107
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 24 290Ibizan Hound83107
LockedUCRO *MP* Puppy 24 301Toy Fox Terrier86110
LockedWCRO *MP* Puppy 24 302Toy Fox Terrier5782
LockedWCFr *MP* Puppy 24 303Ibizan Hound82111
LockedWCR *MP* Puppy 24 304Ibizan Hound80111
LockedUCRO *MP* Puppy 24 304Toy Fox Terrier83110
LockedWCSh *MP* Puppy 24 305Toy Fox Terrier82104
LockedWCSh *MP* Puppy 24 306Toy Fox Terrier86110
LockedUCHu *MP* Puppy 24 308Toy Fox Terrier85108
LockedWCSh *MP* Puppy 24 309Toy Fox Terrier84108
LockedWCHu *MP* Puppy 3Toy Fox Terrier8099
LockedJAH Puppy 3 10:1Canaan Dog1622
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 3 10:2Pharaoh Hound4155
LockedJPnA Puppy 3 11:1Canaan Dog112
LockedMA *MP* Puppy 3 11:3Canaan Dog3247
LockedNCFr *MP* Puppy 3 21Sloughi5170
LockedChFr *MP* Puppy 3 21Sloughi4460
LockedGCR *MP* Puppy 3 22Sloughi5073
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 3 22 252Chart Polski3857
LockedAFr Puppy 3 22 261Chart Polski1623
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 3 22 300Sloughi4158
LockedJPnFr Puppy 3 23Chart Polski713
LockedGCFr *MP* Puppy 3 24Chart Polski4972
LockedJPnFr *MP* Puppy 3 24Silken Windhound1361
LockedMHu *MP* Puppy 3 24Chinese Crested3038
LockedJPnFr *MP* Puppy 3 24 140Silken Windhound1046
LockedJPnR Puppy 3 24 142Silken Windhound1046
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 3 24 263Sloughi2943
LockedMHu *MP* Puppy 3 24 297Chinese Crested2936
LockedMHu *MP* Puppy 3 24 300Chinese Crested3342
LockedJAFl Puppy 3 244Saluki1521
LockedAR Puppy 3 274Saluki1823
LockedNHu Puppy 3 294Chinese Crested111
LockedPnFl Puppy 3 297Ibizan Hound1217
LockedMH *MP* Puppy 3 6:4Canaan Dog3247
LockedMA *MP* Puppy 3 7:3Canaan Dog2837
LockedJPnH Puppy 3 9:1Canaan Dog112
LockedAH *MP* Puppy 3 9:5Canaan Dog2637
LockedWCSh *MP* Puppy 304Toy Fox Terrier81117
LockedChSh *MP* Puppy 304Toy Fox Terrier4147
LockedGCRO *MP* Puppy 312Toy Fox Terrier4760
LockedMA *MP* Puppy 4 10:6Canaan Dog3147
LockedMA *MP* Puppy 4 11:5Canaan Dog3347
LockedJAFl Puppy 4 12:2Canaan Dog1622
LockedGCFr *MP* Puppy 4 13Pharaoh Hound4763
LockedMT *MP* Puppy 4 13:3Canaan Dog3447
LockedMA *MP* Puppy 4 13:4Canaan Dog2837
LockedMFr *MP* Puppy 4 18:1Azawakh Hound3346
LockedNCR *MP* Puppy 4 22Ibizan Hound5368
LockedExFl *MP* Puppy 4 22Saluki4160
LockedJPnFr Puppy 4 22 269Chart Polski613
LockedJPnFl Puppy 4 22 270Chart Polski613
LockedIPnR *MP* Puppy 4 23Silken Windhound1574
LockedGCFr *MP* Puppy 4 23Sloughi5073
LockedGCFr *MP* Puppy 4 23Chart Polski4972
LockedNCR *MP* Puppy 4 23Chart Polski5072
LockedExR *MP* Puppy 4 23Chart Polski3759
LockedAFr Puppy 4 23Chart Polski1623
LockedJPnR Puppy 4 23Azawakh Hound112
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 4 23 319Chinese Crested3138
LockedMHu Puppy 4 24Chinese Crested3444
LockedExSh *MP* Puppy 4 24Chinese Crested3544
LockedJPnFr Puppy 4 24Chart Polski713
LockedJPnR Puppy 4 24 151Silken Windhound1259
LockedJPnFr *MP* Puppy 4 24 155Silken Windhound946
LockedASh *MP* Puppy 4 24 306Chinese Crested2631
LockedIPnHu Puppy 4 24 313Chinese Crested1017
LockedPnHu Puppy 4 297Toy Fox Terrier1116
LockedJASh Puppy 4 298Toy Fox Terrier1621
LockedJAHu Puppy 4 311Chinese Crested1521
LockedJPnH Puppy 4 9:2Canaan Dog112
LockedAH Puppy 5 12:2Canaan Dog1722
LockedMFl *MP* Puppy 5 12:3Canaan Dog2837
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 5 22Sloughi4360
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 5 22 282Chart Polski3043
LockedMSh Puppy 5 22 318Chinese Crested3038
LockedJPnFr *MP* Puppy 5 23Silken Windhound1574
LockedJPnR *MP* Puppy 5 23Silken Windhound1574
LockedGCFl *MP* Puppy 5 23Chart Polski5072
LockedExFl *MP* Puppy 5 23Chart Polski3857
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 5 23Chinese Crested3039
LockedJAFl Puppy 5 23Chart Polski1723
LockedMHu *MP* Puppy 5 23 321Chinese Crested3444
LockedJPnFr Puppy 5 24Chart Polski613
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 5 24 302Chinese Crested2836
LockedNSh Puppy 5 24 310Chinese Crested112
LockedPnSh Puppy 5 24 312Chinese Crested1117
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 5 24 320Ibizan Hound3138
LockedAR Puppy 5 267Sloughi1825
LockedAFl Puppy 5 272Sloughi1925
LockedASh Puppy 5 279Toy Fox Terrier2026
LockedNSh Puppy 5 294Chinese Crested19
LockedNHu Puppy 5 303Chinese Crested111
LockedAFl *MP* Puppy 5 307Ibizan Hound2529
LockedIPnSh Puppy 5 317Toy Fox Terrier1016
LockedJAHu Puppy 5 318Chinese Crested1521
LockedMH *MP* Puppy 5 9:3Canaan Dog3247
LockedChFl *MP* Puppy 6 14Pharaoh Hound4459
LockedPnR Puppy 6 18Azawakh Hound1117
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 6 20Sloughi4258
LockedChFr *MP* Puppy 6 22Saluki4160
LockedMR *MP* Puppy 6 22 272Chart Polski2943
LockedMHu Puppy 6 23Chinese Crested2938
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 6 23 306Chinese Crested3444
LockedExR *MP* Puppy 6 24Chart Polski3857
LockedExHu Puppy 6 24Chinese Crested3544
LockedExHu Puppy 6 24Chinese Crested3544
LockedMH *MP* Puppy 6 9:2Canaan Dog3347
LockedMA *MP* Puppy 7 11:3Canaan Dog3147
LockedNCFr *MP* Puppy 7 21Sloughi5170
LockedJPnR *MP* Puppy 7 23Silken Windhound1574
LockedGCR *MP* Puppy 7 23Sloughi4970
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 7 23Chinese Crested3038
LockedAFr Puppy 7 23Chart Polski1723
LockedMSh *MP* Puppy 7 23 317Chinese Crested3038
LockedJPnR Puppy 7 24 135Silken Windhound1046
LockedJPnR *MP* Puppy 7 24 149Silken Windhound1046
LockedJPnFl Puppy 7 24 285Saluki713
LockedASh *MP* Puppy 7 24 288Chinese Crested2531
LockedNSh Puppy 7 24 305Chinese Crested112
LockedNSh Puppy 7 294Chinese Crested19
LockedARO Puppy 7 295Toy Fox Terrier2126
LockedJAT Puppy 8 11:2Canaan Dog1522
LockedMFr *MP* Puppy 8 19:1Azawakh Hound3246
LockedGCFr *MP* Puppy 8 21Sloughi5070
LockedExFr *MP* Puppy 8 21Sloughi4058
LockedExR *MP* Puppy 8 21 294Ibizan Hound3953
LockedJPnFr Puppy 8 23Chart Polski613
LockedJPnFr Puppy 8 23Azawakh Hound112
LockedNCR *MP* Puppy 8 23 286Chart Polski5172
LockedJAFr Puppy 8 253Saluki1421
LockedAFl Puppy 8 275Saluki1823
LockedAFl *MP* Puppy 8 305Ibizan Hound2529
LockedAH *MP* Puppy 9 10:1Canaan Dog2837
LockedChR *MP* Puppy 9 19Azawakh Hound4158
LockedNCR *MP* Puppy 9 21Sloughi5170
LockedExR *MP* Puppy 9 22Chart Polski3859
LockedAR Puppy 9 22 292Azawakh Hound1925
LockedMFr *MP* Puppy 9 23Azawakh Hound2943
LockedJAFl Puppy 9 23 254Chart Polski1623
LockedMFl *MP* Puppy 9 24 321Ibizan Hound3138
LockedPnFl Puppy 9 300Ibizan Hound1117
LockedExSh *MP* PuzzleChinese Crested4050
LockedMRO *MP* Ready, Set, GO!Chinese Crested3365
LockedCCSh *MP* Red Riding HoodChinese Crested5673
LockedChSh *MP* Rise And ShineChinese Crested4459
LockedGCHu *MP* RoosterChinese Crested4965
LockedIPnFl *MP* RorroSilken Windhound1672
LockedIPnFr *MP* Running WildSilken Windhound1896
LockedNCHu *MP* Running, Jumping, FetchingChinese Crested5161
LockedWCRO *MP* RupertChinese Crested60100
LockedFor Public SaleJPnFl *MP* RuthSilken Windhound1179
LockedAFr *MP* SamuraiSloughi2430
LockedIPnFl *MP* Satin Slippers and Silver Bows RFD*Silken Windhound1762
LockedMSh *MP* SecretariatChinese Crested2765
LockedMSh *MP* Self - Black - E4 - 12H - LlChinese Crested3047
LockedNCHu *MP* Shine BrightlyChinese Crested4965
LockedChHu *MP* Shining SunChinese Crested4459
LockedWCRO *MP* Silent HoundChinese Crested7498
LockedMHu *MP* SilverstreakChinese Crested3242
LockedAPnA *MP* Standing ThereScottish Terrier1428
LockedJAFl *MP* StarlightSilken Windhound2299
LockedJAHu *MP* Steel BlueChinese Crested1521
LockedWCRO *MP* Steeltooth GuardianChinese Crested6684
LockedASh *MP* TeddyChinese Crested2433
LockedWCFr *MP* The Hill HowlerAzawakh Hound7096
LockedWCFr *MP* The Lost BandAzawakh Hound6689
LockedWCR *MP* The Masked GuardianAzawakh Hound6591
LockedANFr *MP* The Melody WithinGreat Dane452
LockedWCSh *MP* The Perfect RainCloudChinese Crested80112
LockedGCHu *MP* The WizardChinese Crested5065
LockedFor StudGCM *MP* TitoMiniature Pinscher5584
LockedNCHu *MP* Try AgainChinese Crested5065
LockedExM *MP* VALLEY'S MINIATURE PINSCHER | LEVEL 29Miniature Pinscher3750
LockedCCSh *MP* Very Brave BoyChinese Crested5773
LockedAPnM *MP* VixieMiniature Pinscher14104
LockedExFl *MP* VoxChart Polski4357
LockedWCHu *MP* WarmpawChinese Crested7098
LockedAM *MP* Weasel 20HH EEEE 1.407Miniature Pinscher1826
LockedWCSh *MP* Whitepaw ProwlerChinese Crested6685
LockedExRO *MP* XaoChinese Crested2946
LockedWCFl *MP* ZeusIbizan Hound60100
LockedAPnM *MP* [Mixup] [cha] Puppy 1Boxer1735
NR *MP* (E) 2500Silken Windhound11842
ChSh *MP* (EEEG) SuiChinese Crested472753
PnM *MP* *FPFG* JoeGreat Dane152536
NCA *MP* 10hh:3HHScottish Terrier522395
NCT *MP* 11hh:2HHBullmastiff532501
AFr *MP* 11hh:3HHBoxer252580
NM *MP* 11hh:3HHSilken Windhound12501
ChFl *MP* 11hh:4HHBorder Collie372604
NFl *MP* 12 1Silken Windhound12515
MM 12 HH (GGEG) Linda VistaChinese Crested204492
WCM JINX 12:2 268Miniature Pinscher762514
APnR *MP* 12hhSilken Windhound172539
ChA *MP* 12hh:5HHBorder Collie372604
AA *MP* 12hh:6HHCatahoula Leopard Dog312558
NFl *MP* 13Silken Windhound12515
NT *MP* 13 4Catahoula Leopard Dog12507
AM *MP* 13hh:3HHGreat Dane242578
NM *MP* 13hh:4HHGreat Dane52562
AR *MP* 13hh:4HHSilken Windhound182535
NRO *MP* 13hh:4HHSilken Windhound12501
IPnH *MP* 13hh:5HHCatahoula Leopard Dog122521
JAR *MP* 14Silken Windhound121930
WCFl *MP* 14/1 EEGE 1.395xWhippet73396
ANHT *MP* 14hh:1HHGreat Dane52562
ANR *MP* 14hh:1HHSilken Windhound42513
MSc *MP* 14hh:4HHBullmastiff332232
ME *MP* 14hh:5HHScottish Terrier152150
IPnHT *MP* 14hh:5HHGreat Dane122534
AH *MP* 14hh:8HHCatahoula Leopard Dog312496
UCFr *MP* 15Chart Polski782575
WCFr *MP* 15Chart Polski772575
WCSh *MP* 15Toy Fox Terrier692539
MFr *MP* 15Silken Windhound33659
NA *MP* 15 6Catahoula Leopard Dog12503
WCSh *MP* 15/9/0 LL STR [101]Chinese Crested551360
APnR *MP* 15hh:2HHSilken Windhound142519
PnR *MP* 15hh:2HHSilken Windhound102520
NFl *MP* 15hh:3HHGreenland Dog62326
WCR *MP* 16Azawakh Hound831909
APnFl *MP* 16Silken Windhound152505
WCR *MP* 16 StarsAzawakh Hound821912
NR *MP* 16:2Silken Windhound32513
WCFl *MP* 16HH/6Hh Lla strspd chaint 1.515 (4:0)Chart Polski761401
NR *MP* 16hh:3HHSilken Windhound72474
IPnR *MP* 17Silken Windhound112503
WCHu *MP* 17 **SPDx2**Toy Fox Terrier702521
WCFr *MP* 17 265Sloughi791955
WCR *MP* 17:1Sloughi771946
UCRO *MP* 18Chinese Crested802577
UCFr *MP* 18Sloughi821955
WCFr *MP* 18Sloughi751946
WCR *MP* 18 243Chart Polski752575
WCR *MP* 18 260Azawakh Hound782575
WCSh *MP* 18 288Chinese Crested822577
IPnR *MP* 18hh:1HHSilken Windhound142498
JPnFr *MP* 18hh:1HHSilken Windhound82501
IPnFl *MP* 18hh:2HHSilken Windhound182506
WCR *MP* 19Chart Polski772575
UCSh *MP* 19Chinese Crested862577
WCFl *MP* 19Sloughi801946
WCSh *MP* 19Toy Fox Terrier672536
PnR *MP* 19Silken Windhound151890
PnFr *MP* 19Silken Windhound162471
NFl *MP* 19 1Silken Windhound42501
UCR *MP* 19 256Sloughi822583
WCSh *MP* 19 267Chinese Crested822575
WCSh *MP* 19 280Chinese Crested832577
WCSh *MP* 19/4/1 LL STR [101]Chinese Crested541359
WCR *MP* 20Azawakh Hound782575
WCSh *MP* 20Chinese Crested812576
WCSh *MP* 20Chinese Crested812576
WCSh *MP* 20Chinese Crested852576
UCFr *MP* 20Sloughi811955
WCSh *MP* 20 262Chinese Crested812576
NFl *MP* 20hh:2HHSilken Windhound42514
WCSh *MP* 21Chinese Crested812589
WCSh *MP* 21Chinese Crested812590
WCSh *MP* 21Chinese Crested802590
UCSh *MP* 21Toy Fox Terrier852588
UCR *MP* 21Sloughi822585
WCSh *MP* 21Chinese Crested822576
WCSh *MP* 21Chinese Crested821956
WCSh *MP* 21Chinese Crested842576
WCSh *MP* 21Chinese Crested842576
WCSh *MP* 21Chinese Crested821956
UCFr *MP* 21Sloughi791946
CCM *MP* 21Miniature Pinscher622285
WCSh *MP* 21 283Chinese Crested821956
WCSh *MP* 21 283Toy Fox Terrier682115
WCSh *MP* 21 288Chinese Crested811956
UCRO *MP* 22Toy Fox Terrier782599
WCSh *MP* 22Chinese Crested802588
WCSh *MP* 22Chinese Crested812589
WCR *MP* 22Azawakh Hound802581
WCR *MP* 22Azawakh Hound792581
WCSh *MP* 22Chinese Crested842576
WCFr *MP* 22Sloughi801955
UCRO *MP* 22 255Chinese Crested811956
WCSh *MP* 23Toy Fox Terrier812599
UCSh *MP* 23Toy Fox Terrier842599
WCSh *MP* 23Chinese Crested812589
UCSh *MP* 23Toy Fox Terrier852582
UCRO *MP* 23Chinese Crested812576
WCSh *MP* 23 272Toy Fox Terrier842373
WCSh *MP* 23 274Toy Fox Terrier842584
WCSh *MP* 23 276Toy Fox Terrier812575
UCSh *MP* 23 282Toy Fox Terrier881950
ChR *MP* 23 288Ibizan Hound422525
WCSh *MP* 23 297Toy Fox Terrier712121
ChFr *MP* 23 303Ibizan Hound412525
WCSh *MP* 23/0 EEEE 1.515xChinese Crested761810
WCHu *MP* 23/0 EEEE 1.517xChinese Crested782094
UCRO *MP* 24Toy Fox Terrier782599
WCSh *MP* 24Toy Fox Terrier782598
UCSh *MP* 24Toy Fox Terrier812598
UCRO *MP* 24Toy Fox Terrier802585
UCSh *MP* 24Toy Fox Terrier832582
UCSh *MP* 24 287Toy Fox Terrier862584
UCRO *MP* 24 290Toy Fox Terrier832584
WCSh *MP* 3 MoonsToy Fox Terrier742657
WCSh *MP* 3 WishesChinese Crested752638
CCR *MP* 3/8 GFEF 0.965xSilken Windhound582586
CCFl *MP* 3/9 GFGF 1.008xSilken Windhound612506
WCO *MP* 5/6American Staffordshire Terrier621032
WCFr *MP* 5/8 FGGG 0.968xSilken Windhound602586
WCM *MP* 6HH:4hhMiniature Pinscher732588
ExE *MP* 8hh:4HHScottish Terrier242800
WCM *MP* 9:2Miniature Pinscher792389
ExFr *MP* 9hh:4HHSilken Windhound392579
ChT *MP* 9hh:5HHBorder Collie352603
ExSh *MP* 9hh:8HHAmerican Staffordshire Terrier352603
ExSh *MP* 9hh:8HHAmerican Staffordshire Terrier352603
WCSh *MP* A is for AirplaneChinese Crested573522
WCSh *MP* A Is For Airplane [ * ]Chinese Crested86533
WCSh *MP* A Is For AngelChinese Crested771853
CCHu *MP* Aces N Eights LL EEEE 24HH {BOB x2}Toy Fox Terrier642410
IPnFl *MP* ActionmanSilken Windhound171956
CCSh *MP* AgnesChinese Crested612055
MR *MP* AizaSilken Windhound312535
ExR *MP* alexSilken Windhound362608
WCSh *MP* All I Need 1.565xToy Fox Terrier77726
UCRO *MP* Always BelieveToy Fox Terrier802603
WCSh *MP* Always Eating PizzaToy Fox Terrier603517
WCRO *MP* Always Gonna WinToy Fox Terrier762618
WCRO *MP* ANEs Lla EEEE 24HH {BOB x1}Toy Fox Terrier782424
UCRO *MP* Angel HoundChinese Crested861876
WCSh *MP* Apple PieChinese Crested841944
NCM *MP* AppleduskMiniature Pinscher563115
UCR *MP* Are We not Devo? No we are Dogs!Whippet761608
GCR *MP* Armful Of FlowerSilken Windhound482459
MR *MP* ArmpySilken Windhound342561
JAFr *MP* AshSilken Windhound131986
MRO *MP* AxelPomeranian252547
WCSh *MP* B Is For BallChinese Crested821865
GCSh *MP* B Is For BallChinese Crested531655
WCM *MP* BackflipChinese Crested722638
NCHu *MP* BeauChinese Crested542288
ChHu *MP* Beetlejuice Beetlejuice BeetlejuiceChinese Crested382374
ExHT *MP* BellaBoxer41275
AM *MP* Bet Your MoneyBoxer232563
WCHu *MP* Beyond the Horizon 1.455xMiniature Pinscher751827
WCSh *MP* BingoChinese Crested583522
WCFr *MP* BinxIbizan Hound801871
GCS *MP* BiscuitGreenland Dog362589
WCSh *MP* Black, White And Polka DotToy Fox Terrier772613
MRO *MP* BluChinese Crested253438
WCSh *MP* Blueberry PieChinese Crested683141
WCRO *MP* BOBx5 23/0 EEEE 1.513xChinese Crested802094
ChHT *MP* BoltGreat Dane362610
WCA *MP* Bounce, Bounce, BounceMiniature Pinscher821956
WCSh *MP* Bracelet of LoveChinese Crested691891
WCFl *MP* Breakfast at Speedy’s BOBx1Whippet782541
WCHu *MP* Breed at 104 16 HH LlToy Fox Terrier802507
AR *MP* BreezeSilken Windhound232580
WCM *MP* Bring 'Em Down 1.418xMiniature Pinscher741827
WCRO *MP* Bring it Together 1.478x BoB 5x!!Toy Fox Terrier761986
AT *MP* brookieBullmastiff312546
NFl *MP* BrownieGreenland Dog12502
JPnA *MP* BuckCatahoula Leopard Dog121451
ExSh *MP* Butterfly LifeChinese Crested393262
UCSh *MP* C Is For CarChinese Crested881900
ExSh *MP* C is for ColorChinese Crested352638
UCSh *MP* Call Me CaryToy Fox Terrier832603
WCM *MP* Call Me SomedayMiniature Pinscher653165
WCFr *MP* Candy CaneSloughi781928
WCHu *MP* CaramelToy Fox Terrier771363
IPnFl *MP* CashSilken Windhound172531
GCH *MP* CasperAustralian Shepherd502535
WCSh *MP* Catch ThisChinese Crested583258
CCFr *MP* CCSilken Windhound571758
ExSh *MP* ChampChinese Crested393019
WCSh *MP* CharmaineChinese Crested802236
WCSh *MP* Cherry LoveChinese Crested772637
ExSh *MP* ChongChinese Crested343135
JPnFl *MP* ChrisSilken Windhound82511
ChM *MP* ChynaAmerican Staffordshire Terrier432585
WCFl *MP* CosmoSloughi771928
WCSh *MP* Cotton CandyToy Fox Terrier753146
WCSh *MP* Crazy Happy LoveChinese Crested593258
UCRO *MP* Crazy Jumping Bean 21HH LL (1.557) (BEST OF BREED X 8)Toy Fox Terrier83307
UCHu *MP* Creek HoundChinese Crested851877
WCR *MP* Crescent Moon CanineIbizan Hound811902
JAR *MP* Cuca ' | 1 HH 14 hh LlSilken Windhound202478
WCSh *MP* Cutie KissChinese Crested723164
WCSh *MP* D is for DogChinese Crested703141
UCSh *MP* D Is For DragonChinese Crested871900
GCSh *MP* DadaoChinese Crested541715
GCR *MP* DaisySilken Windhound442504
AFr *MP* DakotaSilken Windhound272494
WCM *MP* Dance NightMiniature Pinscher683020
WCRO CCHu *MP* Dancing In PuddlesChinese Crested711290
WCM *MP* Dancing in the RainMiniature Pinscher781305
IPnHT *MP* Danneel AcklesGreat Dane92429
JAFr *MP* DarjeelingGreat Dane212240
CCM *MP* Dark Magic 24HH EEEE lalaMiniature Pinscher612520
CCSh *MP* DarlaToy Fox Terrier502918
GCM *MP* DemeterAmerican Staffordshire Terrier492500
MR *MP* Determined YarnSilken Windhound302503
AFl *MP* DogGreenland Dog242533
JAFr *MP* DogSilken Windhound132520
AR *MP* DogSilken Windhound172526
JAP *MP* DogGreenland Dog142521
APnR *MP* DogSilken Windhound122519
JPnFl *MP* DogSilken Windhound72512
UCSh *MP* Don't Let GoToy Fox Terrier812617
WCSh *MP* Don't Lose MeToy Fox Terrier633225
WCSh *MP* Don't Stop RunningToy Fox Terrier812603
WCSh *MP* Don't Stop The MusicChinese Crested841944
AA *MP* DoughnutCatahoula Leopard Dog212259
WCSh *MP* Dragon FireChinese Crested713164
ChO *MP* DreaScottish Terrier372557
WCSh *MP* Dreaming Of WinningChinese Crested861872
ChSh *MP* Dust BunnyChinese Crested441854
UCSh *MP* E Is For EchoChinese Crested881900
WCHu *MP* EEEE LL 3cha 1.510 - BoB x2Toy Fox Terrier80548
APnR *MP* EllieSilken Windhound172265
UCHu *MP* Essence of Discovery 1.472xToy Fox Terrier85726
UCSh *MP* F Is For FishChinese Crested881900
WCFr *MP* Falling SnowSloughi771930
WCR *MP* Feet Of FireChart Polski821908
UCR *MP* FenoraIbizan Hound861901
WCSh *MP* Fetch, Fetch, FetchToy Fox Terrier792618
WCSh *MP* FimmelChinese Crested791892
WCSh *MP* Finding LuckChinese Crested593257
WCHu *MP* Fire AwayToy Fox Terrier792266
WCSh *MP* Flight of the Purple OwlsChinese Crested831944
WCSh *MP* Floating On The BreezeToy Fox Terrier693138
WCRO *MP* Flower 18 BoBx10Toy Fox Terrier822534
WCR *MP* Flower VaseSilken Windhound602605
WCSh *MP* Flying Through SpaceChinese Crested782623
NRO *MP* Flying With HopeChinese Crested63440
GCRO *MP* Force ResetChinese Crested493174
WCSh *MP* Forever YoungChinese Crested831944
WCHu *MP* Foxy Little FellaToy Fox Terrier801610
JAHT *MP* FPPG lalaGreat Dane202472
WCR *MP* Free As The WindChart Polski811908
WCHu *MP* Free The LoveChinese Crested801944
WCSh *MP* FritzChinese Crested621910
AR *MP* FrostSilken Windhound32328
WCSh *MP* G Is For GoldfishChinese Crested871901
NCFr *MP* Game Winning TouchDownSilken Windhound502525
WCRO *MP* GenePomeranian612597
WCSh *MP* Get The GoldToy Fox Terrier861950
WCHu *MP* GiaChinese Crested622509
WCSh *MP* Give It Your AllChinese Crested782640
CCSh *MP* Giving Hope And StrengthChinese Crested583256
ASh *MP* GreysonChinese Crested273448
APnRO *MP* Gucci (9HH-4hh)*lala/GGEGChinese Crested133441
UCSh *MP* H Is For HappyChinese Crested88575
WCSh *MP* H Is For HoverChinese Crested781725
WCA *MP* Had Me At Hello BOBx15Miniature Pinscher792490
WCRO *MP* HannaChinese Crested762283
WCFr *MP* HedleySilken Windhound62187
NCM *MP* Heidi Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and Mask 5 HH 2x cha, 2x int, 1.035xAmerican Staffordshire Terrier522422
WCSh *MP* Here For FunChinese Crested583522
AR *MP* HermioneSilken Windhound222581
WCM *MP* Hidden in the Bushes 1.322x BoB 1x!!Miniature Pinscher701827
MFr *MP* Hold On Heart " | 1 HH 17 hh LlaSilken Windhound412492
WCM *MP* House Arrest 1.372x BoB 8x!!Miniature Pinscher71719
AR *MP* hunterSilken Windhound202582
WCSh *MP* I Like To SwimToy Fox Terrier792615
WCSh *MP* I Wanna PlayToy Fox Terrier802603
UCRO *MP* I Will BarkToy Fox Terrier802603
WCFr *MP* Ice And FireSloughi781928
WCM *MP* Icy HeartMiniature Pinscher663165
WCM *MP* In The Milky WayMiniature Pinscher722659
WCSh *MP* Industry Standard 1.565xToy Fox Terrier781836
MSh *MP* Inner Light {23HH, LL, EEEE}Chinese Crested332303
JAFr *MP* IrtiottoSilken Windhound181947
WCHu *MP* J Is For JuiceChinese Crested781725
WCFl *MP* JadeAzawakh Hound781914
WCSh *MP* Jake's DreamChinese Crested772640
WCRO *MP* JaskierToy Fox Terrier621636
JPnHT *MP* JollyGreat Dane112530
JARO *MP* Juicy Couture (7HH-5hh)*lla/GGGEChinese Crested133441
WCHu *MP* JulietChinese Crested762046
WCSh *MP* Jump and RollChinese Crested583257
UCHu *MP* Jump and SkipChinese Crested851944
WCSh *MP* Jump BackToy Fox Terrier812605
WCSh *MP* Jump HigherToy Fox Terrier663198
WCSh *MP* Jump Over SandChinese Crested753164
WCSh *MP* Jump To The BeatChinese Crested782653
UCRO *MP* Jumpin' For JoyToy Fox Terrier832603
UCRO *MP* Jumpin', Tumblin', Runnin'Toy Fox Terrier792618
WCSh *MP* Jumping For JoyChinese Crested792641
MRO WCSh APnSh *MP* Jumping For My DreamsChinese Crested702166
WCSh *MP* Jumping PuddlesChinese Crested782660
WCR *MP* Just DanceChart Polski811928
WCRO *MP* Just Hold MeChinese Crested752637
WCSh *MP* Justice Served 1.472x BoB 9x!!Toy Fox Terrier791986
JPnFr *MP* JynjerSilken Windhound112520
UCHu *MP* K Is For KingChinese Crested881910
CCSh *MP* Kermit The FrongChinese Crested591634
ChR *MP* KhloeSilken Windhound412512
AFr *MP* KingSilken Windhound202499
WCA *MP* King of the RingMiniature Pinscher772089
WCA *MP* KinxoMiniature Pinscher732664
NR *MP* KipSilken Windhound11842
AFl *MP* kk~ee~BB~DD~Ayat~sisi~cchcch~Uu~Lla~0HH~FFFFSilken Windhound202490
NCSh *MP* KyleChinese Crested543064
WCR *MP* KyloSloughi801883
WCSh *MP* L Is For LaughingChinese Crested781853
UCHu *MP* L Is For LightChinese Crested871910
APnFl *MP* landonSilken Windhound162582
WCSh *MP* LeanneChinese Crested772233
CCSh *MP* Let Me Find LoveChinese Crested563257
ChSh *MP* Let The Music Play eeeeChinese Crested463443
WCM *MP* Lia FonaMiniature Pinscher742665
ExHT *MP* LilithBoxer322584
AFr *MP* LilithSilken Windhound22441
JAA *MP* Lily (Kk bb Dd Ayat MM cchce 6HH PEFF)Catahoula Leopard Dog201467
UCRO *MP* LITTER TOY FOX TERRIER [24/0 CHA4 Lla 1.583x]Toy Fox Terrier80963
NR *MP* LittlecloudSilken Windhound82507
WCHu *MP* LizToy Fox Terrier662410
WCRO *MP* LL EEEE 21 292 [21HH] 1.518xToy Fox Terrier672423
WCM *MP* lone dancerMiniature Pinscher792547
WCSh *MP* Looking For LoveToy Fox Terrier583517
WCSh *MP* Looking GoodChinese Crested772637
WCSh *MP* Looking InChinese Crested782634
WCRO *MP* Losing Control 1.545x BoB 3x!!Toy Fox Terrier771986
WCR *MP* LotusSloughi771882
WCSh *MP* Love AlwaysChinese Crested762637
WCRO *MP* Love IceCreamToy Fox Terrier782603
WCM *MP* Love Is PerfectMiniature Pinscher693164
WCSh *MP* Love Me Love YouChinese Crested683141
WCR *MP* Loves PizzaAzawakh Hound801932
WCHu *MP* LucilleChinese Crested792209
WCSh *MP* Lucky DreamChinese Crested733164
ChR *MP* Lucky Rain CloudSilken Windhound362612
CCSh *MP* Lvl 70Pomeranian612596
WCSh *MP* M Is For Money BOBChinese Crested84208
UCE *MP* MackScottish Terrier481854
MRO *MP* Magic BouquetChinese Crested283433
ExFr *MP* MagikarpSilken Windhound412200
WCFl *MP* MagnumIbizan Hound791861
UCR *MP* Mailing My LoveIbizan Hound782611
AA *MP* MaleCatahoula Leopard Dog212536
NCSh *MP* MangoChinese Crested563388
JPnFr *MP* MarySilken Windhound62523
WCSh *MP* Maybe Someday TomorrowChinese Crested583257
WCHu *MP* MercuryChinese Crested642509
UCSh *MP* Midnight DreamsChinese Crested822641
WCM *MP* MinkMiniature Pinscher722289
CCH *MP* Mischievous ElleCanaan Dog561528
JPnFl *MP* MoonSilken Windhound82457
WCSh *MP* Mountain RunnerToy Fox Terrier722656
WCRO *MP* Murder She WroteToy Fox Terrier802475
WCSh *MP* My Name Is Prince, The One And OnlyChinese Crested651271
NCSh *MP* N CRLN Toy SoldierToy Fox Terrier612391
UCSh *MP* N Is For NiceChinese Crested871910
WCSh *MP* N Is For NightChinese Crested791853
GCSh *MP* N is for NoChinese Crested483097
WCFl *MP* Need for SpeedWhippet752468
WCSh *MP* Never Back DownChinese Crested573522
MSh *MP* Never FearChinese Crested383385
UCSh *MP* Never ForgetChinese Crested802653
WCSh *MP* Never LostChinese Crested583257
UCRO *MP* Never Second BestChinese Crested792641
ExSh *MP* NitroChinese Crested383457
ChR *MP* No More PainSilken Windhound442605
WCFr *MP* No Power in the VerseWhippet742532
ASh *MP* Nomai gEEEToy Fox Terrier272521
GCFl *MP* Normandy's SnowfallIbizan Hound491858
CCR *MP* Nutmeg | 0 HH 14 hh LlaSilken Windhound552482
UCSh *MP* O Is For OrangeChinese Crested861910
WCSh *MP* O is for OverChinese Crested703145
WCSh *MP* On The Other SideChinese Crested782647
WCSh *MP* Order and Chaos 1.583xToy Fox Terrier771986
NM *MP* OreoGreat Dane12554
UCRO *MP* Oreo CookieToy Fox Terrier782654
UCSh *MP* P Is For PencilChinese Crested891910
WCSh *MP* P is for PowerChinese Crested643066
ChSh *MP* PansyPomeranian382564
WCHu *MP* ParachuteToy Fox Terrier792266
NHu NR *MP* parkerSilken Windhound12509
ASh *MP* PenelopeChinese Crested202446
WCM *MP* Perfectly Prepared 1.448x BoB 4x!!Miniature Pinscher761827
WCSh *MP* Pink HeartsChinese Crested812648
WCSh *MP* Pink JellybeansToy Fox Terrier752660
WCSh *MP* Pink StripesChinese Crested762648
WCM *MP* Pink TuTuMiniature Pinscher752664
WCSh *MP* Pizza PieChinese Crested851944
WCFr *MP* Playin' With SticksAzawakh Hound692611
UCRO *MP* Playing Hide and SeekToy Fox Terrier742654
UCSh *MP* Playing In The SandToy Fox Terrier792613
WCSh *MP* Playing In The SnowChinese Crested831944
WCSh *MP* Playing With FireToy Fox Terrier73466
UCRO *MP* Pluto's OrbitChinese Crested772623
WCSh *MP* PoloChinese Crested741368
WCSh *MP* PopcornChinese Crested782653
WCHu *MP* Poppy Meadows' Mary *Best of Breed - Experienced x11*Toy Fox Terrier791998
WCHu *MP* Poppy Meadows' MegToy Fox Terrier72238
WCSh *MP* Pretty ButterflyChinese Crested782653
WCFr *MP* Pretty ButterflySilken Windhound602606
WCM *MP* ProbabilitiesMiniature Pinscher653082
WCSh *MP* Puppy 1Toy Fox Terrier782646
WCRO *MP* Puppy 1Toy Fox Terrier752640
WCSh *MP* Puppy 1Toy Fox Terrier792638
WCSh *MP* Puppy 1Toy Fox Terrier762632
WCA *MP* Puppy 1Miniature Pinscher712626
WCSh *MP* Puppy 1Chinese Crested792623
WCSh *MP* Puppy 1Toy Fox Terrier822601
WCSh *MP* Puppy 1Toy Fox Terrier802602
ExFr *MP* Puppy 1Silken Windhound352608
WCR *MP* Puppy 1Azawakh Hound722595
UCRO *MP* Puppy 1Toy Fox Terrier812589
WCM *MP* Puppy 1Miniature Pinscher762581
WCR *MP* Puppy 1Sloughi801954
NR *MP* Puppy 1 22 bredSilken Windhound21274
UCR *MP* Puppy 10Ibizan Hound782594
MM *MP* Puppy 15Miniature Pinscher302038
WCM *MP* Puppy 19Miniature Pinscher751924
WCRO *MP* Puppy 2Toy Fox Terrier762638
WCSh *MP* Puppy 2Toy Fox Terrier772629
WCSh *MP* Puppy 2Toy Fox Terrier742626
ChSh *MP* Puppy 2Pomeranian392601
ChM *MP* Puppy 2Great Dane382573
WCA *MP* Puppy 2Miniature Pinscher752602
WCSh *MP* Puppy 2Toy Fox Terrier812601
NCR *MP* Puppy 2Silken Windhound512524
ExH *MP* Puppy 2Border Collie352602
WCFr *MP* Puppy 2Azawakh Hound732595
WCA *MP* Puppy 2Miniature Pinscher782590
UCSh *MP* Puppy 2Chinese Crested852591
WCM *MP* Puppy 2Miniature Pinscher752581
WCR *MP* Puppy 2Chart Polski791941
ChSh *MP* Puppy 21Toy Fox Terrier44660
JPnFl *MP* Puppy 22Silken Windhound111876
CCSh *MP* Puppy 22Chinese Crested641677
ChHu *MP* Puppy 24 **CHA**Toy Fox Terrier432464
WCHu *MP* Puppy 24 284Toy Fox Terrier771814
ARO *MP* Puppy 3Chinese Crested233435
WCSh *MP* Puppy 3Toy Fox Terrier792646
WCRO *MP* Puppy 3Toy Fox Terrier742640
WCSh *MP* Puppy 3Chinese Crested752621
NCSh *MP* Puppy 3Pomeranian512507
UCSh *MP* Puppy 3Toy Fox Terrier852588
NR *MP* Puppy 3 22Silken Windhound41269
JARO *MP* Puppy 4Chinese Crested153399
WCSh *MP* Puppy 4Toy Fox Terrier772653
WCA *MP* Puppy 4Miniature Pinscher702626
UCFr *MP* Puppy 4Ibizan Hound762626
ChR *MP* Puppy 4Silken Windhound372576
WCM *MP* Puppy 4Miniature Pinscher762601
WCSh *MP* Puppy 4Toy Fox Terrier812589
WCSh *MP* Puppy 4Chinese Crested812589
WCSh *MP* Puppy 4Toy Fox Terrier802588
ARO *MP* Puppy 4Pomeranian242546
WCR *MP* Puppy 4Chart Polski781941
WCSh *MP* Puppy 5Toy Fox Terrier772653
WCA *MP* Puppy 5Miniature Pinscher722640
WCFr *MP* Puppy 5Miniature Pinscher722626
ExR *MP* Puppy 5Silken Windhound342613
UCSh *MP* Puppy 5Toy Fox Terrier832601
UCRO *MP* Puppy 5Toy Fox Terrier812587
UCA *MP* Puppy 6Miniature Pinscher772645
WCM *MP* Puppy 6Miniature Pinscher692640
UCRO *MP* Puppy 6Toy Fox Terrier822588
UCR *MP* Puppy 6Chart Polski811941
WCR Puppy 7Ibizan Hound772624
WCSh *MP* Puppy 7Toy Fox Terrier802587
WCR *MP* Puppy 7Chart Polski801941
UCM *MP* Puppy 9Miniature Pinscher782645
WCFl *MP* Puppy 9Ibizan Hound762594
UCHu *MP* Q Is For QuitChinese Crested871910
UCHu *MP* R Is For RightChinese Crested871910
WCR *MP* Rainbow CloudSloughi761930
WCSh *MP* Rainbow IceCreamChinese Crested733141
UCR *MP* RainhuskyIbizan Hound881897
GCR *MP* Ray RoseSilken Windhound451784
WCA *MP* Red PincherMiniature Pinscher692494
WCSh *MP* Red Red Rose PetalsChinese Crested693141
APnR *MP* RedHeartSilken Windhound141981
JAR *MP* ReeseSilken Windhound182540
NFr ND *MP* RescueSilken Windhound11253
CCSh *MP* RetiredChinese Crested552959
APnR *MP* RETIRED JUNE 22ND, 2018Silken Windhound182471
AM *MP* RETIRED JUNE 24TH, 2018Boxer242484
WCM *MP* rhythm of the nightMiniature Pinscher802555
WCSh *MP* Rice and SushiChinese Crested643239
WCRO *MP* RickyPomeranian612597
WCHu *MP* Ride It Out BoBx2Toy Fox Terrier771846
IPnRO *MP* RigokChinese Crested83440
MFr *MP* Rock & Roll All NightGreat Dane312440
NA *MP* RockyCatahoula Leopard Dog12507
WCSh *MP* RoijgowChinese Crested733144
UCFr *MP* Rollin' In The MudIbizan Hound772611
WCSh *MP* Rolling In The GrassChinese Crested723161
APnR *MP* RosaSilken Windhound162051
WCR *MP* Rose GoldSloughi781928
WCSh *MP* Royal Decree 1.562x BoB 5x!!Toy Fox Terrier761986
WCSh *MP* Rubber DuckChinese Crested723164
MRO *MP* RuffianChinese Crested273400
WCM *MP* Run For LoveMiniature Pinscher742659
AR *MP* Run Like The WindSilken Windhound242361
WCM *MP* Run Rabbit RunMiniature Pinscher643197
WCSh *MP* Run, Hop, JumpToy Fox Terrier752667
IPnFr *MP* RunnerSilken Windhound82489
WCFr *MP* Running From LoveSilken Windhound612606
WCSh *MP* Running In CirclesChinese Crested752660
WCSh *MP* Running In CirclesToy Fox Terrier742656
UCHu *MP* S Is For StarChinese Crested871907
WCSh *MP* S is for SugarChinese Crested673141
WCRO *MP* S Is For SuperToy Fox Terrier752664
WCR *MP* SabretoothIbizan Hound791939
CCM *MP* Sadie EEEEMiniature Pinscher602510
ExFr *MP* sageSilken Windhound362608
WCR *MP* Salt 'n' PepperChart Polski811928
GCA *MP* Savage EEEEMiniature Pinscher532484
AFr *MP* save for emeraldSilken Windhound292481
JPnFr *MP* SavySilken Windhound71971
WCSh *MP* Shake It Shake ItChinese Crested583258
WCSh *MP* SheilaToy Fox Terrier72891
APnR *MP* ShepSilken Windhound142535
WCHu *MP* Shooting StarChinese Crested801944
WCRO Shout At The DevilChinese Crested534446
UCRO *MP* Side SteppedToy Fox Terrier791790
CCSh *MP* Silver CloudChinese Crested573257
MHu *MP* Silvery StopToy Fox Terrier352454
WCHu *MP* Skittles Somewhere Over The RainbowChinese Crested641271
WCR *MP* Sleeping All DayAzawakh Hound692612
WCM *MP* Slice Of PizzaMiniature Pinscher693155
UCR *MP* SmaugIbizan Hound811755
APnR *MP* SnowSilken Windhound122526
WCR *MP* Son of DarknessSloughi702054
PnR *MP* SonoraSilken Windhound102474
WCHu *MP* SorrowfulChinese Crested762209
UCRO *MP* Spotted HeartChinese Crested782634
WCSh *MP* Spotted Rain CloudToy Fox Terrier752664
WCR *MP* StardustAzawakh Hound781883
WCHu *MP* StargazerChinese Crested752209
WCSh *MP* StarlightChinese Crested762648
WCSh *MP* Starry NightToy Fox Terrier772654
UCRO *MP* Steal My HeartChinese Crested792576
WCSh ARO *MP* Storm Swifts E'toile (12HH EEEE)Chinese Crested532923
WCM *MP* Strawberry LollipopMiniature Pinscher633197
JPnFr *MP* studsSilken Windhound71818
WCFl *MP* Sun UnicornIbizan Hound831889
WCSh *MP* Swimming GoldfishChinese Crested782653
MM *MP* Swimming In The RiverGreat Dane302592
UCHu *MP* Sylvia FlurryChinese Crested851944
UCHu *MP* T Is For TinyChinese Crested841910
GCSh *MP* Take My Breath AwayToy Fox Terrier52808
WCRO *MP* Taking Credit for It 1.560xToy Fox Terrier761986
WCSh *MP* TaniaToy Fox Terrier752365
WCSh *MP* TarquinToy Fox Terrier782370
WCSh *MP* Telling Your SecretsToy Fox Terrier613225
WCHu *MP* Tennessee WhiskeyToy Fox Terrier772257
WCSh *MP* The Last OneChinese Crested782653
WCSh *MP* The MatrixToy Fox Terrier762654
WCRO *MP* The One To FearChinese Crested703175
UCFr *MP* The Perfect WinnerIbizan Hound762611
ASh *MP* The Princess and the Frog’s Green-Thighed FrogToy Fox Terrier271853
WCR *MP* Through The TunnelIbizan Hound791902
WCFr *MP* Thunder And LightningSilken Windhound612600
WCSh *MP* Thunder and RainToy Fox Terrier742681
WCSh *MP* Tie Dye LoveChinese Crested762638
GCSh *MP* Tiger // EEEE (19-5-0)Chinese Crested473088
WCRO *MP* Tiger StripeChinese Crested703164
WCRO *MP* Tilly (Check)Toy Fox Terrier732472
NCA *MP* Tiny StormMiniature Pinscher582550
WCHu *MP* TravelerToy Fox Terrier772257
ExHT *MP* TTBBoxer322588
CCM *MP* TuckerAmerican Staffordshire Terrier572329
AR *MP* turpinSilken Windhound212567
WCR *MP* Twenty-TwoWhippet752553
WCHu *MP* U Got The LookMiniature Pinscher761689
UCSh *MP* U Is For UniverseChinese Crested851915
WCFl *MP* Up to SpeedWhippet772541
UCSh *MP* V Is For VinnieChinese Crested871915
WCSh *MP* Very SassyChinese Crested603258
NCSh *MP* Victor BlWhTick EEEE 21HHChinese Crested602506
ExM *MP* Void's Nathan of Autumn AmbersAmerican Staffordshire Terrier342073
WCSh *MP* W is for WaterToy Fox Terrier643198
UCSh *MP* W Is For WatermelonChinese Crested861920
WCM *MP* Wag Your TailMiniature Pinscher683147
UCR *MP* Walkin' The BeachIbizan Hound772612
WCSh *MP* WandaChinese Crested782209
WCSh *MP* Wandering The Night SkyChinese Crested792641
WCSh *MP* Watching It SnowChinese Crested703164
WCSh *MP* We Are Stronger Together 1.493xToy Fox Terrier75726
ExRO *MP* WindChinese Crested363443
WCFl *MP* Windfur StalkerIbizan Hound791941
WCR *MP* Winter DayAzawakh Hound811932
WCSh *MP* Wizard's HatToy Fox Terrier762660
WCSh *MP* Wolf's HowlToy Fox Terrier683138
WCM *MP* Worth My TimeMiniature Pinscher762665
WCM *MP* X is for X-RayMiniature Pinscher693164
UCSh *MP* X Is For X-RayChinese Crested851922
WCSh *MP* Y Is For YellowToy Fox Terrier692668
WCSh *MP* Y Is For YellowChinese Crested801937
UCR *MP* YukonAzawakh Hound821883
ExSh *MP* Z is for ZebraChinese Crested363189
UCRO *MP* Z Is For ZipChinese Crested811937
UCHu *MP* Z Is For ZooChinese Crested851885
WCSh *MP* ZeroChinese Crested633239
IPnFr *MP* ZoliaSilken Windhound101851
WCSh *MP* Zoom ZoomChinese Crested733174
WCSh *MP* [1.560x]Toy Fox Terrier661409
WCSh *MP* } Patchy Tan ~ PP chacha HH // EEEEToy Fox Terrier842575

Game Time

05:30am on Jan 27

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