• Kings of July •

Order By:

Dogs Bred By • Kings of July •

LockedNT •• $10000Border Collie16
LockedNT •• $10000Border Collie16
LockedJPnHT •• (KEEP) Rex- 21HH Isabella {lala} EEEEGreat Dane517
LockedNO 10HH 0hhCarpathian Shepherd2114
LockedIPnO 12HH 2hhCarpathian Shepherd731
LockedPnHu 15HH EEEEAmerican Bully1240
LockedFor Stud16American Bully18
LockedIPnO 18HH EEEECarpathian Shepherd949
LockedAPnH 18HH EEEECarpathian Shepherd1354
LockedASh FRB A Glimmer Of HopeBorder Collie1949
LockedANP Acer 18HHCarpathian Shepherd421
LockedIPnSh AlbusAmerican Pit Bull Terrier818
LockedJPnFr AlessandraAmerican Pit Bull Terrier619
LockedMO Arcanine 17 EEEE LlCarpathian Shepherd2868
LockedJPnM AugustAmerican Pit Bull Terrier620
LockedPnSh •• Ayr in the HillsBorder Collie1224
LockedMP RWTS B1 14HH/1hh[4] lla aw/aw strstr spdagi A/Fl/Fr/M/O/P/RO/Sh/T wally.X.bellaCarpathian Shepherd2459
LockedAP •• Ben 8HH 4hh lala Bb Dd spdstr strchaCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedJPnP RWTS BerryCarpathian Shepherd835
LockedJAP EEK Better In StripesCarpathian Shepherd1544
LockedARO •• Big Guy BaymaxBorder Collie1650
LockedIPnA •• BiscuitBorder Collie1027
LockedAH •• Bjørn 11HH 1hh Lla strstm strspdCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedNM Black and White (Irish) 12HH EEEEAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedAO •• Blanche 9HH 3hh lala swsw Rr Tt chaagi stmchaCentral Asian Shepherd1629
LockedMO RWTS Brogan 13HHAmerican Bully2756
LockedANT BronxAmerican Pit Bull Terrier413
LockedFor StudCCA •• CC - River (24HH, EEEE, lala, stmstmx3)Border Collie57102
LockedAPnSh •• ChowStandard Poodle1235
LockedNCRO -LR- ClydeAmerican Bully48101
LockedFor StudJARO CoalAmerican Bully1444
LockedAT BITTY CSM | 13/2 | Kbrk EmEm awaw Ssi cwcw UUCarpathian Shepherd1748
LockedExHu cyrus capillaryChihuahua33100
LockedNW NSh •• Dark Chocolate Teddy Bear- EEEEStandard Poodle16
LockedMM MSBK DemeterAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3181
LockedIPnSh BoltA Dolla EEEE 12HHAmerican Bully1021
LockedJAD •• EEEE Excellent (100%) [STR]Standard Poodle1237
LockedMP Eevee 18HH EEEE LlaCarpathian Shepherd2874
LockedMSc Fawn with Chocolate Sable and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog3050
LockedJAA Galaxy ((24HH))Border Collie1650
LockedNFr NSh •• Golden Knight Oswald- EEEEStandard Poodle16
LockedAPnSh ANA •• GoldhawkBorder Collie1438
LockedJPnSh HardyAmerican Bully516
LockedPnA •• He Comes In PeaceBorder Collie1140
LockedAH •• HH Clear Rust ZZBorder Collie2484
LockedFor StudMP Houndour 17HH LlCarpathian Shepherd3064
LockedCCHT •• Iggy EEEE lala 24Great Dane49101
LockedIntelligence 41German Shepherd Dog17
LockedIntelligence 54 Strength 43German Shepherd Dog17
LockedJPnHu JohnAmerican Bully719
LockedANT •• Journey's EndBorder Collie513
LockedJAFl •• Kickin' It (23HH)Border Collie1526
LockedNT EBM KingAmerican Bully5117
LockedExP ALPGK lala • 100.0 | Isabella and White (Irish) with TickingBorder Collie3774
LockedMH Lillipup 18HH EEEE LlaCarpathian Shepherd2974
LockedAP PnH •• LizzyBorder Collie1955
LockedNA •• Love Me Do EEEE 24HHBorder Collie16
LockedFor Private SaleIPnH R.E.U LunaCarpathian Shepherd1080
LockedNT Mabel 16HHCarpathian Shepherd572
LockedMA •• Maddy Mayhem 24Standard Poodle2753
LockedIPnA CoaSD MarkusStandard Poodle931
LockedASh Moca FlexAmerican Pit Bull Terrier26112
LockedAH EEK Mockingbird BluesCarpathian Shepherd18100
LockedAH Ninetails 17 EEEE LlCarpathian Shepherd2869
LockedAP On The Fly- Silver. 10HH. lala. EEGE.Carpathian Shepherd2097
LockedPnSh PeanutAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1026
LockedAA PnT •• PebblesBorder Collie1955
LockedPuppy 4German Shepherd Dog17
LockedPuppy 4German Shepherd Dog17
LockedPuppy 5American Staffordshire Terrier166
LockedPuppy 8German Shepherd Dog17
LockedPuppy 9German Shepherd Dog17
LockedJPnH RockBorder Collie855
LockedIPnFl •• RogerBorder Collie1037
LockedIPnA •• RoseBorder Collie1127
Locked•• Rowan Pup *g*Border Collie153
LockedRowan x Lonely DayBorder Collie129
LockedANFl SalemAmerican Pit Bull Terrier717
LockedAH •• SamanthaBorder Collie2374
LockedNT EBM SavannahAmerican Bully5115
LockedAO Shep 13HHCarpathian Shepherd21113
LockedJPnSh SherryAmerican Pit Bull Terrier620
LockedGCRO -LR- Silver AdvantageAmerican Bully4696
LockedAP EEK Silver LiningCarpathian Shepherd18100
LockedASh EEK Snowy PawsCarpathian Shepherd2257
LockedFor StudAH Sputnik ((24HH))Border Collie1850
LockedJPnO SteelBorder Collie675
LockedARO •• Steel Blue 24HH Lla 4E BB Ssi 1.282xStandard Poodle1831
LockedJAO EEK Striped PrideCarpathian Shepherd1455
LockedJPnT SugarAmerican Pit Bull Terrier822
LockedAM ^FMK^ TagenAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1334
LockedASh The Roar Of ThunderBorder Collie1848
LockedANFl •• The Stolen EarthBorder Collie513
LockedJAH •• TLK's TyrCentral Asian Shepherd1639
LockedChD •• Truffles - 18 HHStandard Poodle3456
LockedMRO BITTY Wally O'KodeeCarpathian Shepherd2582
LockedFor StudJAA 14 kt Willam 24HH LlaBorder Collie1634
LockedNA ZeroAmerican Pit Bull Terrier311
LockedJAH [**] Bix (intstm intstm)Border Collie1352
LockedJAH •• [24HH LL 2xstmxstr 1.108x] NuadaBorder Collie1136
LockedWCFl [BluMerle/w] (13)Border Collie4897
ANP (10/0) RilheicaesemCentral Asian Shepherd11783
(11) Rickghophan TooCentral Asian Shepherd11781
ANSh (11/0) CeaskybustgraCentral Asian Shepherd11783
ANP (11/2) RustbustcaesemmCentral Asian Shepherd41784
JAO (11HH) Greta JojoCentral Asian Shepherd121795
JPnP (11HH) Rocky LuluCentral Asian Shepherd81795
ANO (12/1) RustbustloukatCentral Asian Shepherd11782
NH (12/3) CaeskyherbellaCentral Asian Shepherd11781
ANO (13/1) CaeskyrockluCentral Asian Shepherd11782
JPnO (13HH EGGG) Rocco SophieCentral Asian Shepherd81796
(14) RickghophanCentral Asian Shepherd11781
NH (14/1) Caeskyrocklu TooCentral Asian Shepherd11782
ANSh (14/2) Rustbustloukat TooCentral Asian Shepherd11782
JPnO (15/3) CaeskybustgraCentral Asian Shepherd11783
NO (7/0) GrejowindeeCentral Asian Shepherd11781
(8/2) Caesar EmmaCentral Asian Shepherd11798
(9HH) Harley BrandyCentral Asian Shepherd11796
(GEEG) 7HH 3hh Faded Brown Grizzle / IrishCentral Asian Shepherd11797
IPnRO ****MERLABELLAGreat Dane92121
JAO •• 0.920 GGGE 8HH 2XAGI BB ddCentral Asian Shepherd161701
10 EEEECentral Asian Shepherd11764
10/0Central Asian Shepherd11771
10/0Central Asian Shepherd11769
10/0 EEEECentral Asian Shepherd11774
10/1Central Asian Shepherd11776
10/2Central Asian Shepherd11778
10/3 GEGGCentral Asian Shepherd11795
10HH EGGE 2hhCentral Asian Shepherd11797
11American Bully12800
11/0Central Asian Shepherd11771
11/0Central Asian Shepherd11759
11/0Central Asian Shepherd11758
11/1Central Asian Shepherd11775
11/1Central Asian Shepherd11775
11/1Central Asian Shepherd11775
11/1Central Asian Shepherd11775
11/2Central Asian Shepherd11772
11/5Central Asian Shepherd11781
11HH 4hh GGGE (Winston x Baiely)Central Asian Shepherd11796
11HH EGGG kk Bb DdCentral Asian Shepherd11796
NO 11HH GEEG Isabella and White (Piebald) with Silver PointsAmerican Pit Bull Terrier12907
11HH GEGG 3hh (30 int)Central Asian Shepherd11797
12/1Central Asian Shepherd11783
12/1 strstr agistrCentral Asian Shepherd11770
12/2Central Asian Shepherd11776
12/4Central Asian Shepherd11776
12/4 EGGG GgCentral Asian Shepherd11795
NSh 12HH 4hhAmerican Bully12862
12HH EGEG 2hhCentral Asian Shepherd11797
NSc 12HH EGGGAmerican Bully32828
12HH GEGGCentral Asian Shepherd11796
12HH GGGE 2hh lalaCentral Asian Shepherd11797
12HH GGGG 5hhCentral Asian Shepherd11797
12HH silver pointsCentral Asian Shepherd11794
13 EEEECentral Asian Shepherd11764
13/0Central Asian Shepherd11758
13/1Central Asian Shepherd11772
13/2Central Asian Shepherd11781
14/0Central Asian Shepherd11771
14/0Central Asian Shepherd11771
14/0Central Asian Shepherd11753
14/1Central Asian Shepherd11769
14/1 stmstm strstrCentral Asian Shepherd11770
14/2Central Asian Shepherd11777
14/2Central Asian Shepherd11772
14/3Central Asian Shepherd11776
14/3Central Asian Shepherd11769
APnSh TQK 14HHAmerican Pit Bull Terrier143956
14HH 0hh EEEECarpathian Shepherd12846
15Central Asian Shepherd11765
15Central Asian Shepherd11764
15Central Asian Shepherd11764
15Central Asian Shepherd11759
15/0Central Asian Shepherd11760
16/0Central Asian Shepherd11758
16/0Central Asian Shepherd11753
16/1Central Asian Shepherd11771
16/1Central Asian Shepherd11769
16/1Central Asian Shepherd11763
16/1Central Asian Shepherd11763
16/2Central Asian Shepherd11771
JAM TQK 16HHAmerican Pit Bull Terrier153955
NP 17American Bully12092
17Central Asian Shepherd11764
17Central Asian Shepherd11759
17Central Asian Shepherd11759
17Central Asian Shepherd11758
17 lala stmint stmstmCentral Asian Shepherd11759
17 3chaAmerican Bully12092
17/0Central Asian Shepherd11755
17HH EEEECarpathian Shepherd12801
18American Bully12092
18/0Central Asian Shepherd11759
18/0Central Asian Shepherd11742
18/1Central Asian Shepherd11753
18HH EEEEAmerican Bully12105
18HH EEEEAmerican Bully12105
19Central Asian Shepherd11753
19 strstr strstrCentral Asian Shepherd11758
19/0Central Asian Shepherd11763
19HHAmerican Bully12092
20Carpathian Shepherd12097
20American Bully12093
20American Bully12093
20American Bully12093
20American Bully12093
21Central Asian Shepherd11742
21/0Central Asian Shepherd11750
ANA 21HHAmerican Pit Bull Terrier63001
•• 21HHGreat Dane12099
23Great Dane12151
•• 23HHGreat Dane12099
ANA •• 24HH ChocolateBorder Collie61177
JAM •• 24HH EEEEBorder Collie152901
JPnM 24HH EEEE Brindle Isabella Merle with Tan Points and MaskBorder Collie82498
JPnHu •• 24HH EEEE Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle, Mask, and TickingBorder Collie72559
IPnRO ANM 24HH EEEE IsabellaBorder Collie102859
24HH/4E/lalaEnglish Springer Spaniel12105
24HH/4E/lalaEnglish Springer Spaniel12105
24HH/4E: HelliasGerman Shepherd Dog12096
24HH/4E: ShadboltGerman Shepherd Dog12096
24HH/4E: SpitfireGerman Shepherd Dog12096
5/3 EGGE dd cecwCentral Asian Shepherd11795
5HH 1hh EEGE 3intCentral Asian Shepherd11798
6HH dd lalaCentral Asian Shepherd11795
•• 6HH EEGG 4hhCentral Asian Shepherd11797
6HH EGGG 4hh (first 4 HH)Central Asian Shepherd11798
•• 8Central Asian Shepherd11788
8/1Central Asian Shepherd11781
8/1 R+Wh IrishCentral Asian Shepherd11795
8/6 GGGG Gg lalaCentral Asian Shepherd11795
JPnR 8HH 3hh WhiteWhippet44564
8HH 4EAmerican Bully12804
8HH 5hh EGGG lalaCentral Asian Shepherd11798
8HH 6hh GGGGCentral Asian Shepherd11798
8HH EEEG 1hhCentral Asian Shepherd11798
8HH EEEG 2hh llaCentral Asian Shepherd11798
8HH EGGE 4hhCentral Asian Shepherd11798
8HH GGEE 3hh (GG)Central Asian Shepherd11797
•• 8HH GGEE strcha agiintCentral Asian Shepherd11797
8HH/5hh ll Bb DD cecw Gg / Sirish x BrandyCentral Asian Shepherd11795
9Central Asian Shepherd11795
9/1Central Asian Shepherd11781
9/6 Bb Dd GgCentral Asian Shepherd11794
9HH 2hh EEGG (cecw Gg)Central Asian Shepherd11795
9HH EEEGCentral Asian Shepherd11797
9HH EGGG GgCentral Asian Shepherd11797
9HH GEEECentral Asian Shepherd11796
9HH GGGE 4hhCentral Asian Shepherd11798
JPnM •• AcornBorder Collie82914
IPnM •• Adoncia 24HH EEEE lalaGreat Dane102806
NCSh RWTS AlexaCarpathian Shepherd37473
NCH Ty's AnticlimacticCarpathian Shepherd532193
NSh APBTAmerican Pit Bull Terrier12944
NSh APBT Boss ManAmerican Pit Bull Terrier14477
ANA Apollo RolloBorder Collie52950
MO ArchibaldCarpathian Shepherd242581
ChFl •• Arctic Monkey | 24HH lala stmstm stmstmBorder Collie392913
WCHu SECK ArkadiaGreek Harehound562696
WCRO AzatAmerican Bully531444
WCW JAD •• B'ElannaStandard Poodle632899
PnH Baiera (9/3 H)Carpathian Shepherd132796
JAA BarraAmerican Bully162781
NH BeastieCarpathian Shepherd32793
Blue and White (Irish) (4agi) 6HH 3hhCentral Asian Shepherd11797
NP BonCarpathian Shepherd12791
Brindle Chocolate with Red PointsCentral Asian Shepherd11795
Brindle Faded Brown with Tan PointsCentral Asian Shepherd11769
Brindle Steel Blue and White (Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd11797
BRUNA 5/5 Cream Points Bruna x BrunaCentral Asian Shepherd11794
BullAmerican Bully12850
Buster GracieCentral Asian Shepherd11797
APnFl BYULabrador Retriever104458
AD •• Cadbury (23HH)(EEEE)Great Dane162761
Caesar EmmaCentral Asian Shepherd11798
Caesar SkyeCentral Asian Shepherd11797
MFl Canary IslandsBorder Collie312572
Charisma 53Central Asian Shepherd11765
UCO •• Chill Factor at SurefireBorder Collie58566
NSh ChloeAmerican Staffordshire Terrier14570
ChocobeanieGerman Shepherd Dog11986
Chocolate and White (Irish) with Ticking | 9HH GGGG 4hhCentral Asian Shepherd11797
Chocolate Sable 5HH/7hh GGGGCentral Asian Shepherd11797
Chocolate Sable 8/5hh EGGGCentral Asian Shepherd11797
ANO CoconutCarpathian Shepherd52670
NO •• CodyBorder Collie12926
PnM RWTS CookieCarpathian Shepherd102108
Cream and White (Irish) with Steel Blue SaddleCentral Asian Shepherd11781
•• Creamy Von Dusty Patches EEEEBorder Collie12858
ExHu TC-K CreekAmerican Bully342471
NSh DaiseyAmerican Bully42794
APnHu ~DPK~ Daring Miss BloomAmerican Bully132873
JAH •• Deimos (lala 24HH)Border Collie16555
APnO DevvoBorder Collie142793
AA •• Did you say something 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog192845
ExFr •• Donati 24HH EEEE lalaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier332907
GCT RWTS DonnaCarpathian Shepherd501834
JARO •• Donner EEEE 24HH LlaStandard Poodle162908
MP •• DrakeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier254486
CCRO MABK Dusk DoneAmerican Bully442680
AH G*D Easy WindCarpathian Shepherd222599
AFl •• EbonBorder Collie242826
MSh •• EEGG Cold CaseAmerican Pit Bull Terrier333631
EGEE 9HH 1hhCentral Asian Shepherd11796
ARO BITTY EGFGCarpathian Shepherd152833
JAP •• EGGG 11HH FawnCentral Asian Shepherd211771
ASh FPup ElaGerman Shepherd Dog261398
IPnH VIN Ellie AndersonBorder Collie102815
IPnP RWTS ErikCarpathian Shepherd92518
WCO §f(k Eye of The TigerAmerican Staffordshire Terrier474038
Faded Blue SableCentral Asian Shepherd11761
Faded Brown and White (Irish) with Tan PointsCentral Asian Shepherd11742
Faded Brown SableCentral Asian Shepherd11796
Faded Brown Sable 9HHCentral Asian Shepherd11795
Faded Isabella Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd11759
ExT •• FaithStandard Poodle482909
ExT FlashBorder Collie341940
CCFl Frappe (7HH 3hh)Siberian Husky414513
•• Freedom Von Lovin' Life 24HH EEEEBorder Collie12858
Furryfluff (10HH 2hh Bb Dd)Central Asian Shepherd11790
GeorgetteAmerican Bully12850
NM GerabellaBull Terrier52979
Ghost PhantasmaCentral Asian Shepherd11798
AM Gimme Two StepsBorder Collie242953
MA •• GO WITH THE FLOBorder Collie382774
•• Golden Ivory Von Stripess EEEEBorder Collie12858
gorgeous 13/1Central Asian Shepherd11777
IPnSh goulAmerican Bully82636
PnSh GrassfieldAmerican Pit Bull Terrier84568
AFr Gregarious GinaCarpathian Shepherd302619
AM •• GuardianGreat Dane182897
GCSh •• HalleAmerican Pit Bull Terrier364179
IPnSh HallyAmerican Bully92860
Harley PupCentral Asian Shepherd11797
ChH Pop' HeartacheBorder Collie452754
CCO KWCh Hedvig - EEEE 19HHCarpathian Shepherd492561
ChFl KWCh Heike - EEEE 18HHCarpathian Shepherd462430
Herbie EllaCentral Asian Shepherd11798
HildaCarpathian Shepherd12791
APnFl DUDS HollieBorder Collie142769
GCSh NSR HudsonAmerican Staffordshire Terrier443791
WCW PnA •• IchebStandard Poodle622899
PnH RWTS IdrisCarpathian Shepherd122757
isabella blue eyeGreat Dane12151
Isabella with Silver Points and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd11753
ANFl JackharlbranCentral Asian Shepherd41783
AH BSK JerredBorder Collie172939
Jojo LimCentral Asian Shepherd11795
APnA RWTS JuneCarpathian Shepherd142639
JASh Kaspar's Once In a Blue MoonAmerican Staffordshire Terrier144567
PnO RWTS KediCarpathian Shepherd112770
AH ExFl •• KendallBorder Collie372904
Kk Ee Bb Dd slsl awaw SS mm rr tt cchce GgCentral Asian Shepherd11796
PnRO Ko [10/5 lla Ssi]Carpathian Shepherd112851
JAH KristieBorder Collie182454
PnM •• KunigundeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier94526
APnRO •• Lakelen's Desert Runner 88 x 28German Shepherd Dog142110
JAH •• Lakelen's Desert Voyage 88 x 28German Shepherd Dog162110
APnHu Lakelen's SenpaiGerman Shepherd Dog152110
JAW Lakelen's SmurfGerman Shepherd Dog102106
lala chacha intchaCentral Asian Shepherd11761
lala intint agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd11773
AH Late BloomerBorder Collie202943
JAH DUDS LeoBorder Collie152765
GCA ALPGK Life is Like a Box of ChocolatesBorder Collie45576
WCSh JPnM •• Lightning Dancer [20HH]American Pit Bull Terrier504463
JPnSc •• LikaiGerman Shepherd Dog61930
MHu HNRP LILLYAmerican Bully272825
APnHu Ds2CR Linksys Of The CircuitAmerican Bully122383
JPnD •• LouieGerman Shepherd Dog72850
Louie KatieCentral Asian Shepherd11797
Louie x Katie (9HH 4hh)Central Asian Shepherd11796
ChH •• Lucky (24 HH)Border Collie41774
NS LunaChinook32793
NSc lvl 89 x lvl 27German Shepherd Dog12907
ASh •• MargaretAmerican Pit Bull Terrier252899
AO •• MariahAmerican Pit Bull Terrier231843
PnO •• MarshaCentral Asian Shepherd101568
•• Masked Red Von Dusting of Snow EEEEBorder Collie12858
NFl MaxieGreek Harehound12779
APnH •• MichelleBorder Collie142819
GCFl RELIC Milky WayBorder Collie45578
AO ChSh MonteAmerican Pit Bull Terrier351748
ChSh •• NelissaBorder Collie381323
APnH Nightcrawler EEEE Lla 1.052Border Collie142956
NHu PabloAmerican Bully42782
MFl •• PadmaBorder Collie262914
ANH APnSh Patron's LastBorder Collie122109
NCP RWTS PattieCarpathian Shepherd511834
NFr PawGreek Harehound12779
GCH RWTS PerriCarpathian Shepherd492517
MSh PeterAmerican Staffordshire Terrier274541
JPnSh Pie CartAmerican Pit Bull Terrier44562
ExD •• Poppy Meadows' Aurora (24HH) +++Standard Poodle322823
WCD •• Poppy Meadows' Silver(EEEE)23HH lalaStandard Poodle402836
•• Puppy 1Standard Poodle12897
•• Puppy 1Great Dane12872
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11778
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11777
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11777
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11777
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11776
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11773
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11772
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11771
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11771
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11764
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11764
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11760
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11760
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11760
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11759
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11759
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11758
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd11755
Puppy 10Central Asian Shepherd11777
•• Puppy 2Border Collie11298
Puppy 2American Pit Bull Terrier12023
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11783
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11777
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11777
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11776
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11771
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11771
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11769
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11760
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11759
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11755
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11755
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11755
Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd11742
•• Puppy 3Border Collie11298
•• Puppy 3Border Collie12907
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11796
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11781
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11779
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11777
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11776
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11772
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11769
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11764
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11761
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11750
Puppy 4American Pit Bull Terrier12023
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11796
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11783
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11777
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11762
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11760
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11758
Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11755
Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd11778
Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd11771
Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd11759
Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd11753
Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd11742
NP Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog31877
Puppy 6Central Asian Shepherd11771
Puppy 6Central Asian Shepherd11770
Puppy 6Central Asian Shepherd11769
Puppy 6Central Asian Shepherd11765
Puppy 7Central Asian Shepherd11783
Puppy 7Central Asian Shepherd11781
Puppy 7Central Asian Shepherd11777
Puppy 7Central Asian Shepherd11770
Puppy 7Central Asian Shepherd11764
Puppy 7Central Asian Shepherd11760
Puppy 7Central Asian Shepherd11750
Puppy 8Central Asian Shepherd11779
Puppy 8Central Asian Shepherd11761
•• Puppy 9American Pit Bull Terrier12913
Puppy 9Central Asian Shepherd11767
Puppy 9Central Asian Shepherd11755
RabbitCentral Asian Shepherd11797
ANH |TH| RebaCarpathian Shepherd62786
NM Rebe {24HH} (lala chaint agicha)American Pit Bull Terrier52089
ExSh •• Red DawnAmerican Pit Bull Terrier314145
NO •• RenCentral Asian Shepherd11119
MA Rescue~ Chloe Lla EEEEBorder Collie242567
Riley HeidiCentral Asian Shepherd11797
IPnO Romany Boris von SprinklesCarpathian Shepherd92908
IPnSh Romany Natasha von SprinklesCarpathian Shepherd92908
JASc RoseAmerican Staffordshire Terrier124451
Rowan pupBorder Collie12830
APnH •• Rowan's Silver Bullet (LL)Border Collie142901
ASh •• RubyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier174551
APnP Rudy LolaCentral Asian Shepherd121795
JPnP Rudy Lola TooCentral Asian Shepherd71795
RUSTY BUSTERCentral Asian Shepherd11797
IPnSh SadieAmerican Bully92860
AFr Salem's Irish CloverMiniature Bull Terrier172983
APnFr Salem's Little Green Soldier ManGreat Dane142176
•• Salem's Tank TitanGreat Dane12098
NCSh •• Salem[13HH][GGGG]American Pit Bull Terrier474065
JPnSh SallyAmerican Bully92860
MRO SamanthaAmerican Bully302756
AH •• SandyBorder Collie312841
JAH JPnA Loki3 SarahBorder Collie152906
PnSh •• Sata Sallamaa Iskee TultaCentral Asian Shepherd101754
ANSc EBM Scarlet *Rescue* EEGEAmerican Bully62848
NFr SWTA2 Seashell Von Lace EEEEBorder Collie12900
JPnSc •• sereasGerman Shepherd Dog61930
IPnSh SilkyAmerican Bully92860
APnSh SilverAmerican Pit Bull Terrier132997
APnFl 14 kt Silver Perfection (24HH)Border Collie122787
JPnP Silver StellaCentral Asian Shepherd81795
NH •• Simon pup 1.127x LL agistr stmstmBorder Collie12886
ANS SixteenChinook42793
JAFr •• SnowflakeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier152983
spdspd chachCentral Asian Shepherd11773
spdspd strspdCentral Asian Shepherd11773
spdspd strspdCentral Asian Shepherd11761
spdspd strspdCentral Asian Shepherd11761
JPnT Speak x HeidiBorder Collie72914
Speed 21Central Asian Shepherd11773
Speed 28Central Asian Shepherd11761
Speed 33Central Asian Shepherd11761
Speed and charismaCentral Asian Shepherd11761
Speed and charismaCentral Asian Shepherd11761
NSc SpikeAmerican Bully12848
PnFl •• Star (24/EEEE/Lla)Border Collie112914
WCFr •• Star stmAmerican Pit Bull Terrier682318
AFl AC.k Steel Blue 24HH LL 4E Bb Ayat Ssi 1.282x x4ChaStandard Poodle232812
ExFr •• Steel Blue and White (Irish) 24HH LL 4E Bb 1.285xStandard Poodle472722
ANO •• StellaGerman Shepherd Dog71575
ExFl •• StripesBorder Collie352914
NA SunAmerican Bully42794
APnHu CLodg Sunset 12HH 7hhCarpathian Shepherd172909
ANT TabithaBorder Collie72914
PnP TanyaCarpathian Shepherd102779
NP ThanaGerman Shepherd Dog12911
GCA •• The Patriot **Border Collie471834
JAH ~PAW~ Through The Eyes of a ChampionCarpathian Shepherd152739
AH Thunderbolts and LightningBorder Collie162939
NCSh -LR- TianaAmerican Staffordshire Terrier483957
•• Tiger'PawCentral Asian Shepherd11794
AD •• TitanAmerican Pit Bull Terrier152879
MM •• TommonBorder Collie262823
AA •• TrystBorder Collie202841
JPnSh TuneAmerican Pit Bull Terrier82966
ANH VioletCarpathian Shepherd62799
AH •• WarrenCentral Asian Shepherd201202
MSh •• Wings of a ButterflyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier262906
Winston DeedeeCentral Asian Shepherd11796
NH WyattCarpathian Shepherd32790
yay red chocCentral Asian Shepherd11781
AHT Zwingerwar von PerfectGreat Dane232773
[24HH/4E/Lla] FADED BROWNStandard Poodle12101
JPnHT [24HH] Dark MountainGreat Dane82153
[24HH] Iron MountainGreat Dane12153
JPnM •• [24HH] Metal MountainGreat Dane52153
ExFl •• [cy] BHK~ Macey 24Border Collie382860

Game Time

07:52pm on Mar 9

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