Silver Eagle Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Silver Eagle Kennels

LockedAP «SEK» A Call To ArmsGreenland Dog2230
LockedCCFr PnHT «SEK» Akimi's TestAkita5078
LockedPnM NCFr «SEK» Ancient SongsAkita4666
LockedASh AH AsherAustralian Koolie3050
LockedCCHT AM «SEK» AtsukoAkita5590
LockedNSc «SEK» Begging for One More ChanceGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedFor StudWCFl MP «SEK» Blood Of KingsGreenland Dog6194
LockedFor StudPnHT «SEK» ChiakiAkita718
LockedNCP PnO «SEK» Cold Cold HeartGreenland Dog5274
LockedCCHT JAFr «SEK» CosmopolitanAkita5282
LockedMHT «SEK» Crossroads DemonAkita2740
LockedChM «SEK» Diamond EyesAkita4054
LockedMP «SEK» Don't Rain on My ParadeGreenland Dog3043
LockedFor StudCCHT MSc «SEK» Echoes Of HeroesAkita5789
LockedMSc JAH «SEK» Faded AutumnGerman Shepherd Dog2963
LockedAS «SEK» Farewell to Rain (Bb Dd 9/2)Greenland Dog2993
LockedWCFr JAHT «SEK» HonoviAkita6289
LockedWCM APnHT «SEK» Into The AbyssAkita5888
LockedFor StudGCFr «SEK» Jeremy 8HHAkita3376
LockedFor Private SaleASc «SEK» JulietGerman Shepherd Dog2890
LockedChP JPnFl «SEK» Keeper of NothingGreenland Dog4158
LockedWCFr APnHT «SEK» Kings and LionheartsAkita5276
LockedNFr «SEK» Knight of RosesAkita17
LockedFor StudJAHT WCM «SEK» Loud MouthAkita5894
LockedFor StudWCM «SEK» Madness Is A BlessingAkita62102
LockedFor StudWCHT «SEK» On A Pale HorseAkita57101
LockedAS «SEK» Puppy 1Greenland Dog1531
LockedFor Public Sale«SEK» Puppy 1Greyhound16
LockedANHT JPnM «SEK» Puppy 2Akita515
LockedIPnFl «SEK» Puppy 2Australian Koolie918
LockedJAS «SEK» Puppy 2 (blue, carries b)Greenland Dog1325
LockedAHT «SEK» Puppy 3Akita1931
LockedFor Public Sale«SEK» Puppy 3Akita16
LockedFor Public SaleNP «SEK» Puppy 8Greenland Dog16
LockedFor Public SaleAPnT «SEK» R&W Lt. underside || 12HH EEGG || BB DD LLAkita1234
LockedGCFl PnS «SEK» Rainbow RoadGreenland Dog4565
LockedExHT «SEK» Rodeo QueenAkita3854
LockedAPnP «SEK» RuotopihditGreenland Dog1218
LockedJAS «SEK» Shadow KingGreenland Dog1218
LockedNCHT PnT «SEK» Silver FireAkita4978
LockedFor StudWCS APnP «SEK» SkyfallGreenland Dog5988
LockedNCT «SEK» Spring HawkGerman Shepherd Dog3974
LockedAFl «SEK» Stay GoldAustralian Koolie1828
LockedCCP APnS «SEK» Sugar HeartedGreenland Dog5487
LockedMFr «SEK» Summertime SadnessAkita2840
LockedMM «SEK» The Man Comes AroundAkita2840
LockedCCHT IPnFr «SEK» The Ravens TendAkita5474
LockedNCA «SEK» The seeker of revengeAustralian Koolie4078
LockedWCFr AHT «SEK» Through The ChaosAkita5788
LockedCCHT APnFr «SEK» Time Flows OnAkita5474
LockedJPnR «SEK» Tin TowerGreyhound112
LockedFor StudWCFr AHT «SEK» Trial By FireAkita5788
LockedMS «SEK» Walk the LineAkita2346
Locked«SEK» When The Angels SingAkita16
LockedNCSc AT «SEK» WillowSun's Chancey 8-0 1.108German Shepherd Dog5785
LockedNCP JAFl «SEK» WindhelmGreenland Dog5274
AT IPnSc «SEK» 07AuroraGerman Shepherd Dog252207
MFr AkaiGreenland Dog244324
NT ASc «SEK» alexandreGerman Shepherd Dog272384
WCT «SEK» As Seasons PassGerman Shepherd Dog492417
WCS BarbieGreenland Dog504253
WCS BrienneGreenland Dog514245
WCSc Can't Smile Without YouGerman Shepherd Dog534482
NCS «SEK» Elder Behemoth's SilenceGreenland Dog384079
WCSc «SEK» Everlasting Love - EEEE 17HHAkita644073
MA Fly With MeMudi304306
JPnT NM GGGG [k.b.d.asa.sw]Australian Koolie54222
MT JPnH «SEK» GideonGerman Shepherd Dog262367
WCS «SEK» Grey AreaGreenland Dog622424
WCP «SEK» Heart Of WinterGreenland Dog572421
WCT Hot like meGerman Shepherd Dog544334
MSc PnT «SEK» Look To The SkyGerman Shepherd Dog242048
WCT «SEK» Making SenseGerman Shepherd Dog623717
AA NFl «SEK» May FlowersAustralian Koolie142381
WCSc Money PitGerman Shepherd Dog564268
JAHT NarutoAkita84393
MHT NekuAkita194579
WCP «SEK» Nothing Is ImpossibleGreenland Dog542450
APnSc «SEK» Oak That Sings In Fierce WindsGerman Shepherd Dog142362
ANSc NT «SEK» ObiGerman Shepherd Dog4848
WCSc One Magic ChristmasGerman Shepherd Dog544270
IPnO Puppy 11Greenland Dog64545
ChO Puppy 4Australian Koolie314518
IPnS «SEK» Puppy 4Greenland Dog52336
ChT «SEK» Red Solo CupAustralian Koolie342418
IPnT Retired RescueAustralian Koolie74227
PnA «SEK» Rose ThornMudi93965
ExHT Sadetanssi 88.54 EEEGAkita284567
MT JPnSc «SEK» SaintGerman Shepherd Dog281875
WCS SassyGreenland Dog504243
MS «SEK» SekaiAkita293571
MA Serene GraceMudi254297
JAM Sing to the Moon 9HHAkita104560
ChT «SEK» Sterling DevilGerman Shepherd Dog352419
NSc Still AliveGerman Shepherd Dog14453
MT JPnSc «SEK» Summers LostGerman Shepherd Dog322351
AT JPnSc «SEK» Sunny Beau Vom ESGerman Shepherd Dog232391
WCH ExM «SEK» TheoreticalAustralian Koolie514153
WCSc Thunder HawkGerman Shepherd Dog514411
AH PnFl «SEK» TuckerAustralian Koolie232381
ASc JPnT «SEK» wiencyzslawGerman Shepherd Dog212371
WCSc You can't keep a good dog down.Akita524321

Game Time

03:03pm on Mar 25

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