Dementor's Cave

Order By:

Dogs Bred By Dementor's Cave

LockedWCSc DeCa AC/DC DemonDoberman Pinscher6682
LockedGCO DeCa AchillesDoberman Pinscher6094
LockedJAR DeCa Admiral EspressoSilken Windhound1520
LockedAP DeCa Aged DixieDoberman Pinscher2531
LockedPnSc DeCa All Quiet on the Western Front [Blue 24/0 strint x1.408]Doberman Pinscher1017
LockedASc DeCa Altar ShockDoberman Pinscher2429
LockedMSc DeCa An Ameano Ceeper||S|Lla|10HH|4hh|EEGG||Akita Inu3272
LockedCCSc DeCa Angel GeneralDoberman Pinscher6382
LockedGCFr DeCa Arabella SurpiseSilken Windhound4561
LockedExHT DeCa Assassin BeeKarelian Bear Dog3746
LockedASc DeCa Astral GrimKarelian Bear Dog2833
LockedExA DeCa Attractive StrikeSilken Windhound3546
LockedJPnSc DeCa Ava Gardener [Isa 24/0 intstr x1.405]Doberman Pinscher917
LockedAFr DeCa Baby UnderworldKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedWCSc DeCa Baby VioletDoberman Pinscher6782
LockedASc DeCa Bayou CoffeeDoberman Pinscher2631
LockedExFl DeCa Beautiful WantSilken Windhound3751
LockedAFr DeCa Bee KingKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedExFr DeCa Bella GuestSilken Windhound3446
LockedNCM NCFr DeCa Between The BarsAkita Inu54104
LockedGCSc DeCa Black Magic- Magic [24HH] EEEE/ Blk w/Red PntsDoberman Pinscher5282
LockedMHT DeCa Black SoulKarelian Bear Dog2833
LockedJAFl DeCa Blazing LazingSilken Windhound1520
LockedChFl DeCa Blood OrchidSilken Windhound4461
LockedASc DeCa Blowing UpDoberman Pinscher2631
LockedGCP DeCa Blue MoneySilken Windhound4661
LockedMR DeCa Blue RadarSilken Windhound3446
LockedWCR DeCa Bonnie WishSilken Windhound6386
LockedASc DeCa Brigadier BarbieDoberman Pinscher2229
LockedCCSc DeCa Brigadier ShockwaveDoberman Pinscher6180
LockedASc DeCa Broken BaronessDoberman Pinscher2329
LockedJAFl DeCa Cafe DynastySilken Windhound1420
LockedChT DeCa Call of DynastySilken Windhound4661
LockedJAFl DeCa Captain DerpSilken Windhound1320
LockedAM DeCa CaramelAkita Inu2129
LockedASc DeCa Caramia RhapsodyDoberman Pinscher2631
LockedExFr DeCa Caribbean StormSilken Windhound3446
LockedWCFr DeCa Carnation JudgementSilken Windhound6286
LockedExFr DeCa Cimarron SeraphineSilken Windhound3546
LockedAHT DeCa Civilization DevastationKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedNA DeCa ClaireBorzoi16
LockedAPnR DeCa Coffee CreamSilken Windhound1320
LockedExR DeCa Copper AllianceSilken Windhound3446
LockedExR DeCa Copper KingdomSilken Windhound3446
LockedASc DeCa Corporal ImpossibleDoberman Pinscher2731
LockedJAFl DeCa Crazy BirdSilken Windhound1320
LockedAM DeCa DaisyAkita Inu2332
LockedCCSc DeCa Dapper CherubDoberman Pinscher6382
LockedMSc DeCa Dare to SatisfyDoberman Pinscher2731
LockedMFl DeCa Dark CleopatraKarelian Bear Dog2833
LockedCCO DeCa Demented KingDoberman Pinscher6280
LockedJPnP DeCa Dementor's A Tad CrazySilken Windhound612
LockedNSh DeCa Dementor's Abyss (19/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher19
LockedWCFl DeCa Dementor's Action Lady (23/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound8698
LockedPnFr DeCa Dementor's Aged CheddarSilken Windhound1016
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Appropos (22/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher19
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Aquarius (22/0) Black PBSilken Windhound8698
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Aquarius (24/0) Blue BSilken Windhound3237
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Arwen Undomiel (24/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog4853
LockedMT DeCa Dementor's Asskicker (22/0) Red BSilken Windhound3137
LockedExA DeCa Dementor's Autumn Lullaby (24/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound3542
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Avada Kedevra (23/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher7889
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Bad Blood (22/0)Karelian Bear Dog4753
LockedExT DeCa Dementor's Black Candle (24/0) BlackSilken Windhound3642
LockedPnSc DeCa Dementor's Black LiquoriceDoberman Pinscher1218
LockedNR DeCa Dementor's Black PlagueSilken Windhound110
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Blackberry (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher19
LockedExR DeCa Dementor's Blackout (20/0) BlackSilken Windhound3742
LockedUCFl DeCa Dementor's Blood Red (23/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound8798
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Blue Witch (23/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher7989
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Boadeca (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher8598
LockedNO DeCa Dementor's Bodyguard (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher19
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Botan (21/0) SBAkita Inu7890
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Buyakuya (23/0) SBAkita Inu7386
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Caffeine Infusion (23/0) Isa BSilken Windhound3037
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Caffeine Love (24/0) Isa IrishSilken Windhound8798
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Calla (23/0) Cream BSilken Windhound3137
LockedNO DeCa Dementor's Ceasar (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher19
LockedWCSh DeCa Dementor's Changeling (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog6374
LockedExFr DeCa Dementor's Chocolate Kiss (22/0) Choco IrishSilken Windhound3542
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Chocolate Moccha (23/0) IsaSilken Windhound3137
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Chocolate Powder (20/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher7489
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Clockmeister (24/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher7989
LockedAPnSc DeCa Dementor's Clockwork HazeDoberman Pinscher1318
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Coffee Bean (23/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound3037
LockedNFr DeCa Dementor's Commanding ThiefKarelian Bear Dog16
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Corporal Levi (23/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog4653
LockedPnSc DeCa Dementor's Courageous SightlineDoberman Pinscher1218
LockedWCT DeCa Dementor's Cruel Master (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher7489
LockedExFl DeCa Dementor's Cupid (23/0) Red B PBSilken Windhound3542
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Curious Boy (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher7989
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Cursed Being (22/0)Karelian Bear Dog4753
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Cyberpunk (23/0) Choco IrishSilken Windhound8598
LockedWCO DeCa Dementor's Dark Chocolate (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher7489
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Dark Time (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher7589
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Dark Wind (19/0) Red PBSilken Windhound2732
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Date Night (22/0) Blue BSilken Windhound8698
LockedPnR DeCa Dementor's Dead FoxSilken Windhound915
LockedJPnR DeCa Dementor's Delicious ManipulationSilken Windhound612
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Despair Horizon (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher19
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Dragon Killer (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher7689
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Dragon Myth (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher7589
LockedJPnFr DeCa Dementor's Dying StarSilken Windhound612
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's E.T (23/0) CreamSilken Windhound2832
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Elevator to Hell (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher19
LockedNHT DeCa Dementor's Elf KingKarelian Bear Dog16
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Endless Courage (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher8395
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Enki (23/0) FBAkita Inu7890
LockedExR DeCa Dementor's Eternal (23/0) IsaSilken Windhound3542
LockedIPnFl DeCa Dementor's Falcon PunchSilken Windhound1016
LockedExFl DeCa Dementor's Fall (24/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound3642
LockedUCHT DeCa Dementor's Fantasy King (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog8498
LockedIPnT DeCa Dementor's Feline FamousSilken Windhound915
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Feverish Bullet (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher7995
LockedExR DeCa Dementor's Final Countdown (22/0) Cream B IrishSilken Windhound3642
LockedNHT DeCa Dementor's Final FrostKarelian Bear Dog16
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Final Judgement (23/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound2832
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Forbidden Relation (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher8698
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Forget Me Not (23/0) Cream BSilken Windhound3137
LockedChHT DeCa Dementor's Fun Times (24/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog4253
LockedJPnT DeCa Dementor's Gambling UnionSilken Windhound612
LockedWCT DeCa Dementor's Genkai (24/0) SBAkita Inu7186
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Gentleman (22/0) Isa BSilken Windhound3237
LockedIPnR DeCa Dementor's Ghost MasterSilken Windhound915
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Ghost Tale (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog4653
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Gin (16/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu7686
LockedWCA DeCa Dementor's Gintoki (21/0) SAkita Inu7186
LockedWCA DeCa Dementor's Gintora (18/0) SBAkita Inu7386
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Glazier (24/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog6174
LockedJPnR DeCa Dementor's Golden MemoriesSilken Windhound612
LockedMFr DeCa Dementor's Golden Wolf (18/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound2732
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Green with Envy (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher19
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Grey Ash (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher19
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Guilty As Charged (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher19
LockedPnR DeCa Dementor's Gunmetal GreySilken Windhound1016
LockedWCRO DeCa Dementor's Hanabi (15/0) SBAkita Inu7386
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Harley Quinn (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher8598
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Hayato (18/0) FAkita Inu6986
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Hero (22/0) Fawn B PBSilken Windhound3137
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Hibari (22/0) FAkita Inu7486
LockedWCA DeCa Dementor's Hiei (21/0) SBAkita Inu7690
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Highway to Hell (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog4553
LockedWCA DeCa Dementor's Hinami (23/0) FAkita Inu7590
LockedWCA DeCa Dementor's Hinata (22/0) SAkita Inu7386
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Hot Date (22/0) Isa BSilken Windhound3237
LockedUCFl DeCa Dementor's Hot Stuff (21/0) Cream PBSilken Windhound8898
LockedWCFr DeCa Dementor's Hotaru (23/0) SBAkita Inu7586
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Icarus (24/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog4753
LockedWCT DeCa Dementor's Ichino (21/0) SBAkita Inu7690
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Icy Death (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog4753
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Icy Death (24/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog6374
LockedExFr DeCa Dementor's Immortal (23/0) ChocoSilken Windhound3337
LockedPnR DeCa Dementor's Invested InterestSilken Windhound915
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Jazz Hands (24/0) ChocoSilken Windhound8898
LockedWCO DeCa Dementor's Kakashi (22/0) SBAkita Inu7486
LockedWCFr DeCa Dementor's Keiko (17/0) SBAkita Inu7686
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Kenshin (23/0) CAkita Inu7590
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Kili (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog6174
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's King of Boom (23/0) BlackSilken Windhound8798
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's King's Assassin (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher19
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Kira (23/0) Cream BSilken Windhound3137
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Kirara (19/0) Fawn B IrishSilken Windhound2732
LockedWCA DeCa Dementor's Koto (21/0) SAkita Inu7590
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Köriläs (13/2 GGEE)Karelian Bear Dog7998
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Lake (21/0) Fawn B PBSilken Windhound2932
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Lapis Lazuli (21/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound8598
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Last Chance (21/0) Cream BSilken Windhound3237
LockedWCFl DeCa Dementor's Last Chance (22/0) Cream B IrishSilken Windhound8498
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Last Chance (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog4653
LockedMFr DeCa Dementor's Last Minute (24/0) Cream BSilken Windhound3237
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Last Waltz (23/0) Red BSilken Windhound3237
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Law Abiding Citizen (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher19
LockedUCHT DeCa Dementor's Leidi Mandariini (15/1 EGEE)Karelian Bear Dog8598
LockedExFr DeCa Dementor's Life (24/0) ChocoSilken Windhound3742
LockedWCO DeCa Dementor's Light Dragon (24/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog6374
LockedIPnA DeCa Dementor's Living BeautySilken Windhound915
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Lord Awesome (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher8295
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Magenta (24/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound8598
LockedWCA DeCa Dementor's Megumi (17/0) SBAkita Inu7890
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Mei (21/0) CBAkita Inu7890
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Miss Fearless (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher8295
LockedJPnFl DeCa Dementor's Miss MonsterSilken Windhound612
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Miss Platinum (22/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog4753
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Mister Mystic (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog4753
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Miyu (20/0) SBAkita Inu7890
LockedWCFl DeCa Dementor's Mocha Latte (23/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound8598
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Mochida (22/0) FAkita Inu6986
LockedExR DeCa Dementor's Molly Harper (24/0) Black B IrishSilken Windhound3642
LockedNM DeCa Dementor's Mr. Snow WhiteKarelian Bear Dog16
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Ninja Girl (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog4853
LockedMFr DeCa Dementor's Old Boy (23/0) ChocoSilken Windhound3237
LockedNFr DeCa Dementor's Owl of AthenaKarelian Bear Dog16
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Pale Blue Sky (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog6274
LockedIPnT DeCa Dementor's Paradise LostSilken Windhound915
LockedPnSc DeCa Dementor's Pedigree SuperheroDoberman Pinscher1218
LockedWCT DeCa Dementor's Picasso (23/0) Isa BSilken Windhound8698
LockedUCFl DeCa Dementor's Pisces (23/0) BlueSilken Windhound8598
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Pixie Dixie (23/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher19
LockedExFl DeCa Dementor's Protecting Angel (23/0) Isa B PBSilken Windhound3742
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Pygmy (20/0) Choco BSilken Windhound2732
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Queen (21/0) Fawn BSilken Windhound2732
LockedNHT DeCa Dementor's Rapid StrikeKarelian Bear Dog16
LockedNSc DeCa Dementor's Red Rose (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher19
LockedWCT DeCa Dementor's Reisa (20/0) SAkita Inu7990
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Rikioh (21/0) SAkita Inu7586
LockedAPnR DeCa Dementor's Rio RoyaltySilken Windhound1420
LockedExFr DeCa Dementor's Rockabilly (22/0) Isa BSilken Windhound3337
LockedUCFr DeCa Dementor's Rosvo (15/1 EGEE)Karelian Bear Dog8498
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Roswell (22/0) Black B IrishSilken Windhound2832
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Ruler of Mad (22/0) ChocoSilken Windhound8698
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Saboteur (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher8295
LockedUCFl DeCa Dementor's Sagittarius (24/0) Brindle B IrishSilken Windhound8798
LockedCCSc DeCa Dementor's Sanctimony (23/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher6172
LockedWCRO DeCa Dementor's Sango (23/0) SAkita Inu7490
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Screw the Rules (23/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog4653
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Secrecy (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog4653
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's September Ends (18/0) Cream EPBSilken Windhound8198
LockedIPnR DeCa Dementor's Shaken to the CoreSilken Windhound915
LockedExR DeCa Dementor's Sherlock (24/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound3742
LockedWCFr DeCa Dementor's Shiro (19/0) SAkita Inu7386
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Shishiwakamaru (21/0) SBAkita Inu8090
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Shrill Death (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher8695
LockedIPnR DeCa Dementor's Silent GraveSilken Windhound915
LockedExT DeCa Dementor's Silver Light (24/0) WhiteSilken Windhound3742
LockedJPnR DeCa Dementor's Sleeping LionSilken Windhound712
LockedJPnT DeCa Dementor's Sly BlueSilken Windhound712
LockedExFl DeCa Dementor's Smooth as Silk (24/0) ChocoSilken Windhound3742
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Snap Snap (22/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher8195
LockedMT DeCa Dementor's Space Case (22/0) CreamSilken Windhound2832
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Speed Limit (23/0) Red IrishSilken Windhound8798
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Spike (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher8495
LockedNT DeCa Dementor's StarstruckSilken Windhound110
LockedGCHT DeCa Dementor's Stay With Me (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog4753
LockedUCFl DeCa Dementor's Stranger Tides (23/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound8598
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Sugar Plum (21/0) Silver PBSilken Windhound2732
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Suzuka (22/0) CBAkita Inu7890
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Suzuki (19/0) SAkita Inu7890
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Swift Death (22/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher8496
LockedWCT DeCa Dementor's Talonmies (13/0 PB C)Karelian Bear Dog8498
LockedExR DeCa Dementor's Tanuki (23/0) Black BSilken Windhound3742
LockedGCO DeCa Dementor's Tauriel (22/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog4753
LockedMFr DeCa Dementor's Taurus (22/0) Cream BSilken Windhound3137
LockedUCFl DeCa Dementor's Taurus (23/0) Fawn BSilken Windhound9098
LockedWCO DeCa Dementor's Temari (23/0) SAkita Inu7690
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Terrible Temper (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher8596
LockedNHT DeCa Dementor's Terror of WarKarelian Bear Dog16
LockedNHT DeCa Dementor's Titan GalaxyKarelian Bear Dog16
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Tofu (21/0) Cream IrishSilken Windhound2732
LockedExFl DeCa Dementor's Too Late (21/0) Cream BSilken Windhound3542
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Tora (17/0) SAkita Inu7586
LockedWCT DeCa Dementor's Tori (22/0) SBAkita Inu7590
LockedAPnSc DeCa Dementor's Toxic ThoughtsDoberman Pinscher1318
LockedExR DeCa Dementor's Tsukiyomi (24/0) Black BSilken Windhound3742
LockedWCSh DeCa Dementor's Tsunade (24/0) SAkita Inu7790
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Turkish Pepper (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher7995
LockedWCFl DeCa Dementor's Van Gogh (23/0) Black B IrishSilken Windhound8598
LockedWCFr DeCa Dementor's Virgo (24/0) Brindle BSilken Windhound8498
LockedWCFl DeCa Dementor's Warrior Angel (23/0) Blue PBSilken Windhound8498
LockedUCFl DeCa Dementor's Water Lily (22/0) Brindle F IrishSilken Windhound8798
LockedMFl DeCa Dementor's Waxing Poet (21/0) Choco BSilken Windhound2932
LockedMT DeCa Dementor's White Miracle (22/0) WhiteSilken Windhound2832
LockedWCSc DeCa Dementor's Wicked Misery (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher8495
LockedAPnSc DeCa Dementor's Wild FearDoberman Pinscher1318
LockedMR DeCa Dementor's Wizard (22/0) Choco IrishSilken Windhound2832
LockedWCFr DeCa Dementor's Yami (21/0) SBAkita Inu7290
LockedWCHT DeCa Dementor's Yoshi (17/0) SAkita Inu6886
LockedUCR DeCa Dementor's Zooming By (23/0) BlackSilken Windhound8698
LockedWCSc DeCa Devil's Charming assassin [24HH 2str 2int bb Dd LL]Doberman Pinscher7998
LockedAHT DeCa Direwolf's DaughterKarelian Bear Dog2529
LockedMT DeCa Dreamless DeathSilken Windhound3346
LockedAP DeCa Ebony for Best WishesSilken Windhound2041
LockedAPnA DeCa EEEE-CB MokugyoAkita Inu1428
LockedJASh DeCa EEEE-R Mae IwaiAkita Inu1428
LockedJASh DeCa EEEE-S MichijunAkita Inu1528
LockedJAT DeCa EEEE-S MyöAkita Inu1528
LockedJASh DeCa EEEE-SB MankaiAkita Inu1428
LockedMSh DeCa Eldritch AuraKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedExFr DeCa Electric BugKarelian Bear Dog3646
LockedAPnR DeCa Empress MaySilken Windhound1320
LockedAFr DeCa Fate's StingKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedIPnP DeCa Ferry v Rauhfelsen of Giralda [Blue 24/0 stmstr x1.412]Doberman Pinscher917
LockedExHT DeCa Final ReportKarelian Bear Dog3646
LockedMHT DeCa First SparkKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedMHT DeCa Flash BlazeKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedExSc DeCa Flash PassionKarelian Bear Dog3846
LockedPnSc DeCa Florida Sunrise [Blk 24/0 strint x1.4]Doberman Pinscher1017
LockedAFr DeCa FlowerAkita Inu2432
LockedPnSc DeCa Foie Gras Gemini [Blue 24/0 strint x1.412]Doberman Pinscher1017
LockedFor StudUCSc DeCa FOR SALEDoberman Pinscher86108
LockedAA DeCa FrankieAkita Inu2332
LockedExHT DeCa Frost WitchKarelian Bear Dog3746
LockedMHT DeCa Frozen HallucinationKarelian Bear Dog2833
LockedNSh DeCa GEGG-SB HokoriAkita Inu111
LockedIPnO DeCa Governess Moscow [Chc 24/0 intstr x1.412]Doberman Pinscher1017
LockedMO DeCa Green MysticKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedWCSc DeCa Grey DangerDoberman Pinscher6882
LockedAPnR DeCa Hail MarySilken Windhound1320
LockedAP DeCa Halo InfuzionDoberman Pinscher2229
LockedExR DeCa Hard ColorSilken Windhound3546
LockedExR DeCa Harsh VoiceSilken Windhound3446
LockedASc DeCa Heaven's PlagueDoberman Pinscher2429
LockedAP DeCa Heaven's RadiationDoberman Pinscher2329
LockedAFr DeCa Hedge WitchKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedMFr DeCa Hell DragonKarelian Bear Dog2833
LockedASc DeCa Hemotoxin KingDoberman Pinscher2429
LockedIPnT DeCa Hercules Little Man [Isa 24/0 intint x1.408]Doberman Pinscher917
LockedASc DeCa Hidden HorrorDoberman Pinscher2429
LockedMHT DeCa Icy RainKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedCCO DeCa Immortal PlagueDoberman Pinscher6280
LockedExR DeCa Isa StormSilken Windhound3446
LockedNR DeCa JackBorzoi16
LockedGCSc DeCa JoJoDoberman Pinscher5469
LockedJAFl DeCa Joyless EntitySilken Windhound1320
LockedJASc DeCa Keeper Of A Secret Treasure||S|Lla|16HH|3hh|EEEF||Akita Inu1124
LockedJPnSc DeCa Kenmare Sorceress [Blue 24/0 strstr x1.415]Doberman Pinscher817
LockedJPnSc DeCa Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box [Blue 24/0 strint x1.408]Doberman Pinscher817
LockedGCSc DeCa Kit-Kat Bar- Kit [24HH] EEEE/ Choco w/Red PntsDoberman Pinscher5083
LockedExHT DeCa Koorime WarKarelian Bear Dog3746
LockedNRO DeCa Kuma's Helina BreezeChihuahua16
LockedNSh DeCa Kuma's HestiaChihuahua16
LockedAPnR DeCa Lady of MercySilken Windhound1320
LockedAHT DeCa Lady ThunderKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedExA DeCa Lazy HandsomeSilken Windhound3446
LockedExR DeCa Life and DeathSilken Windhound3446
LockedCCSc DeCa Lolita LoveDoberman Pinscher6382
LockedMM DeCa Lord of MagicKarelian Bear Dog3444
LockedExRO DeCa Lost TitanKarelian Bear Dog3646
LockedGCFr DeCa Love RiverSilken Windhound4561
LockedAHT DeCa Mafia StrikeKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedASc DeCa Magic MusicDoberman Pinscher2631
LockedAHT DeCa Manna-Heim TalesKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedAM DeCa MarshmallowAkita Inu2129
LockedJASh JAO DeCa Masami the KindAkita Inu1631
LockedMSh DeCa Mc UniverseKarelian Bear Dog2833
LockedASc DeCa Mechanical TigerDoberman Pinscher2329
LockedMHT DeCa Metal LifeKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedAFr DeCa Milk ChocolateAkita Inu1929
LockedAFl DeCa Mind GamesSilken Windhound1620
LockedMHT DeCa Miss ZirconiaKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedAFr DeCa Mister LoveKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedIPnP DeCa Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade [Blk 24/0 strstm x1.417]Doberman Pinscher817
LockedJPnSh AO DeCa MitsuoAkita Inu1624
LockedJAT IPnHT DeCa Mizuho's Beautiful TouchAkita Inu1724
LockedGCFr DeCa Mocha FeatherSilken Windhound4661
LockedMM DeCa Morbid MadameKarelian Bear Dog2833
LockedASc DeCa Nightmare SyndromeDoberman Pinscher2429
LockedASc DeCa Notched SinsDoberman Pinscher2631
LockedExHT DeCa Nuala JusticeKarelian Bear Dog3646
LockedCCSc DeCa Orange BiohazardDoberman Pinscher6682
LockedCCSc DeCa Pancake CrazyDoberman Pinscher6582
LockedAHT DeCa Passion TailspinKarelian Bear Dog2329
LockedGCR DeCa Perfect FlowerSilken Windhound4661
LockedJAR DeCa Perfect StormSilken Windhound1420
LockedASc DeCa Phantom BarbieDoberman Pinscher2431
LockedASc DeCa Poison HorizonDoberman Pinscher2429
LockedAPnFl DeCa Predatory MindsetSilken Windhound1320
LockedNSh DeCa Puppy 1 23/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 1 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 1 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 2 22/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 2 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 2 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 3 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 3 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 3 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 3 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 4 23/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 4 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 5 21/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 6 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 8 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc DeCa Puppy 9 24/0Doberman Pinscher16
LockedCCSc DeCa Queen of FearDoberman Pinscher6682
LockedExSh DeCa Queen of HellKarelian Bear Dog3544
LockedWCSc DeCa Quick Crucification [24 Ll intstr strstr]Doberman Pinscher82102
LockedJPnP DeCa Rancho Dobes Storm [Isa 24/0 strint x1.41]Doberman Pinscher817
LockedExFl DeCa Red HerringSilken Windhound4053
LockedExHT DeCa Red IceKarelian Bear Dog3644
LockedWCSh DeCa Renegade RocketDoberman Pinscher6582
LockedASc DeCa Sacral SpikeDoberman Pinscher2531
LockedASc DeCa Sand StormDoberman Pinscher2631
LockedWCSc DeCa Shifty LoveDoberman Pinscher6782
LockedChHT DeCa Silver LiningKarelian Bear Dog3846
LockedExSh DeCa Silver LoveKarelian Bear Dog3646
LockedExHT DeCa Skyes Darlin'Karelian Bear Dog3546
LockedWCSc DeCa Soft Air Gun [BbDd LL 3str 24/0] 80Doberman Pinscher79101
LockedCCSc DeCa Space ArrowDoberman Pinscher6682
LockedMA DeCa Spanish Moss'Chihuahua3152
LockedExFr DeCa Spectral DragonKarelian Bear Dog3444
LockedCCSc DeCa Subatomic AlferwoneDoberman Pinscher6482
LockedAHT DeCa Supernatural LawKarelian Bear Dog2529
LockedAPnR DeCa Sweet SurpriseSilken Windhound1420
LockedAPnT DeCa Sweet WarningSilken Windhound1220
LockedASc DeCa Swift SevenDoberman Pinscher2229
LockedWCFr DeCa The FalloutSilken Windhound6486
LockedChFr DeCa Tight ReignSilken Windhound4661
LockedJPnSc DeCa Tina Fey VI [Isa 24/0 intstr x1.408]Doberman Pinscher817
LockedAHT DeCa Titanium HeartKarelian Bear Dog2429
LockedCCSh DeCa Toxic AuraDoberman Pinscher6382
LockedASc DeCa Toxic MistDoberman Pinscher2531
LockedMHT DeCa Toxic WordsKarelian Bear Dog3144
LockedCCO DeCa Urban KingDoberman Pinscher6282
LockedExM DeCa Vatori MementoSilken Windhound3753
LockedExFr DeCa Village GuardianKarelian Bear Dog3646
LockedCCSc DeCa Violent InfuzionDoberman Pinscher6482
LockedMFr DeCa Virgo's FlameKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedExT DeCa Wading ThroughSilken Windhound3853
LockedMSh DeCa White DeathKarelian Bear Dog2733
LockedExHT DeCa Wolf SoulKarelian Bear Dog3544
LockedAPnT APnO DeCa Yoshitoki's JokerAkita Inu1631
LockedPnA JPnM DeCa Yuki Has Her Head in the CloudsAkita Inu1216
LockedAM DeCa Ziva's HopeKarelian Bear Dog2429
APnA 22HH lala 1.174x never bredChihuahua114076
WCSh DeCa Admiral TucoDoberman Pinscher803719
CCHT DeCa Akita InuAkita Inu523830
CCHT DeCa Akita Inu FAkita Inu523754
CCHT DeCa Akita Inu FAkita Inu533754
GCFl DeCa AlistairKarelian Bear Dog603588
WCR DeCa American Super Found Myself a CheerleaderSilken Windhound623254
CCHT DeCa AnnaKarelian Bear Dog643588
ChR DeCa ArabellaBorzoi443457
CCHT DeCa ArwenKarelian Bear Dog633420
CCHT DeCa BaltazarKarelian Bear Dog633612
IPnSc WCP DeCa boom goes the dynamight BB Dd LL intstr strstrDoberman Pinscher703758
ChO DeCa CecilyKarelian Bear Dog563588
GCSh DeCa ChiAkita Inu461368
WCSc DeCa Clockwork BlowDoberman Pinscher793719
WCFl DeCa Cocoa SparrowSilken Windhound703404
NCHT DeCa CrowleyKarelian Bear Dog603612
WCHT Dark Elf PrincessKarelian Bear Dog673288
WCR DeCa Dark RioSilken Windhound703404
WCT NCSc DeCa Deb's Dangerous LadyDoberman Pinscher683944
WCO ExP DeCa Deb's Fearless BulletDoberman Pinscher673944
ChSc WCP NSc DeCa Deb's Fearsome Bullet*Doberman Pinscher673944
WCT ChO DeCa Deb's The Lady StrikesDoberman Pinscher673944
WCSc Demeentor's Goblin (12/5 GGGG)Doberman Pinscher564168
NHT DeCa Dementor's (8/5 EEFG) RBAkita Inu13967
NHT DeCa Dementor's (2/8 EGGF) CBAkita Inu13967
NFr DeCa Dementor's (4/7 GGGG) FBAkita Inu13967
NHT DeCa Dementor's (5/7 GGFG) FBAkita Inu13967
NHT DeCa Dementor's (5/8 EFFG) SAkita Inu13967
NFr DeCa Dementor's (6/6 GGGG) FBAkita Inu13967
WCT DeCa Dementor's Abaddon (24/0)Doberman Pinscher744031
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Aemi (22/0) SAkita Inu843607
ICSc Dementor's Afterlife (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594293
UCHT Dementor's Ai (12/2 EEEG) SAkita Inu554171
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Akairuka (16/1 EEEG) RAkita Inu724042
UCO DeCa Dementor's Akihito (16/1 EEEG) SBAkita Inu783924
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Akise (17/0) RBAkita Inu813924
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Akito (17/0) CAkita Inu803924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Akuro (20/0) SBAkita Inu863730
WCT DeCa Dementor's Amari (18/2 EEGG) SAkita Inu803730
UCFr Dementor's Amoris (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog604190
UCM DeCa Dementor's Ando (19/0) SAkita Inu863730
UCR DeCa Dementor's Angel Eyes (21/0) Black PBSilken Windhound803765
WCT Dementor's Angry Bird (10/3 GGEG)Doberman Pinscher574168
UCR DeCa Dementor's Anon (24/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound823640
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Aoba (12/1 EEGE) SBAkita Inu783924
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Aomine (15/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu773924
UCHT Dementor's Ares (6/1 EEEG)Karelian Bear Dog584263
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Arisa (19/0) SAkita Inu853730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Artemis (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog833889
UCHT Dementor's Artemis (8/3 GEEG)Karelian Bear Dog584263
WCT DeCa Dementor's Aru (19/0) CBAkita Inu783924
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Assassin (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog823889
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Assassin's Creed (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog863694
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Asteroid (24/0) ChocoSilken Windhound813554
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Astral Plane (21/0)*Karelian Bear Dog714037
UCSh DeCa Dementor's Asuka (18/0) CBAkita Inu793924
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Athena (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog843694
UCHT Dementor's Aurora (18/0)Karelian Bear Dog604190
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Autumn Song (23/0) Choco IrishSilken Windhound843554
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Avenging Angel (23/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound853640
WCT DeCa Dementor's Aya (12/2 GEEG) SAkita Inu684042
UCT DeCa Dementor's Ayanami (19/0) CBAkita Inu714042
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Ayano (12/2 EEGG) SBAkita Inu773924
UCT DeCa Dementor's Aye (19/0) SAkita Inu843730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Ayuko (18/0) SAkita Inu853607
UCT Dementor's Azazel (24/0)Doberman Pinscher614178
UCO DeCa Dementor's Azure Dragon (24/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog853564
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Bachiko (17/0) SAkita Inu823730
UCHT Dementor's Bad Boy (23/1 EEEG)Karelian Bear Dog604178
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Bad Memory (23/0) Black B IrishSilken Windhound813692
UCA DeCa Dementor's Bakemono (10/1 EGEE) SAkita Inu694042
WCT DeCa Dementor's Bane (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher813893
UCSc Dementor's Banshee (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604280
UCHT Dementor's Bear (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog584293
UCSc Dementor's Bellatrix LeStrange (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604178
WCT DeCa Dementor's Benihime (14/2 EEEG) SAkita Inu624042
UCSc Dementor's Bianchi (5/1 EEEG) FAkita Inu594164
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Big Foot (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog823889
ICSc Dementor's Biohazard (24/0)Doberman Pinscher614191
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Bird of Prey (23/0) Cream PBSilken Windhound803765
WCA DeCa Dementor's Bishonen (23/0) ChocoSilken Windhound833554
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Bishop (20/0) Red IrishSilken Windhound833554
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Black (20/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
UCHT Dementor's Black Dog (17/2 EEEG)Karelian Bear Dog574293
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Black Ice (19/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Black King (18/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher793893
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Black Onyx (24/0) BlackSilken Windhound843640
UCO DeCa Dementor's Black Pit (18/0) BlackSilken Windhound793686
UCFr Dementor's Black Queen (8/8 GGGG)Karelian Bear Dog564263
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Black Sorceress (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog863564
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Black Wolf (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog853694
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Blackmail (24/0)Doberman Pinscher734031
UCP DeCa Dementor's Blazing Love (22/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
UCFr Dementor's Blazing Mirage (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog594190
UCO DeCa Dementor's Blood Count (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher823696
UCT DeCa Dementor's Blue Haven (23/0) Blue IrishSilken Windhound793692
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Blueberry (23/0) Blue PBSilken Windhound793692
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Bonkers (23/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound803765
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Bottomless Despair (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher893499
WCFl DeCa Dementor's BreakDance (22/0) Choco BSilken Windhound783765
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Bullit (24/0)Doberman Pinscher764031
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Bumblebee (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog833889
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Buzz (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog843694
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Buzz Lightyear (24/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog853564
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Cafe Liquor (21/0) Choco IrishSilken Windhound803765
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Caged Tigress (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher793696
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Caligula (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher863499
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Cappuchino (23/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound863640
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Captain's Stripes (22/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound793765
WCT DeCa Dementor's Carpe Diem (24/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound783692
WCP DeCa Dementor's Cassidy (14/0) Red PB w SableSilken Windhound753765
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Celes (13/1 EEEG) SBAkita Inu813924
UCSc Dementor's Cerberus (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog594158
UCR DeCa Dementor's Cerulean (20/0) Blue IrishSilken Windhound813765
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Changing Skies (24/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog843564
UCFr Dementor's Chaos (8/3 GGEE)Karelian Bear Dog574263
UCHT Dementor's Chaos Theory (5/1 EEEG)Karelian Bear Dog594163
UCT DeCa Dementor's Chikako (18/0) SAkita Inu833730
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Chrono (13/0) SBAkita Inu674042
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Chu (14/0) SAkita Inu714042
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Cielo (12/1 EGEE) SAkita Inu714042
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Clear Skies (21/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog793694
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Cleopatra (23/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734035
UCR DeCa Dementor's Cold Color (23/0) Choco PBSilken Windhound753905
UCR DeCa Dementor's Cold Death (24/0) Choco PBSilken Windhound843692
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Complete Fear (24/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher833893
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Cornish Pixie (24/0) Black BSilken Windhound833640
UCR DeCa Dementor's Cream of the Crop (21/0) Cream IrishSilken Windhound853640
UCT Dementor's Crowley (24/0)Doberman Pinscher614178
UCSc Dementor's Cruciatus (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594280
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Curiosity (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher843613
UCT Dementor's Curse (10/3 EGGE)Doberman Pinscher594168
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Curse of Immortality (12/0)Doberman Pinscher714036
WCT DeCa Dementor's Cursed Existence (13/0)Doberman Pinscher724036
UCO DeCa Dementor's Cursed Life (7/2 EGEG)Doberman Pinscher694036
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Daichi (11/2 EGGE) SAkita Inu833924
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Daikon (20/0) Cream IrishSilken Windhound793765
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Danger Zone (24/0)Doberman Pinscher774031
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Dangerous Liaison (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher843893
UCT DeCa Dementor's Dangerous Path (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher843696
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Dark Blade (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog813564
UCT DeCa Dementor's Dark Future (24/0)Doberman Pinscher744031
UCSc Dementor's Dark Phoenix (8/5 GGGG)Doberman Pinscher574219
UCSc Dementor's Dark Sky 9/1 EGEE)Doberman Pinscher584168
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Dark Soul (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog813889
UCO DeCa Dementor's Dark Space (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher803893
WCT DeCa Dementor's Dark Thoughts (23/0) Blue PBSilken Windhound773554
WCT DeCa Dementor's Darker Side (22/0) Red BSilken Windhound813554
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Dead End (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog873564
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Deadly Sass (18/0)Karelian Bear Dog853694
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Deadly Seductress (19/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher873499
ICSc Dementor's Death (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594293
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Death Spell (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher853613
UCFr Dementor's Death the Kid (11/0)Karelian Bear Dog594204
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Death Throes (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher853613
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Death's Lullaby (22/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher903614
UCSc Dementor's Deathly Hallow (6/2 EEGG)Doberman Pinscher574219
UCO DeCa Dementor's Demented Demoness (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher803893
UCSc Dementor's Demented Ghost (14/1 GEEE)Doberman Pinscher584168
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Dementia (24/0)Doberman Pinscher744031
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Dementic (23/0) Cream IrishSilken Windhound853640
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Demolition Expert (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher803749
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Demolition Man (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher863613
UCSc Dementor's Demon (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604280
UCT DeCa Dementor's Demon at Crossroads (24/0)Doberman Pinscher754031
UCO DeCa Dementor's Demon Song (23/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher843499
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Desiree (24/0)Doberman Pinscher724031
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Despair (24/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher873893
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Despair Horizon (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher863696
UCFr Dementor's Destiny (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog604190
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Destroyer (23/0) Blue PBSilken Windhound803692
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Destroyer of Heavens (24/0) Blue PBSilken Windhound843554
UCO DeCa Dementor's Devil's Debt (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher833696
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Dice (24/0) Choco PBSilken Windhound793692
WCHT DeCa Dementor's DireWolf (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog714033
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Disfigured Succubus (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher863499
WCT Dementor's Doll Face (14/1 EGEE)Doberman Pinscher594168
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Dolt (24/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound853640
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Domme (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher873499
UCA Dementor's Dragon King (11/1 EEEG)Karelian Bear Dog594163
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Dragon Lady (19/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724037
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Dragon Lore (23/0 ChocoDoberman Pinscher893613
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Dragonbound (18/0)Karelian Bear Dog843889
UCHT Dementor's Duchess (18/0)Karelian Bear Dog584293
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Eagle (20/0) BlackSilken Windhound833692
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Ectoplasm (16/1 EEEG)Doberman Pinscher744036
UCA DeCa Dementor's Eisaku (14/0) SAkita Inu843730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Eitsu (19/0) CAkita Inu863607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Eldritch Arrow (18/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724037
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Electric Ray (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog843889
UCR DeCa Dementor's Elementary (23/0) Black BSilken Windhound853554
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Elf (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog853694
UCHT Dementor's Elf (6/0)Karelian Bear Dog594163
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Elf Maiden (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog863564
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Elsa (20/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog823889
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Emperor Shin (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher853499
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Empress (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog744033
WCFl DeCa Dementor's End Game (22/0) Black BSilken Windhound793692
UCFr DeCa Dementor's End Report (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog853694
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Enemy of State (24/0)Doberman Pinscher754031
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Enforcer (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher843499
WCHT Dementor's Enma (10/5 GGGG) SBAkita Inu544174
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Eris (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher893499
WCA DeCa Dementor's Eru (11/2 EGEG) SAkita Inu694042
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Espionage (23/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher873613
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Espresso (24/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound763765
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Esumi (20/0) CBAkita Inu863730
UCR DeCa Dementor's Eternity (22/0) Cream BSilken Windhound833554
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Explosion (23/0) Blue IrishSilken Windhound863640
UCR DeCa Dementor's Eye of the Tiger (24/0) Black BSilken Windhound803765
UCFr Dementor's Fairy (8/1 EEGE)Karelian Bear Dog594263
WCO DeCa Dementor's Fake Gold (19/0) Fawn IrishSilken Windhound793554
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Fallen Dynasty (24/0) ChocoSilken Windhound783765
UCSc Dementor's Famine (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594280
UCO DeCa Dementor's Fate Spinner (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog714033
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Fearless (24/0)Doberman Pinscher754031
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Female Titan (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog833694
ICFr Dementor's Fenrir (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog594261
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Final Fantasy (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog853889
UCR DeCa Dementor's Final Game (22/0) Cream BSilken Windhound843554
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Final Strike (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog893694
UCM DeCa Dementor's Finn (14/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu833924
UCHT Dementor's Fire 'n Ice (20/0)Karelian Bear Dog604178
UCHT Dementor's Fire Cracker (18/0)Karelian Bear Dog574280
ICFr Dementor's Fire Demon (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog604178
UCFr Dementor's Fire Starter (17/0)Karelian Bear Dog574280
UCO DeCa Dementor's Flash Bang (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog823889
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Flash Point (21/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Flayed Mind (24/0)Doberman Pinscher754031
UCR DeCa Dementor's Fly By (22/0) Black RPSilken Windhound853640
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Fool Me Twice (23/0) Choco IrishSilken Windhound823692
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Forever Yours (21/0) Cream BSilken Windhound803692
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Fox Deity (22/0) Red BSilken Windhound863554
WCA DeCa Dementor's Fox Trot (23/0) ChocoSilken Windhound813692
UCHT Dementor's Foxglove (11/2 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog594163
UCHT Dementor's Frigga (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog604190
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Frost (20/0)*Karelian Bear Dog704037
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Frost Dragoness (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog813564
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Frost Queen (20/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog823694
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Fuel My Rage (24/0)Doberman Pinscher724031
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Fujiko (11/0) SAkita Inu803924
UCO DeCa Dementor's Fujimoto (16/0) SAkita Inu823730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Fujio (21/0) SBAkita Inu853607
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Full of Life (24/0) ChocoSilken Windhound833554
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Fumi (18/0) SBAkita Inu853607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Fumika (21/0) SBAkita Inu863607
UCSc Dementor's Funeral March (5/4 GGEG)Doberman Pinscher564219
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Fusa (18/0) SAkita Inu863607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Fuyume (16/0) SAkita Inu813730
WCA DeCa Dementor's Fuyumi (12/2 EGGE) SAkita Inu694042
WCHT Dementor's Gakupo (8/3 GEEG) CAkita Inu574164
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Gangsta (22/0)*Karelian Bear Dog744037
UCHT Dementor's Gangster (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog604280
WCHT Dementor's Genkai (10/1 EEGE) SBAkita Inu554163
WCT DeCa Dementor's Ghost Files (22/0) Silver EPBSilken Windhound713692
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Gintoki (16/0) SAkita Inu813924
UCSc Dementor's Gorgon (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604155
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Governor (16/0) Black BSilken Windhound813765
UCSc Dementor's Grave Digger (9/4 GGEG)Doberman Pinscher574219
UCT Dementor's Greenleaf (11/3 GEGE)Karelian Bear Dog594163
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Grey Horror (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher823893
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Grey Menace (24/0)Doberman Pinscher734031
UCR DeCa Dementor's Grey Witch (22/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound803692
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Grim Reminder (19/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724037
UCHT Dementor's Grimm (19/0)Karelian Bear Dog604190
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Groovy Moves (18/0) Black CP IrishSilken Windhound793765
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Groovy Moves (19/0) Cream IrishSilken Windhound773640
UCT DeCa Dementor's Growley (24/0)Doberman Pinscher754031
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Guardian (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog813889
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Guardian of the Galaxy (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog853694
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Guni (14/0) SAkita Inu684042
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Hades (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog813889
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Hagane (14/1 EGEE) SAkita Inu614042
UCO Dementor's Hail Storm (4/4 GGEE) PBKarelian Bear Dog584163
UCA DeCa Dementor's Hakutaku (19/0) CBAkita Inu793924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Hallucination (22/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
UCT DeCa Dementor's Han (13/0) SBAkita Inu714042
UCA DeCa Dementor's Hana II (12/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu783924
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Hanshiro (19/0) SBAkita Inu833730
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Hard Core (23/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound763640
WCA Dementor's Harpy (12/2 EEGG)Doberman Pinscher584168
UCFr Dementor's Haruhi (13/1 EEGE) SBAkita Inu554180
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Haruna (19/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu833924
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Head Shot (24/0)Doberman Pinscher764031
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Healer (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog843889
UCHT Dementor's Hel (12/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog584204
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Hel Flame (15/1 EGEE)*Karelian Bear Dog714037
UCHT Dementor's Hela (22/0)Karelian Bear Dog594280
UCFr Dementor's Hellboy (10/0)Karelian Bear Dog594204
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Helmi (9/3 GEGG) PBKarelian Bear Dog803640
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Hemotoxin (10/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher813893
UCA Dementor's Hermes (10/3 GEGE)Karelian Bear Dog584163
WCT Dementor's Hi (12/2 EEGG) SAkita Inu554180
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Hidetoshi (14/2 EEGE) SBAkita Inu644042
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Hip Hop (23/0) Choco RPSilken Windhound873640
UCA DeCa Dementor's Hirari (20/0) SBAkita Inu873607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Hirata (16/1 EGEE) SAkita Inu833730
WCT DeCa Dementor's Hiromi (13/0) SAkita Inu783924
WCT DeCa Dementor's Hisana (12/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu614042
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Hitagi (14/0) SBAkita Inu714042
UCT DeCa Dementor's Hitomaru (21/0) SBAkita Inu833730
UCHT Dementor's Hitori (12/1 EEEG) SBAkita Inu554180
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Hogun (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog744033
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Homura (13/1 EGEE) SBAkita Inu773924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Honami (18/0) CAkita Inu833730
WCT DeCa Dementor's Honoka (17/0) SAkita Inu843607
UCR DeCa Dementor's Hopeless Dreams (21/0) Cream BSilken Windhound843640
UCR DeCa Dementor's Horned Owl (22/0) Choco PBSilken Windhound853640
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Hornet (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog714033
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Horrific Despair (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher863696
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Horrific Nightmare (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher873696
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Horror Story (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher853893
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Hoshiyo (19/0) SAkita Inu843730
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Hottie (20/0) Silver IrishSilken Windhound853640
WCRO DeCa Dementor's Huithapeli (13/1 EEGE)Karelian Bear Dog773640
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Hurricane (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog734033
UCR DeCa Dementor's Hurricane Warning (24/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound803692
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Hyorinmaru (11/1 EGEE) SBAkita Inu624042
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Hypothermia (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog833889
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Iako (22/0) FAkita Inu823607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Iceman (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog823889
WCHT Dementor's Ichigo (7/5 EGGG) RBAkita Inu544173
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Icy Reflection (19/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Iemitsu (13/2 EEGE) RBAkita Inu704042
UCA DeCa Dementor's Ienari (13/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu704042
ICFr DeCa Dementor's Ieyatsu (14/0) SAkita Inu734042
UCFr Dementor's Illusion (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog604190
UCO DeCa Dementor's Immortalis (20/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher793893
UCHT Dementor's Imp (8/0)Karelian Bear Dog584204
UCSc Dementor's Imperio (24/0)Doberman Pinscher584280
UCR DeCa Dementor's Impression (22/0) Fawn BSilken Windhound803765
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Impressionist (23/0) Fawn BSilken Windhound863640
WCFr Dementor's Inari-sama (6/3 GEGE) RAkita Inu564171
UCR DeCa Dementor's Indigo (22/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound863640
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Infernal Abomination (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher883696
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Inferno (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher873587
WCHT Dementor's Inoue (7/5 GGEG) SAkita Inu534173
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Interested Party (24/0) BlackSilken Windhound783692
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Irene Adler (23/0) Black B IrishSilken Windhound783692
WCT Dementor's Iruka (7/3 EGEG) FAkita Inu554171
UCT DeCa Dementor's Izaya (17/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu803924
UCHT Dementor's Jack Frost (3/7 GGGG) PBKarelian Bear Dog574263
UCHT Dementor's Jack the Ripper (11/0)Karelian Bear Dog584204
UCSc Dementor's Jean Grey (16/1 GEEE)Doberman Pinscher594168
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Jesse James (23/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound773765
WCHT Dementor's Jin (17/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu564163
UCT DeCa Dementor's Jinguji (9/0) SBAkita Inu714042
ICFr Dementor's Jormungard (22/0)Karelian Bear Dog604178
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Jou (21/0) SBAkita Inu873607
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Judgement (23/0) CreamSilken Windhound783554
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Junior (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog724033
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Junko (16/0) CAkita Inu813924
UCO DeCa Dementor's Junnosuke (19/0) FAkita Inu833730
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Justice Law (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher893499
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Justice League (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher873499
UCHT Dementor's Jötun (17/0)Karelian Bear Dog604191
UCO DeCa Dementor's Kaburagi (19/1 EEEG) CBAkita Inu694042
WCT Dementor's Kakashi (8/3 EGGG) SAkita Inu554171
UCFr Dementor's Kali (10/0)Karelian Bear Dog604204
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Kamui (21/0) SAkita Inu813924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Kanagi (16/0) RBAkita Inu813924
UCO Dementor's Kaname (15/1 EEEG) CAkita Inu544172
UCHT Dementor's Kanato (14/0) SBAkita Inu564180
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Kanon (21/0) FAkita Inu843607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Karasu (11/1 EEGE) SBAkita Inu704042
UCO DeCa Dementor's Karuta (18/0) RAkita Inu684042
UCO DeCa Dementor's Kau (13/1 EEEG) SBAkita Inu714042
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Kawakami (14/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu853730
UCM DeCa Dementor's Kaya (23/0) FBAkita Inu843607
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Kaze no Kizu (13/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu704042
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Keisuke (12/1 EGEE) FAkita Inu634042
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Kelpie (11/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog694037
UCHT Dementor's Kenichi (9/0) SBAkita Inu564174
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Kenpachi (16/2 GGEE) SAkita Inu614042
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Kenway (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog883564
WCHT Dementor's Kiba (5/6 EGGG) CBAkita Inu534173
WCA DeCa Dementor's Killua (13/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu704038
UCA DeCa Dementor's Kimitada (19/0) SAkita Inu863607
UCT DeCa Dementor's King (20/0) BlackSilken Windhound853640
UCHT DeCa Dementor's King of Hunting (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog833694
UCHT DeCa Dementor's King of Lies (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog803694
UCFr DeCa Dementor's King of Sheba (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog734033
UCR DeCa Dementor's Kingdom (22/0) Choco PBSilken Windhound853554
UCA DeCa Dementor's Kirari (20/0) SBAkita Inu863607
UCP DeCa Dementor's Kirishiki (15/1 EEGE) SBAkita Inu793924
WCT DeCa Dementor's Kiryuin (15/1 GEEE) SAkita Inu783924
WCT Dementor's Kisaragi (13/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu554180
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Kiss (24/0)Doberman Pinscher764031
WCA DeCa Dementor's Kiyohira (23/0) SAkita Inu853607
UCT DeCa Dementor's Kodomo (17/0) CBAkita Inu684042
WCHT Dementor's Kohaku (11/3 EGGE) SAkita Inu544166
WCFr Dementor's Konan (8/2 GEGE) RBAkita Inu544173
WCA DeCa Dementor's Kongou (17/0) SBAkita Inu763924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Koorime (21/0)*Karelian Bear Dog704037
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Korpisoturi (14/2 GGEE)Karelian Bear Dog773640
UCA DeCa Dementor's Koryusai (16/0) SBAkita Inu823730
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Koryusai (21/0) FAkita Inu783607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Kotetsu (8/1 EEGE) RBAkita Inu704042
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Kou (16/1 EEEG) FAkita Inu704038
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Kozakura (17/0) SBAkita Inu863607
UCO DeCa Dementor's Kunimatsu (21/0) SBAkita Inu843730
WCT Dementor's Kurenai (8/4 EEGG) RAkita Inu564171
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Kuroko (12/0) SBAkita Inu783924
WCHT Dementor's Kurumi (8/4 EGGG) FBAkita Inu524173
WCT DeCa Dementor's Kururugi (14/2 EEGG) SBAkita Inu793924
UCFr Dementor's Kushina (9/2 EGGE) RAkita Inu574171
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Kuuko (16/1 EEEG) CAkita Inu783924
UCFr Dementor's Kuzuri (16/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu554174
WCFr Dementor's Kyoko (12/1 GEEE) SAkita Inu554173
UCHT Dementor's Kyoto (11/3 EGEG) SAkita Inu564174
WCFr Dementor's Kyouya (6/5 GGGG) FBAkita Inu544173
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Körri (14/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog783640
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Lady (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog774033
ICSc Dementor's Lady Deathstrike (24/0)Doberman Pinscher614191
UCSc Dementor's Lady Hydra (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604155
UCHT Dementor's Lady Loki (22/0)Karelian Bear Dog594293
UCT Dementor's Lady of Babylon (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604178
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Lady Thunder (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog883889
WCR DeCa Dementor's Lantern (18/0) Red w SableSilken Windhound753765
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Last Man Standing (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog893694
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Last Straw (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog883564
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Latte (24/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound783765
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Lawyer (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher903499
UCHT Dementor's Leaf (6/3 GGEE)Karelian Bear Dog584263
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Legend of Devil (22/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher843749
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Lemon Drop (22/0) Cream IrishSilken Windhound843554
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Leonhart (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog734033
UCT DeCa Dementor's Lethal Weapon (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher873499
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Levi (12/1 EEEG) SBAkita Inu694038
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Lie Monster (21/0) Silver PBSilken Windhound803692
UCR DeCa Dementor's Lifeless (23/0) Choco PBSilken Windhound813692
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Light My Fire (23/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog883564
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Lighting Strike (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog764033
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Lightning (23/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734035
WCT DeCa Dementor's Lillerilalleri (13/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog793640
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Lion Fish (24/0) BlackSilken Windhound813692
UCT Dementor's Lisbeth Salander (14/0)Doberman Pinscher594168
UCSc Dementor's Lonely Howl (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594280
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Loosing Her (23/0) Red IrishSilken Windhound823765
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Lord Death (20/0)Karelian Bear Dog823889
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Lost Girl (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog833889
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Lost Hope (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog754033
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Lost Love (22/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound863640
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Love (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog734033
UCR DeCa Dementor's Love Lost (24/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound803756
UCHT Dementor's Love Spell (22/0)Karelian Bear Dog604280
WCA DeCa Dementor's Loz (17/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu783924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Luce (13/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu714038
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Lucky Dixie (23/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher863499
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Lucky Number Seven (22/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher813696
WCT DeCa Dementor's Lujuria (16/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu783924
UCFr Dementor's Luka (5/4 GEGG)Karelian Bear Dog584263
WCO DeCa Dementor's Lulubell (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher803696
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Madame Red (11/1 EEGE) PBKarelian Bear Dog724037
WCHT Dementor's Madara (13/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu554163
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Maeda (9/0) SAkita Inu843730
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Maemi (20/0) SBAkita Inu813730
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Mafioso (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog744033
WCSh DeCa Dementor's Magical Death (18/0)Karelian Bear Dog813694
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Magical Girl (14/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog833889
UCHT Dementor's Maiko (9/1 EEEG) RAkita Inu594164
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Majestetic Lie (20/1 EEEG) CreamSilken Windhound813554
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Makise (19/0) SBAkita Inu783924
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Malphas (24/0)Doberman Pinscher754031
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mamiko (20/0) SBAkita Inu853730
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Mammon (18/0) CAkita Inu694038
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Mansku (13/0)Karelian Bear Dog793640
UCHT Dementor's Mariko (11/2 EEGG) CAkita Inu584164
WCT DeCa Dementor's Marine Diver (24/0) Black PBSilken Windhound823554
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mashai (15/0) SAkita Inu843730
WCT DeCa Dementor's Master Manipulator (21/0) Silver IrishSilken Windhound763692
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Master of Death (10/3 GEGG)Doberman Pinscher694036
UCHT Dementor's Mata Hari (20/1 EEEG)Karelian Bear Dog594178
WCA DeCa Dementor's Matabei (16/0) SAkita Inu863607
UCR DeCa Dementor's Match Made in Heaven (23/0) Fawn B IrishSilken Windhound823640
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Matsuo (20/0) FAkita Inu843730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mayaka (16/0) SAkita Inu704042
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mayoi (15/2 EEEG) SAkita Inu714038
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mayoko (16/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu823924
WCFr DeCa Dementor's McGuffin (17/0)*Karelian Bear Dog694037
UCHT Dementor's Megumi (10/1 EGEE) SAkita Inu554180
UCHT Dementor's Meiji (13/2 EGGE) SBAkita Inu574174
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Menacing Aura (24/0)Doberman Pinscher714031
WCA Dementor's Menma (16/1 EGEE) SAkita Inu544166
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Mercury (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog853564
UCFr Dementor's Mermaid (5/5 GGGE)Karelian Bear Dog574263
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Metallica (23/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724035
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Midgard (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog734033
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Midnight Jewel (21/0) BlackSilken Windhound873640
UCR DeCa Dementor's Midnight Shadow (22/0) Red IrishSilken Windhound843640
WCHT Dementor's Miho (6/4 GEGE) CBAkita Inu544173
WCHT Dementor's Mikasa (6/6 GGGG) CBAkita Inu534173
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mikasa Ackerman (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog883564
WCT Dementor's Miko (10/3 GEGE) SAkita Inu544166
WCA Dementor's Miku (11/2 EGGE) SAkita Inu544166
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Miliko (12/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu803730
WCT Dementor's Minato (8/4 GGGG) FAkita Inu554171
WCA DeCa Dementor's Mine (9/0) SAkita Inu793924
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Minni (12/1 EGEE)Karelian Bear Dog813640
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Minority Report (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog853889
UCHT Dementor's Mirage (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog594293
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Miro (14/0) SAkita Inu694038
UCFr Dementor's Misaki (10/0) SAkita Inu554173
WCT Dementor's MisaMisa (8/4 GGEG) SBAkita Inu534171
WCHT Dementor's Misao (11/2 EGGE) SAkita Inu544173
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Misery Loves Company (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher833613
UCT Dementor's Misfit (15/1 EEGE)Doberman Pinscher594168
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Miss Impossible (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher823749
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Miss Justice (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog724033
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Miss Moneybags (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog863564
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Miss Universe (21/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
UCFr Dementor's Missy (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog604190
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Mister D (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog734033
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Miya (17/0) SAkita Inu793730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mizuko (18/0) SBAkita Inu873730
WCHT Dementor's Mizune (9/2 EEGG) SAkita Inu544159
UCHT Dementor's Mob Boss (23/1 EEEG)Karelian Bear Dog604178
WCT DeCa Dementor's Mocha Master (22/0) Isa IrishSilken Windhound763692
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Monet (23/0) Blue B TPSilken Windhound883640
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Monster (15/1 GEEE) PB*Karelian Bear Dog714037
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Morbid (16/1 EEEG)Karelian Bear Dog724037
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Morishige (19/0) CBAkita Inu803730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mr. Handsome (19/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724037
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mr. Snow (16/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Mrs. Hudson (24/0) Black BSilken Windhound863554
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Muse (24/0)Doberman Pinscher744031
WCO DeCa Dementor's My Immortal Love (22/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher813696
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Mysterious Love (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog843889
UCO DeCa Dementor's Mystic (16/0)Karelian Bear Dog714037
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Mythology (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog754033
WCHT Dementor's Nagato (8/3 EGGE) CAkita Inu534173
UCSc Dementor's Nagini (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604178
UCT DeCa Dementor's Naizen (16/0) SAkita Inu863607
WCHT Dementor's Nana (6/5 GEGG) CAkita Inu564171
UCFr Dementor's Nancy Drew (7/3 GEGG)Karelian Bear Dog564263
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Naomi (18/0) SAkita Inu803924
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Naraku (14/0) CAkita Inu714042
UCSc Dementor's Narcissa Malfoy (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604178
WCFr Dementor's Naru-chan (6/4 EGGG) FBAkita Inu534173
WCHT Dementor's Natsume (11/0) SAkita Inu554166
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Natsume (9/1 EGEE) SBAkita Inu714038
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Nazgul (13/0)*Doberman Pinscher724036
WCT DeCa Dementor's Necros (16/1 EEEG)*Doberman Pinscher734036
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Neliel (15/0) SAkita Inu803924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Neverending Dream (23/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog853564
WCFr DeCa Dementor's New Alliance (23/0) ChocoSilken Windhound843554
UCHT Dementor's New Hope (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog604158
WCFr Dementor's Nezumi (6/2 EGGE) SAkita Inu554159
UCHT Dementor's Nightshade (8/2 EGEG)Karelian Bear Dog584263
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Nikko (16/0) SBAkita Inu853730
UCO DeCa Dementor's Ninja (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher813696
UCO DeCa Dementor's Nobuhisa (21/0) SAkita Inu843730
WCT Dementor's Nobunaga (8/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu574174
WCA DeCa Dementor's Nomi (22/0) SBAkita Inu863607
WCA DeCa Dementor's Norie (19/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu833607
UCHT Dementor's North Star (16/0)Karelian Bear Dog594293
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Nougat (23/0) Cream IrishSilken Windhound793692
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Nuada (14/0)*Karelian Bear Dog734037
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Nuala (20/0)Karelian Bear Dog823889
WCT DeCa Dementor's Oakenshield (20/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog813564
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Okino (14/0) SAkita Inu823924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Okyoito (13/0) SBAkita Inu863607
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Old Alliance (23/0) ChocoSilken Windhound793692
UCM DeCa Dementor's Omitsu (17/0) CAkita Inu853730
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Onna (17/0) CAkita Inu684038
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Onyx (20/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound803765
WCT DeCa Dementor's Oogami (19/0) FAkita Inu803924
WCHT Dementor's Osaka (13/3 EGEG) SAkita Inu544174
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Outlaw (22/0) BlackSilken Windhound853640
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Overlord (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher853696
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Pale Death (21/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog843564
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Pale Terror (24/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog773694
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Passion (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog724033
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Passion of Fate (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog833889
UCR DeCa Dementor's Peregrine Falcon (24/0) BlackSilken Windhound813692
UCR DeCa Dementor's Perfect Lil' Lady (18/0) Red PBSilken Windhound823640
WCR DeCa Dementor's Perfect Lil' Man (24/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound763765
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Persephone (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog724033
UCO DeCa Dementor's Piika (13/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog823640
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Pirate (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher843696
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Pit Lord (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher833696
WCO DeCa Dementor's Pit Mistress (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher803613
UCSc Dementor's Plague (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604191
UCSc Dementor's Poison Arrow (15/2 GGEE)Doberman Pinscher584168
UCO DeCa Dementor's Poison Arrow (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher843696
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Poison Master (6/2 GGEE)*Doberman Pinscher714036
UCHT Dementor's Polar (18/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog604190
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Poppet (18/0)*Doberman Pinscher714036
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Poppy (17/1 EEGE)*Doberman Pinscher724036
UCHT Dementor's Poseidon (12/3 EEGG)Karelian Bear Dog594163
UCHT Dementor's Pretty (7/5 GGGG)Karelian Bear Dog574263
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Pretty Boy (23/0) BlackSilken Windhound783692
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Pretty Lady (24/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound803765
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Priest (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher823696
UCFr Dementor's Princess (9/3 EGGE)Karelian Bear Dog584263
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Procrastinator (21/0) Black BSilken Windhound773765
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Prosecutor (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher943499
UCT Dementor's Psycho Ninja (8/5 EGGG)Doberman Pinscher564219
UCT Dementor's Puppet Master (14/0)Doberman Pinscher594168
ICFr Dementor's Queen (18/0)Karelian Bear Dog594280
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Queen Bee (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog744033
UCR DeCa Dementor's Queen Hail (24/0) Red IrishSilken Windhound803765
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Queen of Hell (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher833893
UCHT Dementor's Queen of Sheba (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog604190
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Queen of Sheba (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog833889
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Quick Temper (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog853694
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Quicksilver (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog863694
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Radiation (21/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher833893
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Radioactive (18/0)*Doberman Pinscher734036
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Rage Syndrome (24/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher853893
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Rain Maker (21/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724037
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Recruit (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher823749
UCO DeCa Dementor's Ren (17/0) SBAkita Inu724038
UCA DeCa Dementor's Rena (16/0) SAkita Inu873607
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Renegade (15/1 EEGE)*Doberman Pinscher734036
UCT Dementor's Resident Evil (24/0)Doberman Pinscher614191
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Rhapsody in Death (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher873613
UCT DeCa Dementor's Rico (10/0) SAkita Inu803924
WCHT Dementor's Riki-oh (8/5 EGGG) FBAkita Inu544173
UCR DeCa Dementor's Rio de Janeiro (24/0) Choco IrishSilken Windhound763765
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Ririko (22/0) CAkita Inu853607
WCFl DeCa Dementor's River's End (24/0) Black B IrishSilken Windhound793554
UCT DeCa Dementor's Robin (17/0) CAkita Inu803924
UCO DeCa Dementor's Roy (20/0) CBAkita Inu694038
UCT Dementor's Ruby (7/3 GEEG)Doberman Pinscher584168
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Ruby Red (24/0) Red BSilken Windhound843554
WCT DeCa Dementor's Runa (18/1 EGEE) SAkita Inu823730
WCRO DeCa Dementor's Ruru (19/0) CAkita Inu793730
WCT DeCa Dementor's Rusty (23/0) Fawn BSilken Windhound753692
WCA DeCa Dementor's Ryo (20/1 EEGE) SBAkita Inu793924
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Ryuken (16/1 EEEG) SBAkita Inu674038
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Ryöväri (14/3 GGEE)Karelian Bear Dog783640
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Sacriledge (23/1 EEGE) ChocoDoberman Pinscher853587
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Sadness (23/0) Cream PBSilken Windhound793765
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Saionji (19/0) RAkita Inu823924
WCT Dementor's Sakon (13/2 EEEG) CAkita Inu544172
WCHT Dementor's Sakurai (8/6 GGGG) CBAkita Inu524173
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Sakurako (13/0) SBAkita Inu694038
UCR DeCa Dementor's Salem (19/0) BlackSilken Windhound853554
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Sandy (23/0) Fawn IrishSilken Windhound803765
WCT Dementor's Sanosuke (17/1 GEEE) SBAkita Inu544180
UCM DeCa Dementor's Sansui (15/0) SAkita Inu823924
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Saraki (15/2 EEGG) CAkita Inu803924
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Sasquatch (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog724033
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Sass Master (20/0)Karelian Bear Dog913564
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Sassy (10/1 EGEE) PB CKarelian Bear Dog813889
WCT Dementor's Sasuke (8/2 GEEG) FAkita Inu564171
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Satin Spectre (24/0) ChocoSilken Windhound863554
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Satsuki (11/0) SAkita Inu803924
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Satsuko (14/1 EGEE) SAkita Inu793924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Satu (16/0) SAkita Inu863607
UCFr Dementor's Sea Creature (6/4 GEGG)Karelian Bear Dog574263
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Secrets (23/0) ChocoSilken Windhound783692
UCSc Dementor's Sectumsempra (24/0)Doberman Pinscher614178
WCSh DeCa Dementor's Seijuro (19/0) CBAkita Inu783924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Seiryo (20/0) SAkita Inu843730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Seri (17/2 GEEG) SBAkita Inu714038
UCHT Dementor's Seto (10/1 GEEE) SAkita Inu554174
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Shadow Influence (23/0) Black Irish BSilken Windhound793765
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Shadow King (22/0) Black Irish BSilken Windhound783765
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Shaman (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog714033
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Shameless Envy (21/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher873499
UCT DeCa Dementor's Shapeshifter (15/0)*Doberman Pinscher744036
UCHT DeCa Dementor's She-Wolf (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog833889
UCT DeCa Dementor's Shifter (19/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher813893
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Shifting Alliance (20/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher863696
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Shihi (20/0) SBAkita Inu833730
WCFr Dementor's Shiki (8/5 EGGG) FBAkita Inu534173
UCA DeCa Dementor's Shiko (16/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu833730
UCO DeCa Dementor's Shima (17/2 EGEG) SAkita Inu763924
UCO Dementor's Shingen (8/1 GEEE) RAkita Inu574164
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Shining Star (24/0) Red IrishSilken Windhound833554
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Shinku (16/0) RBAkita Inu833924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Shinohara (13/0) SAkita Inu863730
UCO DeCa Dementor's Shinsaku (23/0) FAkita Inu843607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Shion (10/0) SAkita Inu823924
UCHT Dementor's Shiro Inu (10/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu554173
UCM DeCa Dementor's Shirushi (20/0) SBAkita Inu873607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Shizuo (14/2 EEEG) SBAkita Inu803924
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Shock Mistress (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher823499
UCR DeCa Dementor's Show Night (21/0) Blue BSilken Windhound873640
UCHT Dementor's Sif (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog584293
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Silver (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog833889
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Silver Blade (20/0)Karelian Bear Dog843889
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Silver Candle (24/0) WhiteSilken Windhound793554
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Sinful Kisses (22/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher813749
UCSc Dementor's Sinner (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594280
UCR DeCa Dementor's Sissy (20/0) Fawn B IrishSilken Windhound823765
UCO DeCa Dementor's Skinwalker (17/1 GEEE)*Doberman Pinscher714036
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Skylark (21/0) Fawn BSilken Windhound773554
UCFr Dementor's Slenderman (8/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog594204
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Smokin' Hot (22/0) Fawn B IrishSilken Windhound783765
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Snow Dragon (22/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog813694
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Snow King (22/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog833687
UCFr Dementor's Snow Maiden (8/8 GFGG) PBKarelian Bear Dog574263
WCT DeCa Dementor's Snow Mistress (18/1 GEEE) PBKarelian Bear Dog813889
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Solar System (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog624057
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Song of Summer (24/0) Black PBSilken Windhound743905
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Song of the Dead (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher873613
UCA DeCa Dementor's Sonico (13/0) SAkita Inu803924
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Sorcerer (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher873613
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Soul Eater (16/1 GEEE)*Karelian Bear Dog714037
UCHT Dementor's Soul Song (10/1 EGEE)Karelian Bear Dog594163
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Space Rocket (24/0)Doberman Pinscher744031
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Spark (20/0)*Karelian Bear Dog754037
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Spectral Arrow (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog813889
UCA DeCa Dementor's Spectral Aura (20/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724037
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Spectral Image (22/0)Karelian Bear Dog883564
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Spectre (20/0)Karelian Bear Dog873694
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Spiked Truth (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher843613
WCSc Dementor's Spirit (7/3 EGGE)Karelian Bear Dog584163
WCFr DeCa Dementor's St. Patrick (11/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog684037
WCT DeCa Dementor's Stardom (24/0) Isa EPBSilken Windhound783692
UCO DeCa Dementor's Static Shock (21/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher823696
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Stealth (22/0) BlueSilken Windhound803692
UCR DeCa Dementor's Stealth Mode (22/0) BlueSilken Windhound853554
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Storm Warning (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher823749
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Stormy River (22/0) Red B IrishSilken Windhound803554
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Strike (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog764033
WCA DeCa Dementor's Strike Team (24/0) Choco EPBSilken Windhound803692
UCHT Dementor's Succubus (13/0)Karelian Bear Dog584204
UCO DeCa Dementor's Succubus (24/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher863696
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Suffocating Aura (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher843893
UCR DeCa Dementor's Sugar Mommy (20/0) Blue IrishSilken Windhound823765
UCSh DeCa Dementor's Sunako (16/0) SBAkita Inu803924
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Supressed Memory (23/0) Black IrishSilken Windhound783765
UCT DeCa Dementor's Sweet Cheeks (20/0) Fawn B IrishSilken Windhound803765
WCA DeCa Dementor's Sweet Storm (22/0) Fawn B IrishSilken Windhound823554
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Takizawa (16/2 GGEE) SBAkita Inu694038
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Tamako (13/2 GEGE) SBAkita Inu684042
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Tansho (19/0) CBAkita Inu853607
WCT Dementor's Temari (8/3 GGGE) CAkita Inu564171
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Temper (23/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher853749
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Tempest (5/3 GEEG) PBKarelian Bear Dog714037
WCFr Dementor's Tengu (11/3 EGGG) SBAkita Inu544171
UCT DeCa Dementor's Tenryu (16/0) CAkita Inu803924
WCT Dementor's Tenten (7/2 EEGG) RAkita Inu554171
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Teruyo (15/0) SBAkita Inu833730
UCSc Dementor's Thermal Image (15/0)Doberman Pinscher594168
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Thief (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog843694
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Thief Queen (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog863564
UCR DeCa Dementor's Thomas Edison (18/0) Cream PBSilken Windhound833554
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Three Fates (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog744033
UCHT Dementor's Thunder (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog614190
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Thunder Prince (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog744033
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Thunderstruck (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog803889
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Thunderstruck (24/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog843564
UCR DeCa Dementor's Tint of Copper (23/0) CreamSilken Windhound803692
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Titan Slayer (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog803889
UCRO DeCa Dementor's Titanium (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog714033
UCFl DeCa Dementor's Tokia (13/3 EEGG) SAkita Inu793924
UCFr Dementor's Tokio (12/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu564174
WCFr Dementor's Tomoe (9/5 GGGG) RBAkita Inu544173
WCHT Dementor's Tono (6/5 GGGG) RBAkita Inu524173
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Top Notch (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher813749
WCHT Dementor's Touya (14/3 EEGG) SBAkita Inu564163
UCHT Dementor's Touzoku (13/0 EEEE) SAkita Inu564180
UCO DeCa Dementor's Toxic Fuel (16/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher843696
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Toxic Holiday (21/0)Karelian Bear Dog644057
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Toxins (16/0)*Doberman Pinscher734036
WCA DeCa Dementor's Toyakazu (19/0) SBAkita Inu833607
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Tremor (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher813696
UCFr Dementor's Troll (10/3 GEGG)Karelian Bear Dog574263
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Troller (8/2 EGEE)Doberman Pinscher714036
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Trollipoika (10/3 GEGG)Karelian Bear Dog783640
WCO DeCa Dementor's Tropical Storm (6/5 EGEE)Karelian Bear Dog644037
WCHT Dementor's Tseng (9/2 EGGE) SAkita Inu544173
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Tsubasa (13/0) SAkita Inu734038
UCT DeCa Dementor's Tsuja (20/0) SAkita Inu853607
WCHT Dementor's Tsuna (5/2 GEEG) SAkita Inu544173
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Tsundere (15/1 GEEE) SAkita Inu704038
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Tsutomu (20/0) SBAkita Inu873607
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Typhoon (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog823889
UCO DeCa Dementor's Tyrannic Ruler (24/0) BlueDoberman Pinscher813893
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Tyranny (24/0)Doberman Pinscher774031
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Tytär (12/0)Karelian Bear Dog813640
UCT Dementor's Undead (10/3 GEEG)Doberman Pinscher574219
UCR DeCa Dementor's Unexpected Suprise (24/0) Isa PBSilken Windhound783765
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Unohana 10/1 EEGE SBAkita Inu654038
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Ururu (11/0) SAkita Inu664038
WCFr Dementor's Uryuu (7/4 GGEG) SAkita Inu534173
UCHT Dementor's Usagi (12/3 EGGG) SAkita Inu554180
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Utter Darkness (24/0)Doberman Pinscher744031
WCFl DeCa Dementor's Utter Joy (24/0) Red IrishSilken Windhound793765
UCO DeCa Dementor's Uzu (18/0) CBAkita Inu803924
UCA DeCa Dementor's Vampirate (18/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher823893
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Vector (24/0)Doberman Pinscher744031
UCSc DeCa Dementor's Vector Arrow (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher823893
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Velvet Vibrance (21/0) ChocoSilken Windhound863554
UCSc Dementor's Vengeful Spirit (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594280
UCT Dementor's Veritas (24/0)Doberman Pinscher604178
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Village Elder (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog724033
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Violent Reaction (23/0) BlackDoberman Pinscher843696
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Virgo (17/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724037
UCR DeCa Dementor's Voiceless (24/0) Choco PBSilken Windhound793692
ICSc Dementor's War (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594293
UCFr DeCa Dementor's War God (16/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog843889
UCHT DeCa Dementor's War Goddess (19/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog833694
UCO DeCa Dementor's Warabi (11/0) SAkita Inu833607
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Warrior Angel (22/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher813696
UCSc Dementor's Werewolf (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594255
UCFr Dementor's White Chaos (11/4 GGGE)Karelian Bear Dog584163
UCHT DeCa Dementor's White Dragon (23/0) PB CKarelian Bear Dog803694
UCHT DeCa Dementor's White Fire (24/0) PBKarelian Bear Dog823694
UCFr DeCa Dementor's White Mage (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog863694
UCFr Dementor's White Queen (9/4 GEFE) PBKarelian Bear Dog584263
WCSc DeCa Dementor's White Star (16/1 EEGE) PB*Karelian Bear Dog714037
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Wicked Intentions (24/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher813613
ICT Dementor's Wild Child (24/0)Doberman Pinscher594293
WCSc DeCa Dementor's William Tell (23/0) ChocoDoberman Pinscher843499
WCSc Dementor's Wintertide (6/8 EGFG) PBKarelian Bear Dog584163
WCFr DeCa Dementor's Witch Doctor (23/0)Karelian Bear Dog714033
UCSc Dementor's Witch King (6/2 EEGG)Doberman Pinscher584168
UCA Dementor's Wraith (12/0)Doberman Pinscher584168
WCT DeCa Dementor's X-Files (22/1 EEEG) Silver PBSilken Windhound793554
UCFr Dementor's Xena (13/1 GEEE)Karelian Bear Dog604163
UCM Dementor's Yama (6/3 GEEG) CBAkita Inu564164
WCFr Dementor's Yamamoto (5/4 GGEG) CBAkita Inu534173
UCP DeCa Dementor's Yamane (11/0) SAkita Inu803924
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Yanagi (9/1 EEEG) CAkita Inu684042
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Yandere (16/2 EGEG) SAkita Inu664038
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Yasuhide (18/0) SBAkita Inu843730
UCO DeCa Dementor's Yasuko (21/0) SBAkita Inu823730
WCA DeCa Dementor's Yasumu (17/0) SAkita Inu853607
WCHT DeCa Dementor's Yayoi (14/1 EEGE) SBAkita Inu694038
UCA DeCa Dementor's Yodo (20/1 EEGE) SAkita Inu833730
UCT DeCa Dementor's Yoko (22/0) Cream BSilken Windhound833554
UCHT Dementor's Yoko (9/3 EEGG) CAkita Inu584164
UCT DeCa Dementor's Yoshiwara (18/0) CAkita Inu803924
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Yoshiyuki (16/0) SBAkita Inu843730
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Yumako (20/0) SAkita Inu843607
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Yumi (12/1 EEEG) SAkita Inu714038
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Yuri (16/0) SBAkita Inu823924
UCHT Dementor's Yusuke (14/3 EEEF) SAkita Inu554180
WCSc DeCa Dementor's Zatanna (23/0) IsaDoberman Pinscher803696
UCFr DeCa Dementor's Zirconia (16/0)*Karelian Bear Dog724037
UCHT DeCa Dementor's Ziva (24/0)Karelian Bear Dog734033
WCSc DeCa Devil's Time and space [24HH 3str bb Dd Lla Multiplier: 1.493]Doberman Pinscher803738
WCT DeCa Devil's What i amDoberman Pinscher733760
WCSc DeCa Dior SoldierDoberman Pinscher823719
CCHT DeCa Dragon's FlameKarelian Bear Dog663420
WCHT Dragon's ShadowKarelian Bear Dog663288
UCSc DeCa Enemy BulletDoberman Pinscher853814
WCSc DeCa Fatal CommandDoberman Pinscher803719
WCSc DeCa Fear of DarkDoberman Pinscher843814
WCSc DeCa Fearless ShotDoberman Pinscher833814
ChA DeCa Fly-AwayDoberman Pinscher583593
WCSc DeCa Grey MuseDoberman Pinscher843814
WCA DeCa HyeoriMudi763450
CCHT Ice WarriorKarelian Bear Dog633288
WCSc DeCa JessicaDoberman Pinscher683525
WCH DeCa JonghyunMudi773437
UCSc DeCa Lady DangerDoberman Pinscher863814
WCSc DeCa Lady FaultlessDoberman Pinscher704045
NCHT DeCa LillithKarelian Bear Dog613612
WCSc DeCa Major SinDoberman Pinscher793719
WCFl DeCa MantraBorzoi713912
NCHT DeCa MegKarelian Bear Dog593612
WCSc DeCa Midnight's Holdin HeavenDoberman Pinscher803455
WCSc DeCa Midnight's Life After LifeDoberman Pinscher813455
UCO DeCa Minnie GreyDoberman Pinscher823814
NCT DeCa Miss SmartiepantsKarelian Bear Dog613537
WCHT DeCa NaomiKarelian Bear Dog663588
WCSh DeCa Obsidian KoriSilken Windhound703404
WCSc DeCa Odd CadetDoberman Pinscher793719
GCO DeCa OddballAkita Inu613496
GCO DeCa Poison IvyDoberman Pinscher583593
WCSc DeCa Popular OddsDoberman Pinscher813719
ChT Pot of GoldKarelian Bear Dog573288
NCHT DeCa RachelKarelian Bear Dog623588
CCSc DeCa Raphael Valois-GDoberman Pinscher602413
WCSc DeCa Resident AuraDoberman Pinscher813814
CCHT DeCa RubyKarelian Bear Dog623612
NCHT Sinister SpellKarelian Bear Dog603288
NCO DeCa Song of SusannahDoberman Pinscher633498
WCP DeCa Stekoa DeadDoberman Pinscher773703
WCHT Stellar SlayerKarelian Bear Dog663288
GCO DeCa TerminatrixDoberman Pinscher593593
WCSc DeCa Toxic CrossroadsDoberman Pinscher823814
WCSc DeCa Toxic DollDoberman Pinscher813814
GCO DeCa Twilight ZoneDoberman Pinscher583593
UCSc DeCa Tyranny of HeavenDoberman Pinscher853814
WCSc DeCa Urban DevilDoberman Pinscher813719
CCHT Venus Gone BadKarelian Bear Dog643288
WCFr DeCa Warg KingDoberman Pinscher783814
WCSc DeCa ZIP A Raging Spirit (STR) [24 Lla] 1.490xDoberman Pinscher773750

Game Time

01:40am on Jan 13

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