Kadence Kennel

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Dogs Bred By Kadence Kennel

ChH AT K.K. LL stmstm stmstm 23HHShetland Sheepdog4358
LockedFor StudAH WCT K.K. & Azeria’s Road NoiseShetland Sheepdog75102
LockedFor Private SaleMH K.K. 16HH CrackenShetland Sheepdog3868
LockedWCSc K.K. 21HH/lala/4str 3.010Briard78102
LockedMSc K.K. 2h BieBriard3651
LockedFor StudGCRO K.K. A City of MarbleBriard4054
LockedPnT K.K. A Court of ThornsShetland Sheepdog1218
LockedWCA K.K. Aaa Lla intagi intagi 22HH 1.522xShetland Sheepdog79106
LockedWCH K.K. Aaaa Lla intagi agiagi 23HH 1.533xShetland Sheepdog76106
LockedFor StudWCSc K.K. Achilles HeelBriard74106
LockedFor StudNCFl K.K. Active DutyShetland Sheepdog5775
LockedChH K.K. Ad AstraBriard4255
LockedFor StudCCH K.K. Affluent CreativityShetland Sheepdog5570
LockedFor StudGCP Affluent SocietyShetland Sheepdog4053
LockedExH K.K. Alaska AirlinesShetland Sheepdog3847
LockedMSc K.K. Alec 1.482Briard3146
LockedJPnH K.K. AlfieShetland Sheepdog916
LockedWCH K.K. All is GucciShetland Sheepdog5978
LockedAO K.K. Allnatt DiamondShetland Sheepdog2036
LockedNFl K.K. Always on My MindShetland Sheepdog17
LockedFor StudExH K.K. Amber AshesShetland Sheepdog4053
LockedFor StudNCH K.K. American BeautyShetland Sheepdog5673
LockedANH K.K. AnabelleShetland Sheepdog613
LockedExH K.K. AngelShetland Sheepdog3775
LockedGCH K.K. Arizona SunshineShetland Sheepdog4859
LockedChSc K.K. Astraea - EEEE 24HHBriard4964
LockedJPnSc K.K. Atlas StrongBriard816
LockedGCSc K.K. AtroposBriard4868
LockedFor StudCCH K.K. Autumn Walk OnShetland Sheepdog5572
LockedWCH K.K. AWOL At NightShetland Sheepdog7195
LockedWCH Banana SplitShetland Sheepdog6992
LockedAH K.K. Black DimondShetland Sheepdog2431
LockedIPnFl K.K. black n whiteShetland Sheepdog1024
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Black OpalShetland Sheepdog5670
LockedFor StudNCT K.K. Blackwood MountainShetland Sheepdog5061
LockedWCH K.K. Blessed DayShetland Sheepdog7297
LockedNH K.K. Blessing of SummerShetland Sheepdog19
LockedExH K.K. Blue ChristmasShetland Sheepdog4051
LockedAPnFl K.K. Blue Eyed DollyShetland Sheepdog1320
LockedFor StudMH K.K. Blue HourShetland Sheepdog3647
LockedJAA K.K. BluemingShetland Sheepdog1726
LockedWCA K.K. Born to PerformShetland Sheepdog5165
LockedNFl K.K. BrooklynShetland Sheepdog112
LockedFor StudExH K.K. BrownoutShetland Sheepdog3951
LockedGCT K.K. Buffet SpecialShetland Sheepdog4760
LockedFor StudWCSc K.K. Butterfly NebulaBriard6280
LockedIPnSc K.K. Capricho ConnectionBriard816
LockedAPnO K.K. Cat ScratchShetland Sheepdog1118
LockedFor StudCCH K.K. Cautionary TaleShetland Sheepdog6482
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Chabertia ovinaShetland Sheepdog70103
LockedJASc K.K. ChandraBriard1624
LockedWCH K.K. Changed ChildShetland Sheepdog7697
LockedExSh GILL ChoiceRough Collie40107
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Cloak of InvisibilityShetland Sheepdog7397
LockedMH K.K. Constant ConversationsAustralian Koolie3055
LockedFor StudWCSc Cotton CareBriard7092
LockedWCH K.K. Crazy TalkShetland Sheepdog7496
LockedMFl K.K. CronicasBriard2838
LockedFor StudChSc K.K. CuriosityBriard4964
LockedAH K.K. Day ShiftShetland Sheepdog2431
LockedExT K.K. Death StarBriard3751
LockedCCRO K.K. Deep ImpactBriard4968
LockedGCD K.K. Devil Wears PradaShetland Sheepdog3752
LockedWCH K.K. Devil's AdvocateShetland Sheepdog5468
LockedNA Dirty ChaiBerger Picard111
LockedChH K.K. Distributive LawShetland Sheepdog4151
LockedMH K.K. DixShetland Sheepdog3663
LockedMRO K.K. Don't Look UpBriard2437
LockedJPnA K.K. Duke of EarlShetland Sheepdog714
LockedAPnH K.K. Duomo di MilanoShetland Sheepdog1320
LockedASc K.K. EEGE lala spdspd stmstr 19HHBriard2338
LockedNH K.K. Elder WandShetland Sheepdog18
LockedASc K.K. ErosBriard2028
LockedPnO K.K. EspressoBriard1127
LockedWCH K.K. EvergreenShetland Sheepdog6682
LockedCCH K.K. Extreme CareShetland Sheepdog6685
LockedNT Eye of the TigerBerger Picard17
LockedGCH K.K. Falling for YouShetland Sheepdog4757
LockedASc K.K. Favorite NumberBriard2028
LockedAT K.K. Fawn FieldShetland Sheepdog2332
LockedNSh K.K. Feyre's FreedomBriard18
LockedJAA K.K. Field of RedShetland Sheepdog1420
LockedAH K.K. Field of SunshineShetland Sheepdog2330
LockedWCA K.K. Forever and AlwaysShetland Sheepdog6680
LockedAT K.K. Fresh Orange ScentShetland Sheepdog1824
LockedNCSc K.K. Fresh StowawayBriard5168
LockedGCO K.K. Fresh TakeBriard4967
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Frontier AirlinesShetland Sheepdog5874
LockedJASc K.K. Galaxy Evolution ExplorerBriard1724
LockedChP K.K. Glitter BombBriard4155
LockedExH K.K. Gold Star WinnerShetland Sheepdog3747
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Golden ChildShetland Sheepdog78109
LockedAH Golden Hill's MollyRough Collie1943
LockedFor StudCCH K.K. Golden ParadiseShetland Sheepdog5976
LockedNCH K.K. Green BookShetland Sheepdog5264
LockedWCH K.K. Greys AnatomyShetland Sheepdog7295
LockedAH K.K. Gucci GoldShetland Sheepdog2633
LockedCCSc Guitar HeroBriard5981
LockedPnSc K.K. HadesBriard1118
LockedFor StudNCH K.K. Hard Back BookShetland Sheepdog5976
LockedPnSc K.K. HarmoniaBriard916
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Hearts ContentShetland Sheepdog5874
LockedAH K.K. Hermes HeirShetland Sheepdog2431
LockedNT K.K. High TideShetland Sheepdog18
LockedNH K.K. Home FrontShetland Sheepdog17
LockedFor StudWCO K.K. Horizon SkylineShetland Sheepdog5470
LockedMA K.K. Hurricane MariaShetland Sheepdog2736
LockedNT K.K. Hymn of the HarborShetland Sheepdog18
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. I Walk the LineShetland Sheepdog77109
LockedAH K.K. It's Raining, It's PouringShetland Sheepdog2431
LockedMFl K.K. Its Not Easy Being GreenShetland Sheepdog3246
LockedCCFr K.K. Jam and JellyShetland Sheepdog5064
LockedFor StudGCH K.K. January JusticeShetland Sheepdog4861
LockedNO K.K. Jules 13HH lala Red with black sable/maskBriard16
LockedFor StudWCRO K.K. Jupiter AscendingBriard4868
LockedMFl K.K. Just a Vague MemoryShetland Sheepdog3449
LockedMH K.K. KahloShetland Sheepdog3142
LockedFor StudWCP K.K. KanakaShetland Sheepdog6483
LockedMFl K.K. KansasShetland Sheepdog3245
LockedNA K.K. KeelyShetland Sheepdog112
LockedNFl K.K. KeepShetland Sheepdog16
LockedKeepBerger Picard141
LockedNH K.K. Keep on Keeping onShetland Sheepdog17
LockedCCM K.K. KeikiShetland Sheepdog6280
LockedPnT K.K. Kering KateShetland Sheepdog1420
LockedCCH K.K. KõkuaShetland Sheepdog5567
LockedExH K.K. Lady DiShetland Sheepdog3848
LockedNH K.K. lala agiagi agistr 23HHShetland Sheepdog17
LockedFor StudMH K.K. lala agiint agistm 18HH 1.417Shetland Sheepdog3245
LockedFor StudMH WCFl lala agistm stmstm 23HHShetland Sheepdog68101
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. lala agistr stmstr 18HH 1.458xBriard16
LockedMH K.K. lala intagi agistm 20HH 1.522xShetland Sheepdog3445
LockedMA K.K. lala intagi stmagi 22HH 1.485xShetland Sheepdog3345
LockedFor StudMT K.K. lala intint intstm 21HH 1.465Shetland Sheepdog3145
LockedFor StudMFl K.K. lala sdint agiagi 22HH 1.513Shetland Sheepdog3346
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. lala spdstr stmstr 21HH 1.485xBriard16
LockedMFl K.K. lala stmint stmstm 22HH 1.482xShetland Sheepdog3145
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. lala strstr chastr 24HH 1.467xBriard16
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. lala strstr spdstr 21HH 1.437xBriard17
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. lala strstr stmstr 22HH 1.502xBriard16
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. lala strstr str str 22HH 1.505xBriard16
LockedAH K.K. LassieShetland Sheepdog2637
LockedNT K.K. Last ChildShetland Sheepdog19
LockedFor StudNCH K.K. Leading LegendShetland Sheepdog4963
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Leading the StormShetland Sheepdog6074
LockedNSc K.K. Letticia nee ID#2778969ID#2783785 strstrs strstm EEGEBriard111
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Lightening BugShetland Sheepdog7195
LockedJPnFl K.K. LL chastm agistm 19HH 1.477xShetland Sheepdog119
LockedJAT K.K. Ll chastm strstm 19HH 1.462Shetland Sheepdog1530
LockedChSc LL chastr strstr 8HH 1.412Briard4664
LockedMFl K.K. LL intagi stmstm 23HH 1.455Shetland Sheepdog3145
LockedMA K.K. LL intint agiagi 22HH 1.475Shetland Sheepdog3245
LockedFor StudMFl K.K. LL intint stmstm 22HH 1.517Shetland Sheepdog3245
LockedMH K.K. LL stmint stmstm 21HH 1.487xShetland Sheepdog3445
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. LL stmstm chastm 23HHShetland Sheepdog16
LockedMFl K.K. Ll stmstm stmstm 23HH 1.427xShetland Sheepdog3345
LockedMFl K.K. Lla agistm agistm 21HH 1.500xShetland Sheepdog3245
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. Lla agistm stmstm 24HHShetland Sheepdog16
LockedMFl K.K. Lla chaagi stmstm 20HH 1.510Shetland Sheepdog3345
LockedMA K.K. Lla intagi intstm 24HH 1.458Shetland Sheepdog3245
LockedNM K.K. Lla intagi stmagi 20HHShetland Sheepdog434
LockedMH K.K. Lla intagi stmstm 22HH 1.487xShetland Sheepdog3043
LockedWCH Lla intint spdstm 19HH 1.427Shetland Sheepdog71100
LockedMA K.K. lla intint stmstm 21HH 1.488xShetland Sheepdog3245
LockedMA K.K. Lla intint stmstm 22HH 1.473xShetland Sheepdog3245
LockedMA K.K. Lla stmint stmagi 22HH 1.517xShetland Sheepdog3345
LockedMA K.K. Lla stmint stmstm 21HH 1.458xShetland Sheepdog3145
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Lla stmstm chastm 20HHShetland Sheepdog78105
LockedMFl K.K. Lla stmstm stmstm 23HHShetland Sheepdog2939
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. Lla stmstm stmstm 23HHShetland Sheepdog16
LockedFor Public SaleK.K. Lla stmstm stmstm 23HHShetland Sheepdog16
LockedPnH K.K. Lla strint chastm 22HH 1.463Shetland Sheepdog1553
LockedAPnT K.K. Long As I Can See The LightShetland Sheepdog1420
LockedGCH K.K. Love LanguageShetland Sheepdog4862
LockedNCH K.K. Love NoteShetland Sheepdog5263
LockedNFl K.K. Love of a WomanShetland Sheepdog117
LockedAH K.K. Luna ConventoShetland Sheepdog2533
LockedASc K.K. LyceiusBriard2028
LockedJAH K.K. Lyric of the LakeShetland Sheepdog1521
LockedCCT K.K. Maine CoonShetland Sheepdog5976
LockedNT K.K. Marauder's MapShetland Sheepdog19
LockedAP K.K. MarioBriard2535
LockedCCH K.K. MerlotShetland Sheepdog5671
LockedCCH K.K. Midnight IceShetland Sheepdog5772
LockedFor StudMA K.K. MikeShetland Sheepdog3257
LockedWCA K.K. Misery For ChangeShetland Sheepdog7396
LockedMH K.K. Molly BanShetland Sheepdog2442
LockedFor StudCCRO K.K. Moment of InertiaShetland Sheepdog5068
LockedWCH K.K. Moment of MagicShetland Sheepdog5976
LockedCCH K.K. Mt RainierShetland Sheepdog5369
LockedMA K.K. Mystic TimeShetland Sheepdog2533
LockedChSc K.K. Nemesis - EEEE 23HHBriard4862
LockedExSc K.K. NeptuneBriard3951
LockedFor StudExSc K.K. Never Gonna Give You UpBriard3952
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Never Not NeededShetland Sheepdog7395
LockedNCH K.K. New CycleShetland Sheepdog5884
LockedCCH K.K. Night ShiftShetland Sheepdog5570
LockedASc K.K. Nirvana 1.450Briard3249
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Northern KeepShetland Sheepdog6580
LockedGCH K.K. Northwest HikeShetland Sheepdog4658
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Notes to SelfShetland Sheepdog7395
LockedAH K.K. Oasis of CalmShetland Sheepdog2431
LockedWCH K.K. Oculus RiftShetland Sheepdog5975
LockedMH K.K. Orange you GladShetland Sheepdog2837
LockedWCH K.K. Out of StateShetland Sheepdog5873
LockedFor StudANFl K.K. Painted (lla strspd strstr 17/1) kk EmEm Dd cchce ggBriard613
LockedChFl K.K. PepperShetland Sheepdog4377
LockedMSc K.K. Phone HomeBriard2940
LockedFor StudMH K.K. PLKCL EEEE Alex 23HH 3STM 1.397xShetland Sheepdog3242
LockedWCH K.K. Potato Chip SundaeShetland Sheepdog6178
LockedNSc K.K. Puppy 8Briard18
LockedNCH K.K. Pythagorean TheoremShetland Sheepdog5063
LockedFor StudNCFr K.K. Rattlesnake RidgeShetland Sheepdog4457
LockedPnSc K.K. Raw FeelingsBriard1117
LockedFor StudCCFr Raw SushiBriard5982
LockedASc K.K. Red HeartBriard1928
LockedFor StudWCRO K.K. Red LacewingBriard5574
LockedChSc K.K. Red RoseBriard4256
LockedFor StudExSc K.K. Regular ShowBriard3751
LockedNH K.K. Resurrection StoneShetland Sheepdog18
LockedPnSc K.K. RheiaBriard916
LockedAH K.K. Rising TideShetland Sheepdog1521
LockedChFl K.K. Role Playing GameShetland Sheepdog4156
LockedWCH K.K. RSVP PartyShetland Sheepdog6683
LockedExH K.K. ScottieShetland Sheepdog3876
LockedJAH K.K. ShaggyShetland Sheepdog1323
LockedAFl K.K. ShastaRough Collie2039
LockedFor StudMH K.K. Shoot For The Moon “meteor”Shetland Sheepdog2642
LockedPnFl K.K. SierraShetland Sheepdog1227
LockedChH K.K. Sky HighShetland Sheepdog4253
LockedNT K.K. Station 19Shetland Sheepdog17
LockedCCH K.K. Stay Gold PonyboyShetland Sheepdog5878
LockedAFl K.K. stmx3 also int. LlaShetland Sheepdog2264
LockedJASh K.K. Storm of healthShetland Sheepdog1789
LockedGCH K.K. Summer OlympicsShetland Sheepdog4558
LockedChSc K.K. Swallowtail ButterflyBriard4257
LockedAH K.K. Swarovski CrystalShetland Sheepdog2532
LockedFor StudGCH Sweet CherryShetland Sheepdog4660
LockedPnT K.K. Tears of the KingdomShetland Sheepdog1319
LockedFor StudCCH K.K. TextbookShetland Sheepdog5572
LockedPnSc K.K. The Autumn CourtBriard916
LockedGCFr K.K. The Eden ProjectShetland Sheepdog4356
LockedCCSc K.K. The MartianBriard5370
LockedNCFl K.K. The Princess BrideShetland Sheepdog4759
LockedGCSc The Red QueenBriard5470
LockedMA K.K. To the DepthsShetland Sheepdog2736
LockedFor StudGCH K.K. To the NorthShetland Sheepdog4658
LockedASc K.K. To the Raw EdgeBriard2028
LockedNFl TortaBerger Picard110
LockedNCA K.K. Touch Tone Telephone (BoB x3)Briard58100
LockedNFl TruthRough Collie110
LockedJAFl K.K. Two's a CrowdBerger Picard1522
LockedCCH K.K. Virtual RealityShetland Sheepdog6481
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Wheel in the SkyShetland Sheepdog78108
LockedFor StudWCH K.K. Who's Crying NowShetland Sheepdog7596
LockedWCH K.K. Wild RideShetland Sheepdog7897
LockedNT K.K. Wild TimeShetland Sheepdog19
LockedMH K.K. WillShetland Sheepdog3258
LockedAH K.K. Winter VoyageShetland Sheepdog2533
LockedJAH K.K. [4E•Lla•int/stm] 23HH/1HhShetland Sheepdog1628
NCSc K.K. 16HH lala strspd stmstr 1.430Briard57305
WCSc K.K. 2001 A Space OdysseyBriard75716
WCT K.K. 21HH EEEE ZackShetland Sheepdog691470
MA K.K. 24HH lala 2int 1.455x (Blue Merle & White w/ Red Points) Bred:2Shetland Sheepdog34576
ExH K.K. 24HH Lla intagi stmagi - 1.525xShetland Sheepdog47291
JAA K.K. 2xspdBriard211449
WCH K.K. A Boy Named SueShetland Sheepdog76713
WCH K.K. Added TimeShetland Sheepdog74712
WCT Adventure TimeBriard701510
WCH K.K. Amalfi CoastShetland Sheepdog77684
WCH K.K. Angel in a Black DressShetland Sheepdog80680
WCSc K.K. AphroditeBriard78679
WCSc K.K. Apollo 13Briard741511
WCSc K.K. ArtemisBriard74677
ExH PJK Aurora BorealisAustralian Koolie363447
PnM IPnFr K.K. azeliaBriard141077
WCO K.K. Backseat DriverShetland Sheepdog75680
WCH K.K. Ballad at the BeachShetland Sheepdog79668
WCH K.K. Blue BurberryShetland Sheepdog80684
WCH K.K. Blue DreamsShetland Sheepdog76719
WCH K.K. Blue SkiesShetland Sheepdog791513
AFl K.K. BonnetShetland Sheepdog27455
WCT K.K. Captain ChocolateShetland Sheepdog71410
MA CatusShetland Sheepdog28600
WCH K.K. Chary DevilShetland Sheepdog751511
WCH K.K. Choose Your CompanyShetland Sheepdog76653
WCH K.K. Clockwork OrangeShetland Sheepdog77688
WCSc K.K. Close Encounter of the Third KindBriard76686
WCH Days of Winter SunshineShetland Sheepdog78706
JPnH K.K. Devilish DelightsShetland Sheepdog71769
WCH K.K. Dior the DayShetland Sheepdog73709
ExH K.K. DougalShetland Sheepdog42918
ANT K.K. Duke In PlainBriard1591
JAH EllieRough Collie181774
WCSc K.K. Europa ReportBriard75687
WCSc K.K. Event HorizonBriard77688
WCFl K.K. Excuse the MessShetland Sheepdog74469
WCSc K.K. Extraterrestrial EncounterBriard77689
WCH K.K. Eye of the StormShetland Sheepdog77707
WCH K.K. Fendi FeudShetland Sheepdog81680
JAHu K.K. FidoShetland Sheepdog16981
WCH K.K. Field of DreamsShetland Sheepdog77693
CCH -:X:- FireflyAustralian Koolie554018
WCH K.K. Forever in Your EyesShetland Sheepdog75720
WCH Fresh TakeBriard71704
WCH K.K. Gesture My LoveShetland Sheepdog741856
WCT K.K. Gold FawnShetland Sheepdog77709
WCH K.K. Golden Fall DaysShetland Sheepdog80698
MH K.K. Hizru's HopeShetland Sheepdog311194
WCSc K.K. InterstellerBriard76688
WCSc K.K. Journey to the Center of the EarthBriard72688
WCH K.K. Just in TimeShetland Sheepdog74709
CCSc Kadence's Adventure MapBriard533152
WCSc Kadence's All Deep Things are SongBriard661861
WCH K.K. Kadence's Army ReadyShetland Sheepdog701858
WCH K.K. Kadence's Bi Blue EyesShetland Sheepdog593160
MH Kadence's Birthday CandleAustralian Koolie254128
WCH K.K. Kadence's Black BoardShetland Sheepdog711852
WCH Kadence's Black OutShetland Sheepdog771508
WCH K.K. Kadence's Blue Plate SpecialShetland Sheepdog721853
WCH Kadence's Bold DifferenceShetland Sheepdog534087
WCH K.K. Kadence's Bringer of StormsShetland Sheepdog554018
WCH K.K. Kadence's Burning MusicShetland Sheepdog554018
WCH K.K. Kadence's Careful be the DevilShetland Sheepdog573160
WCH K.K. Kadence's Caution ActingShetland Sheepdog701862
WCH K.K. Kadence's Changed ForeverShetland Sheepdog563537
WCH K.K. Kadence's Changing TidesShetland Sheepdog653118
WCH K.K. Kadence's Changing WorldsShetland Sheepdog643118
WCH K.K. Kadence's Chasing FirefliesShetland Sheepdog682519
WCSc Kadence's Counterfeit EncounterBriard563152
WCH K.K. Kadence's Creation of FireShetland Sheepdog554018
WCH K.K. Kadence's Crimson SentryShetland Sheepdog554018
WCH K.K. Kadence's Dark KnightmareShetland Sheepdog574018
WCH K.K. Kadence's Delta XShetland Sheepdog741844
CCH K.K. Kadence's Drive By NightShetland Sheepdog603146
WCH K.K. Kadence's Driving Ms. DaisyShetland Sheepdog731857
CCH Kadence's Driving You CrazyShetland Sheepdog603146
WCH K.K. Kadence's East of EdenShetland Sheepdog771521
WCH K.K. Kadence's Endless OlypicsShetland Sheepdog554018
WCH K.K. Kadence's Extreme ActionShetland Sheepdog711862
WCH K.K. Kadence's Falling Back UpShetland Sheepdog711857
WCH K.K. Kadence's Falling in CirclesShetland Sheepdog554018
WCH K.K. Kadence's Flash CannonShetland Sheepdog563537
WCH K.K. Kadence's Fleeting MomentShetland Sheepdog563537
WCFl K.K. Kadence's Foregone ConclusionShetland Sheepdog741852
WCT K.K. Kadence's Forever FallingShetland Sheepdog731839
CCSc Kadence's Fresh BeatsBriard563153
WCSc Kadence's Fresh FaceBriard701848
WCSc Kadence's Harp OnBriard651861
WCSc K.K. Kadence's Here Comes the HammerBriard711849
WCH Kadence's Hot Fudge SundayShetland Sheepdog681871
WCH K.K. Kadence's Inner MarathonShetland Sheepdog573537
WCH K.K. Kadence's Italian SerenadeShetland Sheepdog613133
WCH K.K. Kadence's Jam SessionShetland Sheepdog731853
WCH K.K. Kadence's JourneyShetland Sheepdog653117
WCH K.K. Kadence's KaikuahineShetland Sheepdog711860
WCH K.K. Kadence's KaikunaneShetland Sheepdog721860
WCH K.K. Kadence's Language of LoveShetland Sheepdog711856
WCH K.K. Kadence's Leading RoleShetland Sheepdog573537
WCH K.K. Kadence's Legend SeekerShetland Sheepdog563537
WCH Kadence's Liar Liar Pants on FireShetland Sheepdog691859
WCH K.K. Kadence's Life of the PartyShetland Sheepdog691871
WCSc Kadence's Linen LoveBriard651872
WCH K.K. Kadence's Magic MusicShetland Sheepdog701859
WCSc Kadence's Mirror MirrorBriard691862
WCH K.K. Kadence's Misery Loves CompanyShetland Sheepdog673117
WCH Kadence's Moment too SoonShetland Sheepdog691861
WCSc Kadence's Movie ReadyBriard623061
WCH K.K. Kadence's Moving EastShetland Sheepdog791838
WCH K.K. Kadence's Music Never DiesShetland Sheepdog554018
WCSc Kadence's Mystery Movie NightBriard573153
CCSc Kadence's Near HandsomeBriard553152
CCH Kadence's New NovelloShetland Sheepdog573160
WCH K.K. Kadence's Notes to Live ByShetland Sheepdog682519
WCH K.K. Kadence's Olympic GoldShetland Sheepdog771839
WCH K.K. Kadence's Pacific NorthwestShetland Sheepdog711862
CCSc Kadence's Paint by NumberBriard563152
WCH K.K. Kadence's Paper BackShetland Sheepdog741852
CCSc Kadence's Premier MovieBriard543153
WCH K.K. Kadence's Presto ChangoShetland Sheepdog731853
WCH K.K. Kadence's Princes DianaShetland Sheepdog741840
CCSc Kadence's Promise LandBriard543152
WCSc K.K. Kadence's Promise of TomorrowBriard731845
WCH K.K. Kadence's Puget SoundShetland Sheepdog701862
WCFl K.K. Kadence's Que CalorShetland Sheepdog751842
WCH K.K. Kadence's Racing RageShetland Sheepdog701852
WCH K.K. Kadence's Rainy DaysShetland Sheepdog623146
WCSc Kadence's Raw BeingsBriard701862
WCO Kadence's Raw IntentionsBriard613061
CCSc Kadence's Raw MaterialsBriard583142
WCH K.K. Kadence's Red DawnShetland Sheepdog721858
WCSc Kadence's Red EyesBriard593142
WCH K.K. Kadence's Ring of FireShetland Sheepdog643118
WCH K.K. Kadence's Role TideShetland Sheepdog741517
CCSc Kadence's Rubbed RawBriard573142
WCH Kadence's Ship Bi NightShetland Sheepdog701861
WCH K.K. Kadence's Sonatina of the SeasShetland Sheepdog613133
WCH K.K. Kadence's Southern BelleShetland Sheepdog761838
WCH K.K. Kadence's Special RendShetland Sheepdog731855
WCH K.K. Kadence's Spring ForwardShetland Sheepdog761518
WCH K.K. Kadence's Sweet FortitudeShetland Sheepdog741846
WCH Kadence's Sweet SerenadeShetland Sheepdog544087
WCH K.K. Kadence's Taste Of WinterShetland Sheepdog623146
WCSc Kadence's Too Legit to QuitBriard691850
WCSc Kadence's Touched By LightningBriard641872
WCH K.K. Kadence's Until Dawn AppearsShetland Sheepdog711855
WCH K.K. Kadence's Virtual RefrainShetland Sheepdog751853
WCH K.K. Kadence's Wild CherryShetland Sheepdog731854
WCH K.K. Kadence's Wild ChildShetland Sheepdog643118
WCH Kadence's Wind ChimeShetland Sheepdog554087
CCH K.K. KERTT TaeminShetland Sheepdog661578
JPnSc K.K. lala strstr intstr 15HHBriard61758
AA K.K. lala strstr strstr 22HH 1.437xBriard26559
WCH K.K. Ll agiint stmstm 15HH 1.467Shetland Sheepdog731521
WCFr LL intagi intstm 17HH 1.482Shetland Sheepdog741551
NA K.K. LL intint stmagi 21HH 1.458Shetland Sheepdog1612
NCFl K.K. LL Stmagi stmstm 22HH 1.522xShetland Sheepdog49494
NCH K.K. Lla intagi intagi 19HHShetland Sheepdog56763
CCA K.K. Lla intint intagi 24HH 1.475Shetland Sheepdog47492
NH K.K. Lla intstm agistm 18HHShetland Sheepdog11754
WCH K.K. Lla intstm chastm 18HH 1.458Shetland Sheepdog741551
WCH K.K. Lla stmstm chastm 12HH 1.405xShetland Sheepdog671637
GCA K.K. Lla stmstm intstm 23HHShetland Sheepdog541783
AH K.K. LuciShetland Sheepdog28666
MH K.K. LunaShetland Sheepdog291762
MH K.K. MarcusShetland Sheepdog33670
WCH K.K. MidoriShetland Sheepdog74220
WCH K.K. Night Never ComesShetland Sheepdog771519
WCH K.K. Night ShiftShetland Sheepdog76707
JPnRO K.K. NikiBriard61261
WCH K.K. On the Road AgainShetland Sheepdog79665
WCFl K.K. OremShetland Sheepdog75831
WCSc K.K. Paint the Sky RedBriard79713
IPnA K.K. PaulaShetland Sheepdog101735
WCH K.K. Rain Rain Go AwayShetland Sheepdog79707
WCSc Raw EncounterBriard74715
WCSc K.K. Raw FoodBriard74674
WCSc Raw ImageBriard74661
WCSc K.K. Raw LifeBriard77678
WCSc Raw PromiseBriard76692
WCSc Red DawnBriard75692
WCSc K.K. Red RageBriard77678
ExA AKSB RolfRough Collie421773
APnFr royalRough Collie131776
WCH K.K. Sapphire EyesShetland Sheepdog751513
WCH K.K. Scarlett 23HH EEEEShetland Sheepdog711470
NT K.K. Sheltie *(Moments)* 21HHShetland Sheepdog11576
WCH K.K. Sorcerer's ApprenticeShetland Sheepdog80665
WCH K.K. Southwest FlightShetland Sheepdog75723
WCSc K.K. Starship EnterpriseBriard751508
WCH K.K. Still Waters Run DeepShetland Sheepdog78665
WCH K.K. Summer Sunshine SerenadeShetland Sheepdog75724
WCH K.K. Take the LeadShetland Sheepdog76723
WCH K.K. Taste of the SeaShetland Sheepdog80680
WCH K.K. ThesisShetland Sheepdog751523
WCSc K.K. ThraciansBriard79674
WCH K.K. Tidal WaveShetland Sheepdog78668
MH -:X:- TierenAustralian Koolie263338
WCH K.K. Time KeeperShetland Sheepdog76686
WCH K.K. Time to SoarShetland Sheepdog72664
WCH K.K. Tribal MystiqueShetland Sheepdog78693
WCH K.K. Versace ViceShetland Sheepdog73696
WCH K.K. What Death Leaves BehindShetland Sheepdog76719
NCH ohio When the Night CameShetland Sheepdog46692
WCH Winter is ComingShetland Sheepdog76713
WCH K.K. Winter MorningShetland Sheepdog80677
WCH K.K. Winter NocturneShetland Sheepdog78684
GCH WisherAustralian Koolie424052
WCSc K.K. Wrath of the TitansBriard78663

Game Time

05:00am on Feb 21

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