H 3 Heelers

Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
20 Locked Dogs
Agility 2 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
Herding 2 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNH H3H AggieBorder Collie113
LockedJAFT KkoA Applewood Ducky DollLabrador Retriever1362
LockedJPnH F&A Bucky BroncoBorder Collie748
LockedFor StudMFT H3H Bullseye Firey AshesGolden Retriever2456
LockedJAFl BBCK CallieBorder Collie1644
LockedAPnA H3H CharoletteBorder Collie1276
LockedIPnFT KkoA Chasing The CandidsLabrador Retriever652
LockedFor Public SaleIPnFr H3H Every Dollar Makes Em' HollerBorder Collie853
LockedJPnFr JPnSh H3H Fetching FletcherAustralian Cattle Dog625
LockedANH PnA H3H Get At Em' AddieAustralian Cattle Dog1154
LockedPnH H3H Ice Cold Pepper's Grow BlueAustralian Cattle Dog1265
LockedAPnA H3H Lacey Chains Make Em' FaintAustralian Cattle Dog1366
LockedFor StudAT BK´s Park It and StopAustralian Cattle Dog1767
LockedIPnH H3H PollyannaAustralian Cattle Dog850
LockedFor StudAFl SRms Run with the GypsiesBorder Collie1868
LockedANH H3H RyderAustralian Cattle Dog748
LockedIPnFT II.R Saving SarahLabrador Retriever849
LockedFor StudMFT RofS Steel Stone Pounds The WallLabrador Retriever2587
LockedANH TERA- Tater TotAustralian Cattle Dog744
LockedJPnT H3H ValleyBorder Collie746
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnA NT H3H Blue BlitzkreigAustralian Cattle Dog421
LockedIPnO Kayz Brindle Blue Merle with Red Points EEEE 6 HhAustralian Shepherd840
LockedNA BUCK* EEEE 22HHDalmatian116
LockedANHT H3H Ella Von ExcellenceLabrador Retriever120
LockedNH JPnA DOP FireflickAustralian Cattle Dog425
LockedNH H3H Flint Stones' SparksBorder Collie322
LockedNA GloriannaAustralian Shepherd114
LockedNH Mathilda Runs WildeBorder Collie113
LockedNH H3H Puppy 2Border Collie117
LockedJPnH NFl II.R Puppy 4Australian Cattle Dog622
LockedNSh Puppy 4Golden Retriever113
LockedJPnO .MK Serena lala eeee spdGolden Retriever426
LockedJPnA H3H TaraAustralian Cattle Dog321
LockedAH FHSFF Till The World EndsAustralian Shepherd1756


LockedAH FHSFF Till The World Ends x IPnO KAYZ Brindle Blue Merle with Red Points EEEE 6 Hh
(Australian Shepherd)
LockedAH FHSFF Till The World Ends x NA Glorianna
(Australian Shepherd)
LockedANH H3H Ryder x ANH EGBH Tater Tot
(Australian Cattle Dog)
LockedANH H3H Ryder x IPnH H3H Pollyanna
(Australian Cattle Dog)
LockedJAT BK´s Park It and Stop x NH JPnA BluDK Fireflick
(Australian Cattle Dog)
LockedJAT BK´s Park It and Stop x PnH H3H Ice Cold Pepper's Grow Blue
(Australian Cattle Dog)
LockedJPnA NT H3H Blue Blitzkreig x ANH PnA H3H Get At Em' Addie
(Australian Cattle Dog)
LockedJPnH F&A Bucky Bronco x AFl SRBCs Run with the Gypsies
(Border Collie)
LockedJPnH F&A Bucky Bronco x NH H3H Aggie
(Border Collie)
LockedJPnH F&A Bucky Bronco x NH Mathilda Runs Wilde
(Border Collie)
LockedMFT H3H Bullseye Firey Ashes x ANO .MK Serena lala eeee spd
(Golden Retriever)
LockedMFT H3H Bullseye Firey Ashes x NSh Puppy 4
(Golden Retriever)
LockedMFT RofS Steel Stone Pounds The Wall x IPnFT II.R Saving Sarah
(Labrador Retriever)
LockedMFT RofS Steel Stone Pounds The Wall x IPnFT KkoA Chasing The Candids
(Labrador Retriever)
LockedMFT RofS Steel Stone Pounds The Wall x JAFT KkoA Applewood Ducky Doll
(Labrador Retriever)
LockedMFT RofS Steel Stone Pounds The Wall x NHT H3H Ella Von Excellence
(Labrador Retriever)
LockedNFr JPnSh H3H Fetching Fletcher x PnA H3H Lacey Chains Make Em' Faint
(Australian Cattle Dog)
LockedNH H3H Flint Stones' Sparks x JAFl BBCK Callie
(Border Collie)
LockedNH H3H Flint Stones' Sparks x JPnT H3H Valley
(Border Collie)
LockedNH H3H Flint Stones' Sparks x NH H3H Puppy 2
(Border Collie)
LockedNH H3H Flint Stones' Sparks x PnA H3H Charolette
(Border Collie)

Game Time

12:50am on Mar 4

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