Gravity Dogs APBTs

Gravity APBTs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
26 Locked Dogs
Gravity of Japan
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
29 Locked Dogs
The Peanut Gallery
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
Kai Ken Mask Project
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
1 Locked Dog
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Dock Diving 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Large Critter Pasture
20 Critters
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Musical Freestyle 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Small Pond
The surface of this pond reflects the grandeur of the lofty sky, though beneath the illusion of stillness teams an underwater world.
Campfire Site
Follow the path between the trees to find a cozy campfire site in the middle of a small clearing, complete with benches to rest on and while you enjoy the dancing flames.
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUCP GDA ArchenemyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier89106
LockedWCP GDA Attack of the Pixels STMAmerican Pit Bull Terrier86105
LockedUCSh GDA Beast of the DeepAmerican Pit Bull Terrier89106
LockedWCO GDA BelieverAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5871
LockedUCO GDA Cover Me in DiamondsAmerican Pit Bull Terrier90103
LockedWCP GDA Dead Pixels STMAmerican Pit Bull Terrier6683
LockedNCHu GDA Diamond PlateAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5266
LockedICD GDA Divine Beast DranAmerican Pit Bull Terrier86101
LockedMP GDA Ender DragonAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2634
LockedCCFr GDA Fork in the Road STMAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5773
LockedUCSh GDA From the ShadowsAmerican Pit Bull Terrier87104
LockedUCSh GDA Galaxy ClassAmerican Pit Bull Terrier88103
LockedWCO GDA Hardware UpgradesAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5771
LockedJPnP GDA Heavier than HeavenAmerican Pit Bull Terrier712
LockedAPnP GDA Hylian EnemyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1220
LockedFor StudWCP GDA Legendary Artist STMAmerican Pit Bull Terrier6582
LockedFor StudWCO GDA Makin' Bacon PancakesAmerican Pit Bull Terrier7289
LockedCCM GDA Man in the MirrorAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5971
LockedJAD GDA Ocarina of TimeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1220
LockedWCSh GDA RadioactiveAmerican Pit Bull Terrier7087
LockedNCM GDA Right Side of History STMAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5773
LockedFor StudWCSh GDA Seven Nation ArmyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier7187
LockedUCO GDA Smells Like Teen SpiritAmerican Pit Bull Terrier91108
LockedWCSc GDA Some Call it HellAmerican Pit Bull Terrier88103
LockedWCSc GDA The Black Album STMAmerican Pit Bull Terrier82102
LockedWCFr GDA Twistin' the Night Away STMAmerican Pit Bull Terrier7389
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCH GDA Annoying OrangeSaarloos Wolfdog86105
LockedWCH GDA BingoAustralian Shepherd88106
LockedWCSc GDA Black BeltGerman Shepherd Dog6680
LockedWCSc GDA Cobra KaiGerman Shepherd Dog84104
LockedWCHT GDA Desert RefugeeAmerican Indian Dog86101
LockedWCP GDA Fullmetal AlphonseAmerican Indian Dog84103
LockedExO GDA Golden WarriorAmerican Indian Dog3546
LockedAHT GDA Honorary EdAmerican Indian Dog2533
LockedFor StudWCT GDA I'll Be In My BunkAustralian Shepherd7087
LockedWCH GDA In Walks WeebSaarloos Wolfdog6579
LockedFor StudWCH GDA Internet PeopleSaarloos Wolfdog6579
LockedWCH GDA Konami CodeSaarloos Wolfdog90105
LockedUCD GDA Long And Lonely RoadAmerican Indian Dog84101
LockedWCA GDA Memories of PlutoAustralian Shepherd88103
LockedMP GDA Mighty RedwoodAmerican Indian Dog3241
LockedAPnSc GDA Mountain AshesAmerican Indian Dog1320
LockedWCSc GDA Not in My DojoGerman Shepherd Dog6680
LockedWCHT GDA Paper LanternsGreat Dane88102
LockedAHT PK68 Paper MacheGreat Dane2028
LockedAH GDA Play Merry HobAustralian Shepherd1826
LockedASc GDA Pride and HonorAmerican Indian Dog2533
LockedChHT GDA Reading by FirelightGreat Dane4454
LockedCCP |KL| Red MageIrish Wolfhound6287
LockedChH GDA Roll CheckAustralian Shepherd4354
LockedAP GDA Seiken DensetsuAmerican Indian Dog1926
LockedWCH GDA Terra FirmaAustralian Shepherd7187
LockedExHT PK68 The Darkest HourGreat Dane3949
LockedWCP GDA To the StarsAmerican Indian Dog83101
LockedExD GDA Walking with GiantsAmerican Indian Dog3241
LockedCCSc White Oak BiterGerman Shepherd Dog6184
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCM GDA Fauci OuchieKai Ken83102


  • Dragon the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny Dragon the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Elistan the Arctic Fox Elistan the Arctic Fox
  • Laurana the Bold Spotted Pony Laurana the Bold Spotted Pony
  • Riverwind the Bold Wolf Pup Riverwind the Bold Wolf Pup
  • Raistlin the Brown Snake Raistlin the Brown Snake
  • Astinus the Canary Astinus the Canary
  • Huma the Copper Pegasus Huma the Copper Pegasus
  • Trapspringer the Cross Fox Trapspringer the Cross Fox
  • Tanthalas the Emerald Hippogriff Tanthalas the Emerald Hippogriff
  • Flint the Gingerbread Man Flint the Gingerbread Man
  • Fistandantilus the Gold Gryphon Fistandantilus the Gold Gryphon
  • Iridescent Dragon Iridescent Dragon
  • Lessa the Phoenix Chick Lessa the Phoenix Chick
  • Malystryx the Red Baby Dragon Malystryx the Red Baby Dragon
  • Solostaran the Ruby Chinese Dragon Solostaran the Ruby Chinese Dragon
  • Mnementh the Sapphire Sea Dragon Mnementh the Sapphire Sea Dragon
  • Caramon the Silver Hamster Caramon the Silver Hamster
  • Goldmoon the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Goldmoon the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Silvara the Silver Unicorn Silvara the Silver Unicorn
  • Paladine the Wolpertinger Paladine the Wolpertinger

Game Time

02:41am on Mar 11

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