Unlimited Golden Pups Kennel

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
69 Locked Dogs
l Border/shetland/German l
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
76 Locked Dogs
l Silken l
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
61 Locked Dogs
l A-Pit-Bull-T l
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
77 Locked Dogs
l Airedales/Poodle l
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
84 Locked Dogs
l Golden/Sussex l
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
l Studs/ Breeding l
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
71 Locked Dogs
l Phoenix l
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
20 Locked Dogs
l The Littles l
Critter Town
45 Critters
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUGPK (23HH la EEEE ) stmspd stmSussex Spaniel16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK (24HH la EEEE 1.377x) stragi intstmKai Ken16
LockedJAH UGPK (24HH la EEEE 1.437x) stmagi agiRough Collie1624
LockedPnD (24HH la EEEE 1.600x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier816
LockedGRASS 55Puli17
LockedUGPK Arrows and Spears (24HH la EEEE 1.522x) 4agiRough Collie16
LockedCCFl UGPK Blizzard with Heat (3/2 24HH la EEEE 1.435x) stmagi agiRough Collie6483
LockedCCSc UGPK Capricorn is Flying (9/1 22HH la EEEE 1.538x) str strspdBelgian Sheepdog6783
LockedJAA RUST Chimpkin (24HH la EEEE 1.458x) 4agiRough Collie1422
LockedUGPK Crowns and Crows (24HH la EEEE 1.522x) 4agiRough Collie16
LockedJPnA UGPK Dragon Dancer (24HH la EEEE 1.487x) 4spdSkye Terrier816
LockedIPnSh DraW England Blood (22HH la EEEE 1.595x) int intchaClumber Spaniel1016
LockedJPnFl UGPK Firebird of Power (24HH la EEEE 1.587x) 4agiRough Collie916
LockedMH CLWK Fireworks explosion (4/0 24HH la EEEE 1.533x) int agiRough Collie3747
LockedJAH UGPK Flying Enterprise (24HH la EEEE 1.470x) 4agiRough Collie1422
LockedJAH UGPK Forever Echo (24HH la EEEE 1.470x) 4agiRough Collie1522
LockedAH *AN* Gossip all around (2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.510x) 4stmOld English Sheepdog2634
LockedPnFl UGPK Gracie on Stones (24HH la EEEE 1.493x) agistr agiRough Collie1320
LockedNCSc Hydra in power (9/0 24HH la EEEE 1.187x) strstm strBelgian Sheepdog5482
LockedJAA UGPK Ice-bear in the Ice (24HH la EEEE 1.518x) stmagi agiShetland Sheepdog1422
LockedMP kaac Knowledge in Power (21HH la EEEE 1.467x) stmstr strNewfoundland3446
LockedFor StudWCFr UGPK Love to be lied to (24HH la EEEE 2.667x) cha chastrStandard Poodle59104
LockedNCH SwtlH Marshmallow with Sugar (6/3 24HH la EEEE 1.138x) 4agiRough Collie6098
LockedFor Public SaleCCR COoSK Nitro on Air (24HH la EEEE 1.482x)2stm,stmspdSilken Windhound54102
LockedFor StudWCSc UGPK Obsidian in the Rain (10/1 24HH la EEEE 1.538x) 4strBelgian Sheepdog7894
LockedJPnA YUKI Paris all Lit up (24HH la EEEE 1.537x) 4spdSkye Terrier816
LockedJPnA UGPK Pine Mist (24HH la EEEE 1.487x) 4spdSkye Terrier816
LockedAPnH UGPK Prosper on the Sea (24HH la EEEE 1.485x) 4agiRough Collie1220
LockedIPnA UGPK Puddle of Power (24HH la EEEE 1.588x) 4agiRough Collie816
LockedAPnFl UGPK Puddle Puppy (24HH la EEEE 1.493x) 4agiRough Collie1220
LockedUGPK Puppy 1Sussex Spaniel16
LockedUGPK Puppy 5Sussex Spaniel16
LockedWCA UGPK Red Rum and sugar (9/0 24HH la EEEE 1.435x) stmagi agiRough Collie6683
LockedWCFl LoTRS Rhapsody is a Symphony (15/1 24HH la EEEE 1.548x) 4agiRough Collie7189
LockedJPnFl UGPK Rogue Dreamscape (24HH la EEEE 1.587x) agistr agiRough Collie916
LockedSELLSussex Spaniel16
LockedFor Public SaleWCM UGPK SELL (10/1 24HH la EEEE 1.192x) agicha agistrStandard Poodle61101
LockedFor Public SaleWCM ARWK SELL (10/2 24HH la EEEE 1.403x) intstr chaagiAmerican Pit Bull Terrier63103
LockedFor Public SaleWCO SELL (4/2 24HH la EEEE 1.540x) strint stmstrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier60103
LockedFor Public SaleWCRO Fae’s SELL (4/3 24HH la EEEE 1.205x) chacha strchaStandard Poodle53101
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL ( 24HH la EEEE ) 1.513x intstr intField Spaniel16
LockedFor Public SaleCCM SELL (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.550x) stm agistmAmerican Pit Bull Terrier55104
LockedFor Public SaleCCP GPBD SELL (10/0 21HH la EEEE 1.277x) spdspd spdstmAiredale Terrier54104
LockedFor Public SaleWCR UGPK SELL (14/3 24HH la EEEE 1.252x) 4stmSilken Windhound62103
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (22HH la EEEE 1.432x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (23HH la EEEE 1.367x) 4chaAfghan Hound16
LockedFor Public SaleWCH RenKe SELL (23HH la EEEE 1.413x) stmint spdintFinnish Lapphund58102
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEE 1.365x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.357x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.357x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.367x) 4chaAfghan Hound16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.377x) intstr chastrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.377x) stragi intKai Ken16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.458x) agistm spdstmBorder Collie16
LockedUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.478x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.478x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.508x) int inchField Spaniel16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.513x) intstr intField Spaniel16
LockedFor Private SaleUGPK SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.542x) inch strchaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedFor Public SaleCCSh SELL (24HH lala EEEE 1.557x) str spdstrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier56106
LockedFor Public SaleWCT Tiku SELL (4/3 24HH la EEEE 1.577x) int strstmShetland Sheepdog71101
LockedFor Public SaleWCM SELL (5/0 24HH la EEEE 1.603x) agi intstmKai Ken63105
LockedFor Public SaleWCA JPnH Roman SELL (6/0 24HH la EEEE 1.553x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog65101
LockedFor Public SaleGCR Tal's SELL (6/1 23HH la EEEE 1.222x) cha strchaAfghan Hound5399
LockedGRASS SELL (8HH Lala EGEG 1.393x)strata chastrKooikerhondje16
LockedFor Public SaleAPnD AND CCM UGPK SELL (9/6 24HH la EEEE 1.210x) cha chaagiAmerican Pit Bull Terrier60101
LockedExSc WOLF| Shut Up And Drive (3/0 24HH la EEEE 1.522x) 4intBelgian Tervuren4155
LockedNM Skin and Bones (22HH la EEEE 1.545x) stmagi agiintCarolina Dog16
LockedAPnA FRHL Tip-toe by the Garden (24HH la EEEE 1.588x) 4agiSkye Terrier1522
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExH UGPK (2/1 24HH la EEEE Py 1.412x) stmint stmBorder Collie3746
LockedJAA nFk* 1 Copper set in Stone (24HH la EEEE 1.525x) agi agistmShetland Sheepdog1725
LockedANFl UGPK 2?? Plum on a Tree (24HH la EEE 1.528x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog512
LockedNH UGPK 2??? Pebble under the Water (24HH la EEEE 1.490x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog112
LockedMA UGPK Afraid to jinx (1/0 24HH la EEEE Py 1.368x) agistm agiBorder Collie3646
LockedExFl UGPK Amaryllis in Red (53 24HH la EEEE 1.303x) spdstm stmagiBorzoi4058
LockedNT UGPK Amber Glow in Winter (24HH la EEEE yy 1.483x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedCCSc AdK's Banyan as the Host (3/2 24HH la EEEE 1.452x) 4stmGerman Shepherd Dog6696
LockedMR UGPK Bengal Spice (1/1 24HH la EEEE 1.385x) cha stm stmBorzoi3243
LockedNH UGPK Bifrost River (24HH la EEEE yy 1.485x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedNH UGPK Bird of paradise (24HH la EEEE Py 1.500x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedJAFl UGPK Blizzard for Ice (24HH la EEEE 1.482x) stmspd stmBorder Collie1622
LockedPnT UGPK Blue Corvette (24HH la EEE 1.505x) 4stmBorder Collie1319
LockedNH UGPK Blue Rain (24HH la EEEE Py 1.512x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedMR UGPK Bluebell in the Grass (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.385x) chastm stmBorzoi3041
LockedChFl UGPK Canyon Moon from the Sky (6/1 24HH la EEEE 1.303x) spdstm agistmBorzoi4158
LockedNA UGPK Cari Singing (24HH la EEEE 1.483x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog19
LockedIPnH UGPK City where the Sun don't Set (24HH la EEEE 1.505x) 4stmBorder Collie1319
LockedCCFl CK9's Whisper in the Dark (7/1 24HH la EEEE Py 1.293x) stm stmagiBorder Collie6296
LockedJAH UGPK Claws for Glory (24HH la EEEE 1.482x) 4stmBorder Collie1622
LockedASc UGPK Dark Blue rise (23HH la EEEE 1.510x) 4intGerman Shepherd Dog2024
LockedFor StudChH DDOGG Dark night in Flames (4/1 24HH la EEEE Py 1.475x) 4stmBorder Collie4659
LockedNFl UGPK Dawn in the Dark (23HH la EEEE 1.493x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog16
LockedAA Desire's Free Will (2/0 14HH la EEEE 1.420x) spdagi stragiShetland Sheepdog2636
LockedNT UGPK Dividing Puffin (24HH la EEEE Py 1.500x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedNH UGPK Eagle catching fish (24HH la EEEE Py 1.527x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedNH UGPK Eclipse with light (24HH la EEEE 1.490x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog110
LockedMA UGPK Falling snowflakes (2/0 24HH la EEEE Py 1.368x) stmint agiBorder Collie3646
LockedPnFl UGPK Firefly in the Shadow (24HH la EEEE 1.525x) stm stmspdBorder Collie1116
LockedASc UGPK First-rise in Boston (1/1 23HH la EEEE 1.510x) 4intGerman Shepherd Dog1924
LockedNFl UGPK Fletcher for the Girls (24HH la EEEE 1.483x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog19
LockedAFl UGPK Forgiveness of the Past (24HH la EEEE 1.462x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog2128
LockedNFl UGPK Frosty Ember (24HH la EEEE Py 1.455x) intstm stmBorder Collie16
LockedWCFl solos Hutson at the River (15/2 24HH la EEEE 1.443x) spdagi agiShetland Sheepdog7499
LockedAR P!NK Irene in a Storm (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.615x) spdstm stmspdBorzoi2833
LockedJPnA UGPK Island in the Cold (24HH la EEEE 1.518x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog612
LockedAR IBLM Isolation at home (24HH Lla EEEE 1.525x) stm stmspdBorzoi2936
LockedExT UGPK Kiyo the Protector (2/1 24HH la EEEE 1.525x) 4stmGerman Shepherd Dog4147
LockedNCFl UGPK Lady LuLu (5/3 24HH la EEEE 1.545x) agi agispdShetland Sheepdog6174
LockedPnH UGPK Lavender in the Field (24HH la EEEE 1.525x) stmagi stmBorder Collie1116
LockedAH UGPK Lucky-Charm in a Box (24HH la EEEE 1.500x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog2128
LockedExFl UGPK Major’s Rage (5/0 24HH la EEEE 1.333x) 4stmBorzoi3958
LockedCCH UGPK Millie for the Hoops (7/2 24HH la EEEE 1.550x) spdagi agiShetland Sheepdog6274
LockedCCH UGPK Moonstreak Lover (9/0 24HH la EEEE 1.503x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog6174
LockedAFl UGPK NASA in Space (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.462x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog2228
LockedAA UGPK Not a Martyr I'm a Problem (24HH la EEEE 1.500x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog2228
LockedAH DK » Nothing to Love (24HH la EEEE yy 1.147x) 4agiBorder Collie1827
LockedNT UGPK Ocean eyes (24HH la EEEE Py 1.512x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedNFl Ocean Eyes(24HH la EEEE yy 1.455x) intstm stmBorder Collie16
LockedAFl Peacock all Showy (24HH la EEEE 1.623x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog2429
LockedJASc UGPK Peru with Picchu (24HH la EEEE 1.580x) 4intGerman Shepherd Dog1620
LockedExR UGPK Phantom Quartz (2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.333x) 2stm stmagiBorzoi4258
LockedGCA UGPK Pit of Hurt (3/3 24HH la EEEE 1.498x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog5568
LockedMH UGPK Portland we leave (1/0 24HH la EEEE Py 1.432x) stm stmagiBorder Collie3846
LockedUGPK Puppy 6 260 flyShetland Sheepdog16
LockedUGPK Puppy 6 270 flyShetland Sheepdog16
LockedUGPK Puppy 8 275 flyShetland Sheepdog16
LockedUGPK Puppy 9 260 agiShetland Sheepdog16
LockedChT MiMi Quaking Aspen (4/1 24HH la EEEE 1.497x) 4stmGerman Shepherd Dog4863
LockedNT UGPK Realms and Rivers (24HH la EEEE yy 1.485x) intstm stmstmBorder Collie112
LockedNT UGPK River of flowers (24HH la EEEE yy 1.532x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedChFl JPnH MKPW Rocky Road (4/0 24HH la EEEE 1.435x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog4977
LockedAH UGPK Sacramental in the Ring (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.500x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog2128
LockedAA AldrA Silver charm shinning bright (2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.353x) intagi agiShetland Sheepdog2638
LockedJASc UGPK Silver Darkness (24HH la EEEE 1.580x) 2intstmGerman Shepherd Dog1720
LockedNFl UGPK Silverfrosted Ocean (24HH la EEEE yy 1.483x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedAT Tiku Snapdragon in the Sun (2/0 23HH la EEEE 1.583x) strint stmShetland Sheepdog2838
LockedMH UGPK Snow at the Beach (3/0 24HH la EEEE Py 1.432x) 4stmBorder Collie3746
LockedNFl UGPK Stardust in Sugar (24HH la EEEE 1.493x) 4stmShetland Sheepdog16
LockedMH UGPK Stars by the pocket full (6/0 24HH la EEEE Py 1.412x) 4stmBorder Collie3846
LockedAFl UGPK Sunflower in the Day (24HH la EEEE 1.473x) 4stmBorder Collie2835
LockedNFl UGPK Swan the Devil(24HH la EEEE Py 1.527x) 4stmBorder Collie112
LockedNCA UGPK Vipers are Nothing (2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.498x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog5568
LockedMR UGPK Vodka in a Bottle (0/1 24HH la EEEE 1.365x) chastm stmBorzoi3143
LockedAT UGPK Wildlife in the Ivy (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.473x) 4stmBorder Collie2835
LockedExT UGPK Zircon after Fire (4/0 24HH la EEEE 1.525x) 4stmGerman Shepherd Dog4147
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUGPK (24HH la EEEE 1.510x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedChFr UGPK (3/0 24HH la EEEE 1.540x) 4stmSilken Windhound4155
LockedNCFl UGPK April Showers (3/0 24HH la EEEE 1.405x) 4stmSilken Windhound5473
LockedNCFr UGPK Astrid in the Sky (5/1 24HH la EEEE 1.413x) 4stmSilken Windhound5373
LockedNCFr UGPK Azza Swimming (6/0 24HH la EEEE 1.402x) 4stmSilken Windhound5473
LockedBeach with Gulls (24HH la EEEE 1.607x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedExFr UGPK Berry with a Twist (3/0 24HH la EEEE 1.452x) stmspd stmSilken Windhound3752
LockedJAFr UGPK Bird in the Sky (24HH la EEEE 1.442x) 4stmSilken Windhound1322
LockedWCFr UGPK Bird on the Go (12/1 24HH la EEEE 1.443x) 4stmSilken Windhound6991
LockedNR UGPK Black Swan (24HH la EEEE 1.537x) 4stmSilken Windhound112
LockedBlinding streetlights (24HH la EEEE 1.592x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedCCFr UGPK Bumble Bee (5/2 23HH la EEEE 1.465x) 4stmSilken Windhound5673
LockedCharming Feather (24HH la EEEE 1.592x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedGCR UGPK Chasing Cars (4/1 24HH la EEEE 1.443x) 4stmSilken Windhound5673
LockedGCR UGPK Cosmo in the Dark (5/2 24HH la EEEE 1.443x) stm spdstmSilken Windhound5573
LockedDaisy white (24HH la EEEE 1.567x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedGCFr UGPK Dixie at Dawn (6/0 23HH la EEEE 1.370x) 4stmSilken Windhound4867
LockedChFr UGPK Duchess Bridgerton in France (4/0 23HH la EEEE 1.595x) 4stmSilken Windhound4255
LockedNR UGPK Duchess of Gold (22HH la EEEE 1.570x) 4stmSilken Windhound112
LockedDuchess of Hydrox (22HH la EEEE 1.607x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedNFl UGPK Duchess of Risingwinds of (24HH la EEEE 1.550x) 4stmSilken Windhound112
LockedNFr UGPK Duchess of Silk(24HH la EEEE 1.550x) 4stmSilken Windhound112
LockedDuchess of the waters (22HH la EEEE 1.607x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedChFr UGPK Duchess of the Wild Moon in the Sky (2/1 23HH la EEEE 1.487x) 4stmSilken Windhound4054
LockedChR UGPK Duchess of Underground Secret (5/0 23HH la EEEE 1.695x) 4stmSilken Windhound5165
LockedChFl UGPK Duchess Red rose Air (5/0 23HH la EEEE 1.502x) stm stmintSilken Windhound4254
LockedChFr UGPK Duchess Silvermist on the Moon (3/0 24HH la EEEE 1.470x) 4stmSilken Windhound4154
LockedExFr UGPK Duchess Whiteflame in Gold (24HH la EEEE 1.470x) 4stmSilken Windhound4054
LockedFeather in the Duster (24HH la EEEE 1.592x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedAPnR UGPK Finch in the Sky (24HH la EEEE 1.442x) 4stmSilken Windhound1322
LockedNCFr UGPK Gem in Hiding (4/0 24HH la EEEE 1.402x) 4stmSilken Windhound5273
LockedUGPK keep?SELL (24HH la EEEE 1.510x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedChO S* Love The Way You Lie (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.623x) 4stmSilken Windhound4365
LockedExR UGPK Lucky Feather in a Storm (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.525x) 4stmSilken Windhound4052
LockedExFl UGPK Lucky Worldtravels as a Feather (2/2 24HH la EEEE 1.540x) 4stmSilken Windhound4155
LockedExFl UGPK Metalic Espresso Twist (3/0 24HH la EEEE 1.452x) 4stmSilken Windhound4052
LockedChFl UGPK Ocean Feather flying (3/1 24HH la EEEE 1.590x) 4stmSilken Windhound4455
LockedGCFl UGPK Opal in the Sea (4/2 23HH la EEEE 1.525x) stm stmspdSilken Windhound5064
LockedNR UGPK Opal Swan (24HH la EEEE 1.537x) 4stmSilken Windhound112
LockedNFr UGPK Peacock full of color (24HH la EEEE 1.537x) 4stmSilken Windhound112
LockedNCR UGPK Pedals full of Scars (6/1 24HH la EEEE 1.443x) 4stmSilken Windhound5673
LockedWCFr UGPK Pocus Full of tricks (3/2 24HH la EEEE 1.455x) 4stmSilken Windhound7091
LockedJAFr UGPK Raw Beauty in the Sky (24HH la EEEE 1.450x) 4stmSilken Windhound1322
LockedRedclay Flower (24HH la EEEE 1.567x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedAR UGPK Rising Moon Harbor (0/1 24HH la EEEE 1.558x) 4spdSilken Windhound2130
LockedWCFl UGPK Rotten from In (8/3 23HH la EEEE 1.518x) stm stmagi (BOB 3x)Silken Windhound8499
LockedAR UGPK Shadow Harbor RisingMoon (24HH la EEEE 1.558x) 4spdSilken Windhound2230
LockedNFl UGPK Soaring and Rising (24HH la EEEE 1.537x) 4stmSilken Windhound112
LockedExR UGPK Speedy Elk (3/0 24HH la EEEE 1.525x) 4stmSilken Windhound4152
LockedChR UGPK Stargazer Lost in a Feather (6/1 24HH la EEEE 1.590x) 4stmSilken Windhound4455
LockedAPnR UGPK Starmane Raw beauty (24HH la EEEE 1.450x) 4stmSilken Windhound1322
LockedSterling silver (24HH la EEEE 1.615x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedGCFl UGPK Time is Frozen (2/4 24HH la EEEE 1.522x) 4stmSilken Windhound4964
LockedExR UGPK Twist in Time (2/2 24HH la EEEE 1.455x) 4stmSilken Windhound3952
LockedExR UGPK Twist of Red in nature (5/0 23HH la EEEE 1.455x) stmspd stmSilken Windhound3952
LockedExFl UnDu United Dutch Death (22HH Lla EEEE 1.583x) 4stmSilken Windhound4248
LockedNCFl UGPK Vanilla in a Cone (6/1 24HH la EEEE 1.465x) 4stmSilken Windhound5673
LockedWCR UGPK Winny in a Den (5/1 24HH la EEEE 1.413x) 4stmSilken Windhound6791
LockedGCFl UGPK Wisp in the Forest (4/0 24HH la EEEE 1.522x) 4stmSilken Windhound5064
LockedUGPK World Traveling Trade (23HH la EEEE 1.562x) 4stmSilken Windhound16
LockedWCFr UGPK Zoom in the Sun (5/5 24HH la EEEE 1.405x) 4stmSilken Windhound6691
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnSh UGPK (24HH la EEEE 1.420x) 4strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier712
LockedJPnSh UGPK (24HH la EEEE 1.420x) 4strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier712
Locked(24HH la EEEE 1.572x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
Locked(24HH la EEEE 1.572x) 4stmAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
Locked(24HH la EEEE 1.592x) cha chastrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
Locked24HH - Lla - int 3CHAAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedJAD Aquatic Reef (23HH Lla EEEE 1.387x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1321
LockedJPnM UGPK Ashes set in Stone (24HH la EEEE 1.528x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier612
LockedND UGPK Badger in the Field (24HH Lla EEEE 1.462x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedAD UGPK Barbecue Sause in a bottle (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.470x) 2 stmstrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1623
LockedMO UGPK Beverly Hills on top (24HH la EEEE 1.412x) chaint chaintAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2639
LockedAM UGPK Black jewels (24HH la EEEE 1.523x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1825
LockedAM Black Widow (24HH la EEEE 1.525x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2432
LockedAM UGPK Blade tall and Sharp (23HH la EEEE 1.428x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1724
LockedAO UGPK Blaze without fire (0/1 24HH la EEEE 1.452x) 4strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2329
LockedMM UGPK Buck in the Spring (1/1 24HH la EEEE 1.365x) spdcha chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2837
LockedFor StudWCM UGPK Bulletproof and Beyond (14/2 24HH la EEEE 1.507x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier7689
LockedAPnSh Cassie always Hiding (23HH Lla EEEE 1.387x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1321
LockedAM UGPK Centaur on the Run (24HH la EEEE 1.508x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1623
LockedJAM UGPK Chimera with three Heads (24HH la EEEE 1.450x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1622
LockedNSh UGPK Chocolate Hope (22HH la EEEE 1.537x) str strchaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier111
LockedAO UGPK Coal in a bag (24HH la EEEE 1.367x) stmstr strstmAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1826
LockedNM Compromise for the Win (22HH la EEEE 1.432x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedMSh UGPK Creature of habit (2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.295x) 4strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2837
LockedASh UGPK Daffodil in the wind (24HH la EEEE 1.523x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1925
LockedND UGPK Demi on the Roll (24HH la EEEE 1.462x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedAM UGPK Dijon in France (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.535x) chaint agiintAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2027
LockedPnSh UGPK Discovery all Over (24HH la EEEE 1.377x) str intstrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1218
LockedAPnSh UGPK Duck in Water (24HH la EEEE 1.377x) str intstrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1218
LockedJAM MiMi Electric and Eccentric (24HH la EEEE 1.497x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1723
LockedAM UGPK Fairy flying Around (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.543x) chaint agichaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2127
LockedMM UGPK Fawn in the Spring (24hH la EEEE 1.365x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2837
LockedASh UGPK Fig on the Rise (24HH la EEEE 1.420x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1926
LockedASh UGPK Gamora in hiding (24HH la EEEE 1.420x) cha spdchaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1926
LockedJAO UGPK Goldenrod in Bloom (24HH la EEEE 1.267x) 2cha spdchaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1224
LockedAD UGPK Graveyard still learning (24HH la EEEE 1.333x) agistr chaspdAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1526
LockedJASh UGPK Griffin on the Hunt (24HH la EEEE 1.450x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1622
LockedJAM Heartless Baby (24HH la EEEE 1.583x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1725
LockedAM UGPK Honey Badger (24HH la EEEE 1.322x) chastm chaagiAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1929
LockedASh UGPK Hyacinth in Edin (23HH Lla EEEE 1.280x) chaint strspdAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1933
LockedJASh MiMi Jealous of it All (24HH la EEEE 1.505x)American Pit Bull Terrier1623
LockedAD UGPK Knob on the Door (24HH la EEEE 1.327x) intstr chastrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1726
LockedNM UGPK Light Bringer Lucifer (24HH la EEEE 1.505x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedASh UGPK Lime just like Lemon (24HH la EEEE 1.420x) cha chaagiAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1926
LockedJAM UGPK Lupine in the Sun (24HH la EEEE 1.533x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1419
LockedNM UGPK Maki with Sweet (24HH la EEEE 1.428x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier112
LockedAD UGPK Mariana I said Oof (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.532x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1623
LockedAD UGPK Monster in Hiding (24HH la EEEE 1.470x) stmstr strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2027
LockedMM UGPK Moonlight in the Galaxy (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.507x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2937
LockedASh NSh JPnD NB'S Morning's Star (24HH la EEEE 1.463x) chaspd spdchaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2440
LockedNM UGPK Mysterio in a cloud (23HH la EEEE 1.503x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedAM UGPK Nightstar all Alone (24HH la EEEE 1.520x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1723
LockedNSh UGPK Northern Whispers (23HH la EEEE 1.517x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedAO UGPK Oil Spill (23HH la EEEE 1.535x) chaint agiintAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2127
LockedASh UGPK Pastel on Canvas (24HH la EEEE 1.420x) cha spdchaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1926
LockedAM Plover in the Sand (23HH Lla EEEE 1.525x) stmcha chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2232
LockedASh UGPK Pool in the Summer (24HH la EEEE 1.327x) chastr chastrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1824
LockedAPnD Quantum realm of Unknown (23HH Lla EEEE 1.388x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1321
LockedAPnD Red Velvet (23HH Lla EEEE 1.388x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1221
LockedJAM MiMi Redemption in hiding (24HH la EEEE 1.513x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1723
LockedAD UGPK Salvia in the Sun (23HH la EEEE 1.450x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1727
LockedAO UGPK Scarlet in Red (24HH la EEEE 1.452x) stmstr strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2329
LockedASh Seren in the Sky (24HH la EEEE 1.603x) 4strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2032
LockedNSh UGPK Silent Star (24HH la EEEE 1.517x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedNM Silently Crazy (24HH la EEEE 1.505x) chaagi chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedAPnM Silhouette in the Shadow (24HH la EEEE 1.595x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1447
LockedAM UGPK Skylark with tufts (24HH la EEEE 1.543x) chaint agichaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1723
LockedASc UGPK Smoke into the Night (24HH la EEEE 1.325x) chastr spdstrAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2239
LockedJASh UGPK Snowtip on a Mountain (24HH la EEEE 1.367x) strint strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1624
LockedAD ARWK Spruce in the Forest (24HH la EEEE 1.500x) spdcha chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2239
LockedASh UGPK Stardust all alone (24H la EEEE 1.338x) 4strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2132
LockedJASh UGPK Sugarplum so Sweet (24HH la EEEE 1.287x) chastm agiagiAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1425
LockedJAM MiMi Summer Monster (24HH Lla EEEE 1.508x) chaint chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1723
LockedAM UGPK Wasp out of Control (24HH la EEEE 1.420x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1926
LockedMD UGPK Whispering Woods (0/2 24HH la EEEE 1.295x) 4strAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2737
LockedJAM UGPK Wyvern in the Cave (24HH la EEEE 1.508x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1623
LockedNO UGPK Yarrow in the wild ( 23HH la EEEE 1.537x) stmstr strchaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier111
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnT UGPK (19HH la EEEE 1.273x) spd chaspdAiredale Terrier613
Locked(21HH la EEEE 1.595x) 4chaToy Poodle16
LockedNHu UGPK (22HH la EEEE 1.522x) 4chaToy Poodle110
LockedNT (22HH la EEEE 1.535x) 4spdAiredale Terrier16
Locked(22HH la EEEE 1.595x) 4chaToy Poodle16
Locked(23HH la EEEE 1.552x) stm strstmAiredale Terrier16
Locked(23HH la EEEE 1.552x) stm strstmAiredale Terrier16
LockedJPnT UGPK (24HH la EEEE 1.313x) spd intspdAiredale Terrier613
Locked191Airedale Terrier16
Locked196Airedale Terrier16
LockedJPnT UGPK 2 Winston in War (23HH la EEEE 1.497x) 2stmintAiredale Terrier712
LockedExFr UGPK 2/1 Silver Beauty (24HH la EEEE 1.045x) agistr agistrStandard Poodle3665
LockedExP UGPK Ametrine in the Zone (24HH la EEEE 1.107x) str spdstrStandard Poodle3458
LockedAP PntP Apple in Bloom (21HH la EEEE 1.047x) strcha chaStandard Poodle1938
LockedNSc UGPK Baxter all Alone (24HH la EEEE 1.478x) stm intstmAiredale Terrier110
LockedAP UGPK Betrayal with Friends (24HH la EEEE 1.292x) 4strStandard Poodle2536
LockedMFr WEB Black Ash in the Rain (1/1 22HH la EEEE 1.048x) strspd chaStandard Poodle2853
LockedJAP UGPK Branch Fallen Down (24HH la EEEE 1.368x) str chastrStandard Poodle1624
LockedNCSh RofS Caracal in the Hunt (6/3 22HH la EEEE 1.050x) 4intToy Poodle5392
LockedAT UGPK Casper in the Snow (1/0 20HH la EEEE 1.273x) 4spdAiredale Terrier2027
LockedJAT Cedar in the woods (22HH la EEEE 1.533x) chastm strstmAiredale Terrier1625
LockedCCRO CAAK Charcoal in the rocks (8/4 6HH Ll 1.197x) intstr stmagiToy Poodle5798
LockedNRO UGPK Charm suite (23HH la EEEE 1.405x) str strspdToy Poodle110
LockedCCSh MGDK Clexa in the Chip (8/0 23HH la GEEE 1.528x) chastrToy Poodle6079
LockedAP Cloud's Reflection (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.058x) chastr strStandard Poodle2853
LockedChFr UGPK Clover Grey (2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.197x)strcha,agistrStandard Poodle3861
LockedAP ¤W¤ Confetti on Cake (24HH la EEEE 1.305x) agistr intstrStandard Poodle1729
LockedAT UGPK Cyclone full of Peace (20HH la EEEE 1.363x) 4stmAiredale Terrier1824
LockedJPnHu UGPK Dashful Delight (23HH la EEEE 1.498x) cha strchaToy Poodle712
LockedChT UPP Diversity on Top (4/0 20HH lla EEEE 1.490x) 2xspdstmAiredale Terrier4865
LockedMSh UGPK Doodle Bug (22HH la EEEE 1.502x) inch strToy Poodle2734
LockedAFr UGPK Effie on a Rock (2/0 23HH la EEEE 1.185x) str agistrStandard Poodle2032
LockedAP UGPK End Game (24HH la EEEE 1.160x) agistr agistrStandard Poodle2035
LockedExM Ethiopian Opal (24HH la EEEE 1.202x) 4chaStandard Poodle3664
LockedJAP UGPK Fang with a Chip (22HH la EEEE 1.368x) 2 chastrStandard Poodle1524
LockedMSc UGPK Fantasy in a Dream (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.062x) agispd agispdAiredale Terrier3162
LockedJAP Forsythia in Spring (22HH la EEEE 1.233x) stmstr agistrStandard Poodle1324
LockedAP UGPK Freckles covered with Fur (24HH la EEEE 1.283x) str agistrStandard Poodle2536
LockedMSc Future in shambles (2/0 23HH lla EEEE 1.092x)intspd chaspdAiredale Terrier3063
LockedAP UGPK Golden-Pheasant Pecking (24HH la EEEE 1.322x) agicha chaStandard Poodle2334
LockedNSh Heavens Gate (21HH la EEEE 1.607x) str strchaToy Poodle18
LockedPnT UGPK Hold me Slowly(20HH la EEEE 1.193x) intspd 2spdAiredale Terrier1221
LockedWCRO UGPK Hollow in your Chest (5/0 21HH la EEEE 1.388x) chastr chaagiToy Poodle6184
LockedAPnSc UGPK Honesty to be given (19HH la EEEE 1.272x) intstm strstmAiredale Terrier1221
LockedJAFr UGPK Kestrel in Flight (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.377x) 2chastrStandard Poodle1624
LockedAT UGPK Knight in Dark (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.303x) spdspd stmspdAiredale Terrier2027
LockedAHu UGPK Kupid all Sick (2/0 22HH la EEEE 1.478x) 4chaToy Poodle1824
LockedMD Lexie Flying High (16HH la EEEE 1.508x) str chastrStandard Poodle2845
LockedGCP UGPK Lilac in the Light (1/1 24HH la EEEE 1.020x)agicha strStandard Poodle4279
LockedGCD MK9C London Blue Topaz (3/2 22HH Lla EEEE 1.100x) spdstr chastrStandard Poodle4176
LockedAP UGPK Losing Game (24HH la EEEE 1.160x) agistr strStandard Poodle2135
LockedAT UGPK Lustra in the Pond (21HH la EEEE 1.385x) 2spdstmAiredale Terrier1724
LockedJAP UGPK Maned-Wolf in Disguise (24HH la EEEE 1.368x) 4strStandard Poodle1524
LockedMRO UGPK Mia to Berlin (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.047x) stmspd stmagiAiredale Terrier2962
LockedGCFr UGPK Moro Protector of the Forest (1/1 24HH la EEEE 1.192x) agiagi strstrStandard Poodle4680
LockedAT UGPK Neon Ruby (22HH la EEEE 1.188x) spdint,stmspdAiredale Terrier2442
LockedExP NB'S Northern Blue Smoothie (7/0 22HH la EEEE 1.082x)chastr agistrStandard Poodle3764
LockedMT UGPK Orchid on a Tree (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.095x) 4spdAiredale Terrier3262
LockedJAFr UGPK Panda Rollling Around (24HH la EEEE 1.377x) 2chastrStandard Poodle1624
LockedMP UGPK Partridge in a Tree (2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.283x) 4strStandard Poodle2536
LockedMP Pecan in Brown Butter (16HH Lla EEEE 1.050x)chastr chaagiStandard Poodle3260
LockedNSh phoenix 2 Zoisite in the Mines (23HH la EEEE 1.607x) str strchaToy Poodle112
LockedAT UGPK Piper in a Pickle (24HH la EEEE 1.303x) 4spdAiredale Terrier1927
LockedMSc Primrose in the Arch (3/1 19HH la EEEE 1.273x) spdstm spdstmAiredale Terrier3463
LockedAD UGPK Rex set in Stone (2/1 23HH la EEEE 1.185x) str agistrStandard Poodle1932
LockedMRO UGPK Rio in the Jungle (3/0 23HH la EEEE 1.485x) 4chaToy Poodle3239
LockedJPnSh UGPK Rixie on Rizz(24HH la EEEE 1.498x) 4chaToy Poodle712
LockedAT UGPK Romeo in the Window (23HH la EEEE 1.313x) spd chaspdAiredale Terrier1927
LockedJAD UGPK Roxie at dawn (24HH la EEEE 1.373x) 2chastrStandard Poodle1523
LockedJASc UGPK Roxie Roxanne (20HH la EEEE 1.363x) stm spdstmAiredale Terrier1724
LockedNCT UGPK Royal Purple in Hiding (8/1 24HH la EEEE 1.147x) 4spdAiredale Terrier5483
LockedMT UGPK Sassafras with Leaves (1/0 19HH la EEEE 1.347x) intspd spdAiredale Terrier2836
LockedNSh UGPK Second is Lucky (23HH la EEEE 1.405x) str strspdToy Poodle110
LockedMSh UGPK Shimmer and Shine on (3/0 23HH la EEE 1.502x) chastrToy Poodle2834
LockedAD UGPK Sierra in a Party (23HH la EEEE 1.368x) 4strStandard Poodle1624
LockedNSc Sour Lemon (21HH la EEEE 1.478x) stm strstmAiredale Terrier110
LockedCCRO TXBM Squid in the Deep (11/2 23HH la EEEE 1.153x) spd agiToy Poodle5790
LockedNCRO TXBM Sun-dancer in the shadow (3/4 23HH la EEEE 1.153x) spdint agistrToy Poodle5390
LockedAPnSc UGPK Take whatever's left (23HH la EEEE 1.367x) 4spdAiredale Terrier1221
LockedAP UGPK Tattoo out of Place (4/0 24HHH la EEEE 1.292x) agistr chastrStandard Poodle2636
LockedJAP UGPK Tera a Large Numbers (24HH la EEEE 1.368x) agistr strStandard Poodle1524
LockedAD Ursa's Stary Eyes (23HH la EEEE 1.188x) cha strchaStandard Poodle1835
LockedMRO UGPK Vertigo in the Forest (23HH la EEEE 1.485x) cha strchaToy Poodle3239
LockedMD UGPK Zia in a Dream (1/1 24HH la EEEE 1.373x) 2chastrStandard Poodle2736
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMFT PADS (2/0 23HH la EEEE) 1.638xSussex Spaniel3647
LockedJAFT UGPK Alder as Birch(24HH la EEEE 1.533x) 4stmSussex Spaniel1621
LockedExHT Archer in the Field (1/0 22HH la EEEE 1.522x) stmcha stmSussex Spaniel3954
LockedNCFT UGPK Arctic Tundra of light (3/1 23HH la EEEE 1.525x) 4stmSussex Spaniel4963
LockedGCHT UGPK Bright in the Sky(5/0 24HH la EEEE 1.478x) 4stmSussex Spaniel4963
LockedJAFT UGPK Brown Sugar (24HH la EEEE 1.543x) 4stmSussex Spaniel1621
LockedJAFT UGPK Caramel and Chocolate (24HH la EEEE 1.543x) 4stmSussex Spaniel1621
LockedJAFT UGPK Casper Wistar (24HH la EEEE 1.530x) 4stmSussex Spaniel1621
LockedGCHT UGPK Chief Bailey (3/1 24HH la EEEE 1.443x) 4stmSussex Spaniel4963
LockedJAHT UGPK Climbing Fire (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.530x) 4stmSussex Spaniel1721
LockedJAHT UGPK Cloudberry in Heaven (24HH la EEEE 1.530x) 4stmSussex Spaniel1521
LockedExHT Ethiopia in the Sea (2/0 22HH la EEEE 1.522x) stmcha stmSussex Spaniel4154
LockedNCHT UGPK Fantasy of light (5/0 23HH la EEEE 1.403x) 4stmSussex Spaniel5167
LockedGCFT UGPK Flying Island OceanBright(1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.478x) 4stmSussex Spaniel4863
LockedMHT UGPK Gleaming and Young (0/1 21HH la EEEE 1.547x) 4stmSussex Spaniel2837
LockedMFT UGPK Gleaming Golden Firefly (24HH la EEEE 1.583x) 4stmSussex Spaniel2837
LockedMHT UGPK Gleaming Golden gods (1/1 24HH la EEEE 1.583x) 4stmSussex Spaniel3037
LockedJAHT UGPK Heaven in the Stars (24HH la EEEE 1.530x) 4stmSussex Spaniel1521
LockedGCHT UGPK Igloo of Light (4/0 23HH la EEEE 1.525x) 4stmSussex Spaniel4963
LockedNCFT UGPK Lost City of light (5/0 22HH la EEEE 1.403x) 4stmSussex Spaniel5267
LockedChHT TRACR Magnificent Star (4/1 23HH la EEEE 1.700x) stmint stmSussex Spaniel4556
LockedJAHT UGPK Matcha all Frothy (24HH la EEEE 1.533x) 4stmSussex Spaniel1521
LockedGCHT UGPK Ocean from the Ashes(2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.443x) 4stmSussex Spaniel4863
LockedMFT UGPK Phoenix Nugget of Gold (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.597x) spdstm stmSussex Spaniel2937
LockedUGPK Puppy 4Sussex Spaniel16
LockedUGPK Puppy 5Sussex Spaniel16
LockedChHT TRACR Red storm (2/1 23HH la EEEE 1.592x) stm chastmSussex Spaniel4663
LockedChR ‹WNK› Running with the Wind (5/2 24HH la EEEE 1.678x) 4spdRhodesian Ridgeback4963
LockedNCHT UGPK Shining Sky all Bright (6/1 23HH la EEEE 1.517x) 4stmSussex Spaniel5367
LockedGCHT UGPK Spanish Moss on BrightWall (1/1 23HH la EEEE 1.517x) 4stmSussex Spaniel5067
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCR UGPK ***Heat in the Moment (6/3 24HH la EEEE 1.367x) 4stmSilken Windhound75110
LockedWCFr UGPK ***Marigold all Stink (9/4 24HH la EEEE 1.422x) 4stmSilken Windhound75110
LockedWCR UGPK ***Scorpius shinning Bright (12/2 24HH la EEEE 1.465x) 4stm( BOB 1x)Silken Windhound80101
LockedWCFl UGPK **Acrylic left Out (6/9 24HH la EEEE 1.497x) 4stmSilken Windhound75110
LockedWCFl UGPK **Motif on Paper (8/2 24HH la EEEE 1.378x) 4stmSilken Windhound74110
LockedWCH AvlK **Prime Advantage (13/3 24HH la EEEE 4stm) 1.568xBorder Collie78110
LockedWCFr UGPK **Snowy Bird in the sky (10/2 22HH la EEEE 1.358x) stm strstmSilken Windhound73110
LockedWCH UGPK **Tart that is Sweet (8/2 24HH la EEEE yy 1.173x) 4agiBorder Collie67110
LockedWCA UGPK 1 Cornflower in a Field (4/1 24HH la EEE 1.570x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog89106
LockedFor StudUCFr UGPK 1 Duke of Bark (5/1 23HH la EEEE 1.719x) 4stmSilken Windhound85100
LockedUCFr WHSPR 1 Feather in the Dust (3/2 24HH la EEEE 3.690x) 4stmSilken Windhound91106
LockedFor StudWCP n!k 1 Fluttering Inside (3/1 23HH la EEEE 1.462x) intstr strStandard Poodle77104
LockedFor StudWCFl ReDi 1 Inferno in the Blaze (3/1 24HH la EEEE 1.627x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog73102
LockedFor StudWCHT PADS 1 Kiwi Berry Tree (4/2 24HH lala 1.732x) 4stmSussex Spaniel78104
LockedWCFl UGPK 1 Licorice in Sugar (4/1 24HH la EEE 1.598x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog87106
LockedWCA ReDi 1 Raid in a Storm (5/0 24HH la EEEE 1.658x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog81102
LockedWCR WHSPR 2 Bison with Power (24HH la EEEE 3.160x) 4stmSilken Windhound63104
LockedWCH UGPK 2 Blue Blossoms (2/1 23HH la EEEE yy 1.435x) 4stmBorder Collie83110
LockedFor StudCCFr VIP 2 Caribbean all Stormy (24HH la EEEE 2.993x) agicha chaStandard Poodle59106
LockedCCT Roman 2 Devil's Music (20HH la EEEE 3.040x) 4spdAiredale Terrier60108
LockedUCD UGPK 2 Golden Days (6/2 24HH la EEEE 1.533x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier89110
LockedFor StudWCHT UGPK 2 Golden Nugget for the Gods (7/3 24HH la EEEE 1.525x) 4stmSussex Spaniel88108
LockedFor StudCCA FLCR 2 Perseus flying High (24HH la EEEE 3.167x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog61106
LockedWCT UGPK 2 River in the Ocean (6/0 23HH la EEEE yy 1.435x) 4stmBorder Collie84100
LockedWCH UGPK 2 Supreme Kindle (4/2 24HH la EEEE 1.545x)4agiShetland Sheepdog87110
LockedWCFl SEW Amethyst under cover (18/2 24HH la EEEE 1.552x) 4stmBorder Collie73110
LockedFor StudWCA ‹WNK› Black-beauty in the Dark (6/0 24HH la EEEE 1.732x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog84100
LockedWCH Minna Bluemoon in a Cup (24HH la EEEE 1.638x) 4stmBorder Collie78105
LockedCCT LINM Boston in the street (13/0 24HH la EEEE 1.225x) 4spdAiredale Terrier6098
LockedWCFr UGPK Bramble in the Ocean (7/1 24HH la EEEE 1.387x) 4agiSilken Windhound71110
LockedPnH WCFl MnLK Bronze Cross (8/5 23HH la EEEE 1.588x) stm agiintBorder Collie7698
LockedFor StudWCA UGPK Caiman with Eyes (7/0 24HH la EEEE 1.500x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog7796
LockedWCR UGPK Cobolt Blue (12/1 24HH la EEEE 1.468x) 4stmSilken Windhound80110
LockedWCFr UGPK Colors in the World (10/3 24HH la EEEE 1.373x)stm chastmSilken Windhound73110
LockedWCR BBCK Dark Hunter Rising (4/3 24HH la EEEE 1.627x) 4stmSilken Windhound83103
LockedFor StudWCFr UGPK Denim with Holes (5/7 24HH la EEEE 1.747x) 4stmSilken Windhound86106
LockedFor StudNCT AldrA Diablo with Power (3/7 24HH la EEEE 1.290x) 4spdAiredale Terrier56103
LockedWCH WSBDs East-side into darkness (8/4 24HH la EEEE 1.565x) 4stmBorder Collie75110
LockedWCFr UGPK Filly in the Field (2/4 24HH Lla EEEE 1.465x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier66110
LockedWCO JPnD FireOpal set in Stone (24HH la EEEE 1.565x) str strintAmerican Pit Bull Terrier69107
LockedFor StudWCD UGPK Fool to remain Sane (11/6 24HH la EEEE 1.532x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier77100
LockedWCFl UGPK Freda in the Night (7/6 24HH la EEEE 1.303x) stm intstmBorder Collie68110
LockedFor StudCCSc UGPK Haku in the River (24HH la EEEE 1.095x)spd stmspdAiredale Terrier56101
LockedWCA UGPK Lapis in the Ore (8/2 24HH la EEEE Py 1.372x) intstm agistmBorder Collie71103
LockedFor StudWCFr WHSPR Lionel in Gold (24HH la EEEE 1.580x) 4stmSilken Windhound68106
LockedFor StudUCD UGPK Lions-ears are Fluffy (6/2 24HH la EEEE 1.520x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier78101
LockedFor StudWCA ‹WNK› Mocha with ice (2/0 24HH la EEEE 3.387x) 4agiShetland Sheepdog71106
LockedFor StudWCA MLDK Mountain Meadow (6/4 24HH la EEEE 1.607x) 4spdSkye Terrier70101
LockedWCFl StFr Muffin all Burnt (7/1 24HH la EEEE 1.487x) 4stmBorder Collie68110
LockedFor StudWCH Roman Neapolitan on Ice (18/0 24HH la EEEE 1.615x) agi spdstmBorder Collie79102
LockedWCR UGPK Orange Boom with Frost (9/3 24HH la EEEE 1.465x) 4stmSilken Windhound7698
LockedWCD Minna Paco with Love (2/3 24HH la EEEE 1.568x) 4strStandard Poodle7299
LockedWCFr UGPK Pine in the Sky (8/3 24HH la EEEE 1.408x) 4stmSilken Windhound78110
LockedFor StudWCA MLDK Pitch Pine with Spice (8/3 24HH la EEEE 1.615x) 4spdSkye Terrier72100
LockedWCR UGPK Pride in Power (6/1 24HH la EEEE 1.378x) 4stmSilken Windhound70110
LockedWCFl HMR Puffin on Board (11/1 24HH la EEEE 1.458x) 4stmBorder Collie73110
LockedNCT UGPK Quest in search (3/2 19HH la EEEE 1.130x) intspd spdspdAiredale Terrier56109
LockedWCFr Lupum Royal Merchant (7/1 24HH la EEEE 1.572x) 4stmSilken Windhound70110
LockedWCT UGPK Sargo in the Ocean (7/1 24HH la EEEE 1.402x) intstm stmspdBorder Collie7098
LockedWCFl SeaBiscuit under Waves (24HH la EEEE 1.610x) spdstm agistmShetland Sheepdog74102
LockedWCFr UGPK Silk on a Web (11/1 24HH la EEEE 1.422x) 4stmSilken Windhound78110
LockedWCH QCC Snowcaps in the Cloud (11/1 24HH la EEEE 1.612x) 4stmBorder Collie77100
LockedWCD Minna Splinter all Sore (2/2 24HH la EEEE 1.577x) 4strStandard Poodle74100
LockedWCH Starburst in the Milkyway (5/1 24HH la EEEE 1.470x) stm agiRough Collie71110
LockedFor StudWCFl UGPK Starmane in the sky (7/0 24HH la EEEE 1.528x) 4stmSilken Windhound68101
LockedWCR UGPK Swan in hiding (5/1 24HH la EEEE 1.423x) 4stmSilken Windhound71110
LockedWCR UGPK Tiger in hiding (8/2 24HH la EEEE 1.367x) 4stmSilken Windhound73110
LockedFor StudWCSh .DL. Vulcan in Midnight (10/3 24HH la EEEE 1.635x) 4chaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier79101
LockedUCD HaaKe War Admiral standing Still (24HH la EEEE 1.542x) 4strStandard Poodle73101
LockedWCR DraW Wither-mist in Fog (11/0 24HH la EEEE 1.568x) stm stmspdSilken Windhound74103
LockedFor StudWCH ‹WNK› Zero is Still Lucky (8/1 24HH la EEEE 1.623x) 2agi intagiShetland Sheepdog8098
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNT UGPK 1 (23HHH la EEEE yy 1.532x) 4 stmBorder Collie112
LockedMR |\/|G 2 Crazy Famous Tea (24HH la EEEE 1.510x) 4stmSilken Windhound3244
LockedExFl UGPK 2 Desperate Heart (2/1 24HH la EEEE yy 1.510x) 4stmBorder Collie3544
LockedExH UGPK 2 Dreaming Morbius (0/1 24HH la EEEE yy 1.510x) stm stmagiBorder Collie3544
LockedExFr UGPK 2 Duchess Coral Run and hide (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.588x) stm stmintSilken Windhound3744
LockedExFl UGPK 2 Duchess in the Calm (22HH la EEEE 1.740x) stm stmintSilken Windhound3944
LockedMR UGPK 2 Duchess in the storm (2/1 22HH la EEEE 1.615x) 4stmSilken Windhound3440
LockedMR UGPK 2 Duchess Never fails (0/1 23HH la EEEE 1.593x) 4stmSilken Windhound3544
LockedExR UGPK 2 Duchess of Flames (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.593x) 4 stmSilken Windhound3644
LockedExFl UGPK 2 Duke of Bridgerton II (2/0 24HH la EEEE 1.627x) stm stmintSilken Windhound3744
LockedExFr UGPK 2 Duke of Love (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.570x) stmstm stmagiSilken Windhound3746
LockedChR UGPK 2 Duke of Wells (3/0 23HH la EEEE 1.787x) 4stmSilken Windhound4646
LockedExHT KoWW 2 Ocean in Discovery (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.707x) 4stmSussex Spaniel3844
LockedMFl UGPK 2 Silver Feather (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.615x) 4stmSilken Windhound3034
LockedExFr UGPK 2 Streets Empty (24HH la EEEE 1.592x) 4stmSilken Windhound3442
LockedExFl UGPK 2 Whispering woods (3/0 24HH la EEEE 1.562x) 4stmSilken Windhound4046
LockedAFr UGPK Duchess of Blooms (1/0 23HH la EEEE 1.612x) stm stmintSilken Windhound2428
LockedAR UGPK Duchess of the Arctic (23HH la EEEE 1.588x) 4stmSilken Windhound2230
LockedNR UGPK Ocean with soot (24HH la EEEE 1.607x) 4stmSilken Windhound112
LockedMHT UGPK Reble and God (1/0 24HH la EEEE 1.547x) 4stmSussex Spaniel2834


  • Icy Egg Icy Egg
  • Fiery Egg Fiery Egg
  • Electric Phoenix Chick Electric Phoenix Chick
    feed Complete
  • White Reindeer White Reindeer
  • Snowdrift the Angus Calf Snowdrift the Angus Calf
  • Buzzy the Jersey Calf Buzzy the Jersey Calf
  • Snowstorm the Holstein Calf Snowstorm the Holstein Calf
  • Frozo the Icy Phoenix Chick Frozo the Icy Phoenix Chick
  • Australorp Hen Australorp Hen
  • Rhode Island Red Hen Rhode Island Red Hen
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
  • Yellow Fluffy Duckling Yellow Fluffy Duckling
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Little Lamb Little Lamb
  • EEGEW <b><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>E</font><font color=#FF01B4>G</font><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>W</font></b>
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny
  • A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny
  • A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • French Lop Bunny French Lop Bunny
  • Blackbird Blackbird
  • Sparrow Sparrow
  • Fuzzy the Champagne Hamster Fuzzy the Champagne Hamster
  • Coal the Black Hamster Coal the Black Hamster
  • Hazel the Chocolate Hamster Hazel the Chocolate Hamster
  • Cinnamon Hamster Cinnamon Hamster
  • Golden Hamster Golden Hamster
  • Silver Hamster Silver Hamster
  • Custard the Calico Persian Custard the Calico Persian
  • Mean Black and White Cat Mean Black and White Cat
  • Mean Brown Tabby Cat Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Mean Siamese Cat Mean Siamese Cat
  • Mean Tortoiseshell Cat Mean Tortoiseshell Cat
  • Starless the Scary Black Cat Starless the Scary Black Cat
  • Slithers the Brown Snake Slithers the Brown Snake
  • Phantom the Black Snake Phantom the Black Snake
  • Blueberry the Blue Baby Dragon Blueberry the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Piper the Red Baby Dragon Piper the Red Baby Dragon
  • Cotton the Lazy Red Pony Cotton the Lazy Red Pony
  • Clementine the Bold Spotted Pony Clementine the Bold Spotted Pony


Locked124 phoenix Aysha x UGPK 1 Angel - 1.593x
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Locked124 phoenix Aysha x UGPK 1 Silhouette - 1.570x
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Locked124 phoenix Crazy In Luv x 1 Whispering Harbor 1.536x
(Silken Windhound)
Locked124 phoenix Dilson x Willow's Tree 1.582x
(Sussex Spaniel)
Locked124 phoenix Dilson x Cacao Tree 1.587x
(Sussex Spaniel)
Locked124 phoenix Hays Code x UGPK *1 Dazzle -1.570x
(Toy Poodle)
Locked124 phoenix Junta x UGPK 1 Ice - 1.582x
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Locked124 phoenix Junta x UGPK Zinnia - 1.593x
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Locked124 phoenix Morbius x WCH UGPK Dreaming Sounds - 1.575x
(Border Collie)
Locked124 phoenix UGPK 1 Duke x UGPK 1 Duchess Flame -1.582
(Silken Windhound)
Locked124 phoenix . It Takes Two x UGPK Walking - 1.602
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
Locked124 phoenix Aysha x UGPK 1 Lynne - 1.582x
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Locked124 phoenix Chateau x UGPK 1 Walking - 1.527
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
Locked124 phoenix Chikara x UGPK Angel - 1.668x
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Locked124 phoenix Chikara x UGPK *1 Lynne -1.637x
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Locked124 phoenix Chikara x UGPK Silhouette -1.657x
(Shetland Sheepdog)
Locked124 phoenix Red Prince x UGPK 1 Sparrow 1.625x
(Rough Collie)
Locked124 phoenix The Brain of Morbius x UGPK 1 Desperately - 1.523x
(Border Collie)
Locked124 phoenix The Brain of Morbius x UGPK 1 Desperately -1.585
(Border Collie)
Locked124 phoenix UGPK 1 Duke of Bark x UGPK 1 Duchess - 1.503
(Silken Windhound)
Locked124 phoenix UGPK 1 Stories x UGPK 1 Gleaming Pegasus - 1.523x
(Sussex Spaniel)
LockedA SELL APBT Chateau x UGPK 1 Kiki - 1.520x
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedA SELL Bluemoon x Muffin - 1.417x
(Border Collie)
LockedA SELL Bluemoon x UGPK Mars -1.428x
(Border Collie)
LockedA SELL Silken UGPK Denim x UGPK 2 Hydrox 1.558
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK 2 Drifted 1.538
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK 2 Pip 1.547
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK 2 Sterling 1.562
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK Acrylic 1.463x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK Colton 1.545x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK Heirloom 1.512x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK Marigold 1.467x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK Motif 1.537x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK Tigris 1.500x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK Heat 1.468x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Denim x UGPK Snowy 1.537x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA SELL UGPK Starmane x UGPK Tiger 1.387x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA/B SELL Border Flynn x UGPK SELL - 1.368x Py
(Border Collie)
LockedA/B SELL Lionel x UGPK Marvel -
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA/B SELL Lionel x Blackberry
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA/B SELL toy Sure Thing x UGPK 1 Dazzle -1.457x
(Toy Poodle)
LockedA/B SELL Twist of Lime x UGPK Silverforest
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA/B SELL Twist of Lime x UGPK Slatestone
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA/B SELL UGPK Starmane x UGPK Tremor 1.447x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedA/BB SELL Hermes 1.580 x Tulip Rose
LockedAA/B SELL Rising Fast x UGPK Tinsel
(Silken Windhound)
LockedB SELL Lionel x Amphitrite 1.363x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedB SELL UGPK Denim x Alone - 1.465x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedB SELL UGPK Starmane x Alone 1.343x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedKEEP APBT Loki x Fiji 1.385x str
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP APBT Meade x UGPK 2 Golden 1.597x cha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP APBT Skeleton x Sorrel 1.498x cha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP APBT Skeleton x UGPK Acacia 1.478x cha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP APBT Skeleton x Sorrel 1.510x cha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP APBT Skeleton x UGPK Pepper 1.487x cha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP APBT Skeleton x UGPK Pepper 1.495x cha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP APBT UGPK Lions-ears x UGPK Boston 1.428x cha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP APBT UGPK Lions-ears x UGPK Dallas 1.433x cha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
LockedKEEP border Salvatore x Aardvark - 1.500x
(Border Collie)
LockedKEEP border UGPK 2 River x Hawthorn -1.512x Py
(Border Collie)
LockedKEEP border UGPK 2 River x Prime - 1.515x py
(Border Collie)
LockedKEEP border UGPK 2 River x UGPK Mars - 1.505x py
(Border Collie)
LockedKEEP border UGPK 2 River x UGPK Tart - 1.473x yy
(Border Collie)
LockedKEEP border UGPK 2 River x Whisper - 1.462x yy
(Border Collie)
Lockedkeep phoenix Dark Hunter Rising x UGPK Bramble -1.518x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedKEEP Rough Fiontan x Starburst 1.535x
(Rough Collie)
LockedKeep silken (notes) Nelson x UGPK Pine 1.558x
(Silken Windhound)
Lockedkeep silken Dark Hunter Rising x UGPK Canary - 1.520x
(Silken Windhound)
Lockedkeep silken Dark Hunter Rising x UGPK Colors - 1.527x
(Silken Windhound)
Lockedkeep silken Dark Hunter Rising x UGPK Pride -1.517x
(Silken Windhound)
Lockedkeep silken Dark Hunter Rising x UGPK Tinsel -1.520x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedKeep silken Dark Hunter Rising x tremor - 1.523x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedKeep silken Dark Hunter Rising x UGPK Heirloom - 1.527x
(Silken Windhound)
Lockedkeep silken Dark Hunter Rising x UGPK Rock -1.528x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedKeep silken locked(notes) Nelson x UGPK Topaz 1.550x
(Silken Windhound)
LockedKEEP silken Twist of Lime x UGPK Redmoon 1.452x
(Silken Windhound)

Game Time

07:11am on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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