Windsong Kennel

Main PropertyWindsong Acres
|Neo Mastiffs|
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
7 Locked Dogs
|Toy Dogs|
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
23 Locked Dogs
|Cane Corsos|
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
11 Locked Dogs
|CAS Kennel|
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
21 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
15 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
| Bulldogs |
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
18 Locked Dogs
|Sport Kennel|
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
50 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
15 Locked Dogs
|Pointers & Spaniels|
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
21 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
|Poodle Kennel|
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
6 Locked Dogs
|Wolfhounds & Bouviers|
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Critter Town
38 Critters
| Cairn Terriers |
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
3 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
6 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCO WS's C'est La VieNeapolitan Mastiff6270
LockedCCSc WS's Godric GryffindorNeapolitan Mastiff6470
LockedWCSh WS's GriseldaNeapolitan Mastiff6473
LockedWCO WS's Island GurlNeapolitan Mastiff7786
LockedPuppy 1 271Bouvier des Flandres16
LockedPuppy 2 270Bouvier des Flandres16
LockedWCO WS's What About Vegas?Neapolitan Mastiff6473
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNRO BK´s 24HH lala strx4 Rally-OEnglish Toy Spaniel19
LockedNRO BK´s 24HH lala strx4 Rally-OEnglish Toy Spaniel19
LockedWCSh WS's Call Me MaybePug6374
LockedChHu BK´s Frosted CookiePekingese3560
LockedWCHu WS's Gucci GuiltyPekingese7084
LockedWCSh WS's HermesPekingese6784
LockedWCSh WS's Hot PotatoPug7587
LockedCCSh WS's Lady MarmaladeShih Tzu5663
LockedWCSh WS's Love AffaireEnglish Toy Spaniel7280
LockedMHu WS's Money TalksShih Tzu2935
LockedWCHu WS's OH BiscuitsPug7487
LockedWCHu WS's Oh Snap!Pug6474
LockedWCHu WS's OlympianPug6074
LockedCCHu WS's One LoveShih Tzu5763
LockedNCSh WS's Pretty Little LiarPekingese5060
LockedChSh WS's Rodeo DrivePekingese4048
LockedMRO WS's Silly MeShih Tzu3035
LockedExSh BK´s Snow BallPekingese3560
LockedCCHu WS's Storm ChaserPekingese5060
LockedChHu WS's Tickled PinkPekingese4048
LockedMHu WS's Topsy TurvyShih Tzu2935
LockedWCSh WS's Tread LightlyPug6374
LockedCCRO WS's Twinkle After DarkShih Tzu5664
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExP WS's Bow Chica Wow WowCentral Asian Shepherd3537
LockedExO WS's Caramel RippleCentral Asian Shepherd3437
LockedMP WS's Carmen SandiegoCentral Asian Shepherd3337
LockedChH WS's Cowboy CasanovaCentral Asian Shepherd4554
LockedMP WS's CremelloCentral Asian Shepherd3137
LockedMO WS's Dose Of RealityCentral Asian Shepherd3237
LockedNCP WS's Exotic MarigoldCentral Asian Shepherd4857
LockedMH WS's Feel Like DancingCentral Asian Shepherd3337
LockedMP WS's Hot N SpicyCentral Asian Shepherd3237
LockedNCP WS's KaleidoscopeCentral Asian Shepherd4956
LockedWCP WS's KruellaCentral Asian Shepherd6280
LockedMH WS's Lemon ZestyCentral Asian Shepherd3437
LockedWCH WS's MontebelloCentral Asian Shepherd8397
LockedChH WS's Texas Hold Em'Central Asian Shepherd4554
LockedMH WS's There's TroubleCentral Asian Shepherd3337
LockedMP WS's TiramisuCentral Asian Shepherd3237
LockedMH WS's Va Va Voom!Central Asian Shepherd3637
LockedGCH WS's WanderlustCentral Asian Shepherd5062
LockedMO WS's Warrior PrincessCentral Asian Shepherd3237
LockedGCP WS's Whisper In The WindCentral Asian Shepherd4757
LockedGCO WS's Your UltimatumCentral Asian Shepherd4656
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMRO BK´s 24HH lala spdx4Havanese3254
LockedExRO WS's BlossomHavanese3440
LockedExRO WS's CucamelonHavanese3540
LockedExRO WS's MarigoldHavanese3540
LockedExRO WS's MonsieurHavanese3740
LockedARO WS's PenelopeHavanese2339
LockedMHu WS's Puppy 1 383/190Havanese2435
LockedMHu WS's Puppy 3 393/195Havanese2637
LockedExRO WS's Puppy 6 568/286Havanese3540
LockedARO WS's Puppy 8Havanese2339
LockedMRO WS's Puppy 8 435/213Havanese2435
LockedExRO WS's Puppy 8 581/287Havanese3540
LockedMRO WS's QueenieHavanese2339
LockedExRO WS's Rising StarHavanese3440
LockedExRO WS's Why Risk ItHavanese3440
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExFl BK´s 24HH lala stmx4Finnish Lapphund3660
LockedMH BK´s 24HH lala stmx4Finnish Lapphund3660
LockedWCH WS's Beautifully BrokenFinnish Lapphund8896
LockedUCH WS's Double TakeFinnish Lapphund9698
LockedWCH WS's HaphazardFinnish Lapphund7986
LockedWCH WS's Hot GossipFinnish Lapphund7886
LockedWCT WS's ScandalousFinnish Lapphund7786
LockedUCT WS's The Last DanceFinnish Lapphund8998
LockedWCA WS's What's Your Problem!Finnish Lapphund7986
LockedWCH WS's Wingardium LeviosaFinnish Lapphund7886
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChHu BK´s 24HH lala intx4Bulldog3662
LockedNCSh WS's Bah HumbugBulldog5060
LockedASh WS's Bamm BammBulldog2026
LockedWCSh WS's Chance Of MeatballsBulldog6779
LockedWCSh WS's Cheddar CheeseBulldog7685
LockedASh WS's DiscoBulldog1826
LockedWCSh WS's Disco DancerBulldog6679
LockedExSh WS's Dulce De LecheBulldog3946
LockedChSh WS's GnocchiBulldog3946
LockedNCSh WS's Hot Like CocoBulldog5060
LockedARO WS's Hubba BubbaBulldog2026
LockedGCO WS's MarshmallowBulldog4759
LockedGCO WS's Mashed PotatoBulldog4759
LockedNCSh WS's Noodle BoxBulldog4960
LockedASh WS's NoodlesBulldog1826
LockedGCSh WS's Pickle ChipBulldog4755
LockedASh WS's PicklesBulldog1826
LockedASh WS's Rolie Polie OlieBulldog1826
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExO BK´s 24HH lala agix4Bedlington Terrier3459
LockedExO BK´s 24HH lala agix4Bedlington Terrier3560
LockedExFr BK´s 24HH lala chax4Azawakh Hound3460
LockedExFr BK´s 24HH lala chax4Azawakh Hound3560
LockedMSc BK´s 24HH lala strx4Briard3560
LockedExSc BK´s 24HH lala strx4Briard3660
LockedWCSc WS's Ay CarambaGerman Shepherd Dog6972
LockedMA WS's Big DealCardigan Welsh Corgi3137
LockedCCT WS's Blood MoneyGerman Shepherd Dog5962
LockedWCS WS's Borealis ChaserGreenland Dog7481
LockedChH WS's BucketsPuli4450
LockedUCT WS's CasablancaBluetick Coonhound9292
LockedCCP WS's Copper MoonGreater Swiss Mountain Dog6067
LockedWCSh WS's Dream In ColourPomeranian6880
LockedWCP WS's Flame Of PhoenixGreater Swiss Mountain Dog6167
LockedAPnP WS's Flower MoonAnatolian Shepherd1016
LockedAHu WS's Fool Me OnceAmerican Bulldog1926
LockedNCHu WS's Guilty PleasureDachshund5057
LockedNCSc WS's Hell And BackGerman Shepherd Dog5961
LockedPnO WS's In Sheep's ClothingAnatolian Shepherd916
LockedWCP WS's Indigo AuroraLeonberger7283
LockedAM WS's Jump StreetAmerican Bulldog1926
LockedUCS WS's Lighting StruckAlaskan Husky8793
LockedWCH WS's Loud N' RowdyAustralian Koolie6881
LockedAPnO WS's MasqueradeAnatolian Shepherd916
LockedPnO WS's Midnight In ParisAnatolian Shepherd1016
LockedWCSh WS's Miracles HappenCavalier King Charles Spaniel6775
LockedUCRO WS's Miss MableBracco Italiano8993
LockedAM WS's Next LevelAmerican Bulldog1926
LockedWCA WS's Pied PiperWelsh Terrier6675
LockedUCD WS's Project Hail MaryGolden Retriever7983
LockedMA WS's Puppy 1 614/303Cardigan Welsh Corgi2732
LockedAFT WS's Puppy 10 592/592 (226)German Wirehaired Pointer1924
LockedMHT WS's Puppy 4 562/283Karelian Bear Dog2732
LockedAFT WS's Puppy 5 592/593 (212)German Wirehaired Pointer1924
LockedWCFr WS's Pura VidaGolden Retriever7783
LockedWCH WS's R U EnviousBorder Collie7076
LockedNCHu WS's Roger That!Dachshund5157
LockedWCP WS's Rumous Has ItBernese Mountain Dog7073
LockedWCSh WS's Shopping SpreePomeranian6780
LockedWCO WS's Short N' SweetGreat Pyrenees8093
LockedAT WS's SizzleBeagle1925
LockedAT WS's Sure ShotBeagle1825
LockedWCRO WS's Sweet Home AlabamaBracco Italiano7581
LockedCCA WS's Swifty FoxSmooth Fox Terrier6268
LockedNCSc WS's Taking NamesGerman Shepherd Dog5962
LockedWCT WS's Tampa RayBluetick Coonhound7576
LockedWCS WS's Tis The SeasonGreenland Dog7581
LockedAHu WS's Trigger WarningAmerican Bulldog1826
LockedWCSc WS's Watch Your FingersBelgian Malinois7578
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedCCRO WS's California DreamsEnglish Setter5569
LockedGCHT WS's Careful WishesAmerican Cocker Spaniel4757
LockedGCHT WS's Dancing In The RainAmerican Cocker Spaniel4957
LockedChFT WS's Forget Me NotEnglish Setter4246
LockedExFT WS's Happy HourEnglish Setter3947
LockedMFT WS's Hot GossipPointer3540
LockedGCRO WS's In The ShadowsPointer4657
LockedGCRO WS's Love BlissfullyPointer4657
LockedNCRO WS's Lyrical DanceEnglish Setter5469
LockedGCRO WS's Man TrackerEnglish Setter4557
LockedGCRO WS's Midnight LibraryEnglish Setter4457
LockedWCFT WS's Moves Like JaggerPointer6165
LockedCCHT WS's Ocean PearlAmerican Cocker Spaniel5569
LockedMFT WS's Paper PalacePointer3540
LockedGCFT WS's Scarlet LadyEnglish Setter4557
LockedCCFT WS's Set Things StraightEnglish Setter5569
LockedUCFT WS's Southern BellePointer8991
LockedWCFT WS's Sweet RevengePointer8891
LockedExFT WS's Tennessee WhiskyEnglish Setter3847
LockedNCRO WS's Viva La VidaEnglish Setter5469
LockedGCRO WS's Where The Ferns GrowEnglish Setter4557
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCHu WS's ButterbeerAffenpinscher4655
LockedCCHu WS's Double TroubleAffenpinscher5361
LockedChHu WS's Go Go GadgetAffenpinscher4148
LockedExHu WS's NifflerAffenpinscher3543
LockedChHu WS's PuffskeinAffenpinscher3643
LockedGCHu WS's ScrabbleAffenpinscher4655
LockedGCM WS's SquirrelAffenpinscher5161
LockedGCHu WS's TwizzlerAffenpinscher4148
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCD WS's Alarte AscendareStandard Poodle7281
LockedWCSh WS's AlohomoraStandard Poodle6981
LockedWCP WS's Avada KedavraStandard Poodle7180
LockedUCD WS's Dobby Is FreeStandard Poodle7880
LockedWCP WS's Expecto PatronumStandard Poodle6581
LockedWCD WS's ExpelliarmusStandard Poodle7281
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedASc WS's Blonde BombshellBouvier des Flandres1825
LockedASc WS's Call Me CrazyBouvier des Flandres1825
LockedWCSc WS's Fan FavouriteBouvier des Flandres8299
LockedGCR WS's Fever DreamIrish Wolfhound4859
LockedAFl WS's Flight RiskIrish Wolfhound2026
LockedAR WS's Locked & LoadedIrish Wolfhound2026
LockedGCR WS's NomadIrish Wolfhound4959
LockedASc WS's Oopsie DaisyBouvier des Flandres1823
LockedExR WS's Run Like HellIrish Wolfhound3846
LockedWCFl WS's Silver LiningIrish Wolfhound7383
LockedASc WS's Stripped DragonBouvier des Flandres1823
LockedWCSc WS's Tragically HipBouvier des Flandres8099
LockedWCR WS's WhiplashIrish Wolfhound7583


  • Dashing Winter Pony Dashing Winter Pony
  • Arctic Fox Arctic Fox
  • A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • Orange Persian Orange Persian
  • Calico Persian Calico Persian
  • Bold Spotted Pony Bold Spotted Pony
  • Copper Pegasus Copper Pegasus
  • Flying Reindeer Flying Reindeer
  • Wolpertinger Wolpertinger
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • French Lop Bunny French Lop Bunny
  • Holstein Calf Holstein Calf
  • Jersey Calf Jersey Calf
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Little Lamb Little Lamb
  • Nubian Goat Nubian Goat
  • French Alpine Goat French Alpine Goat
  • Evil Rooster <font color=red>Evil Rooster</font>
  • Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Rhode Island Red Hen Rhode Island Red Hen
  • Rhode Island Red Rooster Rhode Island Red Rooster
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Yellow Fluffy Duckling Yellow Fluffy Duckling
  • Talking Parrot Talking Parrot
  • Phoenix Chick Phoenix Chick
  • Sparrow Sparrow
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
  • Lonely T-Rex Lonely T-Rex
    play Complete
  • EEGEW <b><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>E</font><font color=#FF01B4>G</font><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>W</font></b>
  • Polar Bear Polar Bear
  • White Reindeer White Reindeer
  • Red Baby Dragon Red Baby Dragon
  • Brown Snake Brown Snake
  • Black Banded Hamster Black Banded Hamster
  • Blackbird Blackbird
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChO BK´s 24HH lala intx4Cairn Terrier3969
LockedWCE WS's Eme str x4Cairn Terrier4963
LockedUCE WS's Hot TamalesCairn Terrier8296
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAHu WS's All That GlittersPlott1927
LockedNT WS's Dukes Up!English Foxhound111
LockedAHu WS's Greatest ShowmanPlott1927
LockedAHu WS's Pura VidaPlott2127
LockedNT WS's Stick Em' UpEnglish Foxhound111
LockedAHu WS's Uptown GirlPlott1927

Game Time

07:23am on Mar 27

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