These dogs are nerds

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
68 Locked Dogs
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
28 Locked Dogs
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Petting Zoo
Medium Critter Pasture
10 Critters
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnFl NERD 43164zoiBorzoi855
LockedASc Age of Steel [16 strspdagi LL]Beauceron1425
LockedExT NERD Amelia Pond EEGGDutch Shepherd2953
LockedJASh NERD Army of Ghosts [EGEG 10/2 Ll]Dutch Shepherd1019
LockedNR AFl NERD BAD WOLF [EGEG 11/1]Ibizan Hound1527
LockedExSc NERD Binary GGEE 2/2 intspd spdspdBelgian Tervuren3056
LockedMFl NERD Boom Town [13 EEEE stmspd]Ibizan Hound2542
LockedExT NERD Buffy y fampyyyrrreee slayer GEEEDutch Shepherd3056
LockedWCR NERD Clara Oswin [13 STM Lla]Borzoi5197
LockedMSc NERD Debbie (6/3 GGEE)Beauceron2443
LockedAPnFl NERD Doomsday [EEEG 12/1 Lla]Dutch Shepherd1119
LockedFor StudWCR NERD Ecclescakes [EEEE 22 stm LL]Borzoi5097
LockedFor StudChSc NERD EEEE 6/0Beauceron3256
LockedExT NERD EEEE Mags 4/0 Ll str agichaBelgian Tervuren3256
LockedExSc EEEG 0/2Beauceron3056
LockedExSc EEEG Jag 0/2 Lla agiint agichaBelgian Tervuren3056
LockedExFr NERD EEGEIbizan Hound2953
LockedExT EEGE HunithBelgian Tervuren3156
LockedExSc EEGG int38 stm38 str35Belgian Tervuren3056
LockedExSc NERD EGEEDutch Shepherd3156
LockedExR EGGEIbizan Hound2853
LockedMT NERD Emrys the immortal one 20/0Belgian Tervuren2136
LockedIPnSc NFl NERD Evolution of the Daleks [11 Ll]Beauceron714
LockedExFr NERD EXTERMINATE daffodils GEEEIbizan Hound3056
LockedJAFr NERD Fear Her [EGEE 6/1 Ll]Dutch Shepherd1019
LockedMSc Fiver EGGG 5/3Beauceron2554
LockedJPnR NERD Forest of the Dead [18 Lla]Borzoi613
LockedNCO [LsK] Freema [5/2 lla]Beauceron3880
LockedChO NERD French the llama not for the lose EEGE 3/1 intspd agiagiBelgian Tervuren3156
LockedExFr GEGEIbizan Hound2953
LockedExSc GEGEBelgian Tervuren2953
LockedExFr NERD GEGE agi35 cha48 stm39Ibizan Hound3056
LockedFor StudExFl NERD GEGE agi46 spd34 stm37Ibizan Hound3156
LockedExSc GEGE int42 stm52 str29Belgian Tervuren3056
LockedMSc Geoff (EEEG) 5/1Beauceron2543
LockedMFl NERD GGEEIbizan Hound2853
LockedExT GGEG int42 spd50 stm36Beauceron3156
LockedExSc GGGE 2/2Beauceron3156
LockedASh NERD Girl in the Fireplace [11 LL]Beauceron1425
LockedChRO NERD Hard Artichokes Rarely Keep Norwegian Elephants Singapore Sleep GEGEDutch Shepherd3056
LockedExT NERD I look like a Zebra GEGGDutch Shepherd3156
LockedNFr AT NERD Idiot's Lantern [11 Ll]Beauceron1424
LockedExR NERD Is there life on Mars GEGEIbizan Hound3056
LockedFor StudChFr NERD John Doggett [EGGE 1/0]Ibizan Hound3156
LockedAPnSc NERD Love and Monsters [EEGG 7/2 lla]Dutch Shepherd1019
LockedChSc NERD Myrddin Emyrs super sorcerer [EGEE 5/1 strstm lala]Belgian Tervuren3256
LockedExFl NERD Once and Future King 1/1 GEEE agiagi agichaBelgian Tervuren3056
LockedJAR NERD Oswald [20 LL]Borzoi1220
LockedNFl JAR NERD Oswin [19 Lla]Borzoi1220
LockedFor StudMSc Paul (8/2 GGEE)Beauceron2443
LockedAT NERD Plastic mannequin attacks at Christmas [14 Ll]Beauceron1424
LockedFor StudJASc NERD Raxicoricofallapatorian [10 Ll]Beauceron1424
LockedJASc Rise of the Cybermen [15 LL]Beauceron1425
LockedJPnR NERD Silence in the Library [21 Lla]Borzoi613
LockedAT NERD Sound of the Drums 13/0Belgian Tervuren2036
LockedExFr NERD Special Agent Dana Scully of the FBI X-Files division GGEG 3/2 agispd agiintIbizan Hound3056
LockedMFl NERD Squeezy Tooms [13 EEEE spd]Ibizan Hound2442
LockedChFl NERD THAT IS MAHOGANY! EEEE 2/0 spdstm agispdIbizan Hound3256
LockedNR AFl The Editor [EEEE 12 spd lla]Ibizan Hound1527
LockedExT NERD The Fault In Our Stars EGGEDutch Shepherd3156
LockedNR AFl The Mighty Jagrafess [EEEE 13 agispd]Ibizan Hound1527
LockedFor StudMSc NERD The Parting of Ways [9 EEEE stmagi int]Belgian Tervuren2542
LockedIPnO NERD The Runaway Bride [12/0 Lla agi]Beauceron714
LockedPnRO NERD The Shakespeare Code [13 Ll]Beauceron714
LockedJPnFl AR NERD The Unquiet Dead [EEEE 15 spdstr]Ibizan Hound1527
LockedFor StudExFr NERD This machine pwns n00bs [gggE 3/3]Ibizan Hound3056
LockedASc Tooth and Claw [15 LL]Beauceron1525
LockedExR NERD Up Down Strange Charm Top Bottom [ggEg 2/4]Ibizan Hound3056
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudMA AM AngeloShetland Sheepdog2656
LockedMFl NERD DaisyPharaoh Hound2144
LockedMFr -SS- Dark Winter DreamsBorzoi2379
LockedMFr Dogogogo EGGG 2/2Dogo Argentino2545
LockedAH DollyBelgian Malinois1736
LockedMR Fawn with Chocolate Sable Lla GGGGSaluki2451
LockedExSc NERD Fradoka GEEGGerman Shepherd Dog3056
LockedFor StudMSh Frank Bruno Bobby Carl (EEEG) 3/1 lalaBulldog2552
LockedMT Freya EGFG llaLapponian Herder2651
LockedAT GEEGRough Collie2042
LockedMT GGEE lalaLapponian Herder2551
LockedAT GGGERough Collie2042
LockedExR Isabella [EEGG] 6/2Italian Greyhound2958
LockedCCRO NERD Lady CassandraJapanese Chin4090
LockedMFl NERD Last of the Timelords [15 Lla agi]German Shepherd Dog2240
LockedFor StudGCHT LokiDogo Argentino3771
LockedMRO Ooh GGEG 6/3Saluki2139
LockedAT PnSc NERD Planet of the Ood [11/2 Lla EEGG]Mastiff1529
LockedMHT Puppy 3Jamthund2258
LockedMT Quinn SALEBorder Collie2451
LockedExR Sally [GEEE] 5/1Italian Greyhound2958
LockedMR Sammy Sam EEGGGreyhound2551
LockedExFr SerenaMastiff2958
LockedMW NERD Sound of the Drums [17 Lla agi]German Shepherd Dog2340
LockedMFr SuziSaluki2147
LockedCCA AdK's Ulpukka 92,71% lalaLhasa Apso4694
LockedJAH NERD Vashta Nerada [15 Lla agi]Australian Shepherd1120
LockedGCRO NERD Voyage of the Damned (GEGE)Chihuahua3161
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
$41,691,357 Money Earned
Salary $113,400
Kennel Size 16
A Regal Border Collie Statue
The plaque reads:
WCH WCA (@) Wat choo talkin bout Freckles?
Spayed Female Border Collie Born 02 15, 2007
Reached Level 47, Placing in 1,110 Competitions
A Regal Dutch Shepherd Statue
The plaque reads:
WCFr WCH CiCk (@) Why arn't you dressed yet Daisy!?
Female Dutch Shepherd Born 03 04, 2007
Reached Level 35, Placing in 1,016 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x5
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x18
A Regal Carolina Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
ChRO ChSh ‡RK‡ I shalt keep thou as thou art male.
Male Carolina Dog Born 06 22, 2007
Reached Level 23, Placing in 629 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x9
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x7
A Regal West Highland White Terrier Statue
The plaque reads:
NA Marshmallow
Male West Highland White Terrier Born 12 29, 2003
Reached Level 1, Placing in 0 Competitions
A Regal Pug Statue
The plaque reads:
(@) FP tastes like yummy paper with school
Male Pug Born 07 26, 2004
Reached Level 1, Placing in 0 Competitions
A Regal Border Collie Statue
The plaque reads:
NH NO (@) Poppy F
Spayed Female Border Collie Born 12 19, 2004
Reached Level 1, Placing in 0 Competitions
Earned 161 Trick Points
A Regal Beauceron Statue
The plaque reads:
PnH (@) Alone and forgotton, like lost socks
Male Beauceron Born 08 18, 2009
Reached Level 8, Placing in 92 Competitions
Earned 1,479 Trick Points
Awarded Best of Breed - Trickster x43
A Regal Alaskan Husky Statue
The plaque reads:
IPnT HHK ThinkPad
Male Alaskan Husky Born 04 20, 2004
Reached Level 11, Placing in 63 Competitions
A Regal Dalmatian Statue
The plaque reads:
Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot
Male Dalmatian Born 07 01, 2009
Reached Level 1, Placing in 0 Competitions
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
PnH PnA (@) Captin Jack Harkness
Neutered Male German Shepherd Dog Born 08 06, 2007
Reached Level 9, Placing in 104 Competitions


  • EEGEW <b><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>E</font><font color=#FF01B4>G</font><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>W</font></b>
  • Black Bunny Black Bunny
  • Brown Bunny Brown Bunny
  • Feisty Black Pony Feisty Black Pony
  • Grey Bunny Grey Bunny
  • Lazy Red Pony Lazy Red Pony
  • Little Brown Pony Little Brown Pony
  • Proud Pony Proud Pony
  • Shy Silver Pony Shy Silver Pony
  • White Bunny White Bunny

Game Time

07:28pm on Mar 15

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