Main PropertyPanther Ridge
New Arrivals
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
7 Locked Dogs
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
35 Locked Dogs
Working Breeds
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
81 Locked Dogs
Gun Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
32 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
20 Locked Dogs
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
New Projects
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
40 Locked Dogs
Past Champions
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
100 Locked Dogs
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Field Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Toy Breeds
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
42 Locked Dogs
Herding Breeds
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
76 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedKSRQ Ee creamAlaskan Malamute17
LockedKSRQ ee cream intstm strstr sleddingAlaskan Malamute16
LockedKSRQ Ee sleddingAlaskan Malamute17
LockedKSRQ PointsSiberian Husky110
LockedKSRQ PointsSiberian Husky110
LockedJASh RofS Someday All Will Be Good AgainPomeranian14100
LockedMH KSRQ Whimsical's SparkRough Collie29106
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Master Breeder
$3,789 Money Earned
Salary $53,300
Kennel Size 29
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
APnT SRQ Carolina Liar
Female German Shepherd Dog Born 08 13, 2011
Reached Level 10, Placing in 122 Competitions
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
IPnA IPnH SRQ Rabble Rouser
Male German Shepherd Dog Born 03 10, 2011
Reached Level 6, Placing in 83 Competitions
Earned 12 Trick Points
A Regal Lhasa Apso Statue
The plaque reads:
NSh SRQ Fantasy 1986
Female Lhasa Apso Born 08 10, 2011
Reached Level 3, Placing in 0 Competitions
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
IMSc IMH SRQ Push It To The Limit
Male German Shepherd Dog Born 03 23, 2012
Reached Level 19, Placing in 375 Competitions
A Regal Rough Collie Statue
The plaque reads:
JMH JMFr SRQ Suncrested Gold
Female Rough Collie Born 01 29, 2012
Reached Level 17, Placing in 307 Competitions
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
JMSc JMH SRQ Easter Sundae
Female German Shepherd Dog Born 04 04, 2012
Reached Level 17, Placing in 324 Competitions
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
JExT JExR SRQ Angel Wings
Female German Shepherd Dog Born 12 25, 2011
Reached Level 22, Placing in 461 Competitions
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
IPnSc SRQ Confederate Pride
Female German Shepherd Dog Born 08 23, 2011
Reached Level 7, Placing in 62 Competitions
A Regal Rough Collie Statue
The plaque reads:
IAH IAFr SRQ October's Gold
Female Rough Collie Born 10 17, 2011
Reached Level 14, Placing in 237 Competitions
Earned 510 Trick Points
Awarded Best of Breed - Trickster x18
A Regal Chihuahua Statue
The plaque reads:
JARO JAM SRQ Save Me San Francisco
Female Chihuahua Born 05 28, 2011
Reached Level 5, Placing in 153 Competitions
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedGCE KSRQ Amber's Freedom of SpeechScottish Terrier3760
LockedGCE KSRQ Amber's Radio WavesScottish Terrier3860
LockedGCE KSRQ Cherry's Magic ManSkye Terrier3760
LockedGCE KSRQ Cherry's Magic N' MythSkye Terrier3760
LockedChT KSRQ Dollar's Fire Pay OutDachshund3760
LockedChT KSRQ Dollar's Kodiak of HudsonDachshund3960
LockedGCE KSRQ Fanta's Calling CardNorwich Terrier3860
LockedNCE KSRQ Fanta's CimmeronNorwich Terrier3960
LockedGCE KSRQ Fanta's Little LadyNorwich Terrier3860
LockedExSh KSRQ Glen Cairn's Bonnie LassScottish Terrier3760
LockedChSh KSRQ Glen Cairn's Heather LadScottish Terrier3860
LockedGCO KSRQ Hackney's Glassy RetreatManchester Terrier3960
LockedGCO KSRQ Hackney's Secret SongManchester Terrier3860
LockedCCE KSRQ Journey's Jade Roses OfJack Russell Terrier4760
LockedNCE KSRQ Journey's Positively The EndJack Russell Terrier4560
LockedChT KSRQ Penny's Royal ForceDachshund3760
LockedChT KSRQ Penny's Truth HuntingDachshund3760
LockedGCE KSRQ Petticoat's Little BossCairn Terrier3860
LockedGCE KSRQ Petticoat's Pretty FlashCairn Terrier3760
LockedNCE KSRQ Prism's Gathering Of PearlsJack Russell Terrier4560
LockedNCE KSRQ Prism's Thrilling FisherJack Russell Terrier4660
LockedGCE KSRQ Sparky's RidiculousNorwich Terrier3760
LockedNCE KSRQ Sparky's Who Does ThatNorwich Terrier3960
LockedChO KSRQ Spuds MacKenzie's Ballet SlipperBull Terrier3860
LockedChO KSRQ Spuds MacKenzie's Tough As NailsBull Terrier3860
LockedGCE KSRQ Tam's Little BlessingsSkye Terrier3760
LockedGCE KSRQ Tam's Little LadySkye Terrier3860
LockedChO KSRQ Target's Foxy LadyBull Terrier3860
LockedChO KSRQ Target's GarthBull Terrier3860
LockedGCE KSRQ Toto's Dare Toto ThrillCairn Terrier3860
LockedGCE KSRQ Toto's Guessing Too MuchCairn Terrier3660
LockedGCE KSRQ Toto's Positively The LimitCairn Terrier3860
LockedGCE KSRQ Toto's Spontaneous MidnightCairn Terrier3760
LockedCCE KSRQ Wishbone's Canterbury TalesJack Russell Terrier4760
LockedCCE KSRQ Wishbone's Legend Of King ArthurJack Russell Terrier4760
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCSc KSRQ 7Sin's Darkwater CrossingRottweiler5460
LockedNCSc KSRQ 7Sin's Last BastionRottweiler5460
LockedGCT SRQ Absolutely Banana Bread NutGerman Shepherd Dog5160
LockedGCT SRQ Absolutely Within ReasonGerman Shepherd Dog5060
LockedASh KSRQ Africa's Atlas ShruggedAfricanis1527
LockedASh KSRQ Africa's Who Is John GaltAfricanis1627
LockedChS KSRQ Alaska's Going NorthAlaskan Husky3860
LockedChS KSRQ Alaska's North StarAlaskan Husky3860
LockedGCS KSRQ Alaska's Over The RiverAlaskan Husky3860
LockedChS KSRQ Alaska's Through The MistAlaskan Husky3760
LockedGCS KSRQ Anchorage Ice ColonialSiberian Husky3960
LockedGCS KSRQ Anchorage Say It HallmarkSiberian Husky3960
LockedMSc KSRQ Ardent's Butterfly EffectDoberman Pinscher2744
LockedMSc KSRQ Ardent's Manchurian CandidateDoberman Pinscher2844
LockedNCO KSRQ Artisan's Reflecting PoolGerman Shepherd Dog4760
LockedGCO KSRQ Artisan's Something SpecialGerman Shepherd Dog4660
LockedExS KSRQ Aurora's First LadyAmerican Indian Dog3150
LockedExS KSRQ Aurora's Politically IncorrectAmerican Indian Dog3150
LockedChSh KSRQ Beethoven's Captain HookSaint Bernard4960
LockedChSh KSRQ Beethoven's Fairy DustSaint Bernard4860
LockedChSh KSRQ Beethoven's Mercy MissionSaint Bernard4860
LockedGCSh KSRQ Beethoven's Wild AnticipationSaint Bernard5060
LockedChS KSRQ Charcoal's All-starAlaskan Husky3860
LockedChS KSRQ Charcoal's SuperstarAlaskan Husky3860
LockedNCO KSRQ Chocolate Shake's CyrodiilGerman Shepherd Dog4860
LockedGCO KSRQ Chocolate Shake's MysteryGerman Shepherd Dog4760
LockedChSh KSRQ Dutch's FitchKeeshond3960
LockedChSh KSRQ Dutch's The Grand DutchKeeshond3860
LockedChS KSRQ Eskimo's FreedomAlaskan Husky3860
LockedChS KSRQ Eskimo's FreefallAlaskan Husky3760
LockedMH KSRQ Factor's Frou HarboAmerican White Shepherd3460
LockedMH KSRQ Factor's Herr KampAmerican White Shepherd3360
LockedGCS KSRQ Fairbanks Coasting ExpressSiberian Husky3860
LockedChS KSRQ Fairbanks Thunderclap In The RoughSiberian Husky3860
LockedChS KSRQ Finney's ImaginationChinook3660
LockedChS KSRQ Finney's Make BelieveChinook3860
LockedAPnSh KSRQ Gambia's 1776Africanis1121
LockedAPnSh KSRQ Gambia's SecessionAfricanis1221
LockedGCS KSRQ Glacier's Cool RunningSiberian Husky3960
LockedGCS KSRQ Glacier's Running Down A DreamSiberian Husky3860
LockedGCS KSRQ Jewel's Merriment FacimileChinook3960
LockedGCS KSRQ Jewel's Order In The CourtChinook3860
LockedChS KSRQ Kecha'k Believe I Can FlyAmerican Indian Dog3760
LockedGCS KSRQ Kecha'k Running On EmptyAmerican Indian Dog3860
LockedChS KSRQ Lobita Spice's Afternoon DelightAmerican Indian Dog3660
LockedChS KSRQ Lobita Spice's Groovin' On A Sunday AfternoonAmerican Indian Dog3860
LockedGCSh KSRQ Mantle's Subtle ClassGreat Dane5160
LockedNCSh KSRQ Mantle's Thrilling DiamondGreat Dane5360
LockedGCSh KSRQ Marble's Pretty NewsGreat Dane5160
LockedNCSh KSRQ Marble's Tropical ClassyGreat Dane5160
LockedGCS KSRQ Nanook's NorthAlaskan Malamute3960
LockedChS KSRQ Nanook's Northern LightsAlaskan Malamute3760
LockedExSh KSRQ Neverland's Magic BulletNewfoundland3860
LockedExSh KSRQ Neverland's Magic EndeavorNewfoundland3760
LockedGCSh KSRQ Onyx's OntarioGreat Dane5060
LockedGCSh KSRQ Onyx's Taking ManhattanGreat Dane5160
LockedExSh KSRQ Pan's Black VelvetNewfoundland3760
LockedExSh KSRQ Pan's Midnight JewelNewfoundland3860
LockedNCSc SRQ Paramount's Class By MyselfGerman Shepherd Dog5060
LockedNCSc SRQ Rabble Rouser's Unsung HeroGerman Shepherd Dog5260
LockedGCSc SRQ Rabble Rouser's Untold LegendGerman Shepherd Dog5060
LockedChS KSRQ Rain's GhostAmerican Indian Dog3760
LockedChS KSRQ Rain's Spooky Little BooAmerican Indian Dog3660
LockedGCS KSRQ Sedge's IditarodAlaskan Husky3960
LockedChS KSRQ Sedge's Last FrontierAlaskan Husky3760
LockedGCSc KSRQ Silhouette's Another Bad ExperienceDoberman Pinscher4860
LockedGCSc KSRQ Silhouette's Pragmatic Endeavor IIDoberman Pinscher4960
LockedAPnS KSRQ Skagway's Give A LittleAlaskan Malamute919
LockedAPnS KSRQ Skagway's Twenty-ThreeAlaskan Malamute918
LockedGCS KSRQ Sky's AlaskaAlaskan Husky3860
LockedChS KSRQ Sky's Can't MissAlaskan Husky3760
LockedGCSc SRQ Sundae Angel's Dark KnightGerman Shepherd Dog5160
LockedGCSc SRQ Sundae Angel's HeroGerman Shepherd Dog5160
LockedGCT SRQ Sweet Poetry's Fictitious ReasonGerman Shepherd Dog5060
LockedGCT SRQ Sweet Poetry's Precipitous BooperGerman Shepherd Dog5160
LockedMS KSRQ Tango's Bossy BoastingSiberian Husky2945
LockedExS KSRQ Tango's Talks Too MuchSiberian Husky3045
LockedGCO KSRQ Total's DistractionGerman Shepherd Dog4560
LockedGCO KSRQ Total's High EnergyGerman Shepherd Dog4460
LockedGCSc SRQ Zweifarbig's Rin Tin TinGerman Shepherd Dog5060
LockedGCSc SRQ Zweifarbig's StrongheartGerman Shepherd Dog5060
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCSh KSRQ Apricot's Extreme DistrustStandard Poodle5160
LockedGCSh KSRQ Apricot's Waiting For The EndStandard Poodle4960
LockedChSh KSRQ Champagne's It StartsStandard Poodle4960
LockedChSh KSRQ Champagne's MundaneStandard Poodle4960
LockedGCSh KSRQ Choc Au Laite's Cherry ColonialStandard Poodle5160
LockedGCSh KSRQ Choc Au Laite's Truffle Shuffle IIStandard Poodle5060
LockedChSh KSRQ Coton's Back to SchoolStandard Poodle4960
LockedGCSh KSRQ Coton's WasabiStandard Poodle5060
LockedNCFT KSRQ Ember's Platinum DreamsNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever5260
LockedNCFT KSRQ Ember's SithisNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever5160
LockedExFT KSRQ Gunner's Over GroundGerman Wirehaired Pointer3250
LockedExFT KSRQ Gunner's Sound AdviceGerman Wirehaired Pointer3150
LockedGCFT KSRQ Hershey's ArmageddonLabrador Retriever5060
LockedNCFT KSRQ Hershey's Final CountdownLabrador Retriever4960
LockedNCFT KSRQ Luck King's Amulet Of KingsChesapeake Bay Retriever5060
LockedNCFT KSRQ Luck King's ContagionChesapeake Bay Retriever4960
LockedNCFT KSRQ Luck King's Corona Sunshine SymphonyChesapeake Bay Retriever5060
LockedNCFT KSRQ Luck King's Rock You Like A HurricaneChesapeake Bay Retriever5160
LockedGCFT KSRQ Mida's Secret SundaeNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4860
LockedGCFT KSRQ Mida's Weekend WarriorNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4760
LockedGCSh KSRQ Monique's Black PearlStandard Poodle5060
LockedChSh KSRQ Monique's SavvyStandard Poodle4860
LockedChFT KSRQ Paddington's Little BugleSussex Spaniel3860
LockedChFT KSRQ Paddington's On The ChargeSussex Spaniel3860
LockedGCFT KSRQ Pepper's He's A PirateLabrador Retriever4960
LockedNCFT KSRQ Pepper's Rum RaisinLabrador Retriever5160
LockedNCFT KSRQ Saffron's Bacardi FineLabrador Retriever5260
LockedNCFT KSRQ Saffron's Golden BacardiLabrador Retriever5060
LockedExFT KSRQ Trigger's BerettaGerman Shorthaired Pointer3148
LockedExFT KSRQ Trigger's RemingtonGerman Shorthaired Pointer3250
LockedNCFT KSRQ Wutherford's Irish Luck or None A'tolEnglish Setter5160
LockedNCFT KSRQ Wutherford's Shining EyesEnglish Setter5260
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedKSRQ 22 blue silver show herdingTibetan Mastiff133
LockedKSRQ 22HH silver strstr agistr showTibetan Mastiff189
LockedKSRQ 22HH strspd strstm herdingTibetan Mastiff179
LockedKSRQ 23 blue silver showTibetan Mastiff133
LockedKSRQ 23 cream Bb Dd intstr stmstm sleddingAmerican Indian Dog153
LockedKSRQ 23 cream Dd strstr stmstm sleddingAmerican Indian Dog153
LockedKSRQ 23 cream solidAmerican Indian Dog130
LockedKSRQ 23 silver showTibetan Mastiff133
LockedKSRQ 23HH cream stmint strstr sleddingAlaskan Malamute167
LockedKSRQ 23HH cream strstr agistr showTibetan Mastiff189
LockedKSRQ 23HH Ssi lala spdspd stmagi herdingTibetan Mastiff167
LockedKSRQ 24 cream Bb Dd SsiAmerican Indian Dog129
LockedKSRQ 24 cream Bb sleddingAmerican Indian Dog129
LockedKSRQ 24 red Irish stmstm stmcha sisw racingIbizan Hound148
LockedKSRQ 24 red Irish stmstm stmcha sisw racingIbizan Hound148
LockedMFT Big BonanzaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3046
LockedKSRQ Cream blueTibetan Mastiff133
LockedKSRQ Cream Dd Uu may carry sleddingAmerican Indian Dog117
LockedKSRQ Cream IrishAmerican Indian Dog154
LockedKSRQ Cream Irish 2 may carry sleddingAmerican Indian Dog116
LockedKSRQ Cream Irish 2 sleddingAmerican Indian Dog116
LockedKSRQ Cream Irish may carry sleddingAmerican Indian Dog117
LockedKSRQ Cream Irish may carry sleddingAmerican Indian Dog117
LockedKSRQ Cream Irish TtAmerican Indian Dog130
LockedKSRQ Cream Isabella showTibetan Mastiff133
LockedKSRQ Cream Isabella show herdingTibetan Mastiff133
LockedKSRQ Cream may carry sleddingAmerican Indian Dog115
LockedKSRQ Cream showTibetan Mastiff133
LockedKSRQ Cream show herdingTibetan Mastiff133
LockedKSRQ Cream solidAmerican Indian Dog154
LockedKSRQ Cream solidAmerican Indian Dog142
LockedKSRQ Cream Ssi Dd sleddingAmerican Indian Dog117
LockedKSRQ For cream EeAlaskan Malamute131
LockedKSRQ For cream EE sleddingAlaskan Malamute131
LockedWCSh FRHL MahoganyCairn Terrier73100
LockedPuppy 1Saluki17
LockedKSRQ Red Irish Cce racingIbizan Hound136
LockedKSRQ Red Irish sisw racingIbizan Hound136
LockedKSRQ Show silverTibetan Mastiff170
LockedJPnH ChA KSRQ Trick Me!Czechoslovakian Wolfdog4480
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUCSc KSRQ BoB 7Sin's On TargetRottweiler88109
LockedUCSc KSRQ BoB 7Sin's Razor's EdgeRottweiler95110
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Bailey's Bad Hair DayLhasa Apso86109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Bailey's Royal WiredLhasa Apso87109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Bailey's WordplayLhasa Apso86109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Beethoven 's Major GanacheSaint Bernard80109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Beethoven 's Mercy MeSaint Bernard84110
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Beethoven's Major MercySaint Bernard85110
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Beijing's Hopeless RomanticChow-chow65109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Beijing's So ChicChow-chow66111
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Cafe's MilanoToy Poodle86110
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Cappuccino's Pretty FaceChow-chow71109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Cashmere's Winter WhiteChow-chow68109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Champange's Candy GirlStandard Poodle88110
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Champange's Kit KatStandard Poodle77109
LockedUCH KSRQ BoB Cloud's Castles In The SandBerger Picard90110
LockedWCH KSRQ BoB Cloud's Tell Me Something GoodBerger Picard83109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Dawn's Moon Over LothlorianRough Collie84109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Dawn's Spontaneous In BlueRough Collie87109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Dawn's StarRough Collie86109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Elegance BarenziahBelgian Tervuren87110
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Elegance Dance In The FireBelgian Tervuren80109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Elegance Uriel Septim VIIBelgian Tervuren87110
LockedUCFT KSRQ BoB Ember's Boughs Of HollyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever82109
LockedUCFT KSRQ BoB Ember's Broken DreamsNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever90110
LockedUCFT KSRQ BoB Ember's Criminal MindNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever89109
LockedUCFT KSRQ BoB Ember's YuletideNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever83109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Fancy's Facts Of LifeLhasa Apso77109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Fancy's Three's CompanyLhasa Apso77109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Firestorm's Golden CaramelRough Collie86111
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Firestorm's Surfer GirlRough Collie89113
LockedUCR KSRQ BoB Fleetfoot's Deeply ShadeSaluki84109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Frisco's MiamiChihuahua86109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Frisco's Mountain CountryChihuahua89110
LockedWCH KSRQ BoB Gyam's Glacier ReadyKuvasz77109
LockedWCH KSRQ BoB Gyam's Glacier WhimsyKuvasz82109
LockedWCH KSRQ BoB Gyam's Polar FancifulKuvasz82109
LockedUCH KSRQ BoB Gyam's Ulanova DodgerKuvasz89110
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Harlequin's Kool Tropical PartiRough Collie85110
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Harlequin's Parti HardiRough Collie87110
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Harlequin's Tropical Moonlight RosesRough Collie87109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Holly's MisterChow-chow66109
LockedWCR KSRQ BoB Little ImpItalian Greyhound72101
LockedUCFT KSRQ BoB Luck King's Make Or BreakChesapeake Bay Retriever84110
LockedUCFT KSRQ BoB Luck King's Very Rock N' RollChesapeake Bay Retriever81111
LockedUCH KSRQ BoB Metelt's Minstrel FairKomondor86109
LockedWCH KSRQ BoB Metelt's UmbraKomondor84101
LockedUCH KSRQ BoB Metelt's Winter BardKomondor90110
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Miao's Thanksgiving FarceChow-chow69109
LockedUCFT KSRQ BoB Mida's Golden BeautyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever82109
LockedICFT KSRQ BoB Mida's Golden LilyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever88109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Noir de Nuit's Midnight ThrillToy Poodle85110
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Noir de Nuit's Moonless NightToy Poodle68110
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Obsidian's Point Of FinaleRough Collie84109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Obsidian's Rocky BalboaRough Collie84109
LockedUCT KSRQ BoB Old South's Black BriarBloodhound86109
LockedWCT KSRQ BoB Old South's MoonshineBloodhound82109
LockedWCT KSRQ BoB Old South's RenegadeBloodhound87109
LockedWCT KSRQ BoB Old South's Sweet Home AlabamaBloodhound86109
LockedUCT KSRQ BoB Old South's Three Part HarmonyBloodhound88110
LockedWCR KSRQ BoB Paesh's Simply AmazingItalian Greyhound86110
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Princess' Autumn ChampangeLhasa Apso88109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Princess' EmeraldLhasa Apso88109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Princess' Hallmark Great ExpectationsLhasa Apso90109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Princess' Heart Of IceLhasa Apso82101
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Princess' May FlowersLhasa Apso89110
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Princess' Topaz ChampagneLhasa Apso85109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Princess' Wilderness SongLhasa Apso90110
LockedUCSc SRQ BoB Rabble Rouser's FoxtrotGerman Shepherd Dog89109
LockedUCSc SRQ BoB Rabble Rouser's Texas Intentions von HerzensbrecherGerman Shepherd Dog89110
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Ser Chal's Legacy Of MayLhasa Apso66101
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Ser Chal's Most ExcellentLhasa Apso75109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Ser Chal's Mystic CrystalLhasa Apso83109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Ser Chal's Mystic Legacy Of AutumnLhasa Apso75109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Ser Chal's Mystic SummitLhasa Apso82110
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Ser Chal's NeptuneLhasa Apso84109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Ser Chal's PlutoLhasa Apso84109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Shambala's American DanceLhasa Apso81109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Shambala's Flamenco DanceLhasa Apso81109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Shambala's Lady FreedomLhasa Apso85109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Shambala's Proud To Be An AmericanLhasa Apso85109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Shizi's Genuine ShadowChow-chow6699
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Snowstorm's Diamond DuchessRough Collie86109
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Snowstorm's Diamond QueenRough Collie88109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Snowstorm's Knight's DareRough Collie86109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Snowstorm's Smart N' SpicyRough Collie83110
LockedUCSh SRQ BoB Star's Roman CandlesChihuahua90110
LockedUCT SRQ BoB Sweet Poetry's Mountain In ForceGerman Shepherd Dog89109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Swiffer's CometYorkshire Terrier79109
LockedUCSh KSRQ BoB Swiffer's Luck It UpYorkshire Terrier85109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Swiffer's Lucky StarYorkshire Terrier88110
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Twotone All Eyes On MeRough Collie80109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Twotone's Fine SilenceRough Collie86109
LockedWCSh SRQ BoB Twotone's Shaken Not StirredRough Collie87109
LockedUCH KSRQ BoB Whimsical's Positively CountryRough Collie88109
LockedUCR KSRQ BoB Winddancer's Eye of DragonSaluki94110
LockedUCR KSRQ BoB Winddancer's Fire PearlSaluki90109
LockedUCFT KSRQ BoB Wutherford's Champagne DaddyEnglish Setter91110
LockedWCFT KSRQ BoB Wutherford's Poetry In MotionEnglish Setter66109
LockedWCSh KSRQ BoB Xiang Yin's AutocorrectChow-chow68110
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExSh KSRQ Butterfly's Fancy Little MartiniPapillon3860
LockedChSh KSRQ Butterfly's Velvet HopefulPapillon3860
LockedNCSh KSRQ Cafe's Audrey HepburnToy Poodle5260
LockedGCSh KSRQ Cafe's Breakfast At Tiffany'sToy Poodle5060
LockedGCR KSRQ Cermet's Laws Of LifeItalian Greyhound5060
LockedGCR KSRQ Cermet's Laws Of NatureItalian Greyhound5060
LockedGCSh KSRQ Chou a la Creme's As Per UsualToy Poodle5060
LockedChSh KSRQ Chou a la Creme's Nothing ChangesToy Poodle4960
LockedChSh KSRQ Cinnabon's Baby GirlPomeranian3960
LockedJASh KSRQ Cinnabon's Far From JadedPomeranian1331
LockedChR KSRQ Crystal's North To The FutureItalian Greyhound3760
LockedChR KSRQ Crystal's Towards The Finish LineItalian Greyhound3960
LockedExSh KSRQ Custard's IconicPomeranian3860
LockedChSh KSRQ Custard's Kodiak JackPomeranian3860
LockedChSh KSRQ Custard's Little BearPomeranian3860
LockedChSh KSRQ Custard's Material GirlPomeranian3860
LockedChSh SRQ Dream's Offshore ChillChihuahua4960
LockedGCSh SRQ Dream's Sun ShowersChihuahua5060
LockedGCSh KSRQ Flocon de Neige's Cotton FluffToy Poodle4960
LockedNCSh KSRQ Flocon de Neige's Sugar SnowToy Poodle5160
LockedGCSh SRQ Frisco's Meet VirginiaChihuahua5160
LockedGCSh SRQ Frisco's Save Me San Francisco IIChihuahua5160
LockedGCSh SRQ Husky's Lollipop LeagueChihuahua5060
LockedGCSh SRQ Husky's There's No Place Like HomeChihuahua5060
LockedChSh KSRQ Monarch's King ArthurPapillon3960
LockedChSh KSRQ Monarch's Madam ButterflyPapillon3860
LockedGCSh KSRQ Noir de Nuit's Made To DareToy Poodle5160
LockedNCSh KSRQ Noir de Nuit's Statesman Rock N' RollToy Poodle5260
LockedChSh KSRQ Otis' Best BudPug3960
LockedExSh KSRQ Otis' Big AdventurePug3760
LockedGCR KSRQ Paesh's Make It To The FinishItalian Greyhound5060
LockedGCR KSRQ Paesh's Simply RunningItalian Greyhound5160
LockedExSh KSRQ Shadow's Double CrossPug3860
LockedChSh KSRQ Shadow's SabotagePug3860
LockedChSh KSRQ Snowflake's Genuine First ReignPomeranian3860
LockedChSh KSRQ Snowflake's Point Of DivaPomeranian3960
LockedGCSh SRQ Star's Gallant CherryChihuahua5160
LockedGCSh SRQ Star's Mountain VengeanceChihuahua5160
LockedNCSh KSRQ Swiffer's Lucky RubyYorkshire Terrier5160
LockedGCSh KSRQ Swiffer's National FinaleYorkshire Terrier5060
LockedChSh KSRQ Viceroy's Hot StuffPapillon3860
LockedChSh KSRQ Viceroy's PicklePapillon3860
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedGCH KSRQ Bande's ElvisBerger Picard5160
LockedGCH KSRQ Bande's Hell's ChampangeBerger Picard5160
LockedGCH KSRQ Bengal's Hair BandsBorder Collie4960
LockedGCH KSRQ Bengal's Holding Out For A HeroBorder Collie5060
LockedExH KSRQ Bourbon's French QuarterCentral Asian Shepherd3860
LockedExH KSRQ Bourbon's Mardi GrasCentral Asian Shepherd3860
LockedChH KSRQ Bright's Priceless WishFinnish Lapphund3960
LockedChH KSRQ Bright's Show Me GuessingFinnish Lapphund4060
LockedChO KSRQ Captain's CredenceKelpie3660
LockedChO KSRQ Captain's Shrimp On The BarbieKelpie3760
LockedGCH KSRQ Caramel's Almost Famous IIBorder Collie4960
LockedGCH KSRQ Caramel's No ChangeBorder Collie5060
LockedGCH KSRQ Cloud's Silver Lucky NumberBerger Picard5160
LockedGCH KSRQ Cloud's Toffi MorningBerger Picard5260
LockedExH KSRQ Colley's ShadeBorder Collie3860
LockedChH KSRQ Colley's ShadowBorder Collie3960
LockedExH KSRQ Cowboy's Back In The SaddleFinnish Lapphund3860
LockedExH KSRQ Cowboy's Swinging SpursFinnish Lapphund3760
LockedGCSh SRQ Dawn's New DynastyRough Collie5160
LockedChSh SRQ Dawn's Rider Of RohanRough Collie4860
LockedChSh SRQ Dawn's Rivendell WishRough Collie4860
LockedGCSh SRQ Dawn's Spontaneous WishRough Collie5160
LockedGCSh KSRQ Elegance Black ArrowBelgian Tervuren5160
LockedGCSh KSRQ Elegance Race Of The HeartBelgian Tervuren5060
LockedChH KSRQ Feather's Give An InchFinnish Lapphund4060
LockedExH KSRQ Feather's Take A MileFinnish Lapphund3960
LockedGCSh SRQ Firestorm's Caramel SafariRough Collie5060
LockedGCSh SRQ Firestorm's Caramel ToffiRough Collie5060
LockedGCSh SRQ Firestorm's Iggy AuroraRough Collie5060
LockedNCSh SRQ Firestorm's Safari SchmooRough Collie5260
LockedGCH KSRQ Gyam's Dodger MoltaireKuvasz5160
LockedGCH KSRQ Gyam's Solitaire RoyaleKuvasz5160
LockedExH KSRQ Hake's Aurora BorialisFinnish Lapphund3860
LockedExH KSRQ Hake's North StarFinnish Lapphund3860
LockedGCSh SRQ Harlequin's Eureka SpringsRough Collie5060
LockedChSh SRQ Harlequin's Halloween PartiRough Collie4560
LockedChSh SRQ Harlequin's Spooky Moonlight PartiRough Collie4460
LockedGCSh SRQ Harlequin's Tropical StormRough Collie5060
LockedChO KSRQ Isabelle's Crash And BurnKelpie3760
LockedChO KSRQ Isabelle's Crazy About YouKelpie3860
LockedChO KSRQ Isabelle's Savage GardenKelpie3860
LockedExSc KSRQ Java's HologramBelgian Malinois3360
LockedExSc KSRQ Java's HolopenoBelgian Malinois3260
LockedExH KSRQ Jubilee's Hot At HarvardCentral Asian Shepherd3760
LockedExH KSRQ Jubilee's Ruby GotCentral Asian Shepherd3860
LockedGCH SRQ KSRQ White Tiger's MistaggedBorder Collie5160
LockedChH KSRQ Metelt's Clavicus VileKomondor4560
LockedGCH KSRQ Metelt's SheogorathKomondor4660
LockedExH KSRQ Mithriel's Silver BulletBorder Collie3860
LockedExH KSRQ Mithriel's Silver LeafBorder Collie3760
LockedChSh SRQ Obsidian's North To The FutureRough Collie4960
LockedGCSh SRQ Obsidian's Spirit of FreedomRough Collie4960
LockedExH KSRQ Popcorn's DiscoBorder Collie3759
LockedExH KSRQ Popcorn's Saturday Night FeverBorder Collie3759
LockedNCH KSRQ Scruffy's Jewel Of FortuneBerger Picard5260
LockedGCH KSRQ Scruffy's Pinnacle GirlBerger Picard5160
LockedNCSh SRQ Snowstorm's All The Right MovesRough Collie5160
LockedGCSh SRQ Snowstorm's Smart CookieRough Collie5060
LockedChH KSRQ Spitz's Little LadyFinnish Lapphund3960
LockedChH KSRQ Spitz's Ultimately YoursFinnish Lapphund4060
LockedGCH KSRQ Sunset's Honey DewBorder Collie5160
LockedGCH KSRQ Sunset's Morning GloryBorder Collie5160
LockedChH KSRQ Sweet's Beautiful DreamerFinnish Lapphund4160
LockedChH KSRQ Sweet's Chance Of A LifetimeFinnish Lapphund3960
LockedChSh SRQ Twotone's Classics Never DieRough Collie4960
LockedGCSh SRQ Twotone's Silent MovieRough Collie4960
LockedExH KSRQ Verona's Keeping HoneyCentral Asian Shepherd3760
LockedExH KSRQ Verona's Living RiverCentral Asian Shepherd3960
LockedChH KSRQ Waffles American Smart and SpicyBorder Collie4060
LockedChH KSRQ Waffles Citrus SurferBorder Collie3960
LockedGCH KSRQ Whimsical's Boston RunRough Collie5160
LockedGCH KSRQ Whimsical's Country FairRough Collie5160
LockedChH KSRQ Whimsical's Kipper Nursery RhymesRough Collie4760
LockedGCH KSRQ Whimsical's Positively AmericanRough Collie5260
LockedGCH KSRQ Whimsical's Summer MemoriesRough Collie5060
LockedGCH KSRQ White Tiger's Blaze Of GloryBorder Collie5260

Game Time

03:15pm on Mar 8

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