how the most dangerous thing is to love

sales #1
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
65 Locked Dogs
sales #2
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
55 Locked Dogs
sales #3
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
4 Locked Dogs
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAT XIN'S 13HH/11Hh EEEE lalaGreek Harehound1737
LockedJAFT CAFÉ| 15HH -- PepperEnglish Setter1858
LockedExW RWTS 1HH FEGG 1.000x Ll 3strPointer2454
LockedAFr XIN'S 28G ChaserKai Ken1839
LockedMP LSVR All's Fair in Love and War [13HH 1.423x] lala 3strSmooth Collie3052
LockedAS ZBKaT As Pretty as RosesGreenland Dog2267
LockedFor Public SaleNCHu HYRR BackwardPekingese5066
LockedNHT XIN'S Bad Ideas [24/0 1.475x]Great Dane17
LockedJPnH XIN'S BansheeBorder Collie924
LockedNP XIN'S Blessed By Ares [24HH 1.427x] lala 3strBernese Mountain Dog111
LockedFor Public SaleGCRO XIN'S Cream Puffs [7HH 1.428x] lalaBedlington Terrier4767
LockedFor Public SaleNH XIN'S Don't Ask Why [21HH 1.337x] lala 2stmBorder Collie18
LockedJAT GEMDR EchoCardigan Welsh Corgi1737
LockedANSh XIN'S EEEG 4/1 ll chaspd agispd 76.04Shih Tzu113
LockedNRO XIN'S EEEG 7/1 lla intspd chaint 79.16Shih Tzu113
LockedJPnM XIN'S EEGG 5/2 Ll chaint agiint 73.95Shih Tzu113
LockedANSh XIN'S EGGG 2/3 lla agistm chaint 67.70Shih Tzu113
LockedJPnHu XIN'S EGGG 7/4 lala intstm strstr 69.79Shih Tzu113
LockedFor Public SaleJPnA A*F*H Enemy Spotted [20HH 1.050x] lala 3agiRough Collie815
LockedFor Public SaleWCO 4GOD Escape Artist [22HH 1.203x] lalaAidi5288
LockedFor Public SaleJAA IBLM Expectations [24HH 1.238x] Lla 2stmBorder Collie1623
LockedAHu XIN'S Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with TickingPointer1844
LockedFor Public SaleChA AT P's Feet Don't Fail Me Now [4HH 1.047x] LlaShetland Sheepdog4470
LockedFor Public SaleCCR PhSp First Days [24HH 1.345x] lalaBorzoi6486
LockedNHT XIN'S Fourth Wall [24/0 1.475x]Great Dane17
LockedAM XIN'S GEEE | INT 316Irish Terrier1740
LockedPnHu XIN'S GEGG 5/4 Ll agistr intstm 67.70Shih Tzu1125
LockedPnT XIN'S GGEG 5/3 lla chaspd spdspd 70.83Shih Tzu1225
LockedJPnFl XIN'S GingerBorder Collie924
LockedFor Public SaleNCFl -LR- Gone With The Wind [23HH 1.168x] 3spd LLIrish Wolfhound5179
LockedFor Public SaleAH RofS High Up In The Mountains [24HH 1.032x] Lla 4intShetland Sheepdog1930
LockedFor Public SaleCCS IJK9 Himalayan Starlight [8HH 1.013x] 2spd LlaAlaskan Malamute4676
LockedFor Public SaleNH XIN'S Hot Summer Nights [21HH 1.265x] lla 4stmBorder Collie17
LockedFor Public SaleNH XIN'S I'm Hangry [18HH 1.337x] Lla 3stmBorder Collie18
LockedFor Public SaleAH BCC Inattentive Dreamer [19HH 0.993x] lala 3stmBorder Collie2278
LockedPnW *NO* Laughing Til' Our Ribs Get Tough [18HH 1.455x] lalaBrittany715
LockedFor Public SaleNH XIN'S Lengthy Storyteller [21HH 1.332x] lla 3stmBorder Collie18
LockedFor Public SaleChO MoP Lilium Petals [5HH 1.000x] LlAnatolian Shepherd3871
LockedAT XIN'S LilyBullmastiff2140
LockedFor Public SaleJASc OZZY Lost Memories [24HH 1.027x] lala 4intAmerican White Shepherd1636
LockedASh XIN'S LuluAmerican Eskimo Dog1837
LockedAM LiLa Midnight Spellcaster [24HH 1.438x] 4cha lalaChihuahua2240
LockedFor Public SaleNH XIN'S Miles To Go [21HH 1.307x] lala 2stmBorder Collie17
LockedFor Public SaleGCR Acci Moonlight and Vines [24HH 1.627x] lala 4stmBorzoi5465
LockedFor Public SaleIPnD AP RMJK Moonstruck [22HH 1.165x] LL 2agiShetland Sheepdog1936
LockedFor Public SaleGCT HYRR Oak Forest [6HH 1.285x] LlaOtterhound5168
LockedJPnP Bryer On The Frontlines [18HH 1.403x] lala 2agiAlaskan Husky714
LockedAT XIN'S On Your MarkPorcelaine2165
LockedFor Public SaleExFl PeKE Only Myths [24HH 1.078x] lla 3stmAustralian Shepherd3568
LockedFor Public SaleIPnH XIN'S Pastry Chef [20HH 1.282x] lalaBorder Collie1115
LockedFor Public SaleNH XIN'S Poetic Generation [21HH 1.330x] Lla 2stmBorder Collie18
LockedNR SKRI Russian Roulette [22HH 1.473x] lalaBasenji112
LockedJAM ZISPs ShikokuShikoku1736
LockedAHu StFr Simple Equations [16HH 1.410x] 2spd LlaEnglish Foxhound2333
LockedFor Public SaleJASc OZZY Strangers In Your Head [24HH 1.038x] lala 4intAmerican White Shepherd1435
LockedFor Public SaleARO XIN'S Sudden Eruptions [11HH 1.492x] LlaSpinone Italiano2433
LockedFor Public SaleNCP IJK9 Sun Chariot [10HH 1.023x] 3stm LlAlaskan Malamute4876
LockedFor Public SaleJAFl RofS Supernova Explosion [16HH 1.022x] LlaShetland Sheepdog1629
LockedFor Public SaleNCHu XIN'S Take Me To Your Finish Line [4HH 1.000x] LLRhodesian Ridgeback4682
LockedNP XIN'S The Clock's Ticking [24HH 1.427x] lala 3strBernese Mountain Dog111
LockedFor Public SaleAH MAKO Time's Ticking [23HH 1.060x] lala 2stmBorder Collie1827
LockedJAHu *MCK* Unchangeable Habits [12HH 1.398x] LlaScottish Terrier1522
LockedFor Public SalePnFl BBCK Unseen Hideout [23HH 1.287x] Lla 4sBorder Collie1218
LockedFor Public SaleGCA HYRR Valor Unending [7HH 1.327x] LlPekingese4964
LockedARO RofS Vigilant Nomad [24HH 1.482x] 4str lalaChihuahua2540
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor Public SaleNFl XIN'S 1.302x 207agi 3agi 22HH/0 lalaBorder Collie17
LockedFor Public SaleNA XIN'S 1.303x 3agi 227agi 22HH/0 lalaBorder Collie17
LockedFor Public SaleNM XIN'S 3agi 155 agi/agiDalmatian16
LockedFor Public SaleXIN'S 3agi 167 agi/agiDalmatian16
LockedFor Public SaleNH XIN'S Absolute Menace [23HH 1.302x] lala 2stmBorder Collie17
LockedFor Public SaleAH BCC Acrophobia [24HH 0.980x] lala 2stmBorder Collie2280
LockedFor Public SaleNH XIN'S Ain't No Mountain High Enough [23HH 1.290x] lla 3stmBorder Collie17
LockedFor Public SaleAH WnCrK Ancient Wreckage [18HH 0.985x] lalaBorder Collie2381
LockedFor Public SaleAH BCC And I'm Falling Hard [24HH 0.948x] lalaBorder Collie2074
LockedFor Public SalePnFl XIN'S Approaching Cyclone [22HH 1.007x] Lla 3stmBorder Collie1017
LockedFor Public SaleMSc RWTS Back To Square One [23HH 1.147x] lala 2agiGerman Shepherd Dog3063
LockedIPnFr RofS Be Kind [23HH 1.045x] LL 4agiStandard Poodle917
LockedFor Public SaleChR SIUK Beachside Frolicking [21HH 1.213x] lalaDalmatian41101
LockedFor Public SaleNA RofS Chaos and Confusion [22HH 1.063x] Lla 3agiStandard Poodle18
LockedFor Public SaleJAH XIN'S Checkmate [24HH 0.932x] LlaBorder Collie1770
LockedFor Public SaleMH Laken Curse Breaker [7HH 1.030x] lalaBorder Collie3279
LockedFor Public SaleAT BCC Don't Leave [15HH 0.988x] Lla 2stmBorder Collie2287
LockedFor Public SaleExH ~DPK~ Earthborn [23HH 1.065x] LlaBorder Collie3668
LockedFor Public SaleExSh XIN'S EEGG 3HH 1.000x Ll / int 1225 / 3xSaarloos Wolfdog3695
LockedFor Public SaleAH XIN'S Eloquence [24HH 0.993x] lala 2sBorder Collie2173
LockedFor Public SaleMT BBCK Embezzlement Expert [24HH 1.072x] Lla 3sBorder Collie3655
LockedFor Public SaleAT XIN'S Empathic Confidant [24HH 0.995x] lala 3sBorder Collie1965
LockedFor Public SaleAFl ~*S*~ Fabricated Truths [24HH 0.967x] lala 4agiBorder Collie2179
LockedFor Public SaleMFl XIN'S FawnStandard Poodle3147
LockedFor Public SaleChO LBDK9 FGGE 7HH 1.060x lala / 1610 int / 7HHSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier3895
LockedFor Public SaleMSc KvS Figments Of Imagination [4HH 1.000x] llaGerman Shepherd Dog3162
LockedFor Public SaleCCR Sdgs Firecracker [24HH 1.165x] lalaIbizan Hound5292
LockedFor Public SaleAM ABIO Forsaken Freedoms [24HH 1.080x] Ll 2agiBorder Collie2679
LockedFor Public SaleJAT IBLM Fragile Peace [24HH 1.243x] Lla 2stmBorder Collie1623
LockedFor Public SaleExT VQS Frogmore cottageCardigan Welsh Corgi3561
LockedFor Public SaleAH BCC Harmonised Symphony [24HH 1.058x] lala 3stmBorder Collie2678
LockedFor Public SaleAT XIN'S Hurtful Words [23HH 0.993x] lalaBorder Collie2073
LockedFor Public SaleNFr M R K In The Long Run [21HH 1.008x] LLStandard Poodle112
LockedFor Public SaleAT XIN'S Infamy [24HH 1.003x] lalaBorder Collie1965
LockedFor Public SaleGCFr RofS It's Not Impossible [24HH 1.045x] lala 4chaStandard Poodle4370
LockedFor Public SaleMFr LiLa It's The Little Things [24HH 1.208x] lalaStandard Poodle3177
LockedFor Public SaleAH BCC Jubilant Victory [24HH 0.948x] lalaBorder Collie2173
LockedFor Public SaleAFl ABIO Let Fate Talk [23HH 1.157x] Ll 2stmBorder Collie2470
LockedFor Public SaleChR RofS Make A Stand [24HH 1.062x] lala 3spdIrish Wolfhound4063
LockedFor Public SaleExSc RWTS Masked Heroine [23HH 1.135x] lalaGerman Shepherd Dog3770
LockedFor Public SaleAH BCC Morning Coffee [23HH 0.963x] LLBorder Collie2279
LockedFor Public SaleJAA XIN'S My Heart Beats For You [4HH 1.275x] LlaSmooth Collie1421
LockedFor Public SaleXIN'S National Day [21/0 1.318x] LlaIbizan Hound16
LockedFor Public SaleExP EVILS Nobody's Here [15HH 1.063x] LlaBorder Collie3366
LockedFor Public SaleGCM #Ars# notsoheartMiniature Bull Terrier5077
LockedFor Public SaleMFl Ds2CR Overachiever [24HH 1.243x] lala 2agiRough Collie2939
LockedFor Public SaleJAFr RofS Penguin Imitator [23HH 1.053x] LLStandard Poodle1626
LockedFor Public SaleNCFl RCY Pompeii's Fall [24HH 1.113x] lala 2spdGreyhound4971
LockedFor Public SaleMRO XIN'S Pretty Words [10HH 1.113x] LLVizsla3260
LockedFor Public SaleAM NBWK Searching For Angels [19HH 1.232x] LlaBorder Collie1967
LockedsellShih Tzu16
LockedFor Public SaleXIN'S Third Time's The Charm [20HH] 2spd LlaIbizan Hound16
LockedFor Public SaleIPnFr RofS This Feeling [23HH 1.045x] Lla 4agiStandard Poodle1017
LockedFor Public SaleExH RWTS Tired of This [22HH 1.155x] lalaGerman Shepherd Dog3872
LockedFor Public SaleAFl BCC Troublesome Afternoons [23HH 0.972x] Lla 3stmBorder Collie2279
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNR 24/0 1.545xBorzoi18
LockedNH EvB 24/0 1.653xBorder Collie18
LockedNFl Puppy 1Borzoi18
LockedNFr Puppy 3Borzoi18

Game Time

11:43am on Mar 11

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