Right Here, Right Now

Main PropertyThe KastleKings and Kweens
Field of White Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in white tulips in full bloom.
Field of Yellow Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in yellow tulips in full bloom.
These rolling hills are littered with fluffy wuffy bunny warrens! Hopefully their population won't get too much more out of control.
Field of White Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in white tulips in full bloom.
Field of Pink Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in pink tulips in full bloom.
Scent Hurdles 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Field of Red Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in red tulips in full bloom.
Field of Pink Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in pink tulips in full bloom.
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Smelling of new grass and spring, a warm breeze dances along this rolling stretch of meadow.
Field of Red Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in red tulips in full bloom.
Field of White Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in white tulips in full bloom.
Small Pond
The surface of this pond reflects the grandeur of the lofty sky, though beneath the illusion of stillness teams an underwater world.
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Field of White Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in white tulips in full bloom.


Beast x Izzy
(Korean Jindo)
Chonk x Bella
(Korean Jindo)
Chozen x Beep
(Korean Jindo)
Chozen x Callie
(Korean Jindo)
Chozen x Cherry
(Korean Jindo)
Corbin x Chelsea
(Korean Jindo)
Corbin x Cheri
(Korean Jindo)
Corbin x Cherity
(Korean Jindo)

Game Time

03:29pm on Mar 21

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