Bespoke Bedlington Terrier Kennel

Bedlington Puppy Palace
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Own Line Bedlington Bitches G8
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
18 Locked Dogs
Own Line Bedlington Dogs G8
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Bedlington Agility Bitches
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
23 Locked Dogs
Bedlington Agility Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
Bespoke Critter Haven
Critter Town
50 Critters
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Bedlington Int Bitches
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Bedlington Intelligence Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
Lagotto Romagnolo Females
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
7 Locked Dogs
Lagotto Romagnolo Males
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
Aging out Bedlingtons
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNE BBTK Angel's Shadow EEEE 22HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.617x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Breakfast at Tiffany's EEEE 22HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.663x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Eowyn of Rohan EEEE (G8) 22HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.625x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Forever Autumn EEEE (G8) 23HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.638x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Grievous Angel EEEE 22HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.653x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Ink and Stars EEEE 21HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.652x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Iron Lady EEEE (G8) 22HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.663x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Luthien Tinuviel EEEE (G8) 21HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.663x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Magical Maeve (G8) EEEE 20HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.630x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Miss Maybe EEEE 22HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.610x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK My Sharona EEEE 20HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.663x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Proud Mary EEEE 20HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.667x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Rosie Cotton EEEE (G8) 23HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.618x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Secret Squirrel EEEE 22HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.638x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Some Day Soon EEEE 20HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.658x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Sweet Caroline EEEE 21HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.663x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Terminal Velocity (G8) EEEE 21HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.643x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
LockedNE BBTK Turn on a Sixpence EEEE 22HH lala spdspd spdspd 1.638x(ED)Bedlington Terrier112
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Accelerating Aster^^--^^--^^ (G38) EEEE 21HH 0hh lala agispd agiagi 1.390x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7398
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Active Alyssa^^^^^^^^^^ EEEE 18HH 0hh lala spdagi agiint 1.502x (Agility)Bedlington Terrier8498
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Azalea Abloom^-^^ EEEE 17HH 0hh lala agiagi agiagi 1.385x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7298
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Becoming Belladonna-^^^-^^^^^^-- EEEE 19HH 0hh lala agiagi agiint 1.463x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7698
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Blooming Blossom-^--^^^^-^ EEEE 19HH 0hh lala agiagi agiagi 1.467x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7698
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Carefree Cassia^^^^^^^-^^^^^^- EEEE 18HH 0hh lala agiagi agiagi 1.412x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7598
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Dancing Through Daffodils^-^^^^^-^^^^^^^ EEEE 19HH lala agiagi agiint 1.425x(Agility)(BOBx1)Bedlington Terrier8398
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Enthusiastic Erica^^^^^-^^^- EEEE 19HH 0hh lala agiagi agiint 1.470x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier8098
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Fascinating Freesia^^^^^^^-^^^ EEEE 17HH 0hh lala agiagi agiint 1.413x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7498
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Halcyon Honeysuckle^^^^^^^^ EEEE 20HH 0hh lala spdagi agiagi 1.443x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7698
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Happy Heather-^^--^^-^^ GEEE 19HH 1hh lala spdagi agiagi 1.403x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7398
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Hidden Treasure^^--^-^-^-^^^^ EEEE 16HH 0hh lala agiint spdagi 1.502x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier8298
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Irrepressible Iris^^^^^^^^- EEEE 23HH 0hh lala agiagi agiagi 1.398x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7898
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Joyful Jasmine^^-^-^^^-^ EEEE 18HH 0hh lala agiagi agiint 1.470x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier8198
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Juniper Jamboree^^^^^^^-^^^-^-^-^ EEEE 21HH 0hh lala agiagi agiagi 1.477x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7798
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Lady Leilani-^^^^^--^ (G50) EEEE 21HH 0hh lala agiagi agiint 1.310x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier6898
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Lady Luck^^^^--^^^^^-^- EEEE 24HH lala agispd intagi 1.545x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier8498
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Madam Marguerite-^^^^-^-^--^- EEEE 17HH 0hh lala agiagi agiagi 1.385x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7298
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Majestic Myrtle^^^^^^^^^-^^ (G49) EEEE 21HH 0hh lala agiagi agiint 1.483x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7798
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Moonlight Meeting^--^^^^^^-^^^ EEEE 21HH 0hh lala agiagi agiint 1.478x(Agility)(BOB)B1Bedlington Terrier80110
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Peppy Poppy-^^-^^^ EEEE 15HH 0hh lala agiagi agiagi 1.413x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7398
LockedUCA BBTK Bespoke Vibrant Violet^^-^^^^^-- (G49) EEEE 21HH 0hh lala spdagi agiint 1.502x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier8198
LockedWCA BBTK Bespoke Zippy Zinnia^-^--^^^^^- EEEE 20HH 0hh lala agiagi agiint 1.420x(Agility)Bedlington Terrier7498


  • Prismaticus the Iridescent Dragon Prismaticus the Iridescent Dragon
    gem Complete
  • Lóng the Ruby Chinese Dragon Lóng the Ruby Chinese Dragon
  • Igneous the Molten Chinese Dragon Igneous the Molten Chinese Dragon
  • Corundum the Sapphire Sea Dragon Corundum the Sapphire Sea Dragon
  • Marina the Variegated Sea Dragon Marina the Variegated Sea Dragon
  • Violaceous the Purple Baby Dragon Violaceous the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Periwinkle the Blue Baby Dragon Periwinkle the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Cornell the Red Baby Dragon Cornell the Red Baby Dragon
  • Malachite the Green Baby Dragon Malachite the Green Baby Dragon
  • Felis Leo the Gold Gryphon Felis Leo the Gold Gryphon
  • Oz the Emerald Hippogriff Oz the Emerald Hippogriff
  • Carmine the Ruby Hippogriff Carmine the Ruby Hippogriff
  • Vivien the Phoenix Chick Vivien the Phoenix Chick
  • Calamity the Bug of DOOM Calamity the <font color=green>Bug of DOOM</font>
  • Chanticleer the Evil Rooster Chanticleer the <font color=red>Evil Rooster</font>
  • Copernicus the Copper Pegasus Copernicus the Copper Pegasus
  • Argent the Silver Pegasus Argent the Silver Pegasus
  • Sylvan the Silver Unicorn Sylvan the Silver Unicorn
  • Monochrome the Zebra Unicorn Monochrome the Zebra Unicorn
  • Flambe the Flaming Stallion Flambe the Flaming Stallion
  • Dauntless the Bold Spotted Pony Dauntless the Bold Spotted Pony
  • Noble the Proud Pony Noble the Proud Pony
  • Stygian the Feisty Black Pony Stygian the Feisty Black Pony
  • Coy the Shy Silver Pony Coy the Shy Silver Pony
  • Mosaic the Sweet Paint Pony Mosaic the Sweet Paint Pony
  • Lilly Putian the Little Brown Pony Lilly Putian the Little Brown Pony
  • Nirvana the Happy Golden Wolf Nirvana the Happy Golden Wolf
  • Astute the Clever Red Wolf Astute the Clever Red Wolf
  • Diffident the Timid Gray Wolf Diffident the Timid Gray Wolf
  • Eclipse the Confident Black Wolf Eclipse the Confident Black Wolf
  • Shades the Howling Gray Wolf Shades the Howling Gray Wolf
  • Biala the Gentle White Wolf Biala the Gentle White Wolf
  • Bravado the Bold Wolf Pup Bravado the Bold Wolf Pup
  • Poronkusema the Reindeer Poronkusema the Reindeer
  • Shiver the Arctic Fox Shiver the Arctic Fox
  • Kitsune the Red Fox Kitsune the Red Fox
  • Vulpes the Domestic Fox Vulpes the Domestic Fox
  • X the Cross Fox X the Cross Fox
  • Clooney the Silver Fox Clooney the Silver Fox
  • Enigma the EEGEW Enigma the <b><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>E</font><font color=#FF01B4>G</font><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>W</font></b>
  • Motley the Wolpertinger Motley the Wolpertinger
  • Shirin Soraya the Colorpoint Persian Shirin Soraya the Colorpoint Persian
  • Jané del-am the Grey Persian Jané del-am the Grey Persian
  • Abreshmina the White Persian Abreshmina the White Persian
  • Parthian the Calico Persian Parthian the Calico Persian
  • Mameluke the Orange Persian Mameluke the Orange Persian
  • Galloway the Black Banded Hamster Galloway the Black Banded Hamster
  • Louis Rodenterer the Champagne Hamster Louis Rodenterer the Champagne Hamster
  • Honey the Golden Hamster Honey the Golden Hamster
  • Stormcloud the Silver Hamster Stormcloud the Silver Hamster

Game Time

12:47pm on Mar 19

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