Paula's Paws on the Heart Kennel

Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Musical Freestyle 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Potential 3
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Dock Diving 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
50 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
3 Dogs
0 Pups
34 Locked Dogs
Main Lines Other Stats 2
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
99 Locked Dogs
Earthdog Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Main Lines Other Stats A
Elite Kennel
1 Dog
0 Pups
79 Locked Dogs
Potential 2
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
37 Locked Dogs
Interstellar Achievement
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
Potential 1
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
90 Locked Dogs
Earthdog Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Level 100 extras
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
Bassett Hounds
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
11 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnT Alfred the temple dogOld English Sheepdog1325
LockedAHT Archie 20HH llaBoxer2146
LockedMO APnD PJS2 Ash 22HH lalaBoxer2664
LockedMR HootH AugustAfghan Hound2559
LockedNR HootH BanditAfghan Hound19
LockedIPnA AO PJS1 Beachcomber 1.180 lala GEEEBorder Collie1425
LockedAPnR UPP Buzzard FeatherAfghan Hound1336
LockedAPnRO HootH BärKeeshond1122
LockedExP HootH Can't Buy Me LoveLabrador Retriever3257
LockedAR HootH Dark AngelAfghan Hound2261
LockedJPnR HootH DarknessAfghan Hound725
LockedIPnH Distant FutureBorder Collie1122
LockedPnR HootH EarlAfghan Hound1136
LockedJAR HootH Faded PebbleAfghan Hound1745
LockedAW GloryOtterhound1734
LockedAP HootH GooseLeonberger1738
LockedNO PJS1 HaloBorder Collie19
LockedJAH HarryBorder Collie1532
LockedIPnA HonestyOtterhound919
LockedJAM oni Howling WindsBorder Collie1532
LockedPnM MFr PJS2 Huntress 20HH lalaBoxer2663
LockedExHT Iron HeartClumber Spaniel3274
LockedPnR HootH JesterAfghan Hound1033
LockedAFl HootH LeoAfghan Hound1953
LockedAPnR HootH Lulu 4*Afghan Hound1237
LockedPJS1 MaeAfghan Hound16
LockedNFT MenodoraOtterhound19
LockedIPnR HootH MirageAfghan Hound828
LockedAFT Muddy FieldSpinone Italiano2450
LockedJAH OnyxBorder Collie1532
LockedIPnR TDPSK ParsleyAfghan Hound933
LockedAD Petal 13HH lalaBoxer1736
LockedNFl ‹WNK› PrinceRhodesian Ridgeback19
LockedPnH PupsBorder Collie1138
LockedAR HootH QuicksilverAfghan Hound2263
LockedAP HootH RainfallLeonberger1738
LockedIPnHu ResilienceOtterhound919
LockedJAR HootH Silent ShadowAfghan Hound1645
LockedMA A09K SilkAfghan Hound2674
LockedPnFl BK´s SilverBorder Collie1125
LockedJPnHT Snowdrift 24HH lalaBoxer617
LockedAPnT HootH SparrowLeonberger1226
LockedMHu MH MH PJS2 SunsetBorder Collie2759
LockedPnR UPP Swooping HawkAfghan Hound1236
LockedNR Terpsichore 17HHAfghan Hound19
LockedNR ThaliaAfghan Hound110
LockedNP PINE~ TREAT MEAustralian Cattle Dog16
LockedAD FPBB VirgoLabrador Retriever2047
LockedJPnFl Willow TreeBorder Collie528
LockedJAP WonderMiniature Australian Shepherd1552
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCRO MSh PJS1 BOS Shirley Valentine BOS 4* lla 24HH 1.528 3xchaShih Tzu4354
LockedNCS MFl PJS1 BOS The Godfather 5* 19HH 1.532 intstr spdstmSiberian Husky4154
LockedICE PJS1 Chameleon 6* 1.502 4xstrCairn Terrier83101
LockedICW PJS1 Emerald Conch Shell 6* 4str 1.435Newfoundland7894
LockedICE PJS1 Emerald Cosmos Daisy 6* 1.510 4xspdMiniature Schnauzer6275
LockedICE PJS1 Emerald Dandelion 5* 23HH 4xspd 1.517Miniature Schnauzer7286
LockedICO PJS1 Emerald Delightful Delilah 5* 21HH 1.522 4xstrBernese Mountain Dog7691
LockedICW PJS1 Emerald Dynamite EEEE lla 22HH 1.198Newfoundland6184
LockedICD PJS1 Emerald Gladioli 5* 22HH 1.400 strstmx2Greater Swiss Mountain Dog7293
LockedICE PJS1 Emerald Hermon 5* 20HH 1.505 stmint intintWest Highland White Terrier7284
LockedICW PJS1 Emerald Ines 5* 20HH 1.525 chastr intstrPortuguese Water Dog5566
LockedICE PJS1 Emerald Jellybean 6* 1.437 4xspdMiniature Schnauzer6373
LockedICD PJS1 Emerald John Wayne 5* 21HH 1.562 3xagi 2/3Jamthund6578
LockedICW PJS1 Emerald Margarida 5* 16HH 1.525 agistr strstrPortuguese Water Dog5564
LockedICW PJS1 Emerald Marine Boy 6* 1.528 4xstrNewfoundland8192
LockedICO PJS1 Emerald Muddy Puddle 5* 20HH 1.557 agistr strstrBernese Mountain Dog7489
LockedICW PJS1 Emerald Neptune 5* 20HH 1.383 chastr chastmNewfoundland6888
LockedICW PJS1 Emerald Neptune 5* 23HH 4xstr waterwork 1.493Newfoundland6881
LockedICE PJS1 Emerald Ox Eye Daisy 6* 1.510 4xspdMiniature Schnauzer6476
LockedICW PJS1 Emerald Poseidon Jnr 5* 20HH 1.383 spdstr chastrNewfoundland7187
LockedICS PJS1 Emerald Scarface 5* 18HH 1.532 intstr spdspdSiberian Husky7082
LockedICS PJS1 Emerald Silver Coin 5* 22HH 1.585 4xspdSamoyed6677
LockedICS PJS1 Emerald Snow Sparkle 4* Lla 18HH 1.522 chastr spdstmSiberian Husky6576
LockedICS PJS1 Emerald Winter Storm EEGE lala 17HH 1.475 2stm boost stmChinook6987
LockedICW PJS1 Helga 6* 1.528 4strNewfoundland6476
LockedICE PJS1 Henrietta 5* 21HH 1.415 4xintWest Highland White Terrier7288
LockedICE PJS1 Horatio 5* 19HH 1.415 4xintWest Highland White Terrier6280
LockedICE PJS1 Jemima 6* 1.612 4xstrCairn Terrier7485
LockedICS PJS1 Sapphire Cold Breeze 4* Lla 18HH 1.533 stmspd stmspdSamoyed6877
LockedICS PJS1 Sapphire Cold Wind 4* Lla 18HH 1.533 stmspd stmspdSamoyed6173
LockedICD PJS1 Sapphire Diver 4* Ll 22HH 1.493 4xstrIrish Water Spaniel6475
LockedNP JPnW PJS1 Sapphire Metradora II 5* 21HH 1.565 4xstr BOSPortuguese Water Dog112
LockedICS PJS1 Sapphire The Iceman Cometh 5* 18HH 1.590 spdstr spdintChinook6271
LockedICW PJS1 Sapphire Water Babe II 5* 17HH 1.520 spdstr strstrNewfoundland6575
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnA PJS1 * Barn Owl 5* 21HH 3intCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedANFl PJS1 * Barred Owl 5* 18HH stmint agiint sell?Croatian Sheepdog513
LockedJPnH PJS1 * Boreal Owl 5* 20HH intagi agiintCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedNT * Burrowing Owl 5* 23HH 3intCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedANH * Great Grey Owl 5* 22-3intCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedJPnA PJS1 * Int Greater Sooty Owl 5* 19HH intagi agiintCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedJPnH PJS1 * Little Owl 5* 22HH intint agiint All 3Croatian Sheepdog513
LockedANH PJS1 * Long-eared Owl 4* Lla 21HH intint agiintCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedJPnA PJS1 * Short eared Owl 4* Lla 22HH 3xint LlaCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedANH PJS1 * Snowy Owl 6* intint agiintCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedJPnH PJS1 * Spectacled Owl 5* 17HH intint intagiCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedJPnH PJS1 * Tawny Owl 5* 23HH 1hh 4xintCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedChRO PJS1 Basilisk 5* 23HH 1.075 chastr chachaBracco Italiano4159
LockedCCRO PJS1 Bluebell 6* (1) 1.160 4xspdBracco Italiano5781
LockedWCRO PJS1 Buttercup 6* 1.035 spdspd spdchaBracco Italiano5885
LockedNCRO PJS1 Camellia 5* 22HH 1.163 spdspd chaspd 2/19Bracco Italiano5172
LockedWCSh PJS1 Candice 5* 22 3xcha 1.065 2/3Bracco Italiano5784
LockedChRO PJS1 Centaur 6* 1.097 strcha chaspdBracco Italiano3959
LockedGCRO PJS1 Charles 6* strstr chacha 1.067Bracco Italiano4364
LockedChRO PJS1 Charybdis 5* 21HH 1.100 strcha chachaBracco Italiano3959
LockedFor StudWCM PJS1 Christopher Lee 5* 20HH 1.410 intagi stmstmJamthund7290
LockedChRO PJS1 Circe 6* 1.073 chastr chachaBracco Italiano4159
LockedWCRO PJS1 Clarissa 5* 23 1.067 strstr chachaBracco Italiano5784
LockedWCRO PJS1 Concorde 5* 20HH 1.447 spdspd spdstm 12/15/19/22Bracco Italiano6887
LockedNM PJS1 Countess 5* 23HH 1.420 agiagi chaagiJamthund110
LockedNCRO PJS1 Crocus 5* 22HH 1.150 spdspd chaspdBracco Italiano5172
LockedNCRO PJS1 Daffodil 5* 1.193 21-4xspdBracco Italiano5070
LockedNCRO PJS1 Dandelion 5* 23HH 1.160 4xspdBracco Italiano4970
LockedJPnA PJS1 Daybreak 5* 23HH intint intagiCroatian Sheepdog715
LockedJPnT PJS1 Daylight 4* lla 17HH intagi intintCroatian Sheepdog615
LockedNFr PJS1 Duchess EEEG lala 20HH 1.298 4xagiJamthund110
LockedJPnA PJS1 Dusk 5* 19HH intint intagiCroatian Sheepdog715
LockedNFr PJS1 Earl 5* 21HH 1.298 4xagiJamthund110
LockedWCO PJS1 Emerald Miranda Richardson 5* 13HH 1.443 agiagi stragiJamthund81102
LockedExFT PJS1 Fairy 5* 22HH 1.152 chastr stmchaBracco Italiano3550
LockedNCRO PJS1 Feverfew 5* 23HH 1.143 spdspd strspd (23)Bracco Italiano5374
LockedNCRO PJS1 French Lavender 5* 21HH 1.152 spdspd spdstrBracco Italiano4970
LockedCCRO PJS1 Geranium 5* 22HH 1.192 4xspd 3/20Bracco Italiano5374
LockedWCM PJS1 Glen Ford 1.433 5* 19HH agiagi agistmJamthund8196
LockedExFT PJS1 Gorgon 5* 22HH 1.097 strcha chaspdBracco Italiano3350
LockedExFr PJS1 Greta Garbo (1) 5* 20 3xagi 1.565 Obed aptJamthund3845
LockedAA PJS1 Greta Garbo 5* 1.398 2xagi 19HHJamthund2430
LockedAP PJS1 Guinevere 5* 17HH 1.240 agistmx2 2/3 + ObedJamthund2433
LockedJAA PJS1 Harry Connick Jnr 6* 1.557 4xspdCatahoula Leopard Dog1622
LockedWCFT PJS1 Hero Marcus Bellini 5* 17HH 1.455 stmstr chachaBracco Italiano7898
LockedWCRO PJS1 Humming Bird (1) 5* 20HH 1.447 spdspd spdstr 4/5/22/24Bracco Italiano7896
LockedAH PJS1 Indomitable (1) 4* Lla 21HH 1.083 intagi chaintCroatian Sheepdog2335
LockedMT •FzT³ Int Charity 4* Lla 14HH 1.478 intagi spdint. Flyball aptCatahoula Leopard Dog3242
LockedPnA PJS1 Int Dawn 4* Lla 23HH 2xintCroatian Sheepdog918
LockedAH PJS1 Int Double Choc Chip Cookie 4* Lla 14HH 1.073 intint chaagiCroatian Sheepdog2436
LockedMA •FzT³ Int Glamour EGEE • EGEE Lla 10HH 1.460 intstm intintCatahoula Leopard Dog3242
LockedAH PJS1 Int Icey Amber (1) 4* Lla 20 1.075 intint agiagiCroatian Sheepdog1929
LockedMH OTK´s Int Victoria Sponge 4* Lla 24HH 1.052 intcha agiintCroatian Sheepdog3457
LockedAT PJS1 Interval (1) 5* 22HH 1.083 intcha chaintCroatian Sheepdog1828
LockedAA PJS1 Irina Alana 6* (1) 1.223 intint agiagiCroatian Sheepdog1928
LockedAT PJS1 Iris Adora 5* 19HH 1.203 intint agiagi INTCroatian Sheepdog1928
LockedAH PJS1 Irrepressible Amy (1) 5* 22HH 1.075 intint agiagiCroatian Sheepdog1929
LockedJAH PJS1 James Lee Burke 6* 1.612 4xintCatahoula Leopard Dog1722
LockedJPnM PJS1 Jane Horrocks 5* 20HH 1.562 agicha chaagi Agility lineJamthund814
LockedNCRO PJS1 Jasmine 5* 21HH 1.105 spdspd spdstrBracco Italiano4770
LockedWCM PJS1 Kathy Bates 5* 19HH 1.433 intagi agistmJamthund8097
LockedExRO PJS1 Kraken 5* 23HH 1.097 chastr chacha +FTBracco Italiano3350
LockedFor StudChFr PJS1 Liam Hemsworth 5* 1.187 18HH 2xagiJamthund4054
LockedNCRO PJS1 Lilac 5* 21HH 1.148 3xspdBracco Italiano4970
LockedJAA PJS1 Louis Armstrong 6* 1.542 4xspdCatahoula Leopard Dog1722
LockedExM PJS1 Love on the Rocks 5* 20HH 1.347 3xagiJamthund3543
LockedWCM PJS1 Lucille Ball 5* 21HH 1.410 intagi agicha 2/8/23Jamthund7494
LockedJAM PJS1 Marathon Man 5* 21HH 1.548 3xagiJamthund1521
LockedJAFr PJS1 Mary Peters 5* 22HH 1.548 3xagiJamthund1520
LockedWCM PJS1 Mary Tyler Moore 5* 16HH 1.350 chaagi agichaJamthund82103
LockedExFT PJS1 Medusa 5* 22HH 1.097 strcha chachaBracco Italiano3450
LockedExRO PJS1 Mermaid 5* 23HH 1.097 strstr chachaBracco Italiano3450
LockedFor StudNCM PJS1 Michael Redgrave 5* 1.350 19HH chaagi agistmJamthund5166
LockedExFT PJS1 Minotaur 5* 23HH 1.100 strcha chachaBracco Italiano3450
LockedJPnFl PJS1 Mix Matilda 5* 21HH chaint stragi Breed AgainCroatian Sheepdog715
LockedAM PJS1 Morganna 5* 15HH 1.240 stmagi agiagiJamthund2432
LockedCCM Foks Norah Jones 4* 1.308 17HH Lla agiagi chachaJamthund6496
LockedPuppy 1 17-3 lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedPuppy 1 18HHCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedPuppy 1 20-mixCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedPuppy 2 20-4spd lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedPuppy 5 19 intspdx2Catahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedExRO PJS1 Red Dragon 6* 1.435 strstr chachaBracco Italiano3746
LockedCCRO PJS1 Rosebay 5* 22HH 1.192 4xspd (3/4)Bracco Italiano5474
LockedExSh PJS1 Scylla 5* 23HH 1.097 chastr chacha SHOWBracco Italiano3450
LockedExRO PJS1 Selkie 5* 22HH 1.077 strstr chachaBracco Italiano3450
LockedJPnA PJS1 Shepherd’s Delight 5* 17HH intint intagiCroatian Sheepdog715
LockedJPnA PJS1 Shepherd’s Warning 5* 18HH intint intagiCroatian Sheepdog715
LockedExHT PJS1 Siren 5* 23HH 1.097 chastr chacha HUNTING TRIALSBracco Italiano3350
LockedMH PJS1 Spd Wisdom EEEG Lla 15HH 1.257 stmspd agispd Should be TrackingCatahoula Leopard Dog3141
LockedMH PJS1 Stm Loyalty EEEG Lla 16HH 1.257 stmstr agistm + TrackingCatahoula Leopard Dog2938
LockedJPnA PJS1 Sunrise 4* Lla 20HH 1.047 4xintCroatian Sheepdog615
LockedNM PJS1 The Duke 5* 21HH 1.420 agiagi agistmJamthund110
LockedJPnA PJS1 Twilight Hours EGEE lala 17HH chaint intintCroatian Sheepdog615
LockedJPnA PJS1 Twilight of the Gods 5* 23HH intint intagiCroatian Sheepdog715
LockedExRO PJS1 Unicorn 6* 1.073 strstr cha cha FT ROBracco Italiano3350
LockedMHT PJS1 Vera Lynn 5* 21HH 1.233 intagi stmstm M + O aptsJamthund2634
LockedExRO PJS1 White Dragon 5* 23HH 1.075 chastr chachaBracco Italiano3550
LockedNCRO PJS1 Wonder 5* 23 (10) 2cha 1.050 strstr chachaBracco Italiano4670
Order By:


For StudWCFl ~DA~ Str Starlight 5* 22HH 1.583 chastr stmstrChinook77104
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudWCO Crow * Azure Sky 5* 1.592 17HH stmstr stmstr BOBx6Kerry Blue Terrier7495
LockedMFl PJS1 * spdstr Brenda 5* 17HH 1.515 stmstm spdstrSaint Bernard3137
LockedMSh PJS1 * Star Dreamer 6* 1.582 4xintStaffordshire Bull Terrier3339
LockedNCO RIO Agi Blue 5* 18HH 1.315 stragi stragiKerry Blue Terrier5275
LockedExO PJS1 Agi Baby Blue 6* 1.073 spdagi agiagiKerry Blue Terrier3250
LockedAO PJS1 Agi Sapphire 6* 1.017 4xagiKerry Blue Terrier1526
LockedWCO ICS Agi Sapphire Blue 4* 22HH 1.423 strint stragiKerry Blue Terrier73101
LockedNCO RIO Agi Sea Blue 5* 18HH 1.315 stragi stragiKerry Blue Terrier5277
LockedFor StudNCSh NHu PJS1 Bobby 5* 23HH 1.293 intcha intchaStaffordshire Bull Terrier5068
LockedIPnP PJS1 Delightful Delilah 5* 23HH 1.588 4xstrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog916
LockedPnP PJS1 Desperate Dan 5* 22HH 1.588 4xstrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1016
LockedGCFl PJS1 Dynamite Di 5* 23 3xstm 1.553 2/3Appenzeller Mountain Dog5362
LockedFor StudICS PJS1 Emerald Snow Prince 5* 18HH 1.562 strstm chastrChinook84103
LockedNCSc PJS1 Energetic Elsie 5* 22 3xstm 1.553Appenzeller Mountain Dog5362
LockedFor StudWCSc PJS1 Extreme Xavier 5* 21HH 4xstm 1.520Appenzeller Mountain Dog8698
LockedIPnT PJS1 Fabulous Franny 5* 22 4xstm Lla 1.493Appenzeller Mountain Dog814
LockedJAT PJS1 Future Heroic Helga 5* 21HH 1.515 4xstmAppenzeller Mountain Dog1722
LockedCCT PJS1 Future Zany Zeus 5* 22HH 4xstm 1.515Appenzeller Mountain Dog6172
LockedFor StudWCH PJS1 Int spd Wilby 5* 1.112 intstm spdstmOld English Sheepdog67101
LockedWCO PJS1 Int Star Born 5* 20HH intagi agiagi 1.580 INTStaffordshire Bull Terrier7483
LockedWCT PJS1 Int Summer Pudding 5* 22HH 3xstm 1.373Old English Sheepdog79110
LockedAT PJS1 Jolly Jinx 5* 21HH 4xstm 1.520Appenzeller Mountain Dog2429
LockedFor StudNCT PJS1 Lemon Meringue Pie 5* 20HH 1.442 spdstm spdstmOld English Sheepdog5264
LockedAT PJS1 Neat as a Pin Nancy 5* 22HH 1.443 3xstmAppenzeller Mountain Dog2734
LockedPuppy 11 22HH 1.572 4xstmClumber Spaniel16
LockedPuppy 3 22HH 1.593 272+21 HT studClumber Spaniel16
LockedPuppy 3 6* 1.595 stmstm chastm sellClumber Spaniel16
LockedPJS1 Puppy 5 20HH 1.568 4xstmClumber Spaniel16
LockedJPnP PJS1 Puppy 5 21HH 1.602 4xstrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog713
LockedPuppy 5 22HH 1.555 4xstmClumber Spaniel16
LockedPJS1 Puppy 6 20HH 1.572 4xstmClumber Spaniel16
LockedPJS1 Puppy 8 22HH 1.563 4xstmClumber Spaniel16
LockedPuppy 9 18HH 1.568 4xstmClumber Spaniel16
LockedJPnS PJS1 Puppy 9 21HH 1.467 4xstrChinook915
LockedPJS1 Puppy 9 21HH 1.563 chastm strstmClumber Spaniel16
LockedMFl OTK´s Spd Babs 6* 2xspd 1.080 strspd spdstmSaint Bernard3151
LockedFor StudWCFl KoWW Spd Brandy Snap 5* 1.478 spdstm spdstm 19HHSaint Bernard6989
LockedMFl PJS1 Spd Eccles Cake EEEE Lla 17HH spdstmx2 1.412Old English Sheepdog3544
LockedExH OTK´s Spd Elderberry 5* 1.050 spdstm stmspdOld English Sheepdog3864
LockedChP Spd Gertrude 6* 1.307 spdstr stmchaSaint Bernard4155
LockedWCP LINM Spd Hagrid EEEE lala 1.228 strspd chaspd 23HH lalaSaint Bernard67109
LockedNA PJS1 Spd Jade GEEE lla 14HH 1.165 spdint chachaSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier110
LockedChFl PJS1 Spd Jemima 6* 1.397 spdspd stmspdSaint Bernard4557
LockedGCFl PJS1 Spd Josephine 5* 23HH 1.397 spdspd stmspdSaint Bernard4757
LockedChFl PJS1 Spd Winston 6* 1.307 spdspd spdchaSaint Bernard4355
LockedChD PJS1 Star Maker 5* 23HH 1.252 intagi intagiStaffordshire Bull Terrier3245
LockedChSh CALIN Star of Hope 5* 22HH 1.040 4xintStaffordshire Bull Terrier3874
LockedExO PJS1 Starlight 6* 1.532 4xintStaffordshire Bull Terrier3239
LockedWCP PJS1 Stm Bird of Paradise 5* 3xstm 1.393 22HHGreater Swiss Mountain Dog6178
LockedFor StudWCM PJS1 Stone 6* 1.330 intagi intagiStaffordshire Bull Terrier80103
LockedWCP PJS1 Str Cool Nights 21HH 1.433 strcha agistrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog6790
LockedJAP PJS1 Str Hard as a Diamond 6* 1.452 strstm strstmGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1522
LockedAP PJS1 Str Amazon 5* 23HH 1.510 stmstr strint strength lineGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1622
LockedJAS PJS1 Str Blood Red 5* 22HH 1.490 strstr spdstr 242+33 SleddingChinook1219
LockedJAS PJS1 Str Brick Red 5* 22HH 1.503 strstr spdstm SleddingChinook1319
LockedAS PJS1 Str Cardinal Red 5* 20HH 1.482 strstr spdstr +PullChinook1825
LockedExO TISK Str Caroline 4* Lla 1.403 17HH chastr agistrSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier3752
LockedJAS PJS1 Str Chili Red 5* 21HH 1.482 strstr stmstr +PullChinook1219
LockedFor StudUCP PJS1 Str Copper Mine 5* 21HH 3str 1.522Greater Swiss Mountain Dog88108
LockedWCD PJS1 Str Diving Dan 5* 19HH 4xstr 1.525Greater Swiss Mountain Dog5464
LockedAP PJS1 Str Fatima Whitbred 5* 22HH 1.545 stmstm strstrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1722
LockedAP PJS1 Str Flame of the Phoenix 6* 1.443 stmstm strstrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1823
LockedAP PJS1 Str Gandhi 22HH 1.490 strstr agistrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2025
LockedFor StudMP PJS1 Str Geoff Capes 6* 1.498 stmstr strintGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2934
LockedFor StudExP PJS1 Str Hercules 5* 23HH 1.467 strstm strstrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3746
LockedJAP PJS1 Str Hippolyta 6* 1.440 strstr strintGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1622
LockedAP PJS1 Str Jessica Ennis 6* 1.467 strstm strstmGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1722
LockedWCP PJS1 Str Joan of Arc 5* 21HH 3xstr 1.525Greater Swiss Mountain Dog7787
LockedAP PJS1 Str Night of the Phoenix 6* 1.443 strstm strstmGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1723
LockedExP PJS1 Str Phoenix Feather 5* 23HH 1.513 strstr stmstrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3541
LockedExO FPBB Str Rhubarb Crumble EEGG lala 13HH 1.128 strstm chachaSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier3351
LockedFor StudWCS PJS1 Str Snowshoe Hare EEEE lala 16 3xstr 1.068 4/5/7/8/10/15/17/21Chinook67104
LockedAP PJS1 Str Tessa Sanderson 5* 23HH 1.493 stmstr strstrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1722
LockedFor StudWCS FSss Str Travertine From The Stars 17HH EEEG lala 1.522 strstr spdstmChinook7297
LockedAP PJS1 Str Zola Budd 5* 21HH 1.490 strstr agistrGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1823
LockedMFl PJS1 Testing Teresa 5* 23HH 3xstm 1.462Appenzeller Mountain Dog2936
LockedFor StudChSh PJS1 Three French Hens 5* 23HH 1.138 intcha intchaStaffordshire Bull Terrier4159
LockedNCT PJS1 Wise Walter 5* 22HH 1.462 3xstmAppenzeller Mountain Dog5363
LockedPnT PJS1 Wise Wendy 21HH Lla 1.452 3stmAppenzeller Mountain Dog1117
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnFl kaac * Brenna 6* 1.233 3xspdIrish Wolfhound1118
LockedExR PJS1 * Edna O’Brien 5* 18HH 1.498 3xspd + FlyballIrish Wolfhound3845
LockedExFl WHSPR * Jonathan Swift 6* 1.600 4xspdIrish Wolfhound4555
LockedMR PiiB * Waterford 5* 23HH 1.522 spdstm spdstm + FlyballIrish Wolfhound3543
LockedAPnR VLNTE 6* 1.587 spdspd chaspdIrish Wolfhound1217
LockedNR .DL. Billy Connelly 6* 1.630 4xspdScottish Deerhound19
LockedWCSh PnHu PJS1 Bonnie Prince 6* 4xcha 1.568Cavalier King Charles Spaniel82101
LockedChHu PJS1 Charles Dickens 4* Lla 21HH 1.452 intint intstrCavalier King Charles Spaniel4052
LockedGCHu PJS1 Charlotte Brontë 4* Lla 18HH 1.452 3xintCavalier King Charles Spaniel4658
LockedNT PJS1 Dandelion 6* 1.548 spdstr spdstrGiant Schnauzer19
LockedNCFl AOAK Eleanor 5* 19HH 1.418 spdstm spdstm RacingScottish Deerhound5786
LockedMT OTK´s Ethel 6* 1.025 stmstr intstrGiant Schnauzer3659
LockedJAR .DL. Fiona 5* 22HH 1.603 spdspd stmspdScottish Deerhound1519
LockedExR SgL~ Haggis 5* 22HH 1.612 stmspd stmspdScottish Deerhound4250
LockedMSc OTK´s Hilda 6* 1.025 stmstr strspdGiant Schnauzer3559
LockedMR Oreo Hobnob 5* 19HH 3xstm 1.588xIrish Wolfhound3247
LockedNT PJS1 Honeysuckle 5* 23HH 1.548 spdstr spdspdGiant Schnauzer19
LockedChR JPnT KoWW Ioana 5* 1.470 18HH 3xstmScottish Deerhound4967
LockedAPnR .DL. Isla 5* 23HH stmspdx2 1.588Scottish Deerhound1319
LockedAFT TRY Jack Daniels 6* 1.643 4xchaGordon Setter2329
LockedChR PJS1 James Joyce 5* 23HH 1.533 strstm stmstmIrish Wolfhound4761
LockedFor StudMR PADS Jasper 5* 21HH 1.037 4xspdIrish Wolfhound3355
LockedMT PJS1 Jeremiah 5* 22HH 1.560 spdstr spdstrGiant Schnauzer3136
LockedWCRO RhrN Kathleen 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.607Gordon Setter6484
LockedASh PJS1 King Charles III 5* 22 3xint 1.482Cavalier King Charles Spaniel1824
LockedExA OTK´s Moonstone 4* Lla 24HH 1.055 intint intintCavalier King Charles Spaniel3660
LockedJAR .DL. Nessa 5* 22HH 2x stmspd 1.618Scottish Deerhound1419
LockedNR DUSK* Puppy 8 EEGE lala 17HH 1.468 spdspd spdstmScottish Deerhound17
LockedMHu PJS1 Queenie 5* 21HH 3xint 1.482Cavalier King Charles Spaniel2530
LockedJAR Toven Rob Roy 6* 1.388 4xspdScottish Deerhound1826
LockedExFT PJS1 Robbie Burns 5* 23HH 1.458 4xchaGordon Setter3543
LockedMT PJS1 Rosie 6* 1.560 2xspd agility issueGiant Schnauzer3036
LockedGCFT ~DA~ Taylor 5* 23HH 1.570 4xchaGordon Setter5065
LockedJAFT PJS1 Vivacious 5* 23HH 1.455 chacha strchaVizsla1218
LockedFor StudExR PJS1 W B Yeats 5* 17HH 1.498 spdspd spdchaIrish Wolfhound4047
LockedAFT PJS1 Whiskey Galore 6* 1.458 4xchaGordon Setter2127
LockedMFr OTK´s Wicklow 4* Lla 24HH 1.255 stmstm agispdIrish Wolfhound3146
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUCS PJS1 Ice Pick 5* 15HH 1.505 strstm spdspdChinook6779
LockedUCS PJS1 Ice Tea GEGE Lla 15HH 1.503 spdstm spdintChinook6579
LockedWCW PJS1 Puddles II 4* lla 16HH stm str spdstr interstellarNewfoundland4656
LockedJPnA PJS1 Puppy 5 1.603 4xspd 608Miniature Schnauzer1015
LockedIPnA PJS1 Puppy 5 1.612 4xspd 598Miniature Schnauzer1015
LockedIPnA PJS1 Puppy 8 1.603 4xspd 604Miniature Schnauzer1015
LockedChO PJS1 Sapphire Bluebottle 6* 1.647 4xstr 590Kerry Blue Terrier2632
LockedWCW PJS1 Sapphire Albatross 4* lla 24HH 1.645 4xstr 286+38Newfoundland5460
LockedWCD PJS1 Sapphire Chocolate Mousse II 5* 17HH 1.450 strspd chastrIrish Water Spaniel6174
LockedUCW PJS1 Sapphire Galaxy Raspbora 5* 22HH 1.612 spdstr spdstr 284+24Newfoundland6370
LockedWCW PJS1 Sapphire Harlequin Raspbora II 5* 23HH 1.612 3xstr 258+24Newfoundland4756
LockedWCD PJS1 Sapphire Magenta 5* 19HH 1.522 strstr stmstrChinook5669
LockedWCW PJS1 Sapphire Merman 4* lla 22HH 4xstrNewfoundland5358
LockedUCE PJS1 Sapphire Minnie 5* 23HH 1.678 4xspd 625 23-4Miniature Schnauzer6268
LockedJAP PJS1 Sapphire Rumpelstiltskin 1.655 stragi agiagi 615Greater Swiss Mountain Dog1417
LockedUCW PJS1 Sapphire Sea Nymph 6* 1.463 strstr spdstrNewfoundland6681
LockedWCW PJS1 Sapphire Snow Leopard II 4* lla 23HH 1.645 4xstrNewfoundland5358
LockedMP PJS1 Sapphire The Little Mermaid 6* 1.595 561Greater Swiss Mountain Dog2734
LockedUCW PJS1 Sapphire Water Nymph 5* 17HH 1.520 spdstr strstrNewfoundland6779
LockedCCW PJS1 Sapphire Water Sprite 6* 1.463 strstr spdstrNewfoundland3745
LockedWCW PJS1 Sea Breeze 5* lla 1.643 4xstr 648Newfoundland4956
LockedWCW PJS1 Seaweed 5* 23HH 1.632 strstr spdstr 610 move to pulling Sapphire?Newfoundland4956
LockedWCW PJS1 Son of Puddles 4* lla 15HH stmstr spdstr interstellarNewfoundland4856
LockedWCS PJS1 Str Iceberg 5* 15HH 1.505 strstr spdintChinook5265
LockedUCS PJS1 Str Icecream 5* 12HH 1.503 strstr spdintChinook6479
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCR PJS1 * Electricity 6* 1.213 spdstm agichaSloughi5777
LockedNCR PJS1 * Static 6* 3xspd 1.213Sloughi5677
LockedChR Tal's * Voltage 6* 1.235 spdspd agispdSloughi4773
LockedJASh CJ's 5* 22HH 1.423 4xint 2/3 FrisbeeThai Ridgeback Dog1422
LockedFor StudNCT FRHL Alexander the Great 5* 21HH 1.567 2/3 intstm chaintSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier5676
LockedNHu PJS1 Apricot Delight 5* 23HH 1.122 stmspd spdspdAlaskan Klee Kai16
LockedAHu PJS1 Babysham EEEE Lla 23HH 1.117 3xchaChihuahua2130
LockedExT OTK´s Barbara Streisand 5* 20HH 1.060 4xchaBlack and Tan Coonhound3558
LockedJPnA :LC: Barley 5* 22HH 1.432 4xintSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier614
LockedExO Traz Beatrice 4* 1.187Leonberger3456
LockedJAM PJS1 Beatrice 4* Lla 15HH 1.433 agicha intcha 2/3Black and Tan Coonhound1321
LockedChRO Berlin 4* 21HH lla 4xstm 1.345German Wirehaired Pointer4165
LockedJAT PJS1 Bess 4* Lla 18HH 1.433 agicha intchaBlack and Tan Coonhound1521
LockedNO PJS1 Betsy 4* Lla 19HH 1.588 agiagi agiintBorder Terrier16
LockedNO PJS1 Betty 5* 21HH 1.588 stragi spdintBorder Terrier16
LockedNO PJS1 Bobby Moore 4* Lla 23HH 1.588 stragi agiintBorder Terrier16
LockedNCH PJS1 Bohemian Rhapsody 6* 4stm 1.338Saarloos Wolfdog5470
LockedIPnT PJS1 Cabbage 4* Lla 16HH agicha intcha 1.443Black and Tan Coonhound714
LockedJAH Schön Call of the Wild 6* 3xstm 1.127Saarloos Wolfdog1629
LockedIPnT PJS1 Cauliflower 4* Lla 17- agicha intcha 1.443Black and Tan Coonhound714
LockedMHu PJS1 Cheshire 5* 23HH 1.087 4xspdAlaskan Klee Kai3249
LockedExRO OTK´s Chocolate Digestive 6* 4xcha 1.060Black and Tan Coonhound3558
LockedAT PJS1 Christmas Eve 6* 1.597 4xstm 586Bluetick Coonhound1722
LockedAHu CBLSM Cinderella 5* 1.448 23HH intchaintchaChihuahua2229
LockedNHu PJS1 Cinnamon Roll II 6* 1.12 chaspd spdspdAlaskan Klee Kai16
LockedJARO Cognac 6* 1.115 chacha chaagi WAChihuahua1321
LockedMR PJS1 Condor 6* 1.125 4xspdSloughi3547
LockedJPnA :LC: Crumble 5* 21HH 1.432 4intSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier614
LockedAT LHCK Custard Cream 12HH/2hh lala EEGG boost*spd stmagi chaspd 1.473Black and Tan Coonhound2337
LockedAM DeBlK Daphne 5* 3xint 16HH 1.347Thai Ridgeback Dog2436
LockedAFT ~CRK~ Drama Queen 5* 20HH 1.472 strstm chastmPointer2128
LockedFor StudWCA PJS1 Emerald Bill EGEE lala 17HH 1.417 3xspdBorder Terrier6986
LockedAFT ~CRK~ Emerald Duke of Buckingham 5* 21HH 1.502 strstm chastmPointer2128
LockedGCFr CPWC Esmerelda 5* 17HH 1.362 agistm strstmThai Ridgeback Dog4676
LockedAPnFl PJS1 Floss 6* 1.548 stmint stmstmSaarloos Wolfdog1518
LockedASc PJS1 Gelato 5* 23HH 4xstr 1.470Neapolitan Mastiff2330
LockedAH PJS1 Genevieve 6* 1.510 stmint intstmSaarloos Wolfdog2125
LockedAT OTK´s Gentle Jane 4* Lla 24HH 1.097 stmstm stmintBluetick Coonhound2640
LockedJARO LiLa Goliath 5* 23HH 1.393 4xchaChihuahua1321
LockedNO PJS1 Gordon Banks 5* 21HH 1.588 agiagi agiintBorder Terrier16
LockedJARO ~DA~ Greased Lightning 6* 1.557 spdcha chaspd 2/3Sloughi1724
LockedCCSc JPnT GRD's Hamlet 5* 1.058 19HHNeapolitan Mastiff5494
LockedAPnFl OTK´s Harvest Moon 5* 1.113Leonberger1322
LockedAPnFT PJS1 Heidi 5* 21HH 3xstm 1.483German Wirehaired Pointer1117
LockedAPnFT PJS1 Helga 5* 19 4xstm 1.483German Wirehaired Pointer1217
LockedAHu LiLa Hercules 6* 1.397 4xchaChihuahua1321
LockedWCT DNA's Here Comes The Boat 5* 19HH 1.620 4xstmBluetick Coonhound6874
LockedCCP Huntress 6* 1.417 stmstm agiagiSaarloos Wolfdog6190
LockedASc PJS1 Ice Cream Sundae 4* Lla 24HH 4xstr 1.470Neapolitan Mastiff2430
LockedAT PJS1 Imogen 6* 1.615 4xstm 594Bluetick Coonhound1923
LockedAA OTK´s Int Crumble 5* 15HH 1.192 agiint stmintSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier2335
LockedAH PJS1 Int Simba 6* 1.510 agiint intstmSaarloos Wolfdog2125
LockedAT OTK´s Int Wilhelmina 5* 17HH 1.192 chaint stmint + AgilitySoft Coated Wheaten Terrier2134
LockedAT PJS1 Ivor 6* 1.615 4xstm 611Bluetick Coonhound1823
LockedChHT OTK´s Jasmine 6* 1.175 chaint stmintThai Ridgeback Dog4266
LockedMHu Lancashire 5* 23HH 1.085 chacha spdspdAlaskan Klee Kai3147
LockedMH -:X:- Leona 4* 1.087Leonberger3671
LockedGCP ANAI Leonora 5* 22HH 1.455 4xstmLeonberger4766
LockedMO OTK´s Leopold 6* 1.027Leonberger3051
LockedJAD OTK´s Lottie 6* 1.113Leonberger1425
LockedMSh PJS1 Martini 4* Lla 1.117 24HH chaagi agispd Has HuChihuahua3144
LockedASc PJS1 Namibia 5* 12HH 1.152Neapolitan Mastiff2234
LockedGCFl ~DA~ New Year 6* 1.522 intstm stmstmSaarloos Wolfdog5773
LockedNCFT PADS Nicola 5* 20HH 1.280 stmstm agistmGerman Wirehaired Pointer5175
LockedJPnH OTK´s Peace 5* 21HH 1.037Tibetan Mastiff615
LockedNT Percy EEEE lala 20HH 3xstm 1.345Pointer19
LockedNFT Persephone 5* 17HH 1.345 3xstmPointer19
LockedExFT OTK´s Philomena 6* 1.198 4xstmPointer3350
LockedWCRO WCHu TtLG Pigeon 5* 1.510American Bully75106
LockedCCD SgL~ Rose Tinted Glasses 5* 21HH 1.538Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever5175
LockedAH PJS1 Shep 5* 23HH 1.548 4stmSaarloos Wolfdog2327
LockedMR PJS1 Sparrowhawk 6* 1.125 spdspd spdagiSloughi3347
LockedJPnR PJS1 Sunflower 6* 1.450 spdspd chaspd 263+27 3spdSloughi113
LockedAH PJS1 Sunshine on a Rainy Day 6* 4xstm 1.338Saarloos Wolfdog2734
LockedMO PJS1 Tabitha 4* 1.032 19HHTibetan Mastiff2542
LockedAHT PJS3 Tempest 6* 1.123 4xintThai Ridgeback Dog2336
LockedAO Teodora 5* 1.037Tibetan Mastiff1839
LockedJAT PJS1 The Night Before Christmas 6* 1.587 282+28 592Bluetick Coonhound1722
LockedAO OTK´s Theodora 4* 24HH 1.073Tibetan Mastiff1729
LockedJAHu PJS1 Tia Maria 6* 1.115 3xchaChihuahua1421
LockedNH Chevs Tiberius GEGG Lla 10HH 1.483 4xstmTibetan Mastiff16
LockedAHT PJS3 Tornado 6* 1.123 chaint stmintThai Ridgeback Dog2236
LockedWCP NÄ!! Tracker 24HH lala [1.037x]Tibetan Mastiff59110
LockedWCO AOAK Vardan 5* 19HH 1.388 intstr intint + AgilitySoft Coated Wheaten Terrier68102
LockedMSc OTK´s Verona 6* 1.242Neapolitan Mastiff3454
LockedMFT Virtue EEEG 1.345 17HHPointer3145
LockedExHu PJS1 Warwickshire 5* 23HH 1.085 4xspdAlaskan Klee Kai3555
LockedNCO ~TTK~ Wednesday 5* 1.058 21HHTibetan Mastiff49104
LockedExHu PJS1 Worcestershire 5* 23HH 1.087 4xspdAlaskan Klee Kai3249
LockedMHu PJS1 Yorkshire 5* 23HH 1.085 3xspdAlaskan Klee Kai3044
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNO PJS1 * Baby Blue II 6* 1.752 4xstr 672Kerry Blue Terrier112
LockedNO PJS1 * Blue Blood 6* 1.755 4xstr 685Kerry Blue Terrier112
LockedNO PJS1 * Blue Danube III 6* 1.763 4xstr 675Kerry Blue Terrier112
LockedNO PJS1 * Blue Days 6* 1.768 4xstr 689Kerry Blue Terrier112
LockedNO PJS1 * Blue Heaven III 6* 1.752 4xstr 679Kerry Blue Terrier112
LockedNP PJS1 * Chaos 6* 1.763 4xagi 682Greater Swiss Mountain Dog112
LockedNO PJS1 * Sapphire Ring II 6* 1.662 4xstr 628Kerry Blue Terrier110
LockedNO PJS1 Blue Tulip III 6* 1.763 4xstr 684Kerry Blue Terrier112
LockedNO PJS1 Cambridge Blue II 6* 1.755 4xstr 672Kerry Blue Terrier112
LockedNO PJS1 Duck Egg Blue 6* 1.768 4xstr 677Kerry Blue Terrier112
LockedF10Bracco Italiano16
LockedF11Bracco Italiano16
LockedF12 6* 4xstr 625Bracco Italiano16
LockedF13 6* 4xstr 620Bracco Italiano16
LockedNRO PJS1 Puppy 1Bracco Italiano112
LockedNRO PJS1 Puppy 1Bracco Italiano112
LockedNRO PJS1 Puppy 1Bracco Italiano112
LockedPJS1 Puppy 10 1.635 604 PullingGreat Pyrenees16
LockedNRO PJS1 Puppy 2Bracco Italiano112
LockedNRO PJS1 Puppy 2Bracco Italiano112
LockedNRO PJS1 Puppy 3Bracco Italiano112
LockedPJS1 Puppy 3 1.685 4xstr 645Kerry Blue Terrier16
LockedPuppy 4Bracco Italiano16
LockedPuppy 6 1.670 4xstr 626Kerry Blue Terrier16
LockedPuppy 7 1.655 4xstr 626Kerry Blue Terrier16
LockedPuppy 9 615 ifKerry Blue Terrier16
LockedExO PJS1 Sapphire Baby Blue 6* 1.662 4xstr 620Kerry Blue Terrier2630
LockedNO PJS1 Sapphire Blue Poppy 6* 1.673 4xstr 614Kerry Blue Terrier110
LockedAP PJS1 Sapphire Humpty Dumpty 6* 1.623 4xagi 590Greater Swiss Mountain Dog1721
LockedNO PJS1 Sapphire Indigo II 6* 1.673 4xstr 622Kerry Blue Terrier16


AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnA Polo Mints 5* 12-2 WA
(Brussels Griffon)
AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnM PJS1 Fruit Pastilles lla 11-3
(Brussels Griffon)
AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnM PJS1 Jelly Baby 5* 11-2
(Brussels Griffon)
AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnM PJS1 Lion Bar Lla 10-3
(Brussels Griffon)
AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnM PJS1 Meringues Lla 12-2
(Brussels Griffon)
AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnM PJS1 Turkish Delight Lla 10-3
(Brussels Griffon)
AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnO Toblerone 5* 10-2 WA
(Brussels Griffon)
AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnSh Chocolate Minstrels 5* 9-2 WA
(Brussels Griffon)
AM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x JPnSh PJS1 Malteser 5* 15-2 WA
(Brussels Griffon)
LockedFOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x ICO PJS1 * Emerald Petula Clark 6* 1.595 4xagi
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedFOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x UCA PJS1 * Freema Agyeman 6* 1.638 4xagi 611 11:3
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedFOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x WCA PJS1 * Alex Kingston 6* 1.635 4xagi 615 10:3
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
FOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x WCA PJS1 * Billie Piper 6* 1.647 4xagi 632 8 1
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedFOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x WCA PJS1 * Darcey Bussell 5* 23HH 1.557 4xagi
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedFOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x WCM PJS1 Emerald Vera Lynn 6* 1.577 4xagi
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
GCA NTFox Ninetailed Fox Asche auf dein Haupt 22 HH x IPnFr PJS1 Evening Primrose 5* 12HH 1.057 chaagi agiint + HT
(Kai Ken)
GCA NTFox Ninetailed Fox Asche auf dein Haupt 22 HH x JPnFr PJS1 Canna Lily EEEE Lla 13HH 0hh 1.037 (D) 2xagi Frisbee
(Kai Ken)
ICRO PJS1 * Daley Thomson 6* 1.732 4xstr 603 9:1 BOB x ICRO PJS1 * Emily Brontë 6* 1.730 4xstr 279+28 BOB 7:0 BOB
(Bracco Italiano)
ICRO PJS1 * Daley Thomson 6* 1.732 4xstr 603 9:1 BOB x ICRO PJS1 * Harper Lee 6* 1.727 4xstr 607. BOB 4:1
(Bracco Italiano)
IPnHT Kai Mä Nyt Sen Tiedän x JPnHu Chrysanthemum EEGE lla 19HH 1hh 1.035 (D) stmagi intagi
(Kai Ken)
IPnHT Kai Mä Nyt Sen Tiedän x JPnM PJS1 Carnation EEEE Lla 13HH 0hh 1.032 (D) agispd stmint +Frisbee
(Kai Ken)
IPnHT PnM HopTa Sensei x JPnHT PJS1 Brassica 5* 16HH 0hh 1.033 (D) 2xint
(Kai Ken)
IPnHT PnM HopTa Sensei x JPnO Chicory EEEE Lla 15HH 0hh 1.042 (D) stragi intint
(Kai Ken)
IPnHT PnM HopTa Sensei x PnHT PJS1 Black Eyed Susan 5* 12HH 1.050 2xint
(Kai Ken)
JPnP RUST Not A Mop x APnO PJS1 * White Kitten 5* 16HH 1.257 4xagi
JPnP RUST Not A Mop x JAP PJS1 * White Hydrangea 5* 16HH 1.257 4xagi
PnHT PJS1 Feverfew 5* 14HH 1.057 chaspd agiint x JPnHT PJS1 Cardinal Flower EEEE Lla 13HH 0hh 1.038 (D) stmagi strint
(Kai Ken)
UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x UCA PJS1 * Karen Gillan 6* 1.667 4xagi 627 8 2
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Autumn Darter Dragonfly 8:0 6* 1.568 4xstm 574
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Butterfly Dragonfly 6* 4xstm 571 12:4
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Rivercruiser Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 575 17:2
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Rivercruiser Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 575 17:2
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Spiketail Dragonfly 6* 1.560 4xstm 580 8:2
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x WCFT PJS1 Autumn Darter Dragonfly 8:0 6* 1.568 4xstm 574
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x WCFT PJS1 Meadowhawks Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 589 8:3
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x WCFT PJS1 Spiketail Dragonfly 6* 1.560 4xstm 580 8:2
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCR PJS1 * Phoenix Raven 6* 1.790 4xspd 650 BOB 90 x ICR PJS1 * Phoenix Wren 6* 1.853 4xspd 684 (4) BOB
LockedUCR PJS1 * Phoenix Raven 6* 1.790 4xspd 650 BOB 90 x UCR PJS1 * Phoenix Blue Tit 6* 1.832 4xspd 638 (1)
LockedUCR PJS1 * Phoenix Raven 6* 1.790 4xspd 650 BOB 90 x UCR PJS1 * Phoenix Kingfisher 6* 1.793 4xspd 635 6:1
LockedUCR PJS1 * Phoenix Raven 6* 1.790 4xspd 650 BOB 90 x UCR PJS1 * Phoenix Swallow 6* 1.790 4xspd 641
LockedUCR PJS1 * Phoenix Raven 6* 1.790 4xspd 650 BOB 90 x UCR PJS1 * Phoenix Swift 6* 1.772 4xspd 633 5:2
LockedUCR PJS1 * Phoenix Raven 6* 1.790 4xspd 650 BOB 90 x UCR PJS1 * Phoenix Tawny Owl 6* 1.782 4xspd 630 4:0
LockedWCFT PJS1 Skimmers Dragonfly 6* 1.565 4xstm 590 4:2 x WCFT PJS1 Stm Grass Green 6* 1.553 4xstm
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedWCFT PJS1 Skimmers Dragonfly 6* 1.565 4xstm 590 4:2 x WCFT PJS1 Wandering Glider Dragonfly 6* 1.568 4xstm 583 12:6
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedWCFT PJS1 Sydney Hawk Dragonfly 6* 1.568 4xstm 10:4 579 x WCFT PJS1 Butterfly Dragonfly 6* 4xstm 571 12:3
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedWCFT PJS1 Sydney Hawk Dragonfly 6* 1.568 4xstm 10:4 579 x WCFT PJS1 Petal Tail Dragonfly 6* 1.568 4xstm 584 6:3
(Bracco Italiano)
WCP RhrN * White Linen 6* 4xagi 1.662 x IPnH PJS1 * White Snow 6* 1.272 intagi stragi
WCP RhrN * White Linen 6* 4xagi 1.662 x JAH PJS1 * White Feather 4* Lla 19HH 1.302 chaagi chaagi
WCP RhrN * White Linen 6* 4xagi 1.662 x JAH PJS1 * White Viola Lla 17HH 1.302 3xagi + Pulling
WCP RhrN * White Linen 6* 4xagi 1.662 x MP PJS1 * White Queen 2:0 4* Lla 20HH 1.173 stmagi agiagi
WCP RhrN * White Linen 6* 4xagi 1.662 x PnH PJS1 * White Hellebore 5* 21HH 1.283 intagi stmagi
WCP RhrN * White Linen 6* 4xagi 1.662 x PnP PJS1 * White Cotton 5* 21HH 1.298 agiagi stragi
WCP RhrN * White Linen 6* 4xagi 1.662 x PnP PJS1 * White Handkerchief 4* Lla 21HH 1.283 agiagi stmagi
WCP RhrN * White Linen 6* 4xagi 1.662 x PnP PJS1 * White Surf 5* 21HH 1.243 stmagi agiagi

Game Time

08:04pm on Feb 3

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