Jhil`han Oasis

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
50 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
11 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
48 Locked Dogs
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Field of Red Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in red tulips in full bloom.
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
46 Locked Dogs
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Field of Pink Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in pink tulips in full bloom.
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked1.560x lala • 100.0 • 24,0 • 4 (chacha chacha)Standard Poodle16
Locked1.560x lala • 100.0 • 24,0 • 4 (chacha chacha)Standard Poodle16
LockedCCD J'han All Shook UpStandard Poodle5474
LockedWCD J'han All That And Dim SumStandard Poodle6173
LockedGCD PJS1 Atomic FireballStandard Poodle4672
LockedND J'han Brilliant Disguise [str/chax3]Standard Poodle16
LockedWCD J'han Bucket List (SS)Standard Poodle6980
LockedCCFr J'han Catch A Falling StarStandard Poodle5665
LockedNCD 7.Sin Change For MeStandard Poodle5091
LockedND J'han Chasing Big Bird [str/chax3]Standard Poodle16
LockedNCD J'han Chasing The LegendStandard Poodle5271
LockedNCD J'han Cool Hand LukeStandard Poodle5271
LockedCCD J'han Daughter Of PandoraStandard Poodle5271
LockedChD J'han Dealers Choice [chacha stmcha]Standard Poodle3644
LockedWCD J'han Dizzy Miss Lizzy [intcha chacha]Standard Poodle6884
LockedNCD §K Don't Make Me Plush [chastr chastr]Standard Poodle4973
LockedWCD J'han Drain the Swamp [strcha strcha]Standard Poodle7597
LockedWCD J'han Dressed For Success [chacha chastr]Standard Poodle5664
LockedWCFr UPP Feel The Burn (sisi)Standard Poodle75101
LockedCCD J'han Fleur- De-Lis [strx4]Standard Poodle5374
LockedWCFr J'han Forever Timeless [strcha intcha]Standard Poodle6779
LockedWCFr J'han Hard To Believe [intcha chacha]Standard Poodle82101
LockedNCD J'han Heir Of Anduin [strx4]Standard Poodle5271
LockedNCD §K High Hopes [chastr chastr]Standard Poodle4973
LockedWCD J'han Hijack My Heart [strcha strcha]Standard Poodle7590
LockedWCD J'han Hook Line and Stinker [strcha strcha]Standard Poodle7599
LockedCCD J'han Jiu Jitsu [strx4]Standard Poodle5371
LockedWCFr J'han Just In Time [strcha chacha]Standard Poodle6375
LockedCCD J'han Lasting Legacy [intcha chastr]Standard Poodle5164
LockedWCD J'han Latest New Fad [agiagi chacha]Standard Poodle5780
LockedWCD J'han Learning To Fly [chacha chacha]Standard Poodle6784
LockedWCD J'han Locked And Loaded [strx4]Standard Poodle5991
LockedNCM J'han Magical Mystery Tour [strcha agiagi]Standard Poodle5163
LockedWCSh J'han Million Dollar Winner [strcha strcha]Standard Poodle6378
LockedWCD 7.Sin Mr Fancy Pants [chacha stmcha]Standard Poodle5396
LockedWCD J'han No Ship Sherlock [strcha strcha]Standard Poodle7497
LockedChD P!NK Oh The Places You'll Go [stmstr stragi]Standard Poodle3651
LockedNCP J'han Restricted Airspace [strspd agistm]Standard Poodle5263
LockedWCD J'han Say My Name[intstr chastr]Standard Poodle5973
LockedWCD J'han Scent Of Confidence [chastr chastr]Standard Poodle6173
LockedWCD ~WDR~ Secret Persuasion (sisp)Standard Poodle77101
LockedWCFr J'han Select Opportunity [chacha chacha]Standard Poodle83101
LockedWCW J'han Starry Starry Night [strcha strcha]Standard Poodle6378
LockedNCD PJS1 Talk Of The Town [strcha chacha]Standard Poodle4872
LockedWCD J'han The Defense Rests [spdcha agistr]Standard Poodle6880
LockedExFr J'han The Powers That Be [chacha stmcha]Standard Poodle3644
LockedCCHT J'han Through The Looking Glass [chastr chastr]Standard Poodle5973
LockedWCD J'han Throwing Shade [strcha strcha]Standard Poodle7690
LockedWCFr J'han Turn The Paige [strcha chacha]Standard Poodle6275
LockedGCD TMBTE Wing And A Dare [chacha chastr]Standard Poodle4671
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudWCFl J'han 1 Final Frontier 22Afghan Hound85102
LockedFor StudCCR WOLF| Born this Way 24 lala spdx2Pharaoh Hound74102
LockedNCR Cerulean Sins 24 lala spdx4Pharaoh Hound61105
LockedCCR Defying Gravity23 [lala spdx4]Pharaoh Hound61102
LockedFor StudNCR Dragon's Inferno 24 lala spdx2Pharaoh Hound60103
LockedWCR J'han Excellent Adventure 21 Lla spdx2Pharaoh Hound86102
LockedFor Public SaleNCA I Am The Tornado-24Pharaoh Hound58102
LockedFor Public SaleNCR Just A MinutemanPharaoh Hound62102
LockedFor StudWCP P@w$ Over the Moon (spsp)Standard Poodle59103
LockedFor StudNCR Prince Caspian 23 lala spdx4Pharaoh Hound61103
LockedFor Public SaleJ'han Puppy 1-23/Lla/spdx4 sellPharaoh Hound16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUCSh OBK's 492 • Y • 7:2Chinese Crested82103
LockedNSh J'han Bean There Done ThatChinese Crested18
LockedCCSh J'han Big Talkin Man -chax4Chinese Crested6072
LockedWCSh ~NS Blueberry MuffinChinese Crested78101
LockedWCSh J'han BoomshakalakaChinese Crested7792
LockedNCSh GLIM Clowns To The Left Of MeChinese Crested5776
LockedGCSh J'han Cream Of The CropChinese Crested4955
LockedCCSh star. Dream CatcherChinese Crested5978
LockedCCSh Minna Duke Of WindsorChinese Crested6174
LockedJASh J'han Elementary My Dear WatsonChinese Crested1520
LockedWCSh Sophs Elfin MagicChinese Crested7191
LockedJASh J'han Escape To Vegas chax4Chinese Crested1419
LockedWCRO J'han Eyes On The Money -lala spdcha spdcha*Chinese Crested7286
LockedWCSh J'han Farewell To Kings-chax4Chinese Crested6271
LockedExSh J'han First In LineChinese Crested3745
LockedNSh J'han Give It To Me DirtyChinese Crested18
LockedGCSh *MYST Happily Ever AfterChinese Crested5076
LockedCCSh Minna Heart Of The OceanChinese Crested6074
LockedWCRO lmgk Hot TopicChinese Crested65101
LockedWCSh J'han I Might Be A Hum'Nbird-chax4-Chinese Crested5971
LockedGCSh *MYST I'M About To Come AliveChinese Crested5176
LockedJASh J'han Icing On The Cake chax4Chinese Crested1319
LockedCCSh Minna Iron CompassChinese Crested6175
LockedExSh J'han Kinky Boots chax3Chinese Crested3745
LockedExSh JPnRO J'han Knock On Wood [chax3]Chinese Crested3745
LockedWCSh Loud and ProudChinese Crested62102
LockedWCSh ~NS Mysteries And MayhemChinese Crested78106
LockedWCRO TRACR No Fly ZoneChinese Crested78102
LockedWCSh J'han No Sleep Til Brooklyn-chax4Chinese Crested5971
LockedWCRO J'han Ocean Front Property -chax2 +Chinese Crested6071
LockedGCSh J'han Paxx A PunchChinese Crested4855
LockedWCSh Pop' Poppy Meadow's RemiChinese Crested76101
LockedWCSh J'han Princess Of AlderaanChinese Crested7186
LockedWCRO J'han Scarborough Fair lala spdcha spdcha *Chinese Crested7486
LockedGCSh J'han Settin' The World AfireChinese Crested4955
LockedCCSh J'han Shake Your Money Maker-chax4Chinese Crested5971
LockedWCSh RofS Show Me The MoneyChinese Crested69102
LockedCCSh FMN Snitches Get StitchesChinese Crested57101
LockedWCHu Pop' Solve The PuzzleChinese Crested75101
LockedChSh J'han Star Light Star BrightChinese Crested4755
LockedGCSh GLIM Teddy Roosevelt's BoyChinese Crested5573
LockedWCSh J'han The Greatest Showman-chax4-Chinese Crested6071
LockedWCSh Unraveling The MysteryChinese Crested79101
LockedCCSh J'han Up The Ante-chax3Chinese Crested5871
LockedExSh J'han Valyrian Steel chax3Chinese Crested3745
LockedWCSh J'han What A Girl Wants-lala spdcha chacha *Chinese Crested7486
LockedJASh J'han Willful N' WickedChinese Crested1520
LockedGCSh *MYST Young Scrappy And HungryChinese Crested5176
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMSc J'han Ain't Missed A MealDoberman Pinscher3340
LockedWCSc J'han Bad ReputationDoberman Pinscher7895
LockedWCSc -EH] Blinded Me With ScienceDoberman Pinscher76103
LockedASc J'han Breaking And EnteringDoberman Pinscher2632
LockedChSc star. Bring Me To LifeDoberman Pinscher4661
LockedWCSc UPP Bugs BunnyDoberman Pinscher72103
LockedMSc J'han Carrier Of The Flame strx4Doberman Pinscher2832
LockedChSc J'han Dash Of SaltDoberman Pinscher4453
LockedMSc J'han Don't Give A ShipDoberman Pinscher3642
LockedWCSc J'han Double Double Toil and TroubleDoberman Pinscher7893
LockedASc J'han Everybody's FavoriteDoberman Pinscher2733
LockedASc J'han Fear No EvilDoberman Pinscher2632
LockedMSc J'han For Your Eyes Only strx4Doberman Pinscher2733
LockedMSc J'han Fortunate SonDoberman Pinscher3642
LockedMSc J'han Friends In Low Places strx4Doberman Pinscher2933
LockedWCSc J'han Full Of BeansDoberman Pinscher87101
LockedASc J'han Full Steam AheadDoberman Pinscher2733
LockedMSc J'han Hit The LightsDoberman Pinscher3138
LockedMSc J'han Hometown GirlDoberman Pinscher3238
LockedGCSc SoTS Let It BeeDoberman Pinscher4881
LockedWCSc Man O SteelDoberman Pinscher76105
LockedASc J'han Master Of The ForceDoberman Pinscher2732
LockedAPnSc J'han Must be the SequelDoberman Pinscher1118
LockedMSc J'han Nip It In The BudDoberman Pinscher3440
LockedMSc J'han No Shrinking VioletDoberman Pinscher2732
LockedAPnSc J'han Penchant for JewelsDoberman Pinscher1218
LockedChSc J'han Pick PocketDoberman Pinscher4453
LockedWCSc J'han Promised LandDoberman Pinscher6580
LockedASc J'han Quarantini MartiniDoberman Pinscher2732
LockedWCSc J'han Ragnar The FearlessDoberman Pinscher7995
LockedJPnSc J'han Red Dirt Road strx4Doberman Pinscher714
LockedWCSc J'han Road WarriorDoberman Pinscher6680
LockedAPnSc J'han Sequins and StilettosDoberman Pinscher1118
LockedWCT RXZ Simon SaysDoberman Pinscher64104
LockedWCSc UPP Simply RivetingDoberman Pinscher74104
LockedMSc J'han Society NewsDoberman Pinscher3440
LockedAPnSc J'han Sparks Will FlyDoberman Pinscher1218
LockedASc J'han Speakeasy Knock 3 TimesDoberman Pinscher2632
LockedWCSc FPPK Standing OvationDoberman Pinscher74104
LockedJPnSc J'han The Land Shark strx4Doberman Pinscher714
LockedWCSc J'han The Last Mango In ParisDoberman Pinscher7893
LockedMSc J'han Versace On The FloorDoberman Pinscher3440
LockedWCSc UPP Wanna Be Startin' SomethingDoberman Pinscher75101
LockedMSc J'han When Pigs Fly strx4Doberman Pinscher2832
LockedWCSc J'han You Better Shape UpDoberman Pinscher7993
LockedJASc J'han Zillion to OneDoberman Pinscher1218
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedCCH MgMds Cowgirl UpRough Collie6683
LockedNCH MgMds Edge Of Your SeatRough Collie6483
LockedMA MgMds In a Little Black DressRough Collie3443
LockedExA Ds2CR New Sheriff In TownRough Collie3748
LockedCCH MgMds Play For KeepsRough Collie6683
LockedWCH MgMds Rite Of FireRough Collie7389
LockedWCH MgMds Stolen KissRough Collie83101
LockedMA MgMds Tell-Tale HeartRough Collie3443
LockedMA MgMds Verdict Is InRough Collie3443
LockedCCH MgMds Wind In My SailsRough Collie6583

Game Time

07:20am on Mar 6

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