Old Memories, New Experiences

Farmyard Friends
Critter Town
32 Critters
Herding (Misc.)
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
85 Locked Dogs
Herding (Aussies)
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
75 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Wild Friends
Critter Town
28 Critters
Herding (Collies)
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
59 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
58 Locked Dogs
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Magical Friends
Critter Town
15 Critters
Pulling (Misc.)
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
44 Locked Dogs
Pulling (Bernese & Greats)
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
39 Locked Dogs
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Agility (Dalm./Shar-pei)
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
70 Locked Dogs
Agility (Misc.)
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
45 Locked Dogs
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility


  • Easter Bunny the EEGEW Easter Bunny the <b><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>E</font><font color=#FF01B4>G</font><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>W</font></b>
  • Scary Black Cat Scary Black Cat
  • Bantham the Evil Rooster Bantham the <font color=red>Evil Rooster</font>
  • Chicken Little the Australorp Hen Chicken Little the Australorp Hen
  • Rhode Island Red Hen Rhode Island Red Hen
  • Rhode Island Red Rooster Rhode Island Red Rooster
  • Little Red Hen the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Little Red Hen the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster
  • Bessie the Angus Calf Bessie the Angus Calf
  • Chick the Holstein Calf Chick the Holstein Calf
  • Bertha the Jersey Calf Bertha the Jersey Calf
  • Dashing Winter Pony Dashing Winter Pony
  • Feisty Black Pony Feisty Black Pony
  • Little Brown Pony Little Brown Pony
  • Proud Pony Proud Pony
  • Shy Silver Pony Shy Silver Pony
  • Sweet Paint Pony Sweet Paint Pony
  • Bold Spotted Pony Bold Spotted Pony
  • Peter the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny Peter the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Flopsy the A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny Flopsy the A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny
  • Mopsy the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny Mopsy the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny
  • Cottontail the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny Cottontail the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny
  • Peter Cottontail the French Lop Bunny Peter Cottontail the French Lop Bunny
  • Bugs Bunny the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny Bugs Bunny the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny Little Bunny Foo Foo the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Yellow Fluffy Duckling Yellow Fluffy Duckling
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Baa-Baa the Little Black Lamb Baa-Baa the Little Black Lamb
  • Mary the Little Lamb Mary the Little Lamb
  • French Alpine Goat French Alpine Goat
  • Nubian Goat Nubian Goat
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnH OMNE . . . The More Things Stay The SameShetland Sheepdog512
LockedANH OMNE A Little Bit DangerousBerger Picard614
LockedANH OMNE A Mindset ChangeBerger Picard614
LockedANH OMNE Abandon CautionBerger Picard614
LockedJPnH OMNE All Fall DownBerger Picard714
LockedJPnH OMNE All I Gotta Do Is Open This BagPuli613
LockedNH RUST All In My HeadLapponian Herder512
LockedJPnH LH95 Beauty Is In The Eye Of The BeholderCentral Asian Shepherd616
LockedNH OMNE Beyond EmbarrassedShetland Sheepdog516
LockedAPnH LOPH Big Cuddly Dude^Old English Sheepdog1324
LockedJPnH OMNE Clean Up The EvidenceOld English Sheepdog613
LockedANH OMNE Close My Eyes And Disappear^Central Asian Shepherd513
LockedNH OMNE Cold Hard GroundCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedJPnH NC's Cool, Calm, CollectedEnglish Shepherd921
LockedANH OMNE Dance With FateBerger Picard513
LockedANH OMNE Dead To The World^Central Asian Shepherd513
LockedJPnRO OMNE Down at the RiverCentral Asian Shepherd518
LockedIPnH LH95 Escaping The SimulationPuli1020
LockedNH RUST Everything Here Is ColdLapponian Herder512
LockedANH OMNE Fellow SpiesPuli613
LockedJPnFl OMNE Fly High^Lapponian Herder613
LockedJPnH OMNE Funny All The TimeMaremma Sheepdog613
LockedIPnH OMNE Gimme the GoodsOld English Sheepdog919
LockedJPnH OMNE Good EnoughOld English Sheepdog613
LockedJPnH OMNE Got You^Shetland Sheepdog513
LockedANH OMNE Grossly MishandledOld English Sheepdog614
LockedJPnH OMNE Hidden In The BoneyardBerger Picard516
LockedJPnH OMNE High FeverPuli715
LockedJPnH RWTS I Could LieBerger Picard720
LockedJPnH LH95 I Think I'd Better GoBerger Picard715
LockedNH OMNE Ignoring The StigmaKomondor614
LockedNH OMNE Is Anything Real?Old English Sheepdog914
LockedIPnH OMNE It's The Grief TalkingIcelandic Sheepdog1032
LockedNH RUST It's The PrinclpleLapponian Herder512
LockedJPnH OMNE Keep Moving ForwardCentral Asian Shepherd613
LockedJPnH LH95 Keep Your Cool^Central Asian Shepherd616
LockedNH LH95 Let Me Crawl Inside Your Veins^Croatian Sheepdog516
LockedNH LH95 Let's Just Let It GoBerger Picard715
LockedJPnH OMNE Little PhotographBerger Picard513
LockedJPnH OMNE Living For The ChaseBerger Picard516
LockedJPnH OMNE Moment of TruthCentral Asian Shepherd815
LockedJPnH OMNE No Apology Necessary^Old English Sheepdog914
LockedANH OMNE Not The Same ThingMaremma Sheepdog613
LockedANH OMNE Nothing Can Wake Me NowCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedANH OMNE Nothing Going To Wake You NowCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedJPnH OMNE Okay, BoomerOld English Sheepdog919
LockedJPnH OMNE On The AirCentral Asian Shepherd512
LockedJPnH OMNE On Your SixOld English Sheepdog919
LockedJPnH OMNE Pop-Synth WaveBerger Picard613
LockedJPnH OMNE Promising StudentCentral Asian Shepherd613
LockedANH OMNE Put It All On The LineBerger Picard614
LockedANH OMNE Put Your Whole Brain In ItBerger Picard614
LockedJPnH OMNE Say Good-byeOld English Sheepdog613
LockedNFl OMNE Selected Poems and LettersBerger Picard619
LockedANH OMNE Shy And TerrifiedBerger Picard612
LockedAPnHu OMNE Side EffectsPuli1328
LockedANH OMNE Simple TasksMaremma Sheepdog513
LockedJPnH OMNE Smiling PolitelyBerger Picard517
LockedIPnH OMNE Some Kind of WayOld English Sheepdog1019
LockedJPnH OMNE Still SalvageableOld English Sheepdog919
LockedJPnH OMNE Stop Getting Me InvolvedCentral Asian Shepherd612
LockedJPnH OMNE Studio LaughterCentral Asian Shepherd512
LockedIPnH NC's Take Me Out To Dinner FirstEnglish Shepherd1122
LockedJPnH OMNE Taking OffCentral Asian Shepherd512
LockedNT NH LH95 That Was RoughPuli615
LockedANH OMNE That's What It Looks Like To ForgetCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedANH OMNE The Bigger The BetterCentral Asian Shepherd613
LockedJPnH OMNE The Castle ConundrumPuli512
LockedJPnH OMNE The More Things Change . . .Shetland Sheepdog512
LockedIPnH OMNE The Test CasePuli615
LockedIPnH OMNE There's Gotta be Another WayOld English Sheepdog919
LockedIPnH OMNE There's Something in the AirOld English Sheepdog919
LockedNH OMNE This Ain't Your CallPuli513
LockedJPnH OMNE Throwing A TantrumIcelandic Sheepdog613
LockedNH LH95 Time Is Running OutPuli615
LockedNH OMNE Tip The ScaleCroatian Sheepdog513
LockedIPnH OMNE Too Close to CallOld English Sheepdog1019
LockedIPnH OMNE Trouble in Warp SpacePuli615
LockedJPnH OMNE Ultraviolet Radiation^Shetland Sheepdog613
LockedJPnH OMNE Up To The MarkIcelandic Sheepdog613
LockedJPnH OMNE Way Down Under The GroundCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedJPnH OMNE Web of HorrorPuli615
LockedJPnH OMNE What’s Going On?Lapponian Herder613
LockedNH RUST Who Wants To Come ForwardLapponian Herder512
LockedJPnH OMNE You Lied To UsKomondor613
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAH LH95 A Fading SilhouetteAustralian Koolie2064
LockedAPnH LH95 A Million To OneAustralian Koolie1362
LockedNH OMNE A Secret in TimeAustralian Shepherd213
LockedJPnH OMNE A Skateboard Cat-astropheAustralian Shepherd115
LockedNH OMNE Ancient AstrologerMiniature Australian Shepherd512
LockedANH OMNE Angel TreeAustralian Shepherd614
LockedJPnH OMNE Bayport BuccaneersMiniature Australian Shepherd515
LockedANH OMNE Branching OutAustralian Shepherd614
LockedNH OMNE By Balloon to the SaharaAustralian Shepherd119
LockedJPnH OMNE Camping ChaosAustralian Shepherd215
LockedNH OMNE Danger in the DesertAustralian Shepherd122
LockedNH OMNE Deadwood CityAustralian Shepherd222
LockedANH OMNE Don’t Make Me Do ThisAustralian Shepherd613
LockedMFl NiSa Espresso Macchiato^Australian Shepherd2441
LockedJPnH OMNE Finding DirtAustralian Shepherd612
LockedNH OMNE Forbidden CastleAustralian Shepherd223
LockedJPnH OMNE Fossil FrenzyAustralian Shepherd215
LockedANH OMNE Gentle RainAustralian Shepherd614
LockedJPnH OMNE Gimme, GimmeAustralian Shepherd513
LockedIPnH OMNE Hanging Out^Australian Shepherd613
LockedJAH LH95 Hear it In StereoAustralian Koolie1567
LockedAH WPEAK Hephaestus' ForgeAustralian Koolie2164
LockedJPnH LKCC Hills Burn In CaliforniaAustralian Cattle Dog612
LockedJPnH OMNE Hold Your TongueAustralian Cattle Dog513
LockedJAH LH95 Hotter Than HadesAustralian Koolie1662
LockedNH OMNE House of DangerAustralian Shepherd222
LockedJPnH OMNE How Impatience WorksAustralian Shepherd513
LockedJPnT OMNE Hurricane Heroes in TexasAustralian Koolie521
LockedJPnH OMNE I Like it Like That^Australian Shepherd612
LockedJPnH OMNE I'm AliveAustralian Shepherd513
LockedNH OMNE I'm Going to Die HereAustralian Shepherd512
LockedAH LH95 In The Shadow Of A GiantAustralian Koolie2165
LockedJPnH OMNE In The SkyMiniature Australian Shepherd517
LockedNH OMNE Inside UFO 54-40Australian Shepherd122
LockedJPnH OMNE Is That . . . ? No . . .^Australian Shepherd612
LockedJPnA OMNE Journey Under the SeaAustralian Shepherd521
LockedJASh SNK's Just DessertAustralian Shepherd1549
LockedJPnH OMNE Just Getting StartedAustralian Shepherd514
LockedJARO SNK's Keeper of KeysAustralian Shepherd1538
LockedAT HRF KellyAustralian Koolie1831
LockedJPnH OMNE Live To Die^Miniature Australian Shepherd613
LockedJPnH OMNE Maybe It's YouAustralian Shepherd612
LockedJPnH OMNE Medieval UpheavalAustralian Shepherd215
LockedNH OMNE Message from SpaceAustralian Shepherd322
LockedJPnH OMNE Narwhal on a Sunny NightAustralian Koolie625
LockedANH OMNE Not A RabbitAustralian Shepherd614
LockedMH GPWs Of The Sunflower Tribe Within The Daisy FamilyAustralian Koolie2861
LockedANH OMNE One Goal In MindAustralian Shepherd614
LockedAH LH95 Patches of SunlightAustralian Koolie1862
LockedNH OMNE Playing the FieldAustralian Shepherd512
LockedJPnH OMNE Point Counter PointAustralian Shepherd514
LockedJAH SNK's Pursuit of HappinessAustralian Shepherd1750
LockedANH OMNE Random Strangers On The InternetAustralian Shepherd513
LockedJPnH OMNE Several Notable PeopleAustralian Shepherd512
LockedANH OMNE Slow Down^Miniature Australian Shepherd613
LockedNH AKOA Smell Your DreamsAustralian Koolie614
LockedJPnH OMNE Someone Arrived TodayAustralian Shepherd614
LockedANT OMNE Sparkling RubiesMiniature Australian Shepherd617
LockedAO LH95 Spinning 'Til You're DizzyAustralian Koolie1862
LockedNH OMNE Spy TrapAustralian Shepherd526
LockedJPnH OMNE Still HopefulAustralian Koolie513
LockedJPnH OMNE Taken Out Of ServiceMiniature Australian Shepherd514
LockedIPnA OMNE The Curse of the Ancient EmeraldAustralian Shepherd719
LockedIPnH OMNE The Desert ThievesMiniature Australian Shepherd613
LockedJPnH OMNE Thunder BringerAustralian Shepherd613
LockedJPnH OMNE To The Future Ben FranklinAustralian Koolie524
LockedANH OMNE Touch BaseAustralian Shepherd613
LockedJPnH OMNE Trouble in ParadiseAustralian Shepherd616
LockedJPnH OMNE Trouble Times TwoMiniature Australian Shepherd525
LockedJPnH OMNE Waiting For The CardsMiniature Australian Shepherd814
LockedJPnH OMNE Wanted InformationAustralian Shepherd612
LockedJPnH OMNE Warriors in WinterAustralian Koolie524
LockedANH OMNE Why In The World Won't You Love Me To?Australian Shepherd614
LockedJPnH OMNE Women in LoveAustralian Shepherd514
LockedJPnH OMNE You LiedAustralian Shepherd612


  • Canary Canary
  • Eastern Kingsnake Eastern Kingsnake
  • Lonely T-Rex Lonely T-Rex
  • Talking Parrot Talking Parrot
  • Sparrow Sparrow
  • Blackbird Blackbird
  • Polar Bear Polar Bear
  • Confident Black Wolf Confident Black Wolf
  • Clever Red Wolf Clever Red Wolf
  • Gentle White Wolf Gentle White Wolf
  • Timid Gray Wolf Timid Gray Wolf
  • Happy Golden Wolf Happy Golden Wolf
  • Bold Wolf Pup Bold Wolf Pup
  • Arctic Fox Arctic Fox
  • Silver Fox Silver Fox
  • Cross Fox Cross Fox
  • Red Fox Red Fox
  • Domestic Fox Domestic Fox
  • White Reindeer White Reindeer
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
  • Black Hamster Black Hamster
  • Black Banded Hamster Black Banded Hamster
  • Silver Hamster Silver Hamster
  • Cinnamon Hamster Cinnamon Hamster
  • Champagne Hamster Champagne Hamster
  • Golden Hamster Golden Hamster
  • Chocolate Hamster Chocolate Hamster
  • Black Snake Black Snake
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAH LH95 A Sweet BouquetRough Collie2870
LockedJPnH OMNE Abdominal PainBorder Collie512
LockedIPnH LH95 Addio! Arrivederci!Border Collie1019
LockedIPnH LH95 Adieu, Adieu, to You and You and YouBorder Collie1019
LockedIPnH LH95 Adios AmigosBorder Collie1019
LockedAD MFr GPWs Alpine Squill Flower^Bearded Collie3070
LockedJPnH OMNE At Least Six LimesBorder Collie614
LockedJPnH OMNE Beyond the Great WallBorder Collie123
LockedJPnH OMNE Blaring TrumpetBorder Collie614
LockedJPnH OMNE Bug-nappedBorder Collie313
LockedAFl LH95 Carry OnBearded Collie2177
LockedChH LH95 Catch You Later, AlligatorBorder Collie3765
LockedJPnH OMNE Cold SweatBorder Collie213
LockedNH OMNE Danger OverseasBorder Collie113
LockedJPnH OMNE Doesn't Taste Bad^Border Collie612
LockedJPnH OMNE Endangered SpeciesBorder Collie213
LockedJPnH OMNE Final GambitBorder Collie113
LockedJPnH OMNE Fly to San Antonio^Rough Collie512
LockedJPnH ~~ Forest of FearBorder Collie320
LockedANH LH95 Golden-Rayed LilyRough Collie988
LockedJPnH OMNE Good GrandpaBorder Collie512
LockedJPnH OMNE Grab And GoBorder Collie612
LockedNH OMNE Heartfelt SorrowSmooth Collie618
LockedANH OMNE Invaders of the Planet EarthBorder Collie323
LockedANH OMNE Just The Two Of YouBorder Collie614
LockedCCH BARKZ Little Red Riding Hood^Border Collie5188
LockedAA LH95 Living La Vida LocaSmooth Collie2043
LockedJPnH OMNE Longhorn TerritoryBorder Collie122
LockedANH OMNE Lucky Sonuva GunRough Collie513
LockedExFr LH95 Old King Cole^Rough Collie3788
LockedJPnH OMNE Plays Piano Like A Pro^Border Collie612
LockedJPnH LH95 Pretty Wrapped LiliesRough Collie988
LockedJPnH LH95 Prominent FlowerRough Collie988
LockedNH BKAR Pure Azure SkiesRough Collie518
LockedANH OMNE Redemption Arc^Border Collie613
LockedJPnH OMNE Rude And UnnecessaryBorder Collie513
LockedMH OMNE Rusty Dusty, Rolling in DirtBorder Collie2958
LockedChH OMNE Short TemperedBorder Collie3867
LockedJPnH OMNE So Personable And FriendlyBorder Collie514
LockedJPnH LH95 Striking EleganceRough Collie988
LockedAH OMNE Super CloseBorder Collie1731
LockedANH OMNE Taco Eating ContestBorder Collie614
LockedCCH LH95 Take It BackBorder Collie5088
LockedANH OMNE Talk In PrivateBorder Collie614
LockedPnH OMNE The Alaskan AdventureBorder Collie614
LockedExH OMNE The Case of the Disappearing DiamondsBorder Collie3058
LockedJAH OMNE The Goose's GoldBorder Collie1630
LockedExH OMNE The House on the CliffBorder Collie3158
LockedExH OMNE The Mystery of Cabin IslandBorder Collie3158
LockedJPnH OMNE The Naked and the DeadBorder Collie514
LockedJPnH OMNE The Sun Also RisesBorder Collie612
LockedExH OMNE The Tower TreasureBorder Collie3258
LockedMT BK´s Too Much Pessimism^Rough Collie2669
LockedNCH LH95 Tranquilizer DartBorder Collie4989
LockedJPnH OMNE Tropic of CancerBorder Collie514
LockedJPnH OMNE We Should Be OkayBorder Collie514
LockedNCH LH95 What Just HappenedBorder Collie4989
LockedJPnH OMNE Who I Hoped To BeBorder Collie512
LockedMA LH95 You Don't Have To Put On That Red Light^Rough Collie2746
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnO OMNE A Game Of Wits^Staffordshire Bull Terrier613
LockedPnA ExO AFC All That JazzKerry Blue Terrier3389
LockedANO OMNE Beautiful SoundtrackAidi513
LockedJPnO ILCK Beauty and Grace^Aidi512
LockedPnO ~FPP~ Best Told SecretsKerry Blue Terrier1123
LockedIPnO OMNE Check The TimeMiniature Bull Terrier715
LockedAO OMNE Ciao, BellaMiniature Bull Terrier1534
LockedJPnO OMNE Close The Door Behind YouAmerican Pit Bull Terrier612
LockedJPnO OMNE Cool With Beetles And BugsMiniature Bull Terrier614
LockedJPnO ALLER Count My Cards Watch Them FallDutch Smoushond512
LockedJPnO OMNE Drinking From The Tap^Staffordshire Bull Terrier613
LockedJPnO OMNE Fiddling With GizmosAidi512
LockedJPnO OMNE Fifty-Fifty ChanceMiniature Bull Terrier513
LockedAT OMNE Flying Fast And LooseAidi2087
LockedAFl [DH] From The Earth^Aidi2127
LockedJPnO OMNE Go For ItAkbash Dog612
LockedIPnA OMNE Going For ItAidi1019
LockedJPnO ALLER Good At Being BadDutch Smoushond512
LockedJPnA ~FPP~ Hidden GemKerry Blue Terrier920
LockedJPnO OMNE I Don’t Want To Be LonelyStaffordshire Bull Terrier612
LockedJPnO OMNE It Was Really FunMiniature Bull Terrier615
LockedANO OMNE Know Your Own StrengthAidi513
LockedJPnO OMNE Laser TreatmentAmerican Pit Bull Terrier514
LockedAPnO JRD Little Bean BurritoMiniature Bull Terrier1233
LockedAO ~FPP~ Look Into My EyesKerry Blue Terrier1839
LockedJPnO OMNE Love LettersAidi614
LockedAPnO OMNE Marks Spots and Polka DotsMiniature Bull Terrier1132
LockedJPnO OMNE Marvelous VirtuesKerry Blue Terrier516
LockedAA ~FPP~ Me, Myself, And IKerry Blue Terrier2042
LockedAD OMNE Meet Me For BrunchAidi1838
LockedAP ABH5 Moonlight Serenade^Staffordshire Bull Terrier1730
LockedMM OMNE More Than A Little Shy^American Staffordshire Terrier3177
LockedJPnO ALLER Nothing But UnstableDutch Smoushond512
LockedAO ABH5 Oscar MayerStaffordshire Bull Terrier2243
LockedJPnO OMNE Our Only HopeMiniature Bull Terrier715
LockedAD KART Prince WilliamStaffordshire Bull Terrier2145
LockedANO OMNE Princess And The PeaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier512
LockedJPnO OMNE Rainbow RoadMiniature Bull Terrier614
LockedJPnO OMNE Resting in the ShadeMiniature Bull Terrier538
LockedChT GPWs Shadow PlumKerry Blue Terrier4180
LockedAA ~FPP~ Shining Sterling SilverKerry Blue Terrier2143
LockedJPnO OMNE Sign From AboveAidi713
LockedJPnO OMNE Snow White LiesAmerican Pit Bull Terrier612
LockedChP GPWs Starred OrionNorwegian Buhund3974
LockedAO OMNE Step In Place^Kerry Blue Terrier2154
LockedIPnO OMNE Such A Long TimeMiniature Bull Terrier615
LockedPnO OMNE Surely, NotAmerican Pit Bull Terrier715
LockedANO OMNE Suspicious For Some TimeMiniature Bull Terrier514
LockedJPnO OMNE Swinging ByMiniature Bull Terrier715
LockedJPnO OMNE The Best AroundKerry Blue Terrier715
LockedMH Elk's The Nation's FavouriteNorwegian Buhund2954
LockedJPnO OMNE Too Intoxicated To Be ScaredDutch Smoushond512
LockedIPnO OMNE Too ThinMiniature Bull Terrier715
LockedJPnO OMNE Trumpter SwanAmerican Pit Bull Terrier512
LockedJPnO OMNE TV ShowMiniature Bull Terrier615
LockedJAA OMNE Vastly EntertainingMiniature Bull Terrier1534
LockedJPnO NIKKI Waking Up At SundownAmerican Staffordshire Terrier514
LockedMO |EVO| Where Did You Go?Bull Terrier3157


  • Fiery Egg Fiery Egg
  • Flying Reindeer Flying Reindeer
  • Silver Unicorn Silver Unicorn
  • Sparking Egg Sparking Egg
  • Icy Egg Icy Egg
  • Ruby Hippogriff Ruby Hippogriff
  • Copper Pegasus Copper Pegasus
  • Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus
  • Zebra Unicorn Zebra Unicorn
  • Zak the Green Baby Dragon Zak the Green Baby Dragon
  • Wheezie the Purple Baby Dragon Wheezie the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Saphira the Blue Baby Dragon Saphira the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Thorn the Red Baby Dragon Thorn the Red Baby Dragon
  • Iridescent Dragon Iridescent Dragon
  • Molten Chinese Dragon Molten Chinese Dragon
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedANH OMNE A Figure in HidingAnatolian Shepherd512
LockedIPnP OMNE A Taste of DangerTibetan Mastiff615
LockedNP LH95 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian DumbledoreKuvasz514
LockedWCFr OMNE All Riled UpCarpathian Shepherd57101
LockedChS ABH5 Arctic TundraGreenland Dog3177
LockedExS OMNE Autumn Blues^Greenland Dog3062
LockedMH ROTT Butch CassidyLeonberger3277
LockedJPnH LH95 Buttered PopcornCaucasian Ovtcharka863
LockedAA RWSK Dangerous Diva^Leonberger2365
LockedANP OMNE Done WellCarpathian Shepherd614
LockedPnH SKYE Dragon SlayerAnatolian Shepherd1122
LockedJPnP LH95 Emitting Blue SparksDogue de Bordeaux615
LockedAP ABH5 Falling In Love With YouLeonberger2165
LockedJPnP LH95 Far From PerfectTibetan Mastiff512
LockedNH NP LH95 Follow The Path Laid OutTibetan Mastiff518
LockedAP ABH5 Forgotten MemoriesGreenland Dog2359
LockedMP KeNo Hakuna MatataLeonberger2655
LockedMH DoD Hi Ho Silver^Caucasian Ovtcharka3573
LockedPnP AKOA How Could You Die CarelesslyDogue de Bordeaux1026
LockedJPnP iyndy I'll Make It Up To YouTibetan Mastiff512
LockedJPnP CrySH I'm Stronger Than That^Tibetan Mastiff512
LockedANP OMNE In A WayCarpathian Shepherd513
LockedMFr LH95 Jenna MarblesKuvasz3070
LockedANP LH95 Just A Little More PepperDogue de Bordeaux515
LockedANP FPBB Little AnneAnatolian Shepherd528
LockedJPnP OMNE Little Girl^Anatolian Shepherd613
LockedJPnH FPBB Little OrphanAnatolian Shepherd617
LockedJPnP OMNE Little WolfAnatolian Shepherd613
LockedJPnP Lime Look Round A WhileTibetan Mastiff512
LockedJAH OMNE Misguided AngelAnatolian Shepherd1748
LockedAH PCKC Modern AgricultureCaucasian Ovtcharka2049
LockedJPnP LH95 My Boy, Ugly Crier, Pretty LiarCarpathian Shepherd512
LockedIPnP OMNE Old TypewriterCaucasian Ovtcharka615
LockedJPnH OMNE One Hundred Years of Solitude^Anatolian Shepherd612
LockedJPnP M.V Radio This In^Tibetan Mastiff612
LockedJAO NwGSK Shout at the DevilAnatolian Shepherd1451
LockedJPnSh Souped-Up BentKuvasz726
LockedJPnP LH95 Sparks Between UsDogue de Bordeaux615
LockedANP LH95 Sparks Were FlyingDogue de Bordeaux515
LockedJPnP OMNE Stuck In ParadiseAnatolian Shepherd613
LockedJPnM NP LH95 The Fire That You Started In MeCarpathian Shepherd612
LockedIPnP OMNE Werewolf in a Winter WonderlandTibetan Mastiff615
LockedMH KeNo Zebra's StripesLeonberger2655
LockedChH KeNo Zero to SixtyLeonberger3981
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnP AMMK Actions Speak Louder Than WordsGreat Pyrenees622
LockedANP OMNE Actually Pretty SimpleBernese Mountain Dog514
LockedJPnP OMNE Be DangerousBernese Mountain Dog614
LockedJPnP OMNE Bears, Beets, Battlestar GalacticaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog614
LockedMFl AAZD Big Ol' Rocky MountainsBernese Mountain Dog3460
LockedAP ABH5 Ebony and IvoryGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2359
LockedJPnP OMNE End Of The WorldGreater Swiss Mountain Dog514
LockedMHu StFr Extreme DangerBernese Mountain Dog2753
LockedAM LH95 Faster Than The Speed Of LightGreat Pyrenees2153
LockedPnP AMMK Fierce Biting WindsGreat Pyrenees1026
LockedJPnP LH95 Ghost of YouBernese Mountain Dog617
LockedIPnP AMMK Glittering GlacierGreat Pyrenees722
LockedIPnP AMMK Great Rolling ThunderGreat Pyrenees722
LockedIPnP AMMK High As A KiteGreat Pyrenees622
LockedJPnP OMNE I'll Put in a Work OrderBernese Mountain Dog512
LockedJPnP OMNE If You Want MoreGreater Swiss Mountain Dog614
LockedJPnP OMNE Implied PowerGreater Swiss Mountain Dog614
LockedJPnP OMNE It All Evens Out In The EndGreater Swiss Mountain Dog614
LockedANP OMNE It's A Whole ThingGreater Swiss Mountain Dog614
LockedMSh d*NP Just a Bit o' Axle GreaseGreat Pyrenees2557
LockedANP AKOA Kingly Attributes^Bernese Mountain Dog516
LockedNP LH95 Lean on MeBernese Mountain Dog515
LockedNP LH95 Like a PrincessBernese Mountain Dog515
LockedJPnP OMNE Look Towards The SkyBernese Mountain Dog614
LockedAFr RO~BC Midnight SunBernese Mountain Dog2357
LockedPnP BCHDN Nico Nico DougaBernese Mountain Dog1129
LockedJPnP OMNE Nightmare Of DebrisGreat Pyrenees614
LockedAP LH95 Off To Neverland!Great Pyrenees1857
LockedNP LH95 On the SlyBernese Mountain Dog515
LockedJPnP OMNE One Thing Of My OwnGreater Swiss Mountain Dog514
LockedIPnP AMMK Sea Of SnowGreat Pyrenees622
LockedJPnP LH95 Specter #4Great Pyrenees720
LockedJPnFl LH95 Sticks and StonesBernese Mountain Dog517
LockedAT LH95 Sweeter Than A Moon PieGreat Pyrenees2359
LockedJPnP OMNE The Main EventBernese Mountain Dog614
LockedAP AKOA The Story Of Samson and DelilahBernese Mountain Dog2150
LockedAP ABH5 Total Lunar EclipseBernese Mountain Dog2359
LockedJPnP OMNE Uncharted WatersBernese Mountain Dog614
LockedAFl ABH5 We Are The ChampionsGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2559
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAM JAHu GPWs Blue-Green Chrome^Chinese Shar-Pei2351
LockedIPnA AKOA Call My Name^Dalmatian1122
LockedJPnHu PnM Wayne ClothoDalmatian1129
LockedJPnA OMNE Come Here, Let Me Tell You Something^Dalmatian515
LockedNA LH95 Crime in the Queen's CourtDalmatian616
LockedPnA OMNE Dappled PatternsDalmatian1134
LockedJPnA OMNE DJ RoombaChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedJPnA OMNE Dollar Tree Dinners^Dalmatian613
LockedAHT Borzo Enjoy Your Trip, See You Next FallDalmatian2242
LockedANA OMNE Freakin’ MintChinese Shar-Pei512
LockedANA OMNE Help Me Out^Dalmatian513
LockedNHu OMNE Laying In WaitDalmatian615
LockedMHu OMNE Listen To This^Chinese Shar-Pei2659
LockedANA OMNE Long Ago^Dalmatian513
LockedJPnA OMNE Losing My MindChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedJPnA OMNE My Boyfriend's BoyfriendChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedNA LH95 Mystery on MauiDalmatian516
LockedANA OMNE Not Anytime Soon^Dalmatian513
LockedJPnA OMNE Off The StreetsChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedAHu OMNE Perpetuated Illusions^Chinese Shar-Pei2144
LockedJPnA OMNE Pilot ProgramChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedPnA RofS Pure Domination^Dalmatian1120
LockedNA OMNE Red River GorgeChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedANA OMNE Satisfied Now^Dalmatian513
LockedNA OMNE Semi-SweetChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedANA OMNE Shadowed Lands^Dalmatian615
LockedNA OMNE Sweet DreamsChinese Shar-Pei515
LockedNFl OMNE Taking You AwayDalmatian615
LockedANA OMNE That Was Scary^Dalmatian513
LockedNA LH95 The Case of Capital IntrigueDalmatian514
LockedNA LH95 The Case of the Dangerous SolutionDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Case of the Floating CrimeDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Case of the Twin Teddy BearsDalmatian616
LockedNA LH95 The Clue on the Silver ScreenDalmatian516
LockedANA LH95 The Door-to-Door DeceptionDalmatian616
LockedNA LH95 The E-mail MysteryDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Fortune Teller's SecretDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Fox Hunt MysteryDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Hidden InheritenceDalmatian616
LockedNA LH95 The Legend of the Lost GoldDalmatian514
LockedNA LH95 The Message in the Haunted MansionDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Mystery of the Crystal PalaceDalmatian516
LockedJPnA LH95 The Mystery of the Masked RiderDalmatian616
LockedNA LH95 The Mystery of the Missing MascotDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Riddle in the Rare BookDalmatian516
LockedANA LH95 The Riddle of the Ruby GazelleDalmatian514
LockedNA LH95 The Search for the Silver PersianDalmatian616
LockedNA LH95 The Secret at SolaireDalmatian616
LockedANA LH95 The Secret Lost at SeaDalmatian616
LockedNA LH95 The Secret of Candlelight InnDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Secret of the Forgotten CaveDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Secret of the Scarlet HandDalmatian514
LockedNA LH95 The Sign of the FalconDalmatian616
LockedNA LH95 The Suspect in the SmokeDalmatian514
LockedNA LH95 The Teen Model MysteryDalmatian516
LockedJPnA OMNE The Way You Look TonightChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedNA LH95 The Wedding Day MysteryDalmatian516
LockedNA LH95 The Wild Cat CrimeDalmatian516
LockedJPnA OMNE There It Goes^Dalmatian615
LockedJPnA OMNE Tigers and ToucansChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedJPnA OMNE Touching EulogyChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedJPnA OMNE Trip To PrisonChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedNA LH95 Trouble at Lake TahoeDalmatian516
LockedNA OMNE Walking Backwards Into HeavenChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedJPnA OMNE Want To Catch Up?Chinese Shar-Pei514
LockedJPnA OMNE Weird SuspicionChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedJPnA OMNE Well, Hello ThereChinese Shar-Pei514
LockedANA OMNE Work Less, Play MoreChinese Shar-Pei614
LockedJPnA OMNE Would You Like the Phone Number?Chinese Shar-Pei514
LockedJPnA OMNE You Set Me UpChinese Shar-Pei514
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnA OMNE Are You Hiding Too?American Bulldog514
LockedJPnA OMNE Are You Insane?^American Bulldog614
LockedJPnA RofS Be HonestBedlington Terrier613
LockedANA OMNE Better Than NothingMudi513
LockedPnP RNS Carrying WaterAmerican Bulldog1144
LockedANA OMNE Come BackMudi613
LockedJPnA OMNE Conquering Hero^Xoloitzcuintle613
LockedPnA KATOE Drink Of ChoiceCarolina Dog1224
LockedChO LH95 Endless TyrannyCarolina Dog3467
LockedAPnT ABH5 Faster than a Speeding TrainAmerican Bulldog1350
LockedJPnH NFl OMNE For I Am Not The OneFinnish Lapphund517
LockedJPnA OMNE Future BrideXoloitzcuintle513
LockedANA LH95 Goin’ To Macca’sCarolina Dog818
LockedANA MotNK Hansel And Gretel^Mudi512
LockedAPnT K9Sx Heading NorthSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier1228
LockedAA SHDW How The Tiger Got His StripesAmerican Bulldog2163
LockedNA OMNE I Don't Know YouBedlington Terrier614
LockedExE Owl's I Won't Fall AsleepBedlington Terrier3154
LockedANA WØLFE I'm Sorry My Love's Too Much For You^Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier513
LockedNA KATOE Indy 500Carolina Dog512
LockedPnA ABH5 Jacob's LadderAmerican Bulldog1235
LockedNA FPBB Little RomeoBedlington Terrier515
LockedMM -{CK- Modern Witch^Carolina Dog3455
LockedJAM KATOE My Little FriendCarolina Dog1441
LockedANM NA SPK! My One and OnlyAmerican Bulldog517
LockedJPnA OMNE Need Some InstrumentsXoloitzcuintle613
LockedJPnA RofS Ought To Be PleasedBedlington Terrier613
LockedIPnRO ABH5 Princess TigerlilyAmerican Bulldog1050
LockedANA OMNE Sense Of IndignityFinnish Lapphund614
LockedAPnO LEZ Series Of DoorsBedlington Terrier821
LockedJPnA RofS Shy And HungryBedlington Terrier613
LockedANA |HPL| Slaughtered By Your Hand^Xoloitzcuintle513
LockedAE NT MYSTC Strong FoundationBedlington Terrier2035
LockedPnHu Surrounded By Flickering Tiki TorchesChow-chow1026
LockedMA NRO Sweet JasmineBedlington Terrier3073
LockedANA LH95 The Sleepy SchoonerFinnish Lapphund512
LockedANA LH95 The Village on The HighlandFinnish Lapphund612
LockedJPnA RofS Thinking ClearlyBedlington Terrier613
LockedJPnA OMNE Toronto TeamChow-chow513
LockedPnA LH95 Trapped Under The SnowChow-chow1226
LockedANA OMNE Tripping Up The StairsAmerican Bulldog724
LockedJPnA OMNE We Can Use ThatSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier613
LockedJPnA OMNE What It Means To Be A SoldierAmerican Bulldog514
LockedANA OMNE When He Was A BoyFinnish Lapphund614
LockedAA LH95 You Got The Goods?Bedlington Terrier2045

Game Time

04:04pm on Mar 3

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