Achievement Boards

Ht- 646 The Protector [1.627x] [/]'s Overall Ranking (#47697)
4768848Puppy 7 (24HH lala) EEEE
(Shiba Inu, Level 8, Age 17)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
RaggedCoyote (#1706688)
(Level 20)
(Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Level 6, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Rose (#1707498)
(Level 15)
4769048!.0 ^DIV^ 1.392 TBD
(Brittany, Level 8, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Ash ~litters! see About page~ (#1707852)
(Level 20)
4769148~B ^DIV^ 1.208 TBD
(Greek Harehound, Level 8, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Ash ~litters! see About page~ (#1707852)
(Level 20)
4769249Baxter's Annie Red Rose
(American Bulldog, Level 9, Age 16)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Toria (#1689673)
(Level 20)
4769345Lil Tecca
(Chinese Crested, Level 5, Age 14)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
ximena (#1708143)
(Level 16)
(Norwegian Elkhound, Level 10, Age 22)
Hips: Fair, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Kenny (#2852)
(Level 20)
(Borzoi, Level 6, Age 16)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Kensley (#1709305)
(Level 15)
47696410Ht- 627 The Unknown Outcome [1.610x] [/]
(Akita Inu, Level 10, Age 15)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
[UN] Lucky Paws [446] (#5416)
(Level 20)
47697410Ht- 646 The protector [1.627x] [/]
(Akita Inu, Level 10, Age 15)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
[UN] Lucky Paws [446] (#5416)
(Level 20)
Public Breedings $100
(Giant Schnauzer, Level 7, Age 20)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Fanta (#1708931)
(Level 8)
(English Setter, Level 5, Age 16)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Victoria (#1709664)
(Level 8)
(Belgian Sheepdog, Level 8, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Caitlin (#1246837)
(Level 20)
(Labrador Retriever, Level 5, Age 16)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Emma (#1486046)
(Level 20)
4770246Collision LaLa, 4h, agi, str x3
(Greenland Dog, Level 6, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
TroubleRaccoon (#1706427)
(Level 17)
(Siberian Husky, Level 4, Age 14)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Gold (#1360251)
(Level 20)
4770444Lucky Luce
(Azawakh Hound, Level 4, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Libby (#1464584)
(Level 20)
4770544Lucky G
Public Sale $10,000
(Dalmatian, Level 4, Age 16)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Doni (#1709290)
(Level 12)
(American White Shepherd, Level 7, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
tuttle (#1708671)
(Level 16)
4770747Mehrnaz 14:0 lala
(Sloughi, Level 7, Age 15)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Varkaita (#1455400)
(Level 20)

Game Time

03:20pm on Mar 6

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