Achievement Boards

BBB Slime's Overall Ranking (#22429)
224205625From the bottom
(German Shepherd Dog, Level 25, Age 39)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Belorim (#1248077)
(Level 20)
224215634Breeze 1/2 INT
(German Shepherd Dog, Level 34, Age 51)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Pragma || buying progenitors! (#1440874)
(Level 20)
(Chinese Shar-Pei, Level 27, Age 57)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Fair, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Violet (#1668646)
(Level 20)
22423564290.6 • 15,9,0 • 39:9 • EEEE • lala • stmagi agistm
(Rough Collie, Level 42, Age 58)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Azeria (#67727)
(Level 20)
224245633Victor lla agistr strcha GGGE 9HH 3hh
(Kelpie, Level 33, Age 52)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Starstringer This Tag ASB (#1649851)
(Level 20)
(Stabyhoun, Level 19, Age 36)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Leo (#1701212)
(Level 20)
(German Shepherd Dog, Level 25, Age 54)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Megan Maschke (#1707636)
(Level 19)
224275626Henriette 618 1.1
(Briard, Level 26, Age 31)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Florentinchen (#1256039)
(Level 20)
(Briard, Level 26, Age 31)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Florentinchen (#1256039)
(Level 20)
224295625BBB Slime
(Brussels Griffon, Level 25, Age 40)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
JW (#1294857)
(Level 20)
(Boxer, Level 10, Age 29)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Hreindís (#1642882)
(Level 20)
(Borzoi, Level 18, Age 33)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Kida (#1600720)
(Level 20)
224325616Bennie **
(Sussex Spaniel, Level 16, Age 27)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Jackie (#1293934)
(Level 20)
224335616Elmer **
(Sussex Spaniel, Level 16, Age 27)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Jackie (#1293934)
(Level 20)
(Sussex Spaniel, Level 16, Age 27)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Jackie (#1293934)
(Level 20)
224355625When The Day Is Done
(Shetland Sheepdog, Level 25, Age 44)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
ximena (#1708143)
(Level 17)
224365628Droopy 1:-
(Ibizan Hound, Level 28, Age 46)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Eskovits (#1300466)
(Level 20)
224375619MTtop Count the Stars at Night
(Beagle, Level 19, Age 81)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Nicholas (#1704015)
(Level 14)
(Azawakh Hound, Level 46, Age 74)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Mickey (#41878)
(Level 20)
224395634Cashing Out
(Kelpie, Level 34, Age 83)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
SammyTheFloof (#1396584)
(Level 16)

Game Time

11:40pm on Mar 14

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