
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
ExFT ~O) USS Zephyr
Male Chesapeake Bay Retriever Owned by Java internet issues (#93643)
level 34     agi 282     cha 836     int 137     spd 137     stm 1064     str 814
Full Name:ExFT ~O) USS Zephyr
Description:Reached Level 5 and JPN title first night of showing
What's this? Breed:Registered Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Retrievers)
Born On:November 24th, 2024
Days Aged:55 FP Days
Owner:Java internet issues (#93643)
Bred By:Unknown
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EE bb DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt Ccch gg uu lala stmstm chastm Hh Hh HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh HH Hh Hh HH Hh HH Hh HH HH Hh
Aptitude:Show, Field Trials, Frisbee
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 10 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Blue Bowl Servings Left: 1
Food Bowl Blue Bowl Full
Collar Leather White Collar +160 cha, Level 30+ Only
Leash Leather White Leash +120 cha, Level 25+ Only
Bed Green Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Rawhide Bone +50 comfort, 25% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Determined Personality Orange Tugtoy
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Beef Dinner+20 str, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 282 Major Group Stat
Charisma 836 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 137
Speed 137
Stamina 1064 Major Group Stat
Strength 814 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 34
Multiplier: 1.032x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #14,886   Breed Ranking: #66


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
chax2 stmx2 strx2
Excellent Field Trials
Total Competitions: 2200    Current Entries: 50
First Places85    Second Places75    Third Places95    Fourth Places88    Fifth Places87    Sixth Places95   
Winnings: $20,773    Experience: 6,058,929    Title In: 75 places
Overall Ranking: #15,928    Sport Ranking: #863
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

17427671Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850424)
Excellent Field Trials
18426271Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850411)
Excellent Field Trials
18400471Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850422)
Excellent Field Trials
18373271Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850417)
Excellent Field Trials
18419071Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850415)
Excellent Field Trials
18388172Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860186)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18412473Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860156)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19346071Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850410)
Excellent Field Trials
19400471Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850423)
Excellent Field Trials
19378971Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850421)
Excellent Field Trials
19360371Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850420)
Excellent Field Trials
19295871Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850419)
Excellent Field Trials
19308771Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850416)
Excellent Field Trials
19393271Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850414)
Excellent Field Trials
19388971Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850413)
Excellent Field Trials
19314571Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850418)
Excellent Field Trials
19388173Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860182)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19423973Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860177)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19369573Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860146)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19429673Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860166)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19392473Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860170)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19346573Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860152)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19408173Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860153)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20317371Chasing Heaven! Competition (#265850412)
Excellent Field Trials
20303672Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860189)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20333773Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860183)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20373872Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860193)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20350872Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860191)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20327972Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860190)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20359473Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860180)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20383872Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860192)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20382373Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860185)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20382373Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860178)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20413873Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860176)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20306473Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860150)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20359473Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860161)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20325173Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860160)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20327973Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860147)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20368073Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860154)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21279273Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860184)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21286472Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860188)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21306472Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860187)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21273573Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860181)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21332273Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860175)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21305073Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860179)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21305073Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860149)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21282173Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860194)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21320873Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860157)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21325173Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860171)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22272173Standard Excellent Field Trials (#265860155)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Java internet issues (#93643)Nov 30, 2024

Game Time

07:45pm on Mar 1

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