
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
PnD Joey Ll 1E BB
Male Labrador Retriever Owned by Lig; (#347959)
level 6     agi 45     cha 90     int 14     spd 18     stm 75     str 65
Full Name:PnD Joey Ll 1E BB
What's this? Breed:Labrador Retriever (Retrievers)
Born On:December 1st, 2024
Days Aged:18 FP Days
Owner:Lig; (#347959)
Bred By:Unknown
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK Ee BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cece gg uu Ll chaint agicha Hh Hh Hh hh Hh hh Hh Hh hh Hh HH HH Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh hh Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh
Aptitude:Agility, Rally-O, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:1 (Can be bred 6 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Brown Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Pink Bowl Empty
Collar Plain Green Collar +14 stm
Leash Nylon White Leash +22 cha, Level 5+ Only
Bed Tinsel Bed +50 comfort
Chew Ted Chew Toy +50 comfort, 0% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Gregarious Personality Sturdy Frisbee
Assigned Food Lacrima With Pork & Veggies+4 stm, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 45 Major Group Stat
Charisma 90 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 14
Speed 18
Stamina 75 Major Group Stat
Strength 65 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 6
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #57,483   Breed Ranking: #842


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 chax2 strx2
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Total Competitions: 300    Current Entries: 0
First Places0    Second Places3    Third Places27    Fourth Places38    Fifth Places9    Sixth Places23   
Winnings: $3,503    Experience: 54,780    Title In: 20 places
Overall Ranking: #142,491    Sport Ranking: #4,408
78% Training

Today's Competition Results

1123912Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394193)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1120912Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394189)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1124412Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394192)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1118411Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394199)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1220012Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394186)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1217912Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394185)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1218012Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394187)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1216912Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394188)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1216812Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394190)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1224112Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394191)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1218212Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394194)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1216912Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394195)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1219612Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394196)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1221612Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394197)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1220912Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#261394198)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1622217K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#261391837)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2218545Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420506)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2216145Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420509)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2218045Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420507)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2219645Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420501)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2216645Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420508)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2518452Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420492)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2521852Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420499)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2518352Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420497)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2523052Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420502)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2520152Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420498)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2616152Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420495)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2622954Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420486)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2620854Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420490)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2615852Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420491)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2617252Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420493)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2619052Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420494)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2617552Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420500)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2617053Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420503)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2616152Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420505)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2616952Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420504)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2617452Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420496)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2722856Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420480)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2719656Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420481)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2717256Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420482)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2720956Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420483)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2718656Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420484)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2719956Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420485)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2720956Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420487)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2722155Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420478)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2719856Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420525)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2720056Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420476)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2818456Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420479)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2815656Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420488)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2816056Standard Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#261420489)
Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association




Puppy 1 1E Ee BB (#9318082)1Black6
Puppy 2 EE BB (#9318083)1Black6

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Lig; (#347959)Dec 13, 2024

Game Time

01:01pm on Dec 19

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