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Welcome to my about page!

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Hey there! I'm doctornewt, or newt for short. I have been a dedicated member of the FP community since 2011, save for a year long hiatus. I recently returned in December of 2018 and reunited with all my old friends and made some new ones! Read more about me in the About Me section!

My kennel specializes in bully breeds, American Pit Bull Terriers in particular! Since being back, I have also been trying to help out the Bull Type Terriers Casso as much as possible! I have been the Casso's president in February, April, and June of 2019! So far, I have achieved all the breed boost goals in all my terms as president, and plan to keep doing so.

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Hello, and thanks for stopping in! I'm Victoria, but I would prefer it if you called me doctornewt or newt for short. I usually only let my closer friends call me Victoria. I currently live in Colorado. I love the mountains here, and doubt that I will be leaving anytime soon. I am happily engaged to the love of my life!

Things I enjoy are: Mac and cheese, Overwatch, drawing, listening to music, watching TV, reading books, eating, and spending time and talking with my friends.

Things I DON'T enjoy are: large groups of people, blatantly rude people, the word moist, and people who disrespect me or my friends.

Inner Circle

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Reconsider (aka my internet wife) is my oldest friend on FP. She's been with me through thick and thin. I've learned a lot from her and I'm more than proud to call her my best friend.

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Kruger (aka my internet sibling) is also my best friend. They are the soon to be best man / maid of honor at my wedding. I know I can go to them with anything, and they can do the same with me. I love them to death and I am so happy to call them my best friend.

Layout design and coding by Crestie
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12:08pm on Mar 17

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