Kennel Fighter


My name's Angel. I'm from Sweden and born in the 90s.
Here I breed Bull Terrier, Pomeranian, Norwichterrier, Welsh Terrier and Irish Terrier. I am the same person who owns #720510 where I breed Great Danes, Ibizan Hounds, Chart Polski and Silky Terrier.

Focusing on 24HH and color. Naming theme right now is desserts and will later be drinks.
Focusing on 24HH and levels/experience. Naming theme is currently Disney characters and will later be wesen from Grimm.
Breeding from only "foundation stock". Aiming for 24HH first of all. Naming theme will be Arabic names.
Focusing on performance. Naming theme for these are Scottish names.
Focusing on performance. Will be named after supercars.

When I returned to the game in July 2023 I switched out this accounts prefix "Fight" to my other accounts prefix "I am". This is why some of my dogs are prefixed Fight and some I am.

please note that this account is a part of #720510 Fall 2018 Breed Boost Our Fall breed boost will begin on October 1st, 2018! Are you interested in joining? Please let us know you're interested by >clicking here< and make a post saying you're interested! We will then send you more information about the boost closer to the date.

Game Time

02:25am on Mar 21

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