Willow Tree rescue's Kennel

Welcome to Tally's rescue. Here at Tally's rescue we take in dogs that are on sale for under $5000 and train them up and sell them on.

what dogs we will take in.
We will take in any dog, no matter what condition or amount of training they have had. However we will only play acording to this price scheam, if you are confused then mail us and we will be happy to answer any questions.
up to $500 - no training or equiptment
up to $1000 - full equiptment
up to $2000 - full equiptment and trained in a sport
up to $3000 - leavle 2
up to $4000 - leavle 3
up to $5000 - leavle 4

prices for buying dogs
we sell our dogs on depending on the leavle that they are currently at. If the dog is only leavle one then he will be up for sale at $10,000 where as if he is leavle 2 or over then he will be up for sale at $25,000.

can i get notified on dogs coming in?
yes you can. We have a servies where when a dog comes in from a certon breed we will notify on the age, leavle and price of the dog. It is completly free all you need to do is mail us.

We currently have a lot of border collies, dalmations and gsd that need homes.

Game Time

07:02pm on Mar 9

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