{ßE~ßC} ßoarding on Excellence

Welcome to my kennel! I took a long hiatus from the game (Ok ok, more like I forgot about it! lol), but was talked back into playing again. I am a nursing student, however, so I won't be able to be on every single day with school, clinicals, and working.

In real life I have a miniature Dachshund named Oscar. He's my baby and sleeps with me. Also in the house we have a Parson Russell Terrier, Scout, and a Yorkie / Shitzu mix, Mikey. Plus five cats - Nyx, Domino, Garfield, Phoenix, & Bynx.

I breed rare colored Border Collies and Borzois. I agree with others that the high prices of rare color dogs are ridiculous, so I too, sell my dogs for cheap.

Game Time

11:00pm on Feb 16

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