Black Rose



I breed Kooikerhondjes, Belgian Teruvens, and Cardigan Welsh Corgis only. Not males, only females. I will sell males that I find within my litters if permitted, and I WILL NOT breed any other dogs. That is final. If you wish for me to take care of your dogs, I'll have them in a seperate kennel and will have you transfer them to me, unless you want to lock them. I will do nothing that you haven't done to them, and will lock if I know I can't get on that day. Thank you for looking at my page.

About Me!!

First things first, I will take nothing from no one. Which means I don't tolerate harsh or hateful words. We all have our opinions, doesn't mean I want to hear them. Tell something about me and I'll tell something equally bad that is completely made up because what you post(unless good)will be fake as well. Moving on from my rant- on an account on the testing site, a player took it upon himself to degrade me. I get easily ticked off, so please keep the comments nice. I will try and cookie people who cookie me every once in a while, but not everyday. Genrally, I'm a nice person and tend to get along with everyone. I keep my comments to myself and will occasionally ask the person I'm breeding my dogs to if they want a pup. Thanks for reading my page.

Other Things

I am a writer. Which means, I know a REALLY COOL website that I think you people on here will love if you like to read and write, and occasionally compete and may or may not get discovered. It's called Totally FREE and cool, it's basically fan-based, with people from all around the world reading and writing their own stories. Some stories are really good, some are really bad. If you want to check it out:Wattpad It's really cool. If you do sign up, head over here and fan/ read my books/ look at my fans: My Page Thanks for checking out my page.
Wolf Soul <3s FPaw

Game Time

05:11pm on Mar 31

Welcome Guest

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