~Furry Friends Rescue~

About Us
  • We take pride in what we do. All the members of Furry Friends Rescue join together to make sure dogs are in loving homes and out of harms way. We care for the dogs just as our own and and give them all the attention and love they need so they can live in a loving homes. Everyone knows it's sad when a dog gets neglected. So join Furry Friends Recuse to help ensure that all dogs can have loving homes!
Adoption Information
  • Adopt From The Center
If you would like to adopt a dog from Furry Friends Rescue, message ~Furry Friends Rescue~ the name of the dog you desire to adopt. She, then will do a quick kennel check and them message you back if you can or can not finish the adoption process. If you can you will receive an adoption form(3 very important questions). Fill that out and you could get a dog! (On the form out the price you would like to buy the dog for)
  • Adopt From A Foster Parent
If you see a dog you would love to adopt from one of our foster parents all you have to do is 'bid' on the dog the amount you wish to buy him/her for. That foster parent will then message me or tell you to message me. When that happens I will kennel check you and if you pass i will send you the adoption form and if you pass that, the foster parent of the dog will transfer the dog to me so I can send it to you. Fostering and Needs
  • Fostering
Fostering is a big thing for us. If you would like to foster, message ~Furry Friends Rescue~. When you message her she will kennel check you. Then she will tell you if you made it or not. If you did she will message you all the rules and guidelines. After all that she will ask you what dog(s) you would like to foster. when a dog from a foster parent gets a new loving home. the foster parent gets a reward as well!
  • Foster Parents:
  • Needs:
  • Fosters
  • STURDY dog toys (the pink ones)
  • Puppy Stuffer food
  • Blue bowls (for water)
  • Brown bowls (for food)
  • Any color beds
  • Treats (pig ears, bones ect.)
  • FPD (this is up to you, we do not ask for money but we did have questions if it can be donated)
Your Unwanted Dog(s)
  • If you have a dog you no longer want, message me first and if i accept that/those dog(s) you can transfer him/her/them to me for what ever price you are trying to sell them at. I you don't have a price set we can either come up with one if you need money or you can send him/her/them over for $0. Please don't worry I will find him/her/them a loving home!

Game Time

05:19pm on Mar 3

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