Halcyon Drovers



I raise drovers here on FP, but my main focus here is Swedish Vallhunds. Breeding a perfect vallhund is a current goal I have.

Breeding & Buying

Breeding and buying options are not currently available to outside kennels at the moment. Sorry!

- Breeding level minimum is set at level 10, but is subject to change.
- Only pups with at least two E's will be kept from a litter

Kennel Achievements

- On 12/10/12, Pyry was born - First dog bred to have 4 E's at Grotto as well as our first 4 E Czech. Wolfdog! (Napoleon x Nova)

- On 12/25/12, Vitus was born - First 4 E Valhund at Grotto! (Cadoc x Blodwen)


Before I accept a commission, I require that you agree to my art terms. Potential customers will be given a link so that they can read them. If you cannot accept terms, then I cannot accept your patronage. They are in place to save both of us a lot of time and (potential) trouble.


Not currently accepting commissions
Price: ~ 50k for tag (smooth)
~ 100k for large unshaded images
~ = 'about,' so the above prices are an estimate, not final cost. I rarely charge more than above. I'm willing to try most animals, but I cannot do humans.


Not currently accepting commissions
Price: Negotiable

About me

Likes; Tea, web design, art, shopping, comedy, tattoos
Dislikes; Bad manners, loud noises, large crowds, the smell of cigarettes
Me; Quiet, observant, stubborn, detail-oriented, perfectionist, friendly, easily entertained


10/08/13 Such a long time since my last update. Still alive! :P

01/01/13; Happy new year everyone :)! I'm very happy to see 2012 out the door, and I'm pumped for a hopefully better year. My classes resume tomorrow, so I'll be busy as ever. But anyway, here's to the new year! *clink*

12/25/12; Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everyone! I got an awesome little gift today...Bred my first 4E Swedish Valhund. His name is Vitus. He has a strength boost which isn't something I was going for, but hopefully I'll be able to breed it out in generation four :). Also, Lithe, another one of my Valhunds, is now in the top ten for her breed! I have several dogs that are within the top twenty as well. Go check it out ;)

12/16/12; A few more litters have been bred here, despite my breeding level requirement, so that I could basically do a test run of genetics. I've gotten a few good pups to jump start the next gen after first gen retires.

12/11/12; New layout that I did myself since it seems like others accepting these kinds of commissions are nowhere to be found. Also, bred several litters today to mess around with genetics. Pretty much only one puppy from all the litters was worth keeping :/


- http://www.colourlovers.com/
- http://www.furry-paws.com/casso/forum/4 (drovers)

Um...Don't try to understand my generation notes below. They're notes to myself and since I'm a visual person, I need to put it where I'll see it xD

Swedish Vallhunds: 11 first gen; 3 second gen; 1 third gen
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog: 4 first gen; 2 second gen
Finnish Lapphund: ~3 first gen (Athos will count towards founders); ~1 second gen (tech. 3 due to Athos)
Icelandic Sheepdog: ~6 first gen (Canon, Eevi, Mason skew); ~2 second gen (litter currently locked)
Shetland Sheepdog: 4 first gen; 0 second gen
Min. Aussie: 2 first gen; 1 second gen

Game Time

05:07am on Mar 1

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