sarah's Kennel

Welcome to my kennel! heres a weird story for you to read if you can be bothered but please do... At the door, your normally eager dog starts to hesitate. When you reach the handle, you look down &see that its ears are back &tail has dropped. Why is it so scared? You give your pal a comforting pat &open the door. One step inside &it smells strongly of cleaners. 'Ugh, what did they have to clean up?' You think in disgust, looking down to be sure your dog is near you before the door shuts. It seems to be a clean, professional place. There's one other customer, a kind-looking old woman petting a black cat across her lap. At the counter you say, "Hi, I have an appointment for 2:30 with Dr. Fitz." The girl behind the counter smirks &says, "She'll be with you soon." That's odd; usually on first visits, forms have to be filled out. It's not TOO strange, so you sit down to wait. The old woman looks at you &for a moment you see some movement in her eyes, although they haven't left you. She smiles politely &you do too. After a moment it's unsettling, &you look to the floor where your dog is.. Nowhere to be seen! Your eyes grow, seeing the hanging leash. You jump up to look for your dog, bend down to look under the chairs.. "Ma'am, did you see-" You look back up &she's gone. Like she was never there, the cat sits in the middle of the chair looking at you. You freeze. Something is going on. You call the dog &hope it comes so you can leave, but no such luck. When you look again the cat is standing with its hair on end, staring at you with wide eyes-It's scared. You turn around but there is no one there. You're not even in the same room any more.. Wait, you are! It may be darker, emptier, but it's the same waiting room. Turning around again, you hope the room returns to normal but it doesn't. It's scarier than before! Standing there is a familiar girl in a hospital gown. It doesn't take long to realize that the girl looks just like the old woman. She's so young now, &so pretty.. It's so distracting that you almost don't notice the black cat dangling by its tail from her tightly clenched fist. "Would you like to pet my kitty?" she asks, holding the cat out to you. You start to panic &she steps toward you. Your dog comes from nowhere, runs straight through her to the door, &begins to frantically scratch at it. You run after it &out the door. "No one ever pets my kitty," she says sadly. As you turn to look at the girl, she disappears. You're left staring at the empty room, wondering what just happened. A loud bark comes from behind you &as you turn around your dog is hiding under your car. You run &open the door, jumping in next to your scared dog. On the other seat is a folded note. With trembling fingers you unfold it. All it says is.. ThAnK yOU fOr yOUr BUsineSS

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03:23pm on Oct 22

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