Sight Beyond Sight Kennels

***I AM BACK*** but I am still on limited duty... I can't justify the time it was taking to care for 200ish dogs so I will be working on thinning the kennels out a bit and only unlocking immediate projects then moving on to new ones as those resolve. I have adjusted my focus and will be doing things a bit differently, and with more patience! At the moment I am working on breeding away from any color other than rares, so all my black dogs will be getting paired up and will then go up for sale as I work away from them.

I am breeding Borzoi for racing, and solid rare colors. Working on getting to an Isabella line free of any markings at all, also blue, chocolate and Isabella with silver points, and brindle colors with Isabella sable. working on SS and lala and maybe eventually uu. For the moment I am focusing on color over genetics, but in general keep genetics in mind so they don't get too far out of hand because when I get my colors down I'll be working on health and lala (and SS).

  • Preview and Incoming Kennel is where new puppies go for sorting, where I house any dogs I am preparing to sell and where I keep dogs that I am not planning to keep that will eventually be up for sale (mostly due to white markings or Slsl/SlSl genes) If you want a dog marked [Preview] that is over level 1 and not up for sale yet please send me a message and I will notify you when I have done what I want to with it and am ready to sell. *Dogs in all other kennels may or may not ever be for sale so unless its in this kennel please don't message about it, thank you.*
  • Colors Kennel is where I keep dogs that are part of my solid (including pointed) blue, chocolate, isabella, and silver projects.
  • Brindle Kennel is where I keep dogs that are being used for current and future brindle projects. (all dogs with sable or expressing or carrying brindle)
  • Genetics Kennel is where I keep dogs I will be using to help with the health genes in my lines.
  • Chart Polski Kennel is where I am keeping my dogs for the Sighthound Group Boost that started on 10 February 2013.
  • Assorted Sight Hounds Kennel is for other sight hound breeds (Afghans, Salukis and Wolfhounds) that I occasionally work with the general focus is on genetics with these breeds.

I regularly have puppies for reserve or marked as sale within my litters kennel. If it is marked sale you are welcome to reserve it but note me to put it up and we can discuss a price. The best way to do this is to come up with a min and max amount you are able or willing to pay and we can meet somewhere in the middle on it. *it is worth noting that whenever a litter includes a puppy that I will be keeping the litter will be getting fed to boost stats. so puppies from litters where I'm keeping one tend to have higher charisma speed and stamina than they did when they were born*

Sales are on hiatus for now, but here is sales info just in the meantime: Prices are affected by a couple of factors: it is influenced by color expression NOT carriage, it is also influenced by HH level to a lesser degree. Any dog that does not show blue, chocolate or isabella is on public sale. Dogs that do show blue, chocolate or isabella are on private sale. The reason for this is that I actually spend time working on keeping my dogs trained and shown and happy and am working on developing my line, I do not want them to go to flippers or scammers. If you want one of these puppies I don't need higher than the minimum bid, but I WILL NOT approve you if your dogs are dirty or generally at a poor age to level ratio, I WILL NOT approve you if your kennel history is full of dogs at low levels, and I WILL NOT approve you if you are not currently working with the breed. *please see the about section of my sales kennel for full details*

My prices for Blue, Chocolate and Isabella are relatively low (compared to some going rates) because I want to encourage newer members to feel less discouraged if they either don't have the monetary means to purchase more expensive dogs or the knowledge to pair dogs to a color advantage yet. When my lines get a little stronger my base prices will go up, but for now they are not that great and I am happy to sell a little lower if it keeps another newer player engaged long enough to figure out some of the more finite details of producing their own rarer colors. As long as the above critera are met for the private sale bid to be approved I'm not concerned as much about the money.

All of my males go up for public breedings around level 15. Fee ranges from 100 to 500 based on color and genetics. It is also worth noting that I will not breed males lower than level 10 except in very very rare occasions, and almost never breed females below level 13 or 14. My aim is to wait until level 15 at a minimum but I am human and get impatient occasionally. Please keep in mind that this is, ultimately, just a game.

I am a very approachable person and want to make this game easily accessible for everyone else of all levels. I do not do hand outs, but if you have questions on borzoi color genetics or are just looking to team up with another sight hound breeder I am on almost every day (usually every day, but there are some exceptions) and am happy to help!

Hope this all makes sense and thanks so much for visiting!

Game Time

07:19am on Mar 27

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