Kennel Novus

Welcome to my kennel! I really don't remember when I first started with furry-paws. I remember I was trying the beta-version (with another account) and from then I've been on and off. Lately, I really started to taking this game seriously and now I'm here to stay for a while. If you have any questions or requests, don't be afraid to ask :)
My main breed is Rough Collie and I am hoping that I will breed good collies with high XPM, my goal is to get 4xagi and aptitude for agility and of course excellent in health. The same with Mudi.
I am also breeding Saarloos Wolfhound with my friend Titovn. There I want aptitude for tracking (titovn hopes for schutzhund) and 4xstm + excellent health.
Greyhound: 4xspeed, high XPM, excellent health and aptitude for racing.
My newest breed is the Belgian Malinois, hope for 4xstr and aptitude for schutzhund.
Best of breed - Most experienced
GenR Double Indemnity x1
GenR Elevator to the Gallows x5
WinB Road to Perdition x3
Saarloos Wolfhound
uhi Get Shorty x5
Marita is what I'm called, I live in "the land of midnight sun" also called Norway. I'm an adult player, or... young adult, 20 years old, if you have to ask. Born in March 1994. I got two dogs, who I will tell you more about soon, if you just continue reading. A cat named Kirby, which is the coolest cat I've ever met. And of course lots, lots of rabbits. I compete with them in shows, and rabbit jumping and I also breed them, to do good in these sports. I live on the country in a big house with my best friend, her boyfriend and one more friend.
Well, as I said. I got two dogs.
Zoogatas Vesla
Vesla is my first real dog. Born in 2004, so she is 10 years old, right now. I really don't like to think about her age - but she is still healthy. Our journey together can't describes in any other words than a rollercoaster. She was so nervous, when I got her, 3 months old and from there my work with here begun. I've smiled, laughed and cried, but on the other side - I've learned so much because of here. And I love her to bits, no one can't take her place. She is the Golden Retriever in the header.
AD Kensington Gate Alpha Strike
Also called Tank. He was born in May 2013 and I can honestly say that our chemistry in so many ways just fit. Especially in the training. I really have ambitions with him and till now we've done shows, one obdience competition and we train agility 1-2 times a week, a sport just him and I really enjoy. So I can't wait to see what we can get out of this. He has a special place in my heart, and he's the dog I was wishing for in so many ways. He is the tricolour Rough Collie in the header.
And I also want to thank my best friend Titovn for this wonderful design!