Bonez Wayz Kennel Dogs 2

I am selling ALL dogs here. These came from my first and main account Bonez Wayz Kennel Dogs (#1109085) They are organized to according to what the HH count is. 14HH-Lower are $1,000, 15HH-19HH are $30,000, and 20HH-24HH are $50,000. They are all public sale. I do have private sale dogs, and they are breeds I am still breeding at my first account. All I ask is you talk to me over to my first account so I can ask questions and such. I also can hold Reserve for you all incase you are interested in a dog but can't take home yet. Just talk to me at my first account and we will get it taken care of. Take as many dogs as you want, but I will not answer any messages through this account I will simply tell you to go to my first account, I will be happy to answer you there. Private Sales will be taken more strictly where as I don't care what happens to the ones in Public Sales.

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05:22am on Feb 20

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