Falorian's Breeding Kennel

Welcome to my kennel of breeding, most of my endeavors on this site will be purely centered around genetics and breeding to get the best possible offspring. I could whip out some descriptive paragraph on how I picture my kennel in my mind and show you through words where everything is and the exact condition of even the wood, but at the moment I'm just to lazy. So welcome and enjoy browsing. Any of my dogs you want? Ask me and I could put one up for sale at the right price, I will negotiate, but be prepared for me to ask a lot for my dogs. Breeding? I am going to be probably the worst person to try to work this through with, I will breed my dogs, the betters their stats and genes the higher the price. I will be very selective on breeding. All my males will be up for breeding since they can breed more often than the females, but the females you will have to ask me about.

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09:53pm on Mar 17

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