Small Dog Haven

Welcome to my kennel! We are small and humble to start, but we expect great things to come. I am currently questing for a better lay out, but until I can get one to work,or afford one this one will do. Kennel goal:To have one Champion level 24 HH/4E breeding pair of every dog breed available on this sight. I will start from the A's and go to the Z's. A new breed will be added every time I reach the current goal on a previous breed. Kennel Standers: All dogs will be registered when they hit level 5. At that time it will also be decided whether or not to add their gene's to the current gene pool or not. No dogs will be considered out side breeding until the reach level 10. That way their first few litters may be used to further my goal. At level 15, select dogs will be come available to the public to be bought. Training: From the moment they enter into my kennel, to the moment they are retired or sold, dogs will be outfitted with appropriate equipment, taken care of daily, and trained the max number of times a day. This training will go on until the dog retires, or reaches the max training of the top tier of their sport. Which then case they will still receive daily training, but only half the amount, and be entered in more competitions. Current Breed Project: Affenpensier

Game Time

10:06pm on Mar 6

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