Aujha Collies


Since starting on Furry-Paws, this kennel has, and always will breed Rough Collies who are trained as mainly, herding dogs.
Though there's usually some sort of other thrown into the mix, randomly.
I look at bettering genetics as well as certain colors. This kennel has a preference for piebalds and merles. I will not, however, breed a poor dog for the sake of color.
Dogs are entered in their maximum shows per day, trained, fed the specific food according to lowest necessary stat for what they are shown in, kept at 100% and generally, I try to make them the best I possibly can. I am rather 'new' at putting in any understanding about the way genetics work, but I'm 'working' it out. Ha.
I will not be someone who creates a mass amount of dogs for perfect genetics. I use the dogs I create and plan on creating better genetics using them, still. It might be more difficult, but I like the challenge.
Prices for any breeding or dog will be fair and based on a number of factors, depending. There is no set mark.
I also tend to take in dogs from public sale and try and get them to their fullest potential. None of these dogs are usually used in my lines. Unless they turn out quite stellar.

In Regards to Breeding:
I don't put any of my dogs up for public breedings. If you want one, message me. I don't bite.
I won't breed a dog that isn't at a reasonably higher level. I don't level one breed, nor do I really ever breed levels that are under the double digits. Mind you, there are some exceptions to that rule. But it's very, VERY rare. I don't do any inbreeding. Or line breeding. And will not breed any of my dogs to another with either of those. It's just my personal preference. However, being as my breeding's are usually private and not exactly public, it's not something I worry about often.
I do look at kennels. I look for showing kennels. If you're not showing your dogs- and they're not locked, it's not likely I'll agree to a breeding. I don't want any of my lines to result in 'dead ends' or level one mass breedings, therefore, I do my best to prevent it.
...I tend to look for kennels that have the same morals as I do in bettering the breed on Furry-Paws and playing a semi-competitive game. I don't spend my time doing all this stuff on here for nothing. And with how easy the game's been made to enter competitions and such, there is really no excuse for a poor dog.
If you're interested in a puppy-- I'd be more than likely to oblige and breed my dogs for you, so long as the qualifications are met. Once again, I don't bite.

In Regards to Sales:
Sales are mostly like breeding.
I don't usually have random dogs up for sale. If I do, it will be private sale.
I won't sell to anyone who doesn't show or play the game without any intent of being competitive and actually using the dog to it's full potential.
Don't sell to level one breeders, don't normally sell to rampant line/inbreeders. Once again, it's a personal preference.
All puppies will be sold with my prefix attatched to them. It's not an option.

Planned Breedings: None as of yet.
Helpful Links: --
08/15/12- In the process of thinking up a new layout.
08/14/12- Bought a metric buttload of dogs! Woop!
08/20/12- Best of Breed. ...for today. X) -strut-
08/21/12- Bought a bunch of Leopard Dogs. ...couldn't resist. SOMEONE HELP ME. X/

Game Time

09:13am on Mar 6

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