Destination Canine-Sensation

Destination Canine-Sensation by Toxic
Destination Canine-Sensation: Training Division Destination Canine-Sensation Official Shop Destination Canine-Sensation: Dog Hotel
Welcome to Destination Canine-Sensation
DCS is my main kennel here on FP. I started my program with Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Hovawarts, and Alaskan Klee Kais, but have expanded to include several other breeds. But Pembroke Welsh Corgis have an extra special place in my heart since my very own real-life pup is this breed, and my Alaskan Klee Kais in game are a bit of my pride and joy.

I've tried to make the page informative for other players who want to learn about what I'm doing or what I'm looking for. I like to have a written take on my procedures anyways, but I will certainly make exceptions for the right scenario.

I promise I don't bite, so if you have any questions, are interested in pairing a dog with mine that is not up for request, or simply would like to get to know me, please feel free to send me a message.
Breeding Program
I have intentional breeding projects for 12 different breeds of dog, completing breedings as each dog reaches 96 and 108 days old.

All dogs bred by me will contain the DCS prefix. I am not responsible for verifying the quality of the match for breeding requests received.

Males are available for stud services beginning at age 12, with a minimum level requirement of 15.

"Council" females will be available for breeding requests starting at age 85 regardless of level but will be limited to only 2 breedings UNLESS you send me a message and can link me a screenshot to prove that you have a Pastel Hard Boiled Egg currently in your inventory to use for the breeding and we would negotiate to ensure that my dog is returned to me after the breeding is completed, these dogs will be located in the "Council ($)" kennel.

I do not allow my dogs to breed to outside dogs lower than level 15, if a dog has 20 HH or more the minimum level requirement is roughly half of their current level if I keep it updated but will not be less than 15.

Other female dogs are bred at roughly 96 and 108 days and are not available for outside breeding requests at this time.
For Sale Pricing and Prices for Breeding Requests
Any dogs for sale should be in the "Council ($)" kennel.

HH + $20,000 per allele.
hh - $10,000 per allele.
la + $10,000 per "la".
XPM + (HH-hh+la)*(XPM-1.000)
DCS bred specialty dogs will usually have their price doubled, unless I think the price is then too high.

Example: A dog with 12 HH, 2 hh, Lla, and a XPM of 1.273 the math would look like this:
Please be aware that if you request one of my dogs, and they are locked, I ask that you send me a message asking me to unlock it the day of or the day before.

Studs / Females
Base $10,000 / $100,000
HH + $2,000 / $20,000 per allele.
hh - $1,000 / $10,000 per allele.
la + $500 / $1,000 per "la".
Hh has no impact on the fee.
Other genes have no impact on the fee.

Fees are determined by their genetics and age. Dogs over 20HH will have their breeding fees doubled. For dogs over 100 days old, the breeding fee will multiply by 10 if I remember to update it. All fees are subject to change.

POL/SPOL Discount: I will offer substantial discounts on breedings in exchange for POL or SPOL depending on your elite status, the quality of your dog, and if that dog will benefit my lines. For Elites, I would ask for SPOL since the breeding can be completed on your account. For non-elites, I can complete the breeding on my account and I will select POL and you would be able to choose SPOL. Please contact me if you are interested in either of these options.
mark.png of the Phoenix
The "Phoenix" is a group of dogs within a magical kennel that seemingly dethaws during the summer months. During this time, the kennel doors are overflowing with life: dogs coming in and out, puppies being born, shows competed, and levels raised... but otherwise, it lays still, seemingly empty, without a single creek of a door. During the height of summer, puppies seem to be born at what would appear to be 76 days, but as the kennel begins to dim at the end of the season, pups are born at what appears to be 96 and 108 days respectively. Once they are weaned and begin their lives in the kennel, they never leave with its magical properties. But sometimes, there will be a pup that weans and goes somewhere else... abandoning the magical properties of the building and leading otherwise normal lives.
Planned Litters
Current Breeds:
• Pembroke Welsh Corgi
• Alaskan Klee Kai
• Kooikerhondje
• Hovawart
• Border Collie
• Mini Australian Shepherd
• Finnish Lapphund
• Silken Windhound

mark.png of the Phoenix
Phoenix Lines mark.png:
• Pharaoh Hound

Breed Projects on Hold:
• Belgian Sheepdog
• Belgian Tervuren
• Shetland Sheepdog
• Norwegian Lundehund
• Norwegian Elkhound
• Basenji
• Saluki
• Cardigan Welsh Corgi
• West Siberian Laika
• Swedish Vallhund
Breeding Dashboard
Noteworthy Dogs at DCS
Taste of the Storm
Pem W Corgi
g2 Retired 79
BoB 6x
Light of Life
Finnish Lapphund
g1 Retired 69
Dandelion Fuzz
Alaskan Klee Kai
g3 Retired 85
BoB 9x
Golden Seraph of
the Ethereal Veil

g1 Most Promising

Triumph of the Dawn
g3 Most Promising
Rising on the Horizon
Border Collie
g1 Most Promising
Dappled Disregard
Mini Aussie
g1 Retired 73
Indoor Beach Party
Silken Windhound
g2 Retired 85
BoB 3x
Starlit Echoes
of a Song

Pharaoh Hound
g3 Retired 92
BoB 8x
Achievements of Note
diversifier_bronze.png Diversifier Metal (8 Apr 2024)
medal_gold_1.png Pembroke Welsh Corgi Best of Breed 4x (8 Dec 2023):
DCS Treasure in a Ticket retired 75
medal_gold_1.png Alaskan Klee Kai Best of Breed 9x (5 Dec 2023):
DCS Dandelion Fuzz retired 85
medal_gold_1.png Pembroke Welsh Corgi Best of Breed 6x (23 Nov 2023):
DCS Taste of the Storm retired 79
performer_gold.png Performer Medal (19 Nov 2023)
medal_gold_1.png Silken Windhound Best of Breed 2x (13 Nov 2023):
DCS Pillow Fight retired 85
medal_gold_1.png Pharaoh Hound Best of Breed 8x (12 Nov 2023):
DCS Starlit Echoes of a Song retired 92
medal_gold_1.png Silken Windhound Best of Breed 3x (10 Nov 2023):
DCS Indoor Beach Party retired 85
performer_silver.png Performer Medal (10 Aug 2023)
progenitor_bronze.png Progenitor Medal (7 Aug 2023)
coins_silver.png Money Maker (18 Jul 2023)
diversifier_purple.png Diversifier Ribbon (18 Jul 2023)
performer_bronze.png Performer Medal (14 Jul 2023)
progenitor_purple.png Progenitor Ribbon (9 Jul 2023)
progenitor_blue.png Progenitor Ribbon (27 Jun 2023)
diversifier_blue.png Diversifier Ribbon (16 May 2023)
performer_purple.png Performer Ribbon (5 May 2023)
diversifier_red.png.png Diversifier Ribbon (4 May 2023)
arrow_up.png Reached Level 20 (17 Apr 2023)
performer_blue.png Performer Ribbon (17 Apr 2023)
progenitor_red.png Progenitor Ribbon (24 Mar 2023)
arrow_up.png Reached Level 19 (21 Mar 2023)
performer_red.png Performer Ribbon (21 Mar 2023)
diversifier_yellow.png Diversifier Ribbon (16 Mar 2023)
performer_yellow.png Performer Ribbon (Pre-Mar 2023)
progenitor_yellow.png Progenitor Ribbon (Pre-Mar 2023)
medal_gold_1.png Hovawart Best of Breed (08 Dec 2013):
Mnt. St. Helen retired 33
Achievement Tracker
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What do the ##/## [15:2 • 1.458x • 20,0 • 4str • kk ee Bb cchcw • g3] mean in front of the dog's name?
In regards to the ##/##, when all of my breed projects are in rotation, I have strategically planned my kennel so that I will have litters and dogs retiring every 6 days. But sometimes I might bring in dogs that do not align with the ages of my current dogs. In that case, I will figure out when they will match up with my current dogs and put the tentative date at the beginning of their name. Depending on if the dog in question is unlocked or locked, it either means that is the date to lock them so that my other dogs can catch up or it means that is the date to unlock since my other dogs will reach that age. Not all dogs will have dates in their name.
The other bits are also fairly simple once broken down:
• 15:2 is the Focused:unfocused ratio for this particular example
• 1.458x is the dog's XPM
• 20,0 if the dog's HH,hh
• 4 str is telling me how many of the stats match with my dog
• the kk ee Bb cchcw are the genes that I am breeding with color in mind for
• and g3 is the generation of the breed in my kennel which may or may not align with FP's generation numbers.

2. Why do you track your gen differently than FP's gen?
I track based on the generations I've been working on the breed, and I don't always buy storebought dogs to start my lines depending on my goal with the breed, so this makes it easier to see trends in my lines on my spreadsheets.

3. What is the "Council"?

The "Council" is the name I've bestowed to dogs that I have bred that I decided to keep from litters but ultimately decided did not fit my future breeding plans. This formerly included store-bought dogs of these breeds, but now these dogs are relocated to DSC: Training Division where the focus is on the incredible performance of lesser-quality dogs. I also keep dogs for the Diversifier achievement and/or pups I've bought to help others with their Progenitor achievements in this kennel.

4. How do you determine your breeding pairs?
Currently I use the Google Sheet discussed in this topic developed by Death (#1443738) to determine the best pairs, but I HAVE heavily modified my copy of the sheet for my needs, at my own risk. Originally I had separate sheets for each breed, but as I use it, I've made it so that they can all fit on one sheet for my purposes, with filters that can be manipulated to view each subsequent breed separately as I need. I am always aiming for "lala" but am trying to have a better focus on stat boosts, and aptitudes, in addition to getting perfect genes. You can view my spreadsheet by clicking the "Breeding Dashboard" link above, but unfortunately you cannot maneuver around in it to view breeds separately due to the view-only limitations.
When it comes to DIV dogs that I choose to breed, however, I do not have a spreadsheet, since I am not developing a "line" of dogs. I use the Online Breeding Pair Calculator developed by LouCharly [PwS] (#1169335) to match dogs available for breeding requests, I prioritize female dogs for DIV for this reason.

5. When will -insert dog name- be available for requests?
Depends on the dog. General information about this can be found in the "Breeding program" section of this page, however, not all of my dogs will be put up for request. If the dog is not generally a dog put up for request per the "Breeding program" section, however, this doesn't necessarily mean we couldn't come to an agreement and I won't make an exception.

For example, if I have a dog that is not available for breeding requests, but you think you have a dog that can really offer something to my program, I might agree to the pairing with conditions, you just have to send me a message and ask. A condition could be that I'll allow you to breed my dog via breeding request for a higher price point (think something like 5mil) and I'll reserve a puppy for myself without Prefix for that same amount (thereby making us both pay $0 in the end on fees). If you did not have Elite I would offer something similar with me completing the breeding on my account.

Please keep in mind, that I do have the right to say no, because I also need to feel that your dog has something to offer to my plans, and I follow a fairly strict breeding schedule so you may need to wait for my dog to reach appropriate breeding age.

6. How do you know if a dog is paired, to label them "Council", if they don't show that they've been bred yet?
When my puppies are obtained or before I bid/buy, I run their genotypes through the "Puppy Predictor" tab of my Google Sheet I use and pre-select their pairings. This information is contained in the "Breedings" tab on the same sheet. If I do not feel they are an appropriate match for any of my dogs or my goals, I immediately put them into the "Council" kennels(s). I save their descriptions for any notable accomplishments or public notations about their lines.
Features characters from left to right, top to bottom: Wunder, Andes, Flavio, Mizu, and Skipper
Characters: an introduction
I figured why not showcase my little ones here for those who are curious about them. Link
Further information about them can be found at my (linked above)! All of the credit for their art is in their galleries!
(c) Kennel layout by ToxiBunny (me), please no sticky fingers!

Game Time

11:52pm on Mar 9

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