Hazel Peridot Kennels

H A Z E L •  P E R I D O T •  K E N N E L S

Quality Cane Corsos and Dogo Argentinos

Est. August 7th, 2013

•Welcome• Here at HPK, we breed for unique phenotypes and impeccable genotypes. Our dogs are all trained in Hunting Trials. We love our dogs and try to provide the best care for them.


Our male dogs are bred no more than 3 times a day and our females are bred no more than 3 to 4 times in their life. We do this because a female's production qauilty decreases after their two first litters. Our dogs are bred for lala, 24 HH, and 0hh. This is still a very new kennel, so our dogs are breeding more than they normally would. We are really trying to create a solid blood line.


Our dogs are trained every other week day and compete on the weekends. We do this to prevent over exhurstion and steep energy decline. We also save money by having this training agenda. When I reach a level high enough, their will also be a training facility here at HPK. It will feature training and competitions for Hunting Trials.


All dogs under the age of 90 will only be sold privately. All private sales start at zero, the dogs will only be sold for what they are worth. Dogs 90 and over will be transferred only. We don't publicly sell dogs to ensure that they go to the best homes. We do kennel checks and give you an adoption form before you buy.

•Stud Services•

-The Evaluation Process

Here at HPK, our studs are prepped at a young age. Before day six, all of the male pups in a litter go through a series of evals. We check to see which pup has the best genetic code. We prefer for our studs to have lala. We also look for no flaws in there genetic code, which means no hh! We also look for at least 15HH and a unique coat color. When our POL becomes 6, he goes through yet another evaluation. We see if he has the right stats to be a successful hunter. When he reaches breeding age, we will usually breed him ASAP. We look at his litter's genes and decide whether he has the potential to be a good breeder. If he does, then he is given a stud fee and can be officially called an HPK Stud!

-Stud Fee Calculator

Or stud fees are cheap and reasonable! 9HH and below and EEEE is $4k, 9HH and below and EEE is $3k, 9HH and below and EE is $2k, 9HH and below and E is $1k, No E is $900. 10HH to 14HH and EEEE is $7.5k, 10HH to 14HH and EEE is $6.5k, 10HH to 14HH and EE is $5.5k, 10HH to 14HH and E is $4.5k, No E is $3.5k. 15HH to 20HH and EEEE is $9k, 15HH to 20HH and EEE is $8k, 15HH to 20HH and EE is $7k, 15HH to 20HH and E is $6k, No E is $5k. 21HH or more and EEEE is $10.5k, 21HH or more and EEE is $9.5k, 21HH or more and EE is $8.5k, 21HH or more and E is $7.5k, No E is $6.5k. For every stud: just lala alone an extra 1.5k to original fee. Just 0hh alone an extra 1.5k to original fee. With lala and 0 hh an extra 2k to original fee.

-The Studs

Our studs are the best around. They have pure pedigrees and great quality. Click on their nicknames to learn more. •"Bam Bam""Dreamer"puppyfooter_zps868cceee.png
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Game Time

12:37am on Jan 3

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