Kalaloch Kennels

Kalaloch Kennels (KLK:)

Proud Breeder of Bulldogs (#1146459) and German Shorthair Pointers (#1146459, #1146872)
French Bulldogs (#255184)

Kennel Managed by Ariadne

KLK: was founded in the hopes of establishing fresh new lines for Bulldogs, German Shorthair Pointers (GSP), and French Bulldogs. We strive for excellence in genetics without inbreeding and talent in the respective sports of Rally-O for Bulldogs, Field Trials for GSP, and Show for French Bulldogs. KLK: appreciates any support given during our journey to create these great, new lines.

Mile Markers
1.17.2015 KLK: began taking steps towards establishing the KLK: Bulldog lines with the purchase of five males (Agamemnon, Balthazar, Cato, Dumaine, and Egeus) along with fifeteen females (Audrey, Bianca, Ceres, Dionyza, Francisca, Gertrude, Hippolyta, Imogen, Juno, Katharina, Lychorinda, Mopsa, Nerissa, Ophelia, and Phebe). KLK: has great expectations of this fledgling line.

Breaking News
1.25.2015 Although starting a day late, the KLK: Bulldogs have had a fairly successful first time appearance in competition. All came home level 3-4 with one particular competition shining particularly strong, Think Not I Love Him (Phebe) brought home the Junior Pro-Novice title with every entry being a place.
1.19.2015 I have been working on a simple layout to be shared between my main and two side accounts. I have also began establishing the guidelines by which my kennels will operate including planning the future litters of the KLK: Bulldogs. Decision in still process on whether to restart the German Shorthair Pointer lines by allowing the current the dogs to age out and retire while still competing or to simply lock them until I am more comfortable focusing on them more fully.

Kennel Regulations

Breeding Guidelines
  • First and foremost, KLK: reserves the right to refuse a breeding based on any grounds. I will be polite about it but I will also explain my reasons for not accepting the proposed breeding. Whining or begging will not help your cause and may cause me to refuse future requests.
  • KLK: reserves the right to change the requirements necessary for a dog to be available externally. The requirements listed here are my general guidelines. If I have a different set of standards for a dog, it will be listed on their page. A list of dogs with exceptions will be listed in their respective information boxes.
  • Check the pedigree of your dog before sending your request. If there are any KLK: lines within the pedigree, check against the dog you are interested in breeding with. I will check be checking as well. If there is any clear inbreeding, I will deny the breeding.
  • Regarding Kennel Check:
    • I will look for consistent showing activity, selective breeding for the improvement of your lines with minimal inbreeding and no puppy milling (ie no low level breeding for genetics or money).
  • Regarding Availability:
    • KLK: females of any specialized breed (Bulldogs, German Shorthair Pointers, and French Bulldogs) are not available externally. I am trying to build completely fresh lines, and yes, I know that it is harder but it is more rewarding for me in the long run. I plan out their litters in advance.
    • KLK: males of any specialized breed (Bulldogs, German Shorthair Pointers, and French Bulldogs) will be made publically available once they have reached certain standards:
      • Imported dogs will not be available prior to reaching level 20.
      • First generation dogs will not be available prior to reaching level 25.
      • Second generation dogs will not be available prior to reaching level 30.
  • Regarding Number of Litters:
    • KLK: females will only have two (2) litters; the first at age 88 and the second at age 100.
    • KLK: males do not currently have a limit on their number of litters.
  • Regarding Requesting a Breeding:
    • Please contact KLK: first with your dog’s name, day you want to breed at, and my dogs name. This will give me a head’s up that you are interested and that I will have some studying to do right quick.
    • Once the breeding is agreed upon, we will determine an appropriate fee.
    • If you are a basic member, I ask that you keep a reference of KLK: in the pup’s description and wish you the best of luck.
    • If you are an elite member, I ask that I have option of the second pup solely for competition purposes.
  • Regarding Puppy Sales:
    • On the rare occasion that KLK: opens a litter for bidding, you can submit your bid and I will perform a kennel check.
    • Should a puppy show available for bidding but already has a name, the breeding was predetermined for another kennel already.
    • If the puppy is born here, it will leave with the KLK: prefix.


KLK: males are currently closed to outside breeding.

In The Ring: Goals
[ ] level five pet store dog
[ ] level ten pet store dog
[ ] level fifteen pet store dog
[ ] level twenty pet store dog
[ ] level twenty-five pet store dog
[x] Junior Pro-Novice (JPn) pet store dog -- Think Not I Love Him "Phebe" (1.25.2014)
[ ] Intermediate Pro-Novice (IPn) pet store dog
[ ] Pro-Novice (Pn) pet store dog
[ ] Advanced Pro-Novice (APn) pet store dog
[ ] Junior Advanced (JA) pet store dog

[ ] level five homebred dog
[ ] level ten homebred dog
[ ] level fifteen homebred dog
[ ] level twenty homebred dog
[ ] level twenty-five homebred dog
[ ] level thirty homebred dog
[ ] Junior Pro-Novice (JPn) homebred dog
[ ] Intermediate Pro-Novice (IPn) homebred dog
[ ] Pro-Novice (Pn) homebred dog
[ ] Advanced Pro-Novice (APn) homebred dog
[ ] Junior Advanced (JA) homebred dog

Genetic Breeding Goals
[ ] 10HH dog
[ ] 15HH dog
[ ] 20HH dog
[ ] 24HH dog
[ ] 24HH lala dog

Current Male Exceptions:
Full Name “Call” (example: I Would Forget Her “Dumaine”)

Planned Litters:
(88) Agamemnon: Francisca, Hippolyta, and Lychorinda
(88) Balthazar: Dionyza, Mopsa, and Ophelia
(88) Cato: Bianca, Imogen, and Phebe
(88) Dumaine: Audrey, Gertrude, and Katharina
(88) Egeus: Ceres, Juno, and Nerissa

(100) Agamemnon: Bianca, Katharina, and Phebe
(100) Balthazar: Audrey, Francisca, and Nerissa
(100) Cato: Dionyza, Egeus, and Lychorinda
(100) Dumaine: Ceres, Imogen, and Mopsa
(100) Egeus: Gertrude, Hippolyta, and Ophelia

Game Time

05:53pm on Mar 3

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