Puppy Power Rescue and Boarding

Hi there! Lynxy here! I breed.........

• Chihuahuas

• Miniature Australian Shepherds

And German Shepherd Dogs
pic85.jpg I am also a Kennel Rescue and Boarding for your pooches! Here is how the Rescue works down below. To check out how the boarding works, check down below as well!


So, maybe you have a dog you can't keep or don't have space for or just generally don't want. Well, you can come to me or Shadecloud and we will take your dogs in. We will treat them as our own and will buy all they need, no cost to you! I will also buy dogs I see that need rescuing and I do make posts about dogs so check that out. I also have as ice account which is the main thing for my company thingy. XD

Okay, now boarding. If you're leaving town or will have no integer eat or just generally can not get on FP and you want to continue your dogs' training and such, then contact me and I will board your dog here. Here are the prices.

Plain- $5 FP each day.
•You must bring your own supplies
•I will train, breed, or compete your dogs for you
•I will feed, water, groom, play, etc. with your dog

Premium- $10 FP each day
•All except buying toys and treats for your dog

Deluxe- $20 FP each day
•I will cater every need of your dog including vaccinations, showing, breeding,, etc.

Well, that's all! Message me if you need help but can't pay me and we can work something out! Byeeee!

Game Time

03:54pm on Mar 22

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