My name is Andreanne but everyone calls me Andy. I'm the redhead on the picture and the other girl is my girlfriend Amanda. We have two dogs together, Molly, my 8 year old Golden Retriever and Tristan, her 2 year old Rottweiler x German Shepherd Dog mix (suspected Beauceron).
About me
I'm a dog trainer, I'm 18, I love schutzhund, agility, water work, tracking and search and rescue. I enjoy training dogs and have been doing so since I was 10 years old and had my first dog that was fully mine, a showdog named Gaffer, he was a Golden Retriever.
I work at Subways, I have my dog trainer diploma and am starting med school in january :3
Molly is an 8 year old Golden Retriever from working (hunting) lines in Kawartha Lake, Ontario. She has many Am/Can champions in her bloodlines and she's a very good retriever. She's a fully trained (and now retired) service dog, we do therapy together, conferences on service dogs and how to become a better dog owner, we used to do agility and we still go duck hunting each year. Molly enjoys swimming and retrieving :)
Tristan is a 2 year old (almost 3) Beauceron (suspected to be a Beauceron, however he was listed at the SPCA to be GSD x Rottweiler) and he's a total sweetheart, training for schutzhund! :)