Hope, Faith and Dreams Kennel

Welcome to Hope, Faith and Dreams Kennel

Here you will find select breeds thats I am working on:
English Cocker spaniels
Australian Koolies
Smooth fox terriers
I have also started some female lines that will be sorted accordingly and be listed here shortly.

Rules for outside breedings
I only put up male dogs for public breeding, though if you find that one of my male dogs would be suited well to one of yours and that isnt currently up for public breeding, send me a message and I will happily agree under the following terms:
1. That your dog is well looked after
2. That it is at least lvl 30
3. And that im willing to buy the spol, if you are interested in selling

As I am still working on my lines for genetics and competing quality, my pups that I breed will be kept for myself. Til I get the results that I want, then SPOL will be up for reserve.

(X) Produce 24HH dogs
(X) Reach number 1 in any sport
(X) Hit lvl 75
(X) Hit lvl 80
(X) Hit lvl 85
(X) Hit lvl 90
() Hit lvl 95
() Hit lvl 100
(X) Reach Interstellar Champion

Game Time

03:00am on Mar 27

Welcome Guest

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