Northwestern Dog Kennel

I mostly breed Beagles, Border Collies, and Alaskan Huskys but I do breed others. I will breed my dogs as most as I can. The day they turn 5 I will resegter them. I will compete them as soon as possible so they can get better results. I will resuce any dog that you are going to put in the humane society. I will soon be breeding Brittanys.

I hope to soon get to be a full trainer. I am trying to get the best dogs I can ever get.

Please message me your price and I will sell him/her to you. The prices I will accept is between 500-10,000. I don't think anyone will pay 10,000 but you can put in your bid for the dog and then in 3 days if noone else bids you get the dog. If the dog has a bid I will put this next to their names...

NWK Random Name - bid(s) 1- Price: 1,500

If you have any questions about my game/dogs please tell me them. I will always give my dog, toys, beds, chews, and food. I will take full care of my dogs too. See you later!


Game Time

10:23pm on Feb 2

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